A trip to the gy[M] a[f]ter a hard day’s work. Part 1

he turned the key in the door, swung her bag over her shoulder, and breathed a deep sigh of relief. Rose tugged the collar of her Barbour up close to her face and skipped down the steps into the wind. It had been a tough start to the year. The Christmas break had been far too relaxing and the welcome back in the office had been warm but brief. Rose never liked being the last in the office but on the last day back after New Year locking up duties seemed to be even more arduous. It was 9.15 and Rose realized that she was now pushing her luck to get to the gym in time for a proper work out, at least it might be quiet, she thought to herself.

Dodging the puddles, starting to form on the pavement, she walked fast against the wind, occasionally breaking into a trot to avoid the worst of the rain blowing from the branches of windswept trees.

She turned the corner into the gym car park and could see that the carpark was already starting to empty. Rose thought back to her day in the office and ran over the frustrations that she was looking forward to eliminating on the treadmill over the next hour. The way her boss had clearly noticed her new top, his glances during the morning meeting had annoyed her only because they were followed by requests for unnecessary amount of work. She felt like the decision to wear her new bra may have been naïve, she knew she looked good in it, it gave her an amazing feeling of self confidence – there was no denying that her figure looked amazing for it – but clearly other people had noticed too. Unfortunately it had not worked in her favour and Rose’s boss may well have compensated for his own frustrations, by piling extra work on her desk, it gave him extra time to brief her, to stand over her chair. Rose knew this was the case and was increasingly angry that she had given him so much power over her and that he wasn’t man enough to do anything but give her more work.

There had been highlights to the day too. The way that the new receptionist had greeted her when she came into the office had confirmed what she had thought when she left the house. She was looking fantastic. The receptionist was young, she looked to be in her early 20s, not long out of school. She had deep brown hair tied up in a loose knot and a small but smiling mouth that made Rose think she might not be as innocent as she looked. She felt her eyes follow up the stairs, and knew that she would enjoy the next few weeks, with this girl welcoming her every morning. Rose made a note to herself that she should do some shopping this month, collecting parcels from reception might make January bearable.

But now as she stood outside the gym she focused on the frustrations. Rose used it as motivation for working hard over the next hour. The sliding doors opened and Rose could see already that he was there. The gym manager had always caught her eye. He was tall and must have been nearly thirty, he was always very professional but he had a twinkle in his eye that made Rose shiver when he looked at her. And boy did he look at her.

She looked up and could see him watching her enter, she followed her eyes all the way to the desk, checking over his shoulder before saying hello. He had a quiet voice but it was mischievous, she’d heard him before, joking in the back with some of the other staff. It was obvious that this professional demeanour was just a front for the members. He took Rose’s card and swiped it gently through the machine.

“You’ll have to be quick Rose” he said “remember we close at ten tonight.”

Rose giggled and thanked him, extending her stride into the changing room. It wa busy – most of the benches were taken and there were ladies just finishing their make up in the two large mirrors. Nearly everyone was leaving. Rose was the only person changing out of her work clothes. She found a corner and unbuttoned her blouse quickly, she leant into her bag and pulled out her new gym gear. She’d been given it for Christmas and had been looking forward to wearing it for some real exercise. Of course she’d tried it on at home, pulling it up over her hips and admiring the way the lycra made her bum look even more pert as she turned in the mirror. When she stood on tip toes she could see why men watched her when she walked past – she had gorgeous curvy legs and a beautiful round arse. Far too often she’d seen boys lusting over skinny models with stick legs, she knew that her curves had a different appeal. The older man and the more than a few women seemed to be attracted to her bottom. These new leggings only made it more of an asset.

She kicked off her heels, unbuttoned her trousers and slipped them down over her feet and pulled on her new leggings, easing them up to her hips. Rose loved the way the waistband rested on her hip bones, and she could follow the soft blonde hairs on her stomach down to the gap between the Lycra and her skin. She undid her bra and her breasts felt the cool air of the changing room, her nipples enjoying the brief breeze from the door. Every woman leaving released another blast. Rose was conscious of the time ticking away and pulled on her top – a pink tank top sports bra, that made her stomach look both flat and tanned. On its own she knew it would turn heads, so she pulled over a loose vest top, a little longer than her torso, but loose enough to show the edges of the pink material underneath.

She pushed on her trainers, pulled them tight, grabbed her water bottle skipped back out to the gym…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2bzgal/a_trip_to_the_gym_after_a_hard_days_work_part_1

1 comment

  1. As she always did, Rose walked across the gym to the water cooler, propped her bottle under the nozzle and felt down for the cold button, holding her thumb against it. As her bottle filled up she looked round the room and planned her session. People were starting to leave, there was a middle aged man peddling slowly on the bike in the far corner. The gorgeous blonde girl from yoga was chatting with her trainer by the door, she was bent over with her hands on her knees, her face flush with a post workout glow. The stretching mat was clear, just a rolling foam and a swiss-ball propped up against the mirror. Rose noticed an instructor that had lead her in a class before Christmas, she was working out in the free weights area, a barbell on her shoulders – she appeared to be completing a set of lunges – headphones in and focused. Her bottle was full and she popped the cap on and twisted as she searched her mind for the name of the instructor. It was something unusually normal for the instructors in the gym – most had European names, from Italy, Spain or Eastern Europe – but this one was English. She had slightly pale English rose skin, and short blonde hair. She was short and athletic, you could tell she was strong, but she had a surprising softness to her. She had deep blue eyes and three black stars tattooed behind her ear, when she lunged forward and twisted Rose noticed how her hear flicked over those little stars. Her name was Katherine, that was it. Katherine. She whispered it under her breath as she stepped up onto a treadmill, her eyes checking the mirror. Rose wanted to have a view of the room, she checked the mirror to make sure she could see Katherine in the freeweights area – now leaning over to take a sip of her water. Rose started the treadmill, slowly increasing the speed until she was running at a steady pace. Comfortable enough to look into the mirror and catch Katherine looking back at her, wiping the sweat from her shoulder with her white gym towel. She smiled and looked away, going back to rearrange the plates on her barbell. Rose smiled and carried on running – upping the speed on her treadmill – and increasing the incline gently until she could feel herself having to stretch her stride out to keep up with the machine. She could feel her heartrate increase and her breathing was soon getting heavy as she felt the first beads of sweat on her face. She watched herself running in the mirror, she certainly looked good in her new gym kit, she could see the beads of sweat forming at the base of her neck and her chest was starting to turn a little pink. Soon there would be a light gloss over her cleavage and her cheeks would be flush – but Rose felt confident and motivated to carry on upping the incline. Working a little harder. Feeling the gentle pain in her thighs as her legs worked faster. Rose normally liked to work for 12 minutes as a warm up but she knew that it was nearly half past and she wanted to do more than just run today. She had planned to use the leg press machine – kicking through the base plate and feeling the burn up her hamstrings and into her glutes was the perfect way to take her mind off things at work. It didn’t feel hard as she pushed through her heels but rose loved the way her bum thighs and bum tensed as she lowered herself back to the start position. In the seat of the leg press she couldn’t see Katherine on the station behind her but she felt like she might be watching her. Rose gripped the handles of the seat and pushed again, straightening her legs and the chair sliding backwards. Rose exhaled. Then slowly returned back. She tensed her core like her trainer had told her to, she looked down and again was pleased with the way her waistband looked against the skin between her hip bones. She ran her thumb across the inside of her waistband quickly before stretching her legs out again and sliding back along the rails. She could feel her heart starting to pump a little faster and the burn was climbing up her hamstrings. The thought of stiffness in the morning spurred her on. Mouth starting to dry out, Rose pushed out another 5 reps before reaching for her bottle. She climbed out of the chair to stretch, leaning up against the machine and surveying the room. She could see someone running on the machine by the door – it was a man she had noticed before, about ten years older than Rose but good looking with strong dark arms. She’d seen him in the pool and he had a good body for an older guy. Rose noticed how he ran confidently and with a little bounce, he was clearly working hard, Rose couldn’t stop her mind wondering whether he would like this in bed, sweating and working hard. Rose suddenly felt exposed and realized she had been staring for a few seconds now. She got back into the leg press machine, gripping her bottle, she squirted a stream of water into her mouth. A couple of drops dripped down over her chin, and she wiped them off with the back of her hand. She pushed hard against the plate with her feet – sending her back up the rails – her legs firm and bum tense. Rose completed her set and again got off the machine. The man from the pool had left and Rose felt a twinge of confused disappointment, as she checked back over the empty gym. Where was Katherine?

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