GRO Part 5 – Bella finds her groove [Bi, mff, anal, oral, watersports]

“So you’re actually going in to school?” Adam asked incredulously.

“Yeah, I mean I can’t avoid it forever. Might as well see how it goes. Plus, Jeni is staying home, and our parents don’t like us to both miss school on the same day,” Bobby’s voice answered through the phone.

Adam grinned. He hadn’t realized he’d get a chance to try his newest plan so soon!

“Well, tell me how it goes, dude,” he answered back, trying to keep his happiness out of his voice.

He hung up his phone and pulled out his other phone. Actually, it was Chris’s phone. Chris left it at home when he went to work. Bobby had figured he might be able to use it today to at least get some of the girls his brother was hooking up with to send him some nasty pics. But now he had other ideas.

He’d seen Jeni, Bobby’s older sister, when he’d come home yesterday from his failed propositioning of Missy Kipling. And he’d definitely noticed her tits – they’d grown about five cup-sizes overnight!

He also knew that if she’d been alone with Chris she’d gotten fucked. So he had to assume his best friend’s big sis was a slut for big cocks. Which, thanks to GRO, he had.

He copied Jeni’s number from his phone to Chris’s and sent her a text.


After a few minutes he got a text back.


Wow, Adam, thought. She really was a slut! She was already flirting.



If Adam went over there, Jeni might not even let him in the house. But if she came over to his house, she might be less likely to leave without getting some. Or at least Adam hoped.


Adam thought he was immensely clever for using “cum” instead of “come.” That would make her think of sex even more! And the more the better.

It took a bit for her to text back. She must be thinking about it. Or just playing hard to get. Weird to do, Adam thought, when you thought you were talking to a guy who had already fucked you. Girls are strange.


“Yes!” Adam yelled aloud. Step one was complete. But that was the easy part. The hard part was going to be convincing her to fool around with him after he’d lied to get her there. If he had looked like Chris, even a little, it would have been easier. But where Chris was tall and made of muscle, Adam was short and bony. He wore glasses and had a goofy face, or so he’d been told.

He did have one asset to leverage, though: Mr. Big. His cock was a match for anyone’s now, and if Jeni was a horny as she’d seemed he might have a chance just based on that. Chris wasn’t available, that was certain. He doubted she’d found anyone else to fuck since yesterday morning, and he was here, and ready to please. This had to work!

Jeni arrived about 30 minutes later. Adam was watching out the front window in anticipation and opened the door for her almost immediately after she knocked.

She stood the there with brilliant smile on her face, clearly expecting Chris. Her smile turned into a dubious grin when she saw Adam.

“Hey, Adam,” she said slowly, clearly confused. “Is Chris here?”

Adam avoided the question by saying, “Jeni! Come in.”

She stepped inside past Adam. Adam used the opportunity to ogle her up and down. She’d clearly wanted to show off her body for Chris. She had on grey yoga pants that absolutely hugged her ass in skin-tight fashion. The happy gap between her thighs was also clearly visible when she stood. On top she had a long-sleeved, scoop-necked t-shirt that showed off her cleavage magnificently. It was clear how her nipples showed and her tits swayed that she was braless.

“Chris isn’t here is he?” she said, interrupting his staring match with her breasts.

“Uh… no,” he said, suddenly tongue-tied. His plan to sweet talk her into helping him get his rocks off was falling apart.

“So, it was you texting me, huh?” she said, grinning like she’d caught him peeking at her in the shower. She crossed her arms under her tits, causing them to rise even higher on her chest and exposing more cleavage.

Adam was transfixed. He could only nod. He felt his cock growing completely hard in his sweatpants, causing one leg to tent comically.

“Uh huh…” she said. “And what did you hope would happen when I got over here?”

He looked down at his cock as it struggled to escape his pants.

“I see!” she said, smiling a little brighter. Could this actually be working? “And do you want me to help you with that because I made it hard with these?” She looked down at her impressive cleavage. “And this?” She turned, showing her barely concealed ass.

Adam nodded dumbly. He felt his cock lurch. Looking down he saw a wet spot forming where the tip of his prick was poking his pants leg out.

Jeni smiled even bigger. “Adam, when did you take the GRO?”

“Saturday night…”

“And did anyone help you cum yesterday?”

He shook his head no, blushing at her talking so frankly about his sex life, or lack thereof.

“Poor baby!” she said and seemed to really mean it. She came over you him, caressing his hair with a concerned look.

“Sit on the couch,” she told him. He obeyed. Standing in front of him, Jeni stripped off her top, exposing Adam two his first real-life boobs. He nearly came in his pants!

“Let’s see it,” Jeni said, nodding at his tented pants. Quicker than he thought he could possibly move, Adam peeled his pants down to he knees. His huge engorged cock trembled there, primed for explosion.

Jeni kneeled down in front of his legs and helped get his sweatpants all the way off. Then she knee-walked forward until her tits collided with his big tool. Smiling at him, she grabbed her own breasts and placed them on either side of his penis. Then she squeezed them tightly around it.

God damn, finally! Adam thought. Having his cock between Jeni’s massive boobs felt amazing, so warm and soft. She stroked him up and down with them, using her hands and legs to fuck his prick with her titties. Adam pegged this as the most awesome moment of his life, but that record only stood for a few moments longer.

Jeni wasn’t quite sure why she had her brother’s dorky best friend’s cock wedged between her tits. Not that she hadn’t been planning to do just this very thing yesterday, but so much had happened since then. Now she was clearly aware that, between Chris and her brother, there was no shortage of hot, hung guys to satisfy her needs.

There was no logical reason for her to offer anything to this awkward, skinny and unhandsome kid – even if he did have a cock that made her little pussy melt.

Yet here she was, unable to stop herself from tittie-fucking him and, eventually, taking his cockhead into her mouth as she did.

Adam tensed and groaned out loud when her lips first touched his prick, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before he shot a massively built-up load. She figured she should start planning where to take it.

There was something undeniably hot about fooling around with another younger boy, inexperienced and thrilled with her hot pornstar body. It made Jeni even hotter to think she’d also fucked this boy’s brother and best friend, her own brother, in the last 24 hours.

She squeezed her tits tighter around his cock and got ready for the home stretch. Her plan was simple – first get him off so he could think straight. There should be a warning label on the GRO warning you that you’d be massively sex-crazed for a while after taking it. Maybe there was, and she just couldn’t read it because it was in Russian.

Then, after she’d gotten him off the first time and knew he would last more than a few seconds, she was going to take his virginity. She might do it here and she might do it in his room, but she was going to fuck this kid today, by God!

In a way, it felt like a betrayal to Bobby and Chris to fuck Adam, and that was partially why she liked it. Bobby had gone to school, leaving her home alone when he knew she was super horny and willing to do anything for him. And Chris: he hadn’t called, texted, anything! Sure it was just a random fuck, but didn’t he want her again?

So Jeni felt completely justified giving her amazing body and talents to Adam. To Hell with Bobby and Chris! She could get screwed when she wanted to!

Jeni started bobbing her tits and mouth up and down Bobby’s cock faster, and Bobby was groaning in response. This was it! She couldn’t imagine how big his first load was going to be, but she imagined something similar to Chris and Bobby’s loads from yesterday combined. It couldn’t be that big, could it? She was about to find out!

Adam grabbed two big fistfuls of hair and pulled her head tighter. Her big tits were the only thing that kept him from ramming it down her throat. He cried out and tensed his body. Then his cock began to cum into Jeni’s eager mouth.

At first Jeni thought he was just spurting so fast it seemed like one long stream, but soon she discovered that Adam, it seemed, was different from other guys. Instead of cumming in bursts, he pissed it out in one long stream. This stream filled Jeni’s mouth once, twice and a third time before her ability to swallow was overcome, literally, by the boy’s orgasm. The she was forced to take him out of her mouth and let him finish on her hot face and tits.

The finish didn’t come very soon, though. Adam pissed his spray of cum all over Jeni’s big, round firm tits and her cute, pretty, innocent-looking face for what felt like a full minute after she’d already swallowed much of his spunk. She had no choice but to hold her tits up as an offering and allow herself to be covered.

When the final drips of Adam’s semen dribbled out and landed on Jeni’s upraised tits, she felt like she had been in a water fight. Her whole upped body was dripping with boiling hot cum.

Adam stared at her in shock. His balls had visibly shrunk.

“Wow, boy! Fuck! You gave me a big load, huh?” she said as she wiped the thick cream from her eyes. Every time she opened her mouth some more of his jism got in, so she was tasting him over and over. “Go get me a towel, will you stud?”

Adam, still silent and stunned, rushed off to get her a towel. He returned, and she used the bath towel to sponge the huge amounts of spunk off her tits and face. She felt sad so much was going to waste, but if Chris’s and Bobby’s loads had filled her up, Adam’s would have filled her to bursting. He was just incredibly grateful he hadn’t been down her throat when he’d orgasmed.

And yet, as Jeni had suspected, Adam was still hard. Perfect!

“So, you ready for round two, big guy?” she said, standing in front of him as he once again sat back on the couch. A huge smile cracked his face as she started wiggling her hips and hooking her thumbs in her waistband. She could see in his eyes that he knew he was going to get laid!

Then the doorbell rang.

She and Adam both froze. He, being closest to the front window, peeked out through the curtains.

“Isabella!” he said.

“Isabella?” Where had Jeni heard that name? Oh yeah – Bobby! When she’d fucked him last night, that was the name he’d called out. Who was she? She crawled onto Adam’s lap to look out, ignoring the feeling of his cock shaft sliding along her pussy lips for a moment, and peered out.

“Yeah,” Bobby said, under her. “Apparently she and Bobby are going out now. What’s she doing here?”

Jeni thought she knew, but she couldn’t be sure just yet.

“I’ll handle this, Adam. Go to your room and I’ll be there in a sec, okay? And be ready to fuck!” She kissed his grinning mouth and climbed off him.

Jeni put her tank top back on as Adam hurried down the hall to his room. When he was back there she opened the door. She was clearly not who the girl on the other side had been expecting.

“Jeni!” Isabella exclaimed.

“Baby Bella!” Jeni recognized the girl now – at least most of her. She was one of the girls from Jeni’s block that followed Bobby around every summer, and had since her brother was little. But the Bella that she knew was a gawky, skinny preteen. This girl had that Bella’s face, hair, height and general appearance, but she had a full, round set of tits that could only have come from one place – GRO.

And Jeni certainly didn’t recognize Bella’s fashion sense, if you could call it that. She was wearing a pink cardigan with apparently nothing underneath. The thin pink knit was stretched tight over her new breasts so that it gapped between the buttons. It had clearly been designed to be a top layer, no a standalone piece, so the neckline plunged deep to reveal an obscene amount of her young cleavage.

Below her sweater she wore a super-short black skirt. It was flouncy and pleated, but looked like it was made of a cheap shiny material of the type Halloween costumes were made of. In fact, that’s precisely where Jeni suspected Bella had gotten it. It hung down to barely cover the younger girl’s ass.

Bella’s legs were covered in black fishnet stockings, too, probably from the same costume she’d gotten he skirt from. Jeni had to give her credit for these – they made her skinny legs look delicious!

She’d chosen some pink kitten heels, but they were a different pink than her sweater and clashed.

“Why are you here, Bella? Especially dressed like that.”

Isabella looked down at her outfit and looked like she considered running away. Then she steeled her courage, furrowed her brow and looked Jeni in the eye.

“Is…is Chris here?” she asked.

“Ah, I see,” Jeni said, her suspicions confirmed. Bella, you naughty girl! Jeni thought. But instead of turning her away she said, “Come on in!”

Isabella walked nervously past Jeni and into the living room. Jeni put a hand on the small of her back and guided her to the couch, sitting down beside her. She turned her body towards the girl until their knees touched.

“So Bella, let me guess,” she began when they were both settled. “Bobby showed you the GRO, and you used it to get those.” Jeni looked significantly at Isabella’s chest.

Isabella blushed but nodded.

“And you came here because you heard about Chris’s…reputation?”

Again Isabella nodded, blushing hotly this time.

“So why would my little brother’s new girlfriend get dressed up like a slut and come over to get fucked by the biggest man-whore in the neighborhood?”

Isabella’s head snapped up, a look of shock on her face. She probably hadn’t even thought of the situation is so frank of terms. But Jeni met her surprised gaze with a naughty smile that she hoped convey the fact that she didn’t disapprove.

For a couple more seconds it looked like the young girl would faint or run out of the house. Then her mouth slowly opened and the story came tumbling out.

“It’s Amber’s fault! Because she wouldn’t let me forget that Bobby could fuck her and not me and I had to watch them do it! Even after Bobby asked me out and not her! And she used the GRO too so she was going to have big tits, blond hair and she wasn’t a virgin, thanks to Bobby. But I heard Chris was really good at taking girls’ virginities so I came over here so the next time Bobby and me can do it he can actually get it in me! And beside, when I woke up this morning I couldn’t stop thinking about sex, I think because of these!” She ended by grabbing her big tits through her sweater.

Jeni barely followed the rambling monologue but she got the gist of it.

“Poor Baby Bella!” she said and reached to pull the other girl close in a hug. Bella’s head came to rest on Jeni’s exposed cleavage and Jeni wrapped her arms around the girl under Bella’s impressive rack. “You must be so horny, huh?”

She felt the girl nod, her face nuzzling Jeni’s tits. Jeni had never been with a girl before – frankly she’d never even seriously considered it. But the situation – three horny, GRO-enhanced boys and girls in one house, all alone – was giving Jeni a lot of ideas. And little Bella’s body did look quite hot.

Jeni reached up and caressed one of Bella’s tits through her cardigan. God, they were firm – perhaps firmer than Jeni’s own! They weren’t quite as large, but it didn’t matter – on Isabella’s smaller body they looked enormous and amazingly sexy.

When Bella didn’t push her hand away she slipped it inside her sweater and cupped the younger girl’s braless tit. Her skin was hot to the touch, flushed with embarrassment, arousal or both.

Isabella responded well to Jeni’s touch – much better than Jeni expected. She straightened and found Jeni’s mouth with her own, locking the teen in a hot kiss.

Holy shit, Jeni thought as she and her brother’s girlfriend made out, this girl is good! Isabella’s hands had grabbed onto Jeni’s boobs, and she pinched and pulled her nipples while sucking on Jeni’s tongue. Suddenly Jeni was unsure who was seducing whom as her pussy moistened in response.

Isabella felt like she couldn’t contain herself. She wasn’t even sure what had driven her to come looking for Chris in the first place. She knew it was wrong, that she shouldn’t fool around with another guy behind Bobby’s back. And last night, when she’d conceived the plan, she hadn’t had any intention of going through with it.

This morning, however, after waking up to her transformed body and intense sexual cravings, the whole thing sounded like a much better idea. And every time she thought about how naughty she was being it got even better.

She was sure Chris would be able to teach her some tricks that Amber would never know. And she’d be able to teach them to Bobby and really blow his mind. On the walk over she’d nearly had to stop and finger herself from thinking such dirty thoughts, but she’d locked it down and hurried along.

She hadn’t expected to run into another girl here, although maybe she should have given Chris’s reputation. And she definitely hadn’t expected Bobby’s sister. Jeni had never seemed like the type of girl to respond to a booty call. But then, Isabella wasn’t either.

But when Jeni had appeared at the door – or, more specifically when Jeni’s huge tits had appeared – Isabella started to piece it together. She had used the GRO too, and was probably as horny as Bella.

And thanks to Isabella’s experiences yesterday with Amber and Bobby, the idea of sharing Chris with hot Jeni didn’t bother her at all. Quite the opposite – she felt much more comfortable and brave knowing another girl would be there.

Now, scooting farther and farther onto Jeni’s lap as they French-kissed, Isabella couldn’t have been happier.

Once Isabella was on Jeni’s lap she felt Jeni’s hands travel under her skirt. There the teenager discovered her younger counterpart had neglected to wear panties. Isabella had thought Chris would enjoy the easier access to her pussy, but Jeni had gotten there first. The other girl slipped one, then two fingers into Isabella’s bare slit and started finger-fucking her slowly but firmly.

Isabella broke their kiss to moan loudly, and Jeni took the opportunity to bury her face in Bella’s cleavage. Despite the intense pleasure in her wet, tight pussy, Isabella still had the presence of mind to pull open her sweater to give Jeni access to her nipples.

With Jeni licking and sucking her nipples and fucking two fingers in and out of her pussy, it didn’t take long until Isabella was perched on the brink of a massive orgasm. At this precise moment, Jeni pushed a third finger into the smaller girl’s cunt and pressed hard on Bella’s clit with her other hand.

At first Isabella felt pain at her small pussy stretching around Jeni’s fingers, but this was soon chased away by the incredible wave of pleasure being driven along by a massive orgasm.

“OOOOH FUCK YES!” Isabella shouted, hugging Jeni’s head to her tits and bouncing her ass on Jeni’s lap uncontrollable. Jeni never stopped fingering, rubbing or licking Isabella until the little girl’s orgasm had passed.

“Wow, Baby Bella! Good girl! That was sooo hot!” Isabella heard Jeni saying such things when she could once again hear.

Than Jeni asked, “Are you ready to get fucked, sexy girl?”

Isaballa was more than ready! God she felt good and powerful and so hot right now. She knew Chris was going to be able to get his cock in her, and then she’d have something to hold over Amber’s head for once.

“Adam! Come in here please!” Jeni called. Adam? Wait, no, she meant Chris, right? But then she looked where Jeni’s gaze led her and saw Chris’s little brother – Bobby’s best friend – standing naked, staring in awe at the two girls.

“Jeni, no, not Adam. It was supposed to be Chris!” But Jeni put a finger to her lips to shush her.

“Bella, you came here to get fucked right?”

“Well, yes, but…”

“Well, baby, Chris isn’t here. But Adam is! And look at Adam’s big, strong cock.” Isabella looked and…holy crap! It was huge, just like Bobby’s. She felt her pussy spasm involuntarily.

“Now, Baby Bella, you came over here dressed like a slut. And you were expecting to get fucked like a little slut. So be a good little slut and let Adam push his cock inside this little pussy, ok?”

Every time Jeni said the word “slut” Isabella could feel her pussy getting wetter. Yesterday, before Bobby came over, she would have said that was a bad word to call someone, and a very bad word to call yourself. But she’d done a lot of things in the past two days, and she was pretty sure the name fit now. So when Jeni told her to let Adam fuck her, she could only nod. Who was she to tell anyone they couldn’t fuck her. She was a slut now, and she liked it!

Adam approached from behind her. The way she was straddling Jeni’s lap exposed her wet pink virgin slit perfectly. With Jeni spreading her lips to the sides with her fingers, Isabella felt Adam begin to rub his bulbous cockhead up and down, touching her puckered anus at the top and her sensitive clit at the bottom of his stroke. It was feeling amazing, but Isabella was starting to feel her insides flutter with a combination of anticipation, nervousness and lust.

They she felt the boy nestle the tip against her hole and start to push forward. With a slippery-wet pop he pushed it in, surprisingly easy for the first few inches. Isabella felt some pretty significant stretching, but nothing like the pain she’d seen on Amber’s face yesterday.

Then she felt him touch a barrier: her hymen. Jeni’s fingers must have stretched her somewhat, but they’d only reached so far. Now came the hard part.

Jeni must have sensed it, too.

“Adam, Isabella, this part is going to be easy. I’m going to count to three, and then Adam is going to push it all the way in you, ok Bella?”

Now that Adam had gotten started putting his cock into Bella, Jeni had taken her hands off Bella’s ass and pussy and was rubbing and gently pinching her nipples while she talked. This was driving Bella crazy, sending waves of pleasure pulsing right to her pussy. Her cunt still felt threatened by Adam’s cock, but Bella could feel it getting wetter and hungrier, too.

“One…two…” And before she could say three, Jeni pinched hard on Isabella’s oh-so-sensitive nipples. Bella screamed in pain and pleasure, hugging breasts as her nipples as they cried out. But that pain was followed by more orgasmic waves of pleasure that made her dizzy.

Through the haze of cumming, she was dimly aware of a different kind of pain in her lower body, radiating outward, that somehow fed her orgasm. She involuntarily rocked her hips, but felt somehow stuck on something, like she had snagged her back belt-loop. But I’m not wearing pants, she thought dreamily as her vision darkened and she passed out.

Adam couldn’t fucking believe his luck! This morning he would have been happy to con some girls into sending him dirty pics that he could jerk off to. Then he thought he might – might – have a chance getting Jeni to fool around a little.

He’d not only succeeded in that, but now he was having a threesome with his best friend’s sister and girlfriend, both of who had preternaturally big tits, and he’d just lost his virginity. And the best was yet to come!

When he’d pushed his cock balls-deep inside little Isabella, she seemed to have lost consciousness for a moment. Her head had collapses to Jeni’s chest, but her pussy muscles were still milking his cock. Then after a moment she shuddered and seemed to wake back up. Jeni talked softly to her and gave her a few tender kisses like she was waking up a sleeping child.

Adam was afraid to move. One he didn’t want to cum prematurely and two, he didn’t want to hurt the girl. He’d already fucked her unconscious!

Then their talking became more audible. Adam listened…

“…so good. My god! It’s sooooo big!” Isabella was saying.

“Mmmmmm, baby, I know! What do you want now?”

“Fuck me. Please fuck me!”

“Don’t tell me, baby, tell Adam. He’s the one giving you his massive cock.”

Isabella turned her upper body and head, finding Adam’s eyes. God she was beautiful! Her big brown eyes were hooded with lust. She looked young, yet so sexy and slutty at the same time. Bobby was a lucky guy to have such a hot girlfriend – well, not so lucky, since Adam was fucking her first!

“Adam, please. Please fuck me. Please fuck my pussy, Adam! FUCK ME, ADAM, PLEASE PLEASE FUCK ME!”

Adam didn’t need any more permission than that. He withdrew about half of his cock and plunged it hard back into the little girl’s cunt. Isabella screamed and turned back around, burying her head in Jeni’s cleavage and moaning like she was being murdered.

Adam, undeterred, kept right on screwing her. Soon his balls her banging against the preteen’s sensitive clit with ever thrust, and she was responding favorably. Her screams shortened and her moans rose in pitch until she was making cute little noises in rhythm with Adams thrusts.

Jeni must have been feeling left out, because she pulled the neckline of her shirt down below her tits and guided Bella’s mouth to her nipples. Soon all three of them were moaning, gasping and getting closer to a freight-train size orgasm.

Isabella came first, raising her head and shouting, “OH ADAM YES!” Her whole body trembled and her pussy began furiously milking Adam’s cock. She braced her hands on Jeni’s huge tits and squeezed as she orgasmed.

This set Jeni’s own climax into motion. The combined sight of her younger counterpart cumming and the attention little Bella had been giving her tits overcame her and she threw back her head and began panting and moaning.

Seeing his two lovers cumming gave Bobby the excuse he’d been looking for. Unbidden, and knowing it was a bad idea to boot, Adam pushed his cock as deep inside little Bella as it would go and began releasing a steady stream of hot cum directly into her womb. His load overfilled the young girl and came flowing back out, dripping onto Jeni’s lap.

When the girls had calmed down, they resumed kissing. Adam’s cock stayed hard, especially since he was watching the two hotties make out. Sensing he was free to do what he wanted he took a few short, experimental strokes in and out of Isabella’s pussy. When he wasn’t rebuked, he started fucking her again. Filled to bursting with his thick cum her pussy felt much more slippery, but still fantastic. His pumping caused even more of his cum to exit her pussy, some splashing up onto her exposed anus.

This gave Adam an idea and he began exploring her tight anal ring with his thumb. Before long he had his entire thumb in the little girl’s ass and was pumping it in and out slightly in time with his cocks stokes into her pussy.

For her part Isabella seemed to be completely ignoring him. Sure, she was reacting to his fucking her, moaning, groaning, sighing and squealing, but was concentrating her affections on Jeni. The two girls remained lip-locked, making out like long-parted lovers reunited at last.

When Isabella’s asshole had relaxed on his thumb he decided she might be ready for something more substantial. Drawing the entire length of his cock from her tight pussy, he placed the head at the entrance to her ass and pushed.

She gave a meek protest when he removed his cock from her pussy, but that outcry turned into something much bigger when the engorged head of his cock slipped into her little ass. But Adam wasn’t exactly listening. Giving another steady push he felt another few inches of his cum-lubed shaft sink farther into the girl. Her shout turned into a groan.

Bella’s whine/complaint/moan combo alerted Jeni to something significant taking place. She put her hands on Bella’s ass and found the cause. Adam, that bad boy, had just claimed little Bella’s anal virginity as well. Good for him, but a gentleman would have asked.

She felt with her fingertips the slippery shaft of Adams cock slowly sinking into Isabella’s cute little behind. Bella, having protested at first, now seemed to be responding much more favorably.

Jeni, however, was starting to feel a little neglected. With great care not to disrupt the coupling that little Bella and Adam were enjoying, she wiggled out from under Bella and stripped out of her clothes. Her yoga pants were positively soaked, both from Jeni’s own wetness and the copious amounts of cum Adam and Isabella had leaked on her. Once she was nude she stretched and surveyed the scene.

Isabella, who had until 20 minutes ago, been an innocent, sweet 12-year-old girl, was bent over. Her head, arms and chest were laying on the couch cushions. Her straight, spread legs were firmly on the floor. Her face was turned toward Jeni, and from her expression, Jeni could tell she was having the time of her life.

Adam stood behind her, naked, with sweat covering his skinny frame. He was holding onto Bella’s slender hips and thrusting forcefully into the young girls asshole. Every inward thrust elicited a grunt from Adam and an excited moan from Bella. Ah, young lust!

But Jeni’s pussy had been neglected for far too long now. She sidled up to Adam, turned his head with her hand and gave him a hot kiss. She felt his thrusting stop and heard Bella panting.

“Adam, did you save some of that big, hard cock for me, sugar?” she asked. He nodded enthusiastically. She reached down, grabbing his swollen balls gently and helped him pull out of Bella’s cute little bottom. His head came out with a pop.

Jeni couldn’t help herself: seeing his cock again made her drop to her knees and suck it into her mouth. She tasted his cum and Isabella’s ass, and somehow that made her pussy grow even wetter.

She didn’t suck him long. Once he was clean she turned her attention to Bella. The younger girl had collapsed onto hands and knees, half supported by the couch. At Jeni’s urging she turned over and sat on the couch. Jeni helped her remove her ruined skirt – cum-covered as it was – and kneeled in front of her.

Bella’s thighs, pussy and ass were absolutely covered in Adam’s sperm. It looked like his load from before hadn’t diminished his supply much. Jeni, although she’d never gone down on a girl before, set to work cleaning her new friend with her lips, tongue and mouth.

While she did, she wiggled her bare ass in the air behind her. Adam luckily took the message, and she felt him line his cock up with her slippery, tight cunt and enter her.

This must have been much easier for him than it had been to get his cock into Bella, but it still felt dramatic to Jeni. Despite everything, her pussy was still tight, and she had to remember she’d only lost her virginity yesterday, in this very room.

She felt Adam’s long, thick penis stretching every inch of her as he drove it inside. Then her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt in push past her cervix and into her womb, causing his balls to collide with her very sensitive clit. She nearly lost track of licking little Bella, but she gathered her senses and went back to work.

Soon she was licking and sucking the other little slut’s clit while Adam sawed away at her pussy. Every stroke he took pushed the tide level of her orgasm a little higher, and she knew soon it would break its banks and wash over her. She wanted Bella to cum at the same time, so she did her best to get the girl off with her inexperienced mouth.

It seemed to do the trick, though because Bella started humping Jeni’s mouth and crying out her name, along with expletives she was positive the girl never used in regular conversation. Her spasming pussy caused fresh boy-cum to emerge, and Jeni lapped this up with relish. The sounds, sights and unexpected tastes of Bella’s orgasm – not to mention Adam’s fervent attentions to her aching pussy – caused Jeni’s inner dam to burst, and soon she was a moaning, screaming, helpless mess of an orgasming little girl once again. Dimly she felt Adam lose his own control and begin filling her with his potent seed, which only boosted her climax to impossible heights.

Soon the three were collapsed against one another, panting and sighing happily. Bobby withdrew from Jeni’s tight channel, followed by en eruption of his cum which puddled under her. Isabella, at Jeni’s suggestion, got up and licked Adam’s cock clean. Then Jeni suggested they all take a shower.

They found they couldn’t keep their hands, mouths, cocks, cunts and asses off one another. Once the water was flowing, little Isabella dropped to her knees to get another taste of Bobby’s cock. While she did, he sucked and squeezed Jeni’s porn star tits.

Bobby soon erupted in Bella’s pretty mouth and all over her face and new boobs. Most of his cum was washed away by the water, but she kept a mouthful to share with Jeni, and soon Bobby got to see the two slutty girls making out again.

Once his cock was hard again, Jeni soaped it up with shower gel and urged him to fuck her tight ass. Isabella kneeled in front of her while he did, fingering and kissing her cunt and leading her to a graphic orgasm.

Bella was once again eager to clean Adam’s cock, and Jeni joined. Bobby rewarded them both with another load of cum all over their cute faces and delicious tits.

All three stood panting. Adam was hugging a girl by each side and they were idly fondling his cock. The he felt an undeniable urge.

“God, I have to piss!” He started to get out of the shower but Jeni’s hand on his shoulder stopped him. He looked at her, but she was looking at Isabella.

After a moment Isabella took the hint. She kneeled down once again, lifter her tits up as an offering and opened her mouth.

“Bobby, would you do Bella the honor?” Jeni said.

Bobby couldn’t even believe this was happening. But if this little slut wanted to get pissed on, he was the man for the job.

He took careful aim and let loose. The yellow stream struck Bella in the chest. He raised his aim and shot into her mouth, filling it several times. Each time he did, she closed, swallowed and opened again. Then he hosed her tits down for good measure. At the end Jeni kneeled and caught the dwindling stream in her mouth by sucking Bobby’s cock.

Jeni and Bella stood and exchanged whispers and kissed. Adam was completely spent, so he left the two, dried off and got dressed. Minutes later they joined him.

Jeni raided his closet to replace their ruined clothes. Jeni took a pair of his basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Bella took a button-up shirt and belt. It was long enough on her that it created a dress. Then they all went to the living room to say goodbye.

“Well Adam, this was fun! We should do it again sometime,” Jeni said after giving Adam a kiss.

Isabella followed suit. “Thanks for being my first fuck, Adam. And for fucking my ass. And for…” She stopped herself. “I mean, thanks for everything.”

“Come on, Baby Bella. We need to go shopping,” Jeni said. And the two gorgeous girls, who had been strangers a short while ago, left arm-in-arm.

Adam shut the door and looked at the cum-stained sofa and floor. He had a long day of cleaning ahead of him.



  1. Hot story, very much enjoyed! Some constructive criticism – in the last section of the story here it seemed like you used "Adam" and "Bobby" interchangeably, which was jarring and doesn’t seem right. Example: "Bella was once again eager to clean Adam’s cock, and Jeni joined. Bobby rewarded them both with another load of cum all over their cute faces and delicious tits."

  2. Oops! I should have read through that more carefully. So many names!

  3. Jenny from the block. You literally wrote a story about Jenny from the block. >"Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got/ >I’m still Jenny from the block/ >I used to have a little, but now I have a lot" You are a genius. /u/throwaway_sis14, you are an erotica *visionary*.

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