Dear Diary, A Man Requested To Inspect My Body In An Airport][MF, Oral, Fantasy](Via r/Gonewildaudio)

This is a narrative script taken from r/GWA. Original post can be found here.

Dear Diary,

I know it's been awhile since you've heard from me. My absence doesn't mean I forget you, it just so happens that I've experienced something in my life and you're the only one that I can disclose this with.

It all began after a trip with my friends to this marvelous city. At the heart of it lies an exquisite beach entrapped by separated islands made of limestones. We frolic on its majestic seashore glittered with fine sand that melts in your feet; it mixes with the water creating an emerald effect that gleams so bright when it's hit by the sun. It's like a paradise on Earth to me.

It was already sunset after we leave the coast to take our flight on its nearest airport as we're required to work the next day. Since I didn't book the ticket with my friends, my departure time came off later. I wasn't bothered by this as I've always liked the idea of being alone in a place where I am not familiar with. Or, getting trapped in an island with another man like those classic movies my mom used to watch. Little did I know that I was going to get what I'm wishing right there on that airport.

After my friends boarded the plane, I was reading an e-book from my Kindle then there's this one personnel who stood out in front of me wanting to ask a few questions privately. He's not exactly the most handsome man I've seen in my existence but his smile and pearly white teeth got me begin to fantasize about something. He is the strong-built type with tanned skin, jet black hair, brown hazel eyes complemented by his plump red lips which any woman can devour. He's probably a former lifeguard on the beach now working as an inspector in the airport. Not being panicky, I politely obliged to his request following him to this modest room where there's another guy wearing the same uniform waiting for me to enter.

The personnel explained to me in his deep manly voice that he is required to check my body as he received reports that I could be carrying an illegal item out from their country. I was shocked and worried at the same time but that immediately turned into a feeling of solace when I re-examined the words he just said to me and the thoughts flashed into my mind of him exploring every inch of my body with his strong arms and careful fingers delivering me into my satisfaction. As the second guy locked the room, the personnel whispered softly into my ears to take all my clothes off. It feels like a sudden jolt of electricity flowing into my body as I can't believe this is happening to me right now. One by one I've taken my tank top and my shorts giving it to the inspector as he checks them for any illicit material.

The inspector is very pleased to what his eyes are letting him envision — my provocative body contrasted by my angelic face looking back at him like an innocent child. He came closer to me and whispered that I need to remove the remaining clothes that I have. Being hypnotized by his deep voice equivalent to a king seducing his mistresses by telling dirty stories during foreplay, I surrendered to his request and is now completely naked.

He began to use his very capable hands raising my two hands above my head giving him a view of my splendid armpits which got him more aroused as he can smell my femininity starting to veiled the room. He then positioned his body closer behind me, his fingers began to crawl from my soft hair, to my alluring neck, down to my perfect breasts as he squeezes them several times and used his middle fingers drawing small circles around my nipples as if he's playing with them. I began to moan a little bit as he feels I am getting tickled with this wicked sensation. I can sense he's pleased with this reaction from my body as he starts to smell my hair enjoying its aroma while this big bulge in his pants is repeatedly thrusting me from behind. I can't express how much I wanted him to fuck me right there but that would be illegal, wouldn't it?

I can feel he is very excited now as he starts kissing my rosy cheeks, my delicate ears, my neck repeatedly sending sharp shivers into my spine. He asked me to face him in front so he can see my beautiful face and kiss me on my supple red lips.

I tried not to give in too much with the temptation but his kisses are very warm and tender melting me like a candy; his breath is sweet so I let him enter my mouth, gliding into my moist pink tongue as he began swirling his own into mine as if it found its soulmate. He's getting aggressive as I can feel he likes the taste of my saliva and doesn't bother taking pauses in between to swallow it.

After getting satisfied with my mouth, he then explored other areas of my body like a covetous animal hunting for food. He licked me again on my neck, going down to my breast, using his two hands to cup them gently making them fuller as he used his soft tongue to drift around my areola, then to my nipples in a circular manner. I could also feel he's biting to them lightly as my nipples now are so pinkish and hard.

He then asked me to lay on the table since he wants to inspect me deeper. Like a hypnotized rabbit, I obeyed his commands as if my body is already predicting something good on what's about to happen. To my delight, he finally began paying attention to my sweet pleasure spot that's now pulsing out of joy. But instead of going to it directly, my inspector first started to kiss the area behind it then used his two fingers to trace the slit of my opening like he's making a fine round of small clay. Using his other hand, he stroke my inner thighs all the way to my knees sending light lovingly scratches to my skin, he then crawls his fingers up again like a spider leaving its trail repeating this rhythm as he sees that I'm actually enjoying it.

My body can't deny the pleasure it's receiving as my pussy begins to secrete its sweet juices giving signal to the inspector that it's time to pay closer attention to it, in which he did by starting to give long endless licks, up and down hitting my clit. He does this so lovingly like he's a boy licking an ice cream from a cone. While eating every part of my womanhood, he started to insert his index finger inside my pussy which glided so easily due to my wetness. I started to moan louder and louder as he placed his two fingers inside of me and begin to increase the pace. The sensation of his torrid tongue licking my clitoris while his two fingers repeatedly hitting my g-spot puts me in heaven and is unlike anything I've ever felt before when I masturbate. My toes began to curl as I can feel I am about to have an orgasm. I hold my breath, my eyes rolling up and I felt my body convulsing as my pussy contracts repeatedly taking all of me into a bliss of ecstasy.

I lay down for quite some time on top of the table to catch my breath smiling back at the personnel as he can see my drowsy eyes are about to fall asleep still wandering about the pleasure it recently felt with my body. He then said soothly that he has not found anything suspicious in my body and he is very sorry if the process of this search has taken more than it should. I really wanted him to stay but he's in a hurry to inspect other passengers leaving me in the room still naked with my body on top of the table defacing it with my own pussy juices dripping freely on its edge.

I've taken my flight that night and returned to my work pretending that nothing happened. As much as I wanted to forget it, my body just couldn't allow me to. I guess sometimes, pleasure in things come in VERY unexpected events.


