GRO Part 7 – Jeni and Bella go shopping [Str8, Mf, huml, oral, prost]

After leaving Adam’s house, Jeni and Bella had gone to the mall. The first order of business was to replace their borrowed clothing. Bella’s improvised shirt-dress looked almost chic, but Jeni looked like a dyke – although that wasn’t a completely inaccurate description, given her recent activities.

But Jeni was a girly-girl at heart and yearned for more feminine attire. She also had a strong desire to deck little Bella and herself out in some clothes befitting two burgeoning sluts.

For Bella, Jeni has chosen the punk/goth clothing store. Soon she had the little latina decked out in black tank top, thigh high fishnets and a red and black plaid schoolgirl skirt. They also found her some calf-high lace-up boots with a four-inch spike heel. Dark red lipstick, black eye-liner and a spiked bondage collar completed the look. They didn’t choose any panties for her, though, so if she bent over in the skirt her ass was plainly visible – both girls agreed this was perfect.

Jeni chose to go for a contrasting look – cotton candy to Bella’s hot pepper. She picked a tight white polo shirt and pink pleated miniskirt from the preppy store. Ankle socks and white tennis shoes made her look innocent and fun, but her bubblegum pink lipstick and pigtails turned it naughty again. Like Bella, she wore no panties under her dangerously short skirt.

All of those new clothes added up to a big charge on Jeni’s bankcard, but the two clever girls quickly decided there was no way they should have to pay for their outfits themselves.

A quick walk to the food court found them face-to-face with the solution to their money problem: men. More specifically, adult men.

Dressed as they were it took mere seconds for the two to attract attention. A little flirting – eye-contact, batted eyelashes and skirt-hem lifting – got them their first lead.

A plain-looking middle-aged man a few tables over approached them, asking if they were here all by themselves. Jeni did all the talking, with Bella chewing her lip and making eyes with the gentleman. From his vantage point he could see deep down the cleavage of both young girls – Bella’s tits stretched her tank top neckline obscenely and Jeni’s unbuttoned collar provided a clear view.

Soon Jeni got down to business:

“Actually, mister, we came here today to make a little money.”

The man turned red and smiled nervously. “What do you want to do to make money?”

Jeni gave him her naughtiest smile. “Whatever you like…”

This really set the man to giggling. Eventually they decided that he would fuck little Bella for $100. They stole away to the bank of restrooms at the far end of the mall, where less people went. Jeni stood guard outside the family restroom while Bella and her gentleman went inside.

It was only a few minutes before they exited once again, the man looking unwholesomely happy and Bella $100 richer. Bella told Jeni that she’d taken off her tank top and bent over the sink. She could see his face in the mirror and she swore he almost came just from looking at her. He managed to get his prick – disappointingly small compared to Adam and Bobby – into her cunt just in time to shoot a small load of cum inside her while he gripped her tits.

“Did you cum at least?” Jeni asked.

Bella looked a little embarrassed. “Actually, yes. I know his cock was small, but it just feels so good to get fucked. And I felt so dirty doing it for money that I couldn’t help it!”

Jeni leaned in and gave the younger girl a hot kiss. “It’s good! I’m glad you loved it.”

The next guy they found was a fat one, older than the first and not very tidy. He wanted Jeni, though, and he had cash. They charged him $100 as well, but for a blowjob only.

Inside the bathroom Jeni stripped off her top, revealing what the fat man described as “the best damn pair of tits on the prettiest little girl in the city.” Then he grabbed them, sucking one and mauling the other in his clammy hand.

As sensitive as her nipples had become, this started to kind of work for Jeni. She didn’t even object when he put his other hand under her skirt and stuck a chubby finger into her wet pussy. Instead she reached down between them and fished his stiff cock out of his sweatpants, stroking it in her fist in time with his fingering.

Jeni had intended to make him cum as quickly as Bella had her man, but she ended up cumming first. Her orgasm snuck up on her, and before she could stop herself she cried out in lustful agony as her tight pussy gripped his invading finger.

“Oh GOD! Yes!” she heard herself saying. “Yes, oh fuck me, please!”

She couldn’t believe her own ears, but the fat man certainly did. He turned her around, pushed her onto the floor on her hands and knees. Quickly he kneeled behind her and pushed his stubby cock into her exposed pussy.

As her first orgasm subsided, Jeni found herself being doggystyled by a gross old man that had no right to land a girl as hot as her – not even if he was paying for it! But her pussy seemed to disagree, since she could feel another cum rapidly approaching.

Not only that, but her man’s stamina was proving surprising. No two-pump chump, this fat bastard was nailing little Jeni but good! His cock was shorter than Jeni had grown accustomed to, but it still stretched her, and his big balls were banging away at her clit in a way that made Jeni wish she knew his name so she could scream it out loud.

Instead she settled for, “Yes, oh GOD, yes! Fuck me. Fuck me! Oh FUCK!” And then her second orgasm crashed over her. At the same time, the fat old man behind her grabbed her little hips, thrust deep inside and shot his load into her.

“Mmmm, damn, girl! That was hot! You’re a fun little slut,” he said when they had both recovered enough to speak.

“Glad you liked it, babe. Do you have something to show me your gratitude?”

“You still owe me a blowjob, honey,” the man said with a lecherous grin.

“What? You just fucked me!”

“Yeah, you asked me for that. I asked for a blowjob. If you don’t want to, that’s fine. We’ll just call this a date.”

Jeni wasn’t about to walk out of the bathroom without any cash, so she told the guy to stand up. Kneeling in front of him she licked and sucked their combined juices off his half-hard member. She had to admit, that flavor was a turn-on. His cock and balls also had a faintly funky, musky odor that, in her current aroused state, made Jeni’s pussy cream a little more.

It took a few minutes for the man to get fully hard again, which didn’t bode well for getting him off quickly. Luckily Jeni found that she enjoyed her task, bobbing her head contentedly as the old man groaned and called her filthy names.

Finally he gripped her pigtails tight and unloaded in her mouth. His load wasn’t big, but it was thick and gave the slutty teen a nice mouthful to swallow.

As she stood up, the man handed her five $20 bills. She’d gotten what she came in here for, but now Jeni was horny again. It shamed her to ask, but she wasn’t quite ready to leave before she came again.

“Ummm, could I ask just one teensy little favor?” she asked. The man was unlocking the door, but he paused, listening. Little Jeni reached out and took his hand, guiding it once more to her smoothly shaved snatch.

The man grinned, pushing two fingers inside Jeni’s wet slit. As he did, though, he pulled one of the $20 bills back out of her hand. And as his invading fingers began to work their magic, Jeni was in no state to protest.

As aroused as she was, it shouldn’t have taken long to get her off. But the man took the opportunity to tease her, fingering her until she got close, only to stop short and let her calm down some. It was sweet torture for Jeni, who was humiliated that this unattractive specimen of a man could play her body so adeptly.

After a while he began playing with her tits while he fingerfucked her and that quickly sent her over the edge. Jeni gasped, whimpered and begged her way through an orgasm whose power was inversely proportionate to how disgusting she found the man that gave it to her.

When she was done he removed his fingers and Jeni collapsed to the floor, exhausted and humiliated. She couldn’t recall exactly what she’d said, but she knew she’d said things to the fat man she wouldn’t even say to someone she cared for.

“Write down your number,” he said, putting a pen and scrap of paper in front of her. And to he own amazement, she did.

“Thanks,” he said, taking the paper and pen back. “That was fun. See you soon.”

He left, and Jeni took a little time to rearrange herself. Standing topless in the family restroom, she used paper towels to dab perspiration from her chest. But her nipples still protruded lewdly when she put her tight polo on. She was entirely too worked up by what should have been a pretty simple suck-for-cash session!

Something about letting a fat, slobbish man get his undeserving hands on her fine little body made Jeni feel very, very hot.

As soon as she was ready she exited the bathroom. Isabella was waiting for her, but she wasn’t alone.

“About time!” she said, grinning as she pulled her companion – a very cute guy in his early 20s – into the bathroom and locked the door. It was only minutes before they came back out, Bella wiping the corner of her mouth with a dainty pinky finger and handing Jeni another $40.

They both decided that was enough for one day, and started back to Jeni’s car.

“So,” Bella said as they walked side-by-side. “What happened in there? Didn’t sound like a blowjob to me.”

“I blew him…eventually,” Jeni said, grinning despite her embarrassment. “He just couldn’t resist taking a little more!”

“It didn’t sound like he was the one that couldn’t resist,” Bella said, giving her a playful elbow.

Back in the car, Bella stopped Jeni before she got in.

“Jeni, thank you. This was…fun.” It sounded like “fun” wasn’t quite the word she wanted to use, and Jeni felt the same way. She’d only met little Bella that morning, but they’d already been through quite a bit together. It was hard to express the complicated emotions she was feeling.

Instead she gave the younger girl a kiss and said, “There’s a lot more where that came from!”



  1. Yup! Coming soon. I have a little bit more written, but then I have to start creating more, so that may take longer.

  2. I think this has been my favorite series ever! Please tell me there will be more.

  3. Working on it now. I had to concentrate on other things for a while, but the continuation of Jeni and her Dad’s scene is coming soon.

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