The Lesson – (ffm) (oral, mast, swing) – Hannah gets her first lesson in sex.

“He’s not even gonna want to talk to me,” I whined to Callie as she pulled up to the house. Dozens of cars filled the mansion’s driveway, and the booming music could be heard all the way down the block.

“Not with that attitude he won’t,” She responded without missing a beat. Callie was always giving me advice about my attitude. It irked me more than I let her see. Mostly because I knew she was right.

“Fine, he’s gonna be stunned by my dazzling good looks and fascinating conversation and realize he loves me and – “

“Oh, shut up,” she cut me off. “Just try to have fun, Okay?”

“Fine.” I was surprised how easy I was to sway this time. Something about tonight just felt right. With the end of High School approaching, I was starting to feel like it didn’t matter how I behaved, so why not be the boldest version of myself that I could be?

Calie had been my friend since elementary school, and she was always trying to play match-maker. Tonight’s party was the birthday of Kyle Whats-his-face who I barely knew, but what I did know, what what Callie wouldn't stop reminding me of, was that Danny Evans was going to be there. Danny Evans who I couldn’t stop staring at in english class, who smiled at me every day in the cafeteria, who had gorgeous blue eyes and blonde hair and good taste in clothes and sexy muscles. Danny Evans who always asked me for help on his homework even though he clearly didn’t need it. Danny Evans who was going to ask me to prom. Or so Callie kept telling me.

“Put that mirror away, you look hot, you can’t let him see that you’re nervous.” She took me by the hand and led me across the lawn to the front door. Callie had a boyfriend in college who played the guitar all the time and went down on her whenever she wanted so this supposedly made her the expert on everything to do with guys. She’d been trying to set me up with Danny for months. I acted like it annoyed me, but honestly, I needed the help. Not that I was ugly or awkward or anything (okay, maybe a little awkward), but something always shut down in me whenever I was alone with a guy and I became an empty boring shadow of myself. I had so many things to talk about, but would always end up muttering something about how boring school was, or how boring something else was, get bored of my own conversation and then freeze up completely before making some excuse to walk away. If only the boys could see how smooth I was in my own head. Well today they would, I decided. The big blue door finally flew open after we’d rung the doorbell about fifty times.

“Welcome, welcome,” Eddie Clark greeted us, he had his shirt off for some reason. As soon as he opened the door, the music overwhelmed us, I could smell the alcohol already.

“Put your shirt on you slut,” Callie shouted at him over the music.

“I lost it,” he laughed. Bullshit. It was his damn house. Just wanted to show off his abs probably. They were kinda nice, though, I had to admit.

“No shoes in the house,” he apologized guiding us in. I was relieved, the heels that Callie picked out for me were already starting to hurt. I kicked them off into the huge pile of shoes at the door and sort of hoped that they’d get lost there or someone would steal them on their way out.

“Nice place,” I yelled to him.

“Thanks,” he said. “Make yourselves at home ladies, get a drink.” He ran off as if to some important business.

We walked through the hallway into the huge living room, it was filled with a dim red light and the overlapping conversations of pretty much everyone in the senior class. All the girls were wearing their sexy dresses trying to show some cleavage, and all the boys had collared shirts on. I even spotted dweeby Josh Epstein in the corner wearing a Hawaiian shirt, telling a joke.

I always had to take a moment to breathe and compose myself whenever I walked into a party, but today it felt different. Seeing everyone relaxed and laughing put me at ease. I felt confident. I felt hot, today was my day. Danny Evans was mine. I smiled at Callie and she gave me a wink.

“Let’s take a shot,” she suggested.

“Please,” I said. We floated through the living room saying “hi” to everyone we passed on our way to the kitchen. The smells of fifty different perfumes mingled in the air along with all the voices , all the giggles and smiles. A year from now all these people would be scattered all over the country, but for now, here we all were, all hoping for a make-out by the end of the night. It felt special.

“Yeah!” Callie cheered when she saw what was in the kitchen. Someone had definitely put effort into this. There must have been thirty bottles lined up along the counter with just as many kids hovering around them, making random toasts.

“There they are,” Eddie Clark found us again, still no shirt obur for some reason now wearing a sombrero. “Care for a shot?”

“Please,” Callie said, “I’ll have a vodka.”

“And for you?” Eddie asked me, his eyes lingered on my boobs for just a moment longer than comfortable.

“Something sweet,” I told him, “but that’ll still get me drunk.”

“Coming right up,” he bowed to us and darted away to pour our drinks. Callie came close to me and pointed through the door into the dining room. There was Danny Evans, with his hair looking great, wearing a nice striped shirt, beaming a smile as he sat at the head of the dining table and entertained a few kids with some lively story. I pictured myself there next to him with his arm around me, laughing along. I needed that drink.

Just in time Eddie came up and handed me a red cup.

“Eye contact while you toast, or else you’re cursed with bad sex for ten years,” he said. I looked Callie right in the eyes as I knocked my cup against hers. There was an excited little glimmer in her eyes – she was wishing me luck. For the first time I felt like I didn’t need it. I gulped down the contents of my cup – apple juice with a bit of a burn, probably tequila. The three of us grimaced together and laughed. Almost immediately I could feel the warmth start to spread through my body, relaxing me. I drank for the first time on my eighteenth birthday a few months ago and still couldn't quite get used to the taste. I liked how it made me feel though – Bouncy, relaxed, talkative.

“Excuse me,” I said to Callie and Eddie.

“Go get ‘em,” Callie punched me on the shoulder. I left her chatting with Eddie and strode into the dining room. I was greeted by a few of my girlfriends, but they saw that my eyes were fixed on Danny and cleared the way for me. Business is business. I walked up next to him at the table and gave him the most charming “Hi” I could muster.

“Hey you,” he smiled at me, the same way he did all those times in the cafeteria. “I didn’t think you’d be here.”

“Of course I’m here,” I said, “Callie would kill me if I didn’t come.”

He laughed. “Well we wouldn’t want that.”

“Not at all. It’s good to see you,” I ventured.

“You too. Nice place right?”

“It’s amazing. Now I know why Eddie acts so spoiled. Where are his parents?”

“I heard they’re in Africa”

“Wow,” I said. I wanted to say something interesting about Africa but nothing was coming to mind.

“Did you get a drink yet?” Danny asked me.

“Not yet.”

“Well, we’ve gotta change that,” he suggested, “What do you like?”

“Oh,” I said, “I don’t know, I’ll just have whatever you’re having.”

“Alright, lets go.” He got up and led me back into the kitchen. Callie was gone already thank God. He took me right up to the counter and poured us each and apple juice with tequila. I guess it was a popular drink. His hands were super steady as he poured.

“Cheers,” he said.

“Cheers.” I made sure to look him right in his gorgeous eyes, and then downed my second first drink of the night. My heart started to flutter standing there with him like that. He seemed so comfortable talking to me. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe we were just meant for each other.

“It’s awesome to see everyone,” I started.


“Can’t believe we’re almost done with high school.”

“We’re getting old,” he joked.

“No we’re not. Life’s just getting started.”

“I like that. I’m excited to get out of here, actually.”

“Me too,” I said, “but we’ve gotta make the most of the time we’ve got left.” I was starting to feel pretty smooth.

“You’re right,” he smiled.

“Gotta appreciate all the little moments,” I was getting all philosophical.


“Finish off finals strong.”


“Have a great prom,” I hinted.

“Definitely,” he smiled. “Do you have a date yet?”

My heart jumped.

“No, not yet.” I looked down at my feet. “Do you?”

“Yep,” he said, “I’m going with Meg.” And suddenly my heart was down in my stomach. He said it like it was nothing. By his look he just expected me to be happy for him. That’s why he was so easy around me. I was just a friend to him. A buddy. “She’s on a vacation right now down south, but … “ He kept talking but I couldn’t listen.

Meg? When did that happen? How did Callie not hear about it? How could he just tell me that so casually without knowing that it would break my heart? It was my fault for not making a move earlier. I was starting to feel sick. I think he was still talking so I must have cut him off:

“I need to go to the bathroom.” I didn’t even wait for a response but just walked away and left him standing there. It was rude but I didn’t care, I needed to be alone. I brushed past all the little clusters of people on the way up the stairs. All their laughs and smiles felt annoying to me all of a sudden. The music was grating. The decorations felt overdone and obnoxious. Who needed such a garish house anyway?

I came to the first open door in the upstairs hallway which happened to be the bathroom. As soon as I shut the door behind me the tears started to flow. I stared at myself in the mirror and just kept crying. I felt stupid getting this hurt by a guy who I really barely even knew, but still it hurt. My carefully applied mascara was running down my cheeks. Stupid party. Stupid Callie. Stupid Danny. Stupid me. An image of him dancing with Meg at prom flashed before my eyes and I started to cry even harder.

It must have been ten minutes before I finally calmed down. The lump in my throat finally numbed out and I caught my breath. My heart was starting to beat normally again. “I don’t need to go to prom,” I told myself as I washed my face off. “It wasn’t meant to be.” I stared at myself in the mirror watching the droplets of water roll down my face. I always thought I looked really sexy with my face all wet like that. Like the girls in the face-wash commercials. It made me feel a little better. I was starting to feel drunk and for some reason I wanted to masturbate really bad – I was an emotional mess. I kept staring at myself in the mirror, wondering if anyone would find out if I rubbed one off in the bathroom. Normally I’d never even consider it, but for some reason I could barely restrain myself. Some kind of stress response, I figured. My brain needed endorphins. I quieted down to make sure I couldn't hear anyone outside the door. I started to slide my hand under my waistband, against my silky smooth pussy. I had just shaved it today with some vague fantasy of being fingered tonight. A little burst of euphoria washed over my pain as my finger touched my clit. I let out a little whelp and immediately felt self-conscious.

I quieted down and listened. Bass. Dozens of voices through the floor, and something else… Some high pitched music coming through the wall of the adjacent room, something I recognized from way back. It took me a moment but then it struck me – Lost Woods – Someone was playing Zelda. There was something so comforting about that tune. I immediately remembered all the times I would stay home sick from school as a little girl to play it on my Nintendo. It filled me with a sweet nostalgia, of a time far removed from all this high school drama. I wanted to get closer to that music. I wanted to play. I wanted to feel like a kid again and get my mind off of all this crap.

I pulled my hand out of my pants, fixed my hair a bit in the mirror, and snuck out into the hallway. I walked towards the music. It was coming from behind the door of the adjacent room. I pressed my ear against the door. Definitely Zelda. Feeling unusually bold, I knocked on the door.

A few moments passed before it opened up, through a crack in the door a tall guy peeked out at me.

“What’s up?” He asked. He looked just like Eddie, but with a beard, taller, older, more mature, grounded. Handsome in kind of a scraggly way.

“You’re playing Zelda,” I said simply.

“You know Zelda?”

“I love Zelda.”

“Really?” I’m not sure why guys always seemed so impressed when they found out I knew video games.

“Really,” I said. “I’m having a really really shitty night. Can I watch you play for a minute?”

“I guess,” he said, looking me over. He totally checked me out but it didn’t even feel dirty for some reason. “Are you Eddie’s friend?”

“Friend of a friend of a friend” I said.

“Got it,” he said, that seemed to make him feel a little easier.

“Sorry if it’s weird,” I said “I can leave you alone if you want – “

“What’s going on?” I heard a female voice from inside. I started to blush, thinking I just walked in on Eddie’s brother with his girlfriend. He opened the door fully and let us see each other. There was a girl sitting on the bed, cross legged, wearing a big white T-shirt. Her skin was the color of dark chocolate, she had unruly curly hair, and very kind eyes. I was frozen for a second. She was gorgeous.

“This girl say’s she’s having a shitty night and wants to play Zelda,” Eddie’s brother explained. I stood there awkwardly at the door, waiting for her response.

“You alright?” She asked me, really concerned. Must have thought I got raped or something.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just a bit of heartbreak, that’s all.” I tried to sound mature, but my voice quivered. She noticed.

“Poor girl,” She said. “Get in here.” She said it like an old friend. I came into the room and plopped down on the chair in front of the TV. The TV seemed a little crappy and small for a house this nice, but it just made me feel more nostalgic. Link yawned and stretched on the screen. The room seemed pristine, unlived in. All the books were lined up perfectly on the shelves, Some kind of trophies were set up on the top row. Bare walls. A big sliding glass window that led out to a balcony. It smelled nice. The couple was staring at me with concern in their eyes.

“Your room is really nice.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“Thanks,” Eddie’s brother said. “It’s not really my room anymore, we life in New York now, I’m just visiting the old place while the parents are gone, making sure Ed doesn’t burn it down.”

“Oh,” I said, “where are your parents?”

“They’re in Africa.” I still couldn’t think of anything interesting to say about Africa. I sat there looking pathetic. I could tell they were worried about me.

“I swear I’m fine,” I said. “My name is Hannah.”



“Nice to meet you. Sorry to bug you.” I said.

“No worries,” Jeff said In a way that actually kinda made me stop worrying. “I rarely get to meet Ed’s friends.” Something about their demeanor made me feel really easy. The feelings from a few minutes ago were starting to feel distant.

“You guys are so nice,” I said.

“We try to be,” Mira smiled. “Was that you crying in the bathroom?”

“Yeah,” I couldn’t lie to her.

“Boy trouble?”


“You love him?”


“Then don’t sweat it.”

“High school sucks.” I said.

“No Joke,” She looked at me with such refreshing concern that it made the tears start to flow again.

“Aw baby its ok,” she hopped off the bed and hugged me in my chair. Her soft body pressed against mine felt so nice. Her hair tickled my cheek. I’m pretty sure she was naked under that t-shirt. What would Callie think if she knew I was up here? I didn’t even know what I thought of this. It just felt good to cry into her shoulder.

At a certain point my cry turned into a laugh. “God you must think I’m so weird,” I said. “Randomly coming into your room and getting all emotional. I’m sorry about this.”

“Never be sorry,” Mira said. “We don’t believe in randomness, right J?”

“Right,” Jeff said.

“If you came here, you came here for a reason, you needed something from us, and maybe we needed something from you. That’s the way it is.” I immediately liked these people. They seemed far and away cooler than all the kids downstairs.

“This is way better than the party,” I laughed.

“Of course it is,” Jeff said. “We have Zelda. Here,” he handed me the controller. Right away the muscle memory from years ago kicked in and I started running around collecting rupees, with no particular goal in mind. The room felt much better insulated from all the outside noise, or maybe my ears were just getting numb to it, but it felt like I was in a different world, like I wasn’t even myself anymore. A lighter was struck behind me, Mira was out on the balcony lighting a cigarette, no, it was a joint.

“You smoke weed?” She asked me.

“No, never have.” I said.

“You want some?”

“No, I’m okay.”

“Alrite,” she said. Jeff went outside to join her.

I kept running around in the game, rolling around, killing a few of those chompy flower things. Getting lost in my own world. Ah, what the hell. I paused the game and came out on the balcony with them.

“Changed your mind?” Mira smiled.

“Yeah, why not,” I said, feeling like a new girl willing to try new things. “How do I do this?”

“In your mouth, suck, inhale, hold, release.” Mira explained. Seemed simple enough. I took the joint and inhaled. What would Callie think of me now? The smoke tasted interesting. I held it in my lungs for a second, and started to cough. Mira and Jeff laughed.

“That’s it,” Jeff said, “No more for you. I don’t wanna get in trouble giving weed to minors.”

“I’m not a minor,” I said through my coughs. From the balcony I could see all my classmates in the backyard, running around, flirting, jumping in the pool. Really felt like they were part of a different world. I didn’t feel like watching them.

“I’m cold,” I said.

“Alrite, let’s go inside,” Mira took one last drag and put out the joint in a little turtle ashtray. We all went back into the room.

I was starting to feel a little different. I had never tried weed before and didn't know what to expect. I was starting to feel light. The colors in the room felt more vivid, the cool blue sheet on the bed was dazzling. Link in the TV felt alive. Everything felt alive. I could feel the whole life of the party downstairs, like everyone’s energy was permeating the air, I could feel the whole energy of almost being done with highschool, of moving on to new things, I could feel my whole past as an extension of myself, not just stuff that happened sometime. I could feel Callie down there, and felt grateful for how much she tried to help me. I could feel Danny Evans down there, and even forgave him a little, how could he know that I wanted him. I started to doubt whether I really even wanted him. I just wanted to be part of the crowd. I could feel Jeff and Mira watching me, these are the kind of friends a person needs to have.

“I love you guys,” I blurted out.

They laughed. “We love you too. Do you need to sit down? You took a pretty big hit.”

“No,” I said. “I want to dance.”

“Then dance, girl,” Mira said. I started to spin around to the music pulsing through the floor. I felt more in control of my body than I ever had before, or rather the music was in control of it and I was able to let go like never before. It was exhilarating. For a few minutes I completely let the music take over me.

“I can tell why people like this stuff,” I finally said when I stopped.

“Yeah, first time is always special,” Jeff said, sitting down on the bed. “How do you feel.”

“Like I’m not myself, but more myself than I’ve ever been.” I said.

“I know exactly what you mean,” Mira giggled. “You’re a good dancer.” She fell back on the bed. She was definitely not wearing anything under that t-shirt. I caught a glimpse of her pussy before she crossed her legs. I think Jeff noticed. My heart started beating. I wanted to see it again.

“I’m sorry, did I just flash you?” Mira cracked up. She seemed to easy-going about it.

“Nothing I haven’t seen before.” I tried to seem cool.

Jeff smiled. “So tell us about this guy of yours.”

“Nothing to tell,” I said. “I expected him to be in love with me for no reason, he wasn’t, I lost it, end of story.”

“You’ll find someone else,” Mira said.

“Yeah but prom is really soon, and I kinda doubt it, I’m pretty awkward,” I admitted.

“You don’t seem very awkward to me,” Mira said.

“Yeah,” Jeff agreed, “You seem pretty real.”

“Thanks,” I said. I’d never been called real before, and it was nice to be around some people who appreciated such a thing.

“You can always go alone to prom, with the girlfriends,” Mira suggested.

“All the girlfriends have boyfriends,” I whined. “That’s not the experience I wanted to have. I wanted to do the whole thing. Get picked up at my house, pin that flower thing on my guy, have him meet my parents, drive me to the prom, we’d dance around, go to the hotel after, make out on the bed all night, I’d let him see my boobs, we'd have sex for the first time. That’s the dream.”

“Well even if that doesn't work out,” Mira assured me, you’re not gonna have any trouble getting a guy in college, right?”

“Right,” Jeff agreed. “Not to hit on my brother’s friends but you’re really cute.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“No joke,” Mira kept going. “You’re super pretty and cool, and if I had boobs as big as yours in high school I would have had a field day, just saying.”

I giggled. These people were pretty open. “You guys don’t need to flatter me,” I said.

“Just telling the truth,” Jeff said.

“Can I tell you guys a secret?” I asked.


I was already blushing. “After I cried in the bathroom, I started fingering myself. Is that strange?”

“Nah,” Mira laughed. “It’s perfectly normal to rub one off when you’re sad. Whenever we’re upset we have some of our best sex.”

“Wow,” I said.

“Too much info?” She asked.

“No,” I said. I was starting to get a little horny again.

“How long have you guys been together?” I asked.

“Six years” Jeff said, proudly.

“That’s great,” I said. “I want to find something like this one day.”

“You will,” Mira assured me.

“When did you first start having sex?” I asked.

“Pretty much right away,” Mira laughed. “We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. We were sixteen, and so horny.”

“Lucky,” I said. “I’m eighteen and so horny, and nobody but myself to love.”

“You’ve never had sex?” Mira asked me.


“That’s fine, there’s no rush,” Jeff said.

“I know,” I said. “I’ve never even given a blowjob. I’ve never even seen a penis.”

“You aren’t missing much,” Mira laughed. Jeff giggled too.

“Yeah, I know, I just always felt like I should leave high school knowing at least something about sex. I’ve learned all this math that I’m never gonna use, read all these books I’m never going to remember, memorized chemical formulas I’ve already forgotten and never got in the first place. But I never even learned how to give a BJ.” I don’t know what it was about these people that let me be so open with them. I never even talked like this with Callie. She must be wondering where I am.

“Do you wanna learn?” Mira asked me.


“Do you want to learn?”

“Learn what?”

“How to give a blowjob.” She smiled. My heart started pounding.

“What, like right now?” I asked, looking at Jeff. The look in his eyes was intent, but the look in Mira’s was excited and a little devious.

“Yeah, right now,” she said decidedly.

“We can do that?” I asked.

“Why not?” She laughed. “Jeff lets me fool around with girls all the time, and sometimes I share them with him.”

“You can do that?” I asked, still not quite believing what I was hearing.

“Yeah,” Said Jeff. He wasn’t braggy or anything, he made it seem like it’s perfectly normal.

“How does that work?” I asked.

“We’re confident that we love each other,” Mira said simply. “Sometimes we just like to share that love.”

“Oh,” I said, getting nervous.

“We don’t have to,” Jeff said.

“No,” I cut him off, I was getting insanely curious now, this felt so safe, so comfortable, the thought of how strange this was kept bouncing in my mind, but then again, something about it felt so right. I could have my first sexual experiments with some strange guy alone in a dark room not knowing how far he’d try to push me, or I could have them here. Having Mira here made me feel super safe. My pussy was getting warm, wet.

“What was that you said, about there being no coincidences?” I asked.

The couple smiled at me.

“I wanna see it,” my lips said, without me even having to think. Mira almost squealed with delight. I could tell she was really excited about this. Hell, we all were. She beckoned me onto the bed with them, and held me by the hands.

“Okay,” She said, containing her excitement, “before we get carried away, here’s the rules: nobody has sex with him but me, but other than that you can do whatever you want. And only if you want.” She stressed the last part.

“Okay,” I said. I little bit of drool fell off of my lip onto Mira’s leg.

“Someone’s excited,” She laughed. “Ready for a little lesson?”

“Yeah.” I was starting to breathe hard. She was so sexy it was unbearable. I started down at the bulge in Jeff’s sweat pants. Mira pushed him onto his back, and we hovered over him, from both sides. She gave him a few little kisses along his stomach, his abs were so nice. Very slowly she started to pull his pants down. I held my breath as I saw his trimmed pubes appear. I’d never seen anything like this before. Then she revealed the base of his penis, and slowly slid the pants over the whole length of it, taking what felt like an eternity. Finally the whole thing sprung out. I felt a shock through my whole body.

“Oh my god,” I whispered.

“Like it?” She gleamed at me.

“It’s huge,” I said.

“Oh, don’t inflate his ego,” She scolded me playfully.

“Are they all this big?” I asked her.

“Rarely,” She said. “I’m a lucky girl.”

“Me too,” I whispered. Honestly a little freaked out. The pictures in all the biology books made it seem like these things were the size of a thumb, but Jeff’s looked almost as big as my forearm. It was thick and fleshy and had veins, and heavy big balls hanging underneath, and a big fat tip like a mushroom. It was curved up like a big banana. It looked like something out of an alien movie, and yet at the same time it looked so human, so natural, so alive. I felt like I was discovering some new species. My pussy started to stream wetness. Here it was, a real penis. The more I was scared of it, the more I wanted to touch it, to feel it. Mira must have read my mind.

“Wanna hold it?” She asked.

“Is it okay?” I asked Jeff.

“Of course,” he said, and laid back. My hand reached over with a mind of its own and grabbed his cock around the base. It felt so thick and hard, muscular, I expected it to be softer, but his cock was like a hard muscle on the inside, covered with thick, soft, warm skin. I could feel his pulse through it. My hand barely made it around the girth. I sat there holding it, hypnotized by it.

“She likes it,” Mira smiled at Jeff.

“It’s crazy,” I said. What the hell was I doing? What would Danny Evans think of this? The thought made me laugh a little.

“How can you fit it in your mouth?” I asked Mira.

“Easy,” She said, tying her wild hair back into a ponytail. “keep holding it.”

“Slowly she lowered her mouth right above the head. She just breathed on it at first, and with every breath, Jeff’s body jolted with pleasure, I could feel his cock throbbing in my hand. This was amazing. A little drop of wetness formed on the little hole at the tip of his cock. I guess guys get wet too. Mira’s little tongue darted out and lapped it up. I was starting to drool and I felt like my pussy was starting to soak through my jeans. With my free hand I undid my fly and reached into my panties, and just held my pussy in the palm of my hand. I watched Mira with rapture.

She seemed to savor the taste of the wetness that she took from Jeff’s cock, and I could sense a little change in her. She seemed like she was losing control. In a second the whole head of his cock was in her mouth, her thick juicy lips were massaging it as it kept getting even thicker in my hand. It throbbed with every movement of her mouth. I couldn't believe she fit it in her mouth, but there it was, going deeper and deeper with every thrust. A little drop of spit rolled down it and landed on my hand. Jeff was starting to moan. She was too. I let out a little moan as well, and Mira opened her eyes with the cock still in her mouth and gave me the sexiest little look. She pulled it out of her mouth. It was glistening with her spit. Almost by instinct I grabbed it with my second hand and started stroking it, lubed and slippery with all the drool. Jeff was bucking his hips against my hands. I couldn’t believe I was making his whole body twitch like that.

“Easy,” he said. Mira held my hands in place.

“You don’t wanna make him come yet,” She told me.

“Okay,” I said. “What do I do?”

“Do you masturbate?” She asked me.

“All the time,” I said.

“Then you know what to do. Just pay attention to his body, almost like it’s your own, you can tell how you’re making him feel. It’s like a dance, and you’re leading” She explained. I could tell she liked playing teacher. She was squeezing the head of his cock between two fingers as she talked to me. It looked squishy. I wanted to kiss it. “The most important part is to enjoy it.” she finished.

“Got it.” I said.

“Do you want to taste it?” She offered.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Lots of tongue, lots of lips, lots of spit, no teeth.” She said. Jeff took a deep breath. I centered myself between his legs, and held his cock in my hand. I opened wide and let the head into my mouth. Jeff gasped. It was still slippery and wet with Mira’s spit, and tasted a little salty. It filled up my whole mouth, but I still had a little room to twirl my tongue around it. I could feel it twitching in my hand as I held it. Slowly I started to bob my head up and down on it, trying to get a little more of it into my mouth, I think I could fit like a third of it, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. It was crazy that I was making him feel this good. I couldn't believe I was giving my first blowjob. It was so fucking hot. I took my other hand and started stroking his abs and chest, the muscles were making me so wet and horny. Mira started stroking my hair. She brought her head close to mine, and started licking the sides of Jeff’s cock, so that her tongue touched my lips every few seconds. Our mouths met at the head of his cock and we started to make out. Her lips were so big and soft, and her tongue was so smooth, we alternated kissing and licking his dick, trading it from her mouth, to mine, to right in between running our tongues all over it. The whole fat shaft was covered in a thick layer of spit.

I was getting hornier and hornier, sucking on it, and just kept going harder and harder. I was losing control of myself. Mira kept kissing me on the cheek.

“You’re a natural,” She said, “keep going.” She didn’t need to say that, I couldn’t stop anyway, even if my jaw was getting a little tired. She went up to make out with Jeff for a little while, and then she slid herself on top of him, facing me, and sat on his face. Sixty-nine position. This was one I actually knew. She lifted up her shirt and sat her pussy down on his face. I could see his tongue starting to lap at it. Immediately she started moaning and groping at her breasts through her shirt. I was stunned as she finally said “fuck it” and threw the shirt off. She was completely naked in front of me, grinding her pussy into Jeff’s face. Her body was magnificent, fit, but curvy in all the right places. She kept firmly squeezing her full, heavy breasts in her hands. Her chocolate skin was glistening with sweat, and her little nipples were a deep black.

She kept grinding on his face harder and harder. I wondered if this was how Callie’s boyfriend went down on her, but somehow I doubted it. I couldn't see Callie getting as free and turned on as Mira was right now. She bent down towards me and took Jeff’s dick out of my mouth. She kissed me hard on the lips, trying to suck out all of my spit, and then proceeded to fill her mouth with Jeff’s cock. I went down and tried to fit one of his balls in my mouth, but it was too big to fit, so I just licked them a little bit, but then just laid my head against his thigh and enjoyed the show. I put my hand back in my pants and started to stroke my pussy while I watched Mira’s body swimming on top of Jeff’s. She was starting to lose control, I could tell, She was moaning so loud I was sure people could hear her outside, Jeff was moaning too, more like grunting. Somehow Mira was managing to fit almost the entire dick into her mouth, wildly sliding her mouth up and down it’s length.

I was getting so wet I could barely handle it. I slipped my finger inside myself, and then a second, and started to finger my g-spot. My pussy felt so tight around my two fingers, and I could barely imagine how it would feel to slide Jeff’s huge cock in there. The thought of it was starting to bring me over the edge. With one hand in my pants, and the other groping my breasts under my bra, I could feel the orgasm starting to come. Mira was starting to feel it too, I could tell. Her moan would have been a scream if she did not have her mouth full of dick. Her body was squirming wildly and mind was too. We were coming. I closed my eyes and let the orgasm take over my body, augmented by the sound of Mira’s. I could feel the ecstasy coursing through every inch of me, and even around me, outside my body and into them into them, and then I felt something else.

Something warm landed on my face, at first I thought I was drooling, but then there was more and more of it. I opened my eyes and then I could see that Mira had taken Jeff’s cock out of her mouth, and that it was spurting come like a volcano in thick juicy streams up into the air, hitting her face, and mine, and landing on the bed around us. My orgasm quickly rebounded into a second, even stronger one at the sight. His thick cock just kept twitching, letting out burst after burst of thick white come. Mira’s mouth was right next to it trying to catch as much as she could. Another thick stream shot out and landed right across my cheek and mouth. It was the last one. Catching my breath, still feeling the reverberations of my orgasm coursing through me, I licked up the glob of come that was sitting on my lips. It was salty, and gooey, it felt dirty, and so good. I started to laugh. Mira did too. We were covered in it.

“Sorry I got it all over you,” she giggled.

“It happens,” I said. Trying to be all mature about it.

“You should see his face,” She said coyly. “I’m a squirter.” I could guess what that meant. Jeff was up there wiping his face off with her shirt.

“Here,” She said, and slid down closer to me. “Close your eyes.” She started to clean off my face with her tongue. I giggled as it tickled me, running all over my cheeks, forehead, and mouth, lapping up all of the come. I couldn’t believe this nice girl could be so dirty. I felt amazing. When her tongue reached my mouth, I grabbed her by the hair and kissed her hard. The taste of the come was still all over her mouth. Bitter and sweet at the same time. I hungrily kissed her and reached down to grab her boob. Couldn’t get away without getting at least a feel of it. Taking it almost like a challenge, she dug her hands into mine so hard it hurt.

“Ow,” I laughed.

“Sorry,” she said. “You have amazing boobs.”

“I know.” I winked at her. Mira’s were pretty nice, but mine were huge in comparison. I sat up on my knees, and teasingly let one flop out of the top of my tank-top. Her jaw dropped and her eyes lit up. She covered Jeff’s eyes with her hand, and we both laughed as I hid it in my bra again. Always wanted to show someone my boob like that.

“Just a little gift to you for the lesson,” I said.

“I appreciate it,” She smiled, as she cuddled up next to Jeff. “Come join us.”

It would take a while to process everything that just happened, but right now I just wanted to snuggle. I started to slide down next to them, when all of a sudden, silence. The music was shut off, and I could hear the conversations downstairs turn into shouts. The energy of the whole house shifted. I could see the reflections of police lights on the trees in the back yard. Party was over, I guess. I felt nice not being a part of it, getting to slide down with Jeff and Mira, but then all of a sudden I remembered Callie. She would be looking for me. I picked up my phone. Twenty seven texts. All from her.

“Sorry guys,” I told them. “My friend is gonna be looking for me.”

“Go find her,” Mira said.

“Sorry you can’t stay for round two,” Jeff said.

“Me too,” I said, climbing off of the bed, fixing up my hair and clothes, making sure there was no come left on me. It was my first time, but for some reason I felt like I had done all this before. I felt like a different girl. Older, more adventurous, more grounded. I took a deep breath.

“Thank you,” I said to the couple. They looked so cozy there, Mira all naked under the covers cuddled up to Jeff. He looked happy. They both did. I would find that too one day, I could just feel it.

“No problem,” Mira said. “Hope you learned something”

“I did,” I said. Zelda was still on the screen. Slowly I backed out of the room, girding myself for the chaos outside. I didn’t even care if we got arrested at this point, I just wanted to find Callie.

“Hey,” Mira said, just as I was about to close the door.


“If you end up not finding anyone for the prom, you can come sailing with us and a few of our friends. It’ll be fun,” She promised.

All I could do was laugh. It warmed my heart. I didn’t want to start crying again, so I just thanked them both with my eyes, and they understood. I slipped out of the room and floated down the stairs, back into my normal life.



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