Entertaining Traci on my porch during a blackout [MF, mast][actually written during a Hurricane Arthur-induced blackout]


A female voice. I looked over to my left, straightening myself, lifting my forearms off the porch railing. The voice came from somewhere to my left, from the narrow strip of grassy earth that joined my porch to the parking lot behind my apartment. We’d been without power for about six hours now. It was hot and mind numbingly boring. Most people were unprepared and it was late. Most windows had no light in them. People were indoors or away, the occasional headlights of a car fleeing my apartment complex visible from afar.


“Can’t believe it’s taking them this long”

“How long does it usually take?”

“I don’t know. The longest I've been blacked out is like….3 hours maybe. Or not even”

“Hmm, you out for a stroll? You should carry a light or something”

“Nah, just….bored at home. I live not too far. I’m Traci”

“Jon, I've got two chairs here….”

She came and sat down. White, sleeveless top. Lighter hair, pale skin. Slim. A whiff of a woman's scent. Makeup, perfume….cigarettes? I strained to make out details.

We talked for an hour, she was a receptionist and also worked at a stall at the local farmer’s market part time. She’d lived in the area forever and was happy to share everything she thought someone new to the town needed to know. We chatted about where we’d been and why were both living here now. She asked lots of questions about my job and what I did, why I moved there. Eventually the discussion led to the inevitable..

“You live alone?”


“Long distance?”

“What? no. I’m single”

“It’s tough here”

“What is?”

“Looking. I’m….it’s complicated but soon to be single. I’m petrified of the dating scene around here”

“Petrified?” I chuckled, “really? no good men?”

“I’m shy”

I laughed “Just wait till we lose power again and you’ll be making friends everywhere”

She laughed too. I detected a little hoarseness. Cigarettes maybe.

“If you don't mind me asking, why complicated?”

“Abusive ex. Not physically. But really made me feel like shit. Kinda deserved it. I was cheating on him. Yeah…sue me. The other guy was sweet.” An edge in her voice.

“Whoa! hey! No judging. Sorry to have brought that up.”

“Yeah. I’m defensive about that.”

“I'd be too. Good riddance, sounds like”


“Did you eat?”

“Yeah, I got something on my way home”

“You just wanna sit here then?”

“No, I wanna go back to home soon”

“It’s hot indoors and there's no electricity”

She grinned “I'm sleepy”

“Don’t sound like it”

“I need to…..relax” she fake-yawned.

“You could….relax here. No ones watching”

“I have been a little”

“You're a naughty girl, can I help?”

“So soon? I barely know you”

“I have fat fingers”

“How…do you want to do this?”

“Sit in my lap”

“I moan loudly”

“Inside then?”

“What if you're a creeper”

“Then you're fucked”

She laughed, then leaned forward and I got a whiff of her pussy. Her fingers. I held her wrist and put my mouth on them, sucking noisily.



i pulled my chair closer to her. She raised a bare leg onto my lap. I rubbed her calf. Smooth, solid. Sinewy. She probably ran or something.

“How long has it been?”

“Long enough, you?”

“Same, but I’m NOT going inside with you”



“Fair enough.” My fingers traced her inner thigh all the way up. Jean shorts.

“Keep doing that”


She purred on for a while. My fingers were persistent.

“I want to take my shorts off. What if the lights come back on?”




“Are you excited?”


I felt her palm snaking down the front of my pants. My body tensed, not expecting to be felt up.


“Fuck me with your fingers”

I knelt on the floor of the porch, by her side, flip flops fashioned into temporary knee pads. She had unbuttoned her jeans. I slid my hands in. Wet. Cotton panties. Soft, almost chubby mound. Panties sat tight and flush against her lips.

“Fuckkkk…..keep…going” she put her arm around my neck “say things to me”

“Like how I want to see you dress sexy for me and peel everything off, one by one?”

She giggled as I pulled my hand out of her pants and slid back in, fingers deftly diving below the waistband of her panties. I tried pulling her shorts down, she stopped me once they were halfway down her thighs.

“I want to taste your tits, squeeze em, suck em, kiss em, lick em” My finger slid into her warm, waiting slit. I rubbed the top of her clit in a circular motion.

“They’re not that special”

“Shut up” I grinned “let me find out”

“Not on the porch” a little outrage, but she was breathing heavier, grinding her hips into my finger.

“Is your dick hard?”

“Not ….well, a little.”

“I don’t wanna take your pants off. You could do anything to me”

I slid my finger into her. She gasped, then relaxed, spreading her legs a little more.

“What could I possibly do? On my own porch, that too”

“I dunno…rape….fuck….molest me?” she grinned, then moaned “faster?”

“Two fingers?”

“Yeah…!” she licked my ear.

“Jeans off…spread your legs for me”


I pulled her closer, bit her shoulder, kissed her jaw.

“work my clit baby” I pulled out of her and started rubbing her clit. I buried my face in her neck, she pulled me in by the back of my hand. It smelt of old perfume and fresh sweat. An intoxicating brew.

“Fuck….cum… I’m gonna….”

“What do you want?”


“You’re so fucking sexy baby” I kissed her neck “cum for me, scream in my ear”

She squealed. High pitch. Her mouth was plastered to my ear

“Don’t fucking stop…..”

“No baby”

“So good…….”

“Yea baby, cum for me”

A few seconds and she tensed, squealed again and held my head tight in her hands. I could feel her buck up and down….

…….a car rounded the corner, lighting us briefly in its headlights. She pushed me away and pulled her jeans up

“What the fuck?” I tried to sound bemused

“He saw us!”

“Maybe, did you cum good?”

“Yes sireeee!”

“We should’ve gone inside.”

“You’re creeping me out.” A lot less conviction this time.

“I was finger fucking you a minute ago. I think its ok for me to say that”

A pause “You’re not turned on?”

“I am”

“Look…..I …..do you have snapchat? I’ll send you naked pics. Don’t share em?”

I sat in my chair with a sigh


“It’s ok, I’ll go jack off to some porn”

“I can Skype”

I laughed “You want to sit and chat for a bit?”

“I feel bad”

“You should” I used what I thought was my “I’m not mad, just disappointed” voice.

“Ok, take me out for dinner first?”

“It’s a date”

“Thanks…for that…” she kissed me on the lips.

“Tomorrow. Sevenish? Find some lingerie.”

“Will you use a rubber?”




“Skype me once the lights come on” I gave her my ID. She gave me hers. It was a cute name.

She got up…”Later..Joe.”


“Yeah..sorry. I’m ummm…..”

“I understand. Good night Traci”

Another kiss. “I can’t wait” she whispered and left.

The lights came on an hour and few minutes later.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/29tkdr/entertaining_traci_on_my_porch_during_a_blackout