[Cuck] Introduction to my next Cuckold Story

I have failed as a father and husband. What will my children say when I tell them we have to move into a smaller home, that they’ll have to change schools, that they won’t be receiving presents as often, that seeing their father one day out of the week will have to suffice? Will they be disappointed in me? Will they look down on me? They would probably ask for a new father as their current father is functioning ineffectively.

What about my wife? My poor, beautiful wife. I promised her this neighborhood, this house, these cars, but what will she say when I have to sell them all? Will she still love me?

Everything came to a screeching halt when I received a letter from the IRS stating that I had owed back taxes, with interest. I conned my way out of paying taxes for nearly a decade thinking that I’d go legit sooner or later. How bad could it be? A million, or maybe a million and a half at most. No, my entire net worth of four million dollars was expected to be paid in full. My businesses were liquidated and I was bankrupt.

My heart was heavy and I felt sick in the stomach as I walked up to my six bedroom, six bath, four car garage, 5,000sqft house. Luckily it was summer and my two children, Christy and Matt, were away at summer camp. My wife greeted me with a smile and a kiss. She was dressed nicely and looked to be on her way out. My mouth opened but I couldn’t force myself to speak. I saw her pull out of the driveway with her jet black Lexus LS 460 I had bought her only a month ago. I waved goodbye, headed inside the house, closed the door, and proceeded to break down in tears. I was nervous, my heart rate seemed to match how fast my bank account was draining.

I tried to resist from using drugs or alcohol to numb the pain, but eventually I got drunk. My wife, Sam, arrived later that night. I heard her pull into the garage and and heard a noticeable thump on the hardwood floor, probably from all the shopping she had done. Her heels clicked up the stairs until they stopped at our bedroom door.

She appeared to be an angel when she opened those doors. Not a single day passed without me realizing how lucky I was. I praised her every day for all of her qualities. I never felt that I deserved her and now felt that I would lose her. Sam was a mother of two and just around the corner from turning 40, but damn did she look good. Her thick, silky blonde hair was constantly changing lengths and styles but was always in perfection. Even without makeup she looked beautiful, but the way she applied and dolled herself up was nothing short of a daily masterpiece. She lacked wrinkles even when she seemed to smile so often. I bought her perfect, plastic tits just after I had bought our first house and car. They looked amazing on her and always grabbed the attention of other men. Her ass was always full with a set of thick thighs as well. Recently, I noticed her hips getting a bit wider which only made me enjoy our doggy style fucks all the more. She is such a passionate lover as well. She moans and screams and feels and touches and sucks and fucks making me want to cum with each breath. There she was, my perfect wife, about to be shattered by reality and broken as I was.

Tears rolled down her eyes as I began to tell her what was going on and what we would need to do in order to stay somewhat a float.

She was angry, “No. Fuck that John. I’m not giving my life up. Isn’t there anything you can do? Have you talked to Jerry?”

Jerry was our lawyer. “I have and I have begged him to help me, but I fucked up bad this time. They have overwhelming evidence of my unpaid taxes. They were — the fucking sons of bitches — were waiting for me this whole time.”

She continued to cry ruining her makeup. She tried to stay calm as she called friends and family. People she thought she could rely on showed their true faces by offering only their condolences.

“Are you leaving me?” I asked the only question that really mattered to me anymore. If she was going to leave me then it would be good in a way. I would have nothing to live for and I could end everything right there, but if she wanted to stay, if she wanted to fight, I would fight with all my life and give my entire being to making her happy once more.

She broke down into tears again as she crouched down beside me, “After all we’ve been through, do you think that’s the only thing I care about? I love you John and I always will. Please don’t give up, I don’t want to leave our home, and what will I tell Matt and–” she broke down even more thinking about our children. It hit me again when I thought about our poor children. “We can make this work John, we just have to work. I promise I’ll help too. Let’s do this together.”

It was decided on that night that we wouldn’t go down without a fight even if it meant working three or four jobs at a time.

Months had passed and we were taking on severe debt. The mortgage alone was burying us with debt. Sam had picked up a job at a massage parlor and I was working three jobs, three shifts a day, 7 days a week. Besides my lunch breaks, I only had time to sleep when I got home. Needless to say both our morale and sex drive went completely down the drain.

Sam looked a bit worried when I arrived home one night.

“Are the kids asleep?” I asked.

“Yeah. Did you eat?”

“Yeah. Austin let the night crew have the buffet leftovers for the night.”

“That’s good,” She laid in bed staring at the ceiling. It felt as if she was hinting towards me asking if there was a problem.

I bit, “Is something bothering you?”

“No, let’s go to bed.” She quickly rolled onto her side and shut her eyes.

A few more months passed and our situation didn’t improve whatsoever. We had sold all the cars and we were on the verge of losing the house. I couldn’t make enough in wages and tips and to be honest, Sam wasn’t contributing enough for us to start a savings. We would only be able to hang on for another month before we would be evicted.

“John,” she woke me in the middle of the night.

“What’s wrong honey?” I asked keeping my eyes closed.

“I don’t think our financial situation is getting any better and I was thinking…”

“Don’t worry honey. We’ll be fine. Something will turn out.” I lied through my teeth and mentally prepared myself since the beginning of our bankruptcy to sell and move out of the house.

“Well there’s this guy at work.”

“A guy?”

“I mean, a client. He’s a customer that comes in once or twice a week.”

“Is he bothering you?”

“No no no, he’s very sweet and he’s an older gentleman,” She paused and took a deep breath, “well, he offered to be my benefactor.”

“What the hell is a benefactor?” I hoped that it didn’t sound as I assumed.

“You know, he’d take care of me financially.”

“And in return you’d be doing what exactly? Prostituting yourself?” It infuriated me thinking of another man using my wife for his sexual desires.

“It’s not like we have many options John. Will you just stay calm and listen to me?”

I couldn’t believe we were even talking about this.

“Like I said, he’s really old and I think he just wants a pretty face to be next to him every now and then.”

“Amy, I don’t like this idea at all. Please, give me some more time and I promise we’ll make it through.”

“It’s been more than half a year. I’m not stupid honey. We’ll lose the house by next month if we don’t start paying.”

“What’s his name?”

“Stan. He really is sweet.”

“I’m just worried about your safety. That sounds like some seriously weird shit to me.”

“So if I weren’t your wife and you saw me, you wouldn’t try to buy me?”

“That’s not what I meant Sam. You’re more than that… you know you can’t be bought.”

“Exactly, so why are you so worried? I’ll always be yours. You know that. But losing this house isn’t something I’m willing to give up. If I have to date an old geezer a few times, you’re damn right I’ll do it.”

I knew she always loved our house and it was useless trying to convince her otherwise. “So how much is this guy paying?”

“$1,000 a date.”

“Holy shit,” I wasn’t expecting that high of a figure. “What exactly are the ground rules?”

“Well I told him that I had a husband and a family and that I wasn’t willing to have any type of sexual intercourse with him. He insisted that wasn’t what he was after and told me that he just wanted my presence. You know, to look nice for him.”

The offer suddenly turned into a gold mine. No sexual services and probably a peck on the lips at most. Why weren’t we doing this before? “That actually sounds okay with me Sam,” I sighed in relief.

“If this goes well, you might not have to work so many jobs either.” She snuggled up next to me and crammed her head onto my shoulder. She smelt fresh and sweet as she always did.

“When will you start?”

“The first date is tomorrow. Do you want to meet him?”

“I think it’s better if I don’t. Besides, I’ll probably be working overtime anyway.”

Our conversation ended there and we went to bed a little easier that night. Maybe things were starting to look up for a change.

I went to work as usual the next day. I had a two hour break between my 2nd and 3rd shift when I would get home around 5. I wanted to catch Sam before she left to tell her that I loved her and that I had forgot to thank her. I arrived to the house with just the kids.

“Where’s mom guys?”

“She went out,” Christy my younger child responded.

“Do you know when?”

“Just a second ago. She looked very pretty. Is she going to a party Daddy?” Christy always looked up to her mom.

“Yes she is!”

“Are you going too Daddy?”

“No. Sorry, Daddy has to go back to work.” I forced a smile trying to create the illusion that it was something that I actually enjoyed doing. I was about to head upstairs to change when Sam’s phone rang. She was notorious for forgetting her cell phone.

The caller was labeled as Stan. Maybe it was Sam trying to get in touch with me. I answered cautiously, “Hello?”

“Oh pardon me, is Samantha there?” His voice was deep and sounded a bit croaky. His voice definitely matched the way my wife had described him. He sounded weak and old.

“Who is this?” I asked a bit pissed off.

“It seems that I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Stan. You must be John, Samantha’s Husband. She’s told me a lot about you.”

I didn’t want to ruin things right out the gate, “She just left.” I wanted this man off the phone as soon as possible to maintain what little dignity I had left.

“Ah. I see her now. Wow she sure looks stunning. How could I ever repay you for being such a generous man John?” I heard the door open and I could hear my wife’s voice greet Stan’s.

I sat in silence not wanting to alarm my wife. I could hear the two of them clearly. “Did I interrupt your call?” Sam asked.

“No not at all Samantha. I was just talking to a very generous friend.”

It was silent for a minute.

“Aren’t we going somewhere?”

“Do we have to?” Stan asked cheekily. “Sorry, I just want to take a minute to fully indulge in your beauty. That dress fits perfectly on you. How do you like it?”


“I couldn’t ask for anything less,”

“It’s a bit thin, kind of tight, and very revealing.”

“But you look so beautiful in it. I think this style suits your perfectly Ms. Samantha.”

“You know I’m married Stan.”

“That’s right, your husband John,” I felt exposed and thought of ending the call but I kept listening, “does he buy you dresses like these?”

“No. John doesn’t really care for what I wear. I dictate my own fashion.”

“Oh that’s a shame. If you were my wife, I guess you technically are right now, I would be showing you off every possible way I could.”

Sam laughed at his gesture, I guess he must’ve been at least somewhat charming. I was worried now. Praying to God that my wife wouldn’t fall for his tricks.

Were they driving? I couldn’t tell, it had been more than five minutes since he had picked her up but the engine was running in the background the entire time.

Yet another cuckold story. I wrote this one because I wasn't too happy with the way the other one turned out. I want my stories to be a bit more realistic, but more importantly, I would really want my readers to get a feel for the characters. I want to be able to write characters that people could really put themselves into.

Thanks for reading again.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2ad7jm/cuck_introduction_to_my_next_cuckold_story