Forced Favors [FM] [Str8] [blkmail] [reluc] [huml]

My flatmates hosted a party last Friday. We all work at the same huge company, and most the guests were also employees there, people I've seen a few times, maybe talked to, but not many I knew well.

On Saturday morning I had plans with my boyfriend for his 25th birthday, so I intended to shower and pass out early.

During the party one of my flatmates introduced me to his coworkers, Faisal and Jason. I talked with them for the better part of an hour before deciding to retire. They were both fun to talk to, interesting. Faisal was texting someone the entire time, so I mostly spoke with Jason, which was totally fine by me at the time because Jason is hot. We exchanged stories about our hometown, work, etc, and he seemed totally normal.

I excused myself to get ready for bed and went to my room, gathered my clothes, and headed to the bathroom. About ten feet of hallway separates my room from the bathroom, so suppose he saw me walking there with my clothes and towel. I took off my clothes and set them on the counter top next to my pajamas, and got in the shower like normal.

When I turned off the water I grabbed my phone from the edge of the bathtub and sent my boyfriend a video of me pinching my nipples, and another one of my squeezing my tits. I figured he'd like something to hold him off until I could show him in person the next day. It was bad timing.

When I got out of the shower I usually brush my teeth and floss before putting my pajamas on, but I felt more naked than usual that time. I immediately wanted to put on my clothes. They weren't there though. Neither my pajamas nor my day clothes were on the counter top. I turned around when I heard the towel pulled off of the shower rail.

Jason had pulled it down and thrown in in a pile behind him, in the corner of the bathroom. I saw my clothes there, and other towels. I didn't really think before I went for them. I was embarrassed. One of my hands went to cover between my legs and I used the other to reach for the clothes pile behind him when I lunged.

He pinched my nipple with one hand and reached his other across my back as I was bent over, down to the start of my ass. He said "Don't do that."

I yanked free and tried to slap him with my left hand, but he caught it. I tried again with my right, and he caught that. I held both of my wrists and spread my arms out so he could see my body, and looked it over slowly. I tried kicking him in the balls, but he just kept one shin up and blocked all of my kicks.

He passed one of my wrists to his hand, which held both of mine, and used his free hand to pull out his phone. He showed me an album of videos of pictures from just now. Videos and pictures of my in the shower washing my ass, videos and pictures of me pinching my nipples for my boyfriend, videos and pictures of me posing in the mirror before looking for my clothes.

"I already have these on dropbox. You can't get rid of them by destroying my phone. I'm going to let go of you in a minute, and you're not going to put your clothes on. You'll stay there and do what I say.

There are a lot of things I can do with these. I could say I'm you on some account and email them to your boss asking for a raise. I could give them to your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. I could send them to all of your friends and pretend I'm you, asking for sex. Even better, you little brother's friends. I could mail them out company wide. I could post them at your twitter account.

If you don't me to do any of those things, stay put."

I stayed. When he let go of my arms they stayed in the air where they were. All I could think about was the embarrassment if those videos were sent to my little brother's friends. They're fucking 17. Even if I resolved it later the kids would have told their parents and all of their friends, and not everyone would believe my explanation.

"Good. When I touch and move you, stay where I leave you."

For the next five minutes, a long five minutes, I was just something for him to look at and touch. He would move my arms out, grab my hips to turn me, and hold my legs out to look and feel them. He took pictures of all of me, from my toes to my hair. He even bent me over and spread my ass. He traced all over my body with his fingers, following just behind his phone camera.

"It's your boyfriends birthday tomorrow?"

It took me a few seconds to realize he was asking me a question. By that time my hands had naturally moved to cover my nipples and between my legs.

He stepped forward, moved my hands, pressed me against the wall, and put his hand between between my legs, rubbing two fingers on my pussy slowly and lightly. I should have been angry, trying to get away. But I liked it. I let out a little sound and closed my eyes trying to focus on it.

"I asked, it is your boyfriends birthday tomorrow?"


"You'll come to my house in the morning, not his. Don't answer any of his calls or texts without asking me first."


He moved his fingers and I moved closer to him, tried to grab his wrist and put it back. He smirked at me and made his way to the door.

"I texted you my address. Be there at 9."

He left me alone in the bathroom. I put on my clothes and brushed my teeth without really thinking. I was still in disbelief about my situation then.

In the morning I was pissed. So pissed. I got ready in the morning, did my hair and makeup, and put on my boyfriend's favorite dress, panties, and bra. He likes it when I wear my red matching panties and bra. He says it's hard to choose which to take off first. I was going to go take my boyfriend to birthday breakfast, a play he wanted to see, and great sex. Fuck Jason.

Then I got a picture message from him, before I left. It was captioned "Just in case you have second thoughts, I'll send this at 9:01 if you're not here." The picture was a screenshot of his phone screen, a picture of my body from behind was ready to be sent to Mason, my little brother's best friend, with a proposition for sex and confession of my longstanding crush for him. It was badly written, but the picture was clearly me, and the kid was 17. There was no way I could undo that. Fuck Jason. I had to get there before 9:01, but I'd come in, take his phone, and destroy his computer, then go meet my boyfriend.

I got to Jason's house at 8:55 and knocked on the door loudly. When he let me in I went right for his pockets, but they were empty. He said "Slow down."

"Fuck you."

"I'm not stupid. The emails and messages are scheduled on my computer for every thirty minutes. Different kinds! Each one will be a surprise if you let them send. I have to log in and delete each email before it sends, but I'll only delete one at a time.

I've got emails on the schedule until 11pm tonight. Go ahead and make yourself at home."

All I was thinking was "fuck". My situation couldn't get much worse. It could have gotten better if I thought faster, but he quickly followed his introduction with "Oh, and the 9:01 email is two minutes away. Hand me your phone and keys."

I panicked and gave them to him. He walked into another room and came back without them. I had just forfeited my only chance of getting out of this without him sending those emails. He had something else though, something he didn't have before. An apron with curls around the egde. He tossed it to me.

"Put that on. It's your uniform."

I wasn't going to disobey until I could think my way out. I tied it around my waist. It was a small black maid apron in the front, just strings in the back.

"No, not on your clothes. Instead of your clothes. And give them to me when you've taken them off. I'll be in the kitchen reading. Serve me coffee when you're dressed."

The fucker walked out after that. I was so mad. But I kept thinking about the message to Mason, and what other horrible emails he had scheduled to send out. I took off my dress but I kept my bra and panties. Only my boyfriend gets to take those off.

I went and I made him fucking coffee. When I brought to him I could hardly think, with how angry I was. I threw my dress on the table, and instead of giving him the coffee, I poured it all over my dress, not realizing what I was doing. None of it even got on him; my dress absorbed it all.

He said "Hmm. Bring me another cup on the back pattio." He stood up and walked out. On the way he unclasped and grabbed my bra, used it to pick up the steaming dress, and took both with him. "I want the next cup hot. Wrap your panties around it so I don't burn my hand."

Most of the day went by like that. He'd ask me to do something, and if I did it well he'd lift up the apron and and rub my pussy with his fingers for a little bit. After a while I wasn't even thinking about the emails, I just wanted him to touch me when I did it well. I wanted him to touch me.

At 6 I was scrubbing his kitchen floor. He walked into the room, and I bent over further, stuck my ass in the air, hoping he'd touch me. He spanked me, hard. I got wet.

"Take off your apron and lay down on the table."

I untied it and let it fall to the floor. I was totally naked. He looked me over as I climbed on to the table. I lied down face up. He grabbed my thighs and stood at the end of the table. He put my legs over his shoulders and bent down, and licked. He licked up the inside of my thighs, moving closer. I squirmed a bit, but he held me in place. He kissed my pussy. I'd never been so wet. He licked my pussy. Sucked on it. I could tell he loved the taste, he loved feeling me move around. I squeezed his face between my thighs as he ate me. I was having trouble breathing. I was screaming by the time I came, and he licked it all up.

Afterward he put his hand on my pussy and just watched me on the table. With his hand there I just kept feeling it. It came in waves. He leaned down and kissed my neck, and used his other hand to run through my hair.

He whispered in my ear, "You're my slut. My toy. Your pussy is mine. Your ass is mine. Your body is mine."


"Tell me you want my cock."

"Fuck me please. oh please fuck me."

"Tell me you want my cock."

"I want it. I want your cock."

He grabbed my hand and put it on his cock. I could feel it through his pants, hard. I pulled his pants down and he took off his shirt, and I licked his cock. He picked me up and carried me to his bed.

I rolled over immediately and put my ass in the air. He grabbed my hips with his hands, and slid his cock inside of my pussy from behind. He leaned over me and grabbed my tits, ran his fingers around my nipples, while thrusting into me. I had to grab the bed frame and push back on it to keep from falling off of my knees.

He grabbed my ass and spread it so that he could slide his cock in deeper. He grabbed some of my hair in his hand and gently pulled back, and started kissing around my neck again. I was close to cumming again, when he took his other hand off of my nipple, and started sliding down my back. He slid it down to my ass, slower down the middle, and started running along my rim. I pushed back hard and came, a lot.

He pressed deeper into me to feel my pussy tighten and release on his cock. He whispered "You're going to lick it clean."

I'd never wanted to give a blowjob after sex with my boyfriend, but this time I didn't care. I licked him all around, his thighs, his balls, his cock. I licked all of my cum off of him, and then I just wanted to suck on it, to feel it in my mouth.

TB continued and refined later; got impatient and jacked off.
