First Arrivals [M+tF]

((From my tumblr, if you care: ))

I was nervous, I suddenly realised. It surprised me, somehow. I often found myself nervous, but it was usually something that I could easily suppress and ignore, but I was trembling and fiddling with a lighter in my pocket. It was a rather special day, after all, I had concluded as I walked down the streets. It’d been months of build up and I had spent most of the day up until that point preparing. I chuckled as I thought back to all of our moments. How I’d just idly apologised in a game. “Sorry for killing you all the time, but I just can’t help but shoot such a cute face.” And that had spurred on a conversation between us that had led up to some rather suggestive things being said. It became more suggestive and then explicit between the two of us and since then it’d been more than once that we both had been in front of our respective webcams for each other since then. A the day of my story? That’s the day I finally met her in the flesh.

It was a good line of thought, I’ve later realised, to go through my memories of her and me. How I had been crouched down on my arms and knees and pressing something into my behind for her and the camera. How I had moaned for her and how I had finally sprayed my load over the floor. How she had been in front of her camera, revealing her most adorable little moans whenever she had pinched her nipples. It was a distracting line of thought for me, and before I knew it I was there, more concerned about how tight my pants had gotten than about being nervous. A successful distraction, if anything.

And then, she had suddenly just been there. Just a few steps in front of me and we both froze, the other people at the airport speeding by around us in a blur as time seemed to slow to a halt. She smiled, I think. I know I smiled at least, like an idiot, and raised my hand in an awkward, silly little wave that made her laugh as she approached me and suddenly we were in a hugging embrace. I felt her soft breasts press against me and her breath against my neck as I inhaled her sweet scent. Her hands wrapped around the back of my head and dove into my hair as she scooted closer, pressing my protruding crotch against her own and, after a second of hesitation, she pressed harder against it and her hands slid down my back and, rather to my shock, took a firm grasp of my ass and pulled it towards her, my erection sliding along the tight fabric of my pants between us, squished between our warm bodies. She pecked a quick kiss on my lips and smiled at me. “Happy to see me, huh?” she murmured with a smug grin. I remember blushing, and getting distracted by how rare that is, resulting in me coming up with a quick and brilliant “Uhm…” I retorted, making her giggle. I chuckled back at her, rolling my eyes at myself.”Mhm.” I nodded finally “My underwear is rather sticky.” I admitted in a whisper, fully aware that she knew just how much precum I tended to leak. This made her lick her lips. “Restroom?” she suggested, with a playful nibbling of my ear.

My hands slid up her sides, follow her curves and feeling the softness under them as I smiled at her. “Well, aren’t you a little slut?” I wondered idly, my hands running up the back of her neck and, and with a surprising amount of assertiveness, getting a good handful of her hair in a firm grip. She gasped as I leaned forward, consciously letting my hot breath wash over her exposed neck as I leaned in closer and whispered. “Suggesting such things with all these people around?” She leaned away from me, but I took a step closer, making her lose her balance, only my arms keeping her from falling. “What if they heard you?” I asked her, but she only gave a little whimper in response.

There was a few moments of silence, her heavy breath slowing down and her tense body relaxing again before she opened her eyes and with a pleading look she stared up at me. “R-restrooms… please.” she begged. I calmly let on a smile for her and nodded slowly. “Yes, restrooms.” I confirmed.

And, with an incredibly smug grin on her part, we were off. She grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me across the crowded hall, probably knowing that the looks we were getting were affecting me a lot more than they were affecting her. Especially how a security guard first raised a questioning eyebrow at us, but then chuckled to himself a moment later. And a moment later the loud bustling of the airport turned into a low background noise as the door closed behind us.

Not wasting any time, I pressed her back up against the wall, one hand against her neck and the other pulling her shirt up and pressing against her breast through her bra. I let out another breath onto her neck before kissing her. Moving beyond mere pecking kisses, our lips pressed against each other hard. I probed my tongue into her mouth and she eagerly opened it for me.

Our tongues wrestled as I removed her bra and pressed my body against hers, rubbing my throbbing boner against her thigh. She moaned into my mouth as I cupped her naked breast and dug my fingers deep into the soft flesh.

Her body tensed and twisted under my rough, firm grip and she let let out a desperate whimper as I released her tit, only to let go of the kiss with a gasp as my fingers grasped her nipple and twisting it and her fingers clawed desperately against the wall behind her as I have her neck a long, slow lick all the way from her collarbone to her cheek.

I released her neck, my hand frantically tried to undo the buttons covering her crotch. I could already feel the heat from inside the pants and I felt the her bulge, and so I rubbed the flat of my hand against it. She arched her back, pressing her hips toward me with a desperate moan.

My dick was aching as I undid her pants and pulled them down. She was panting, her fingers splayed out onto the wall she was leaning her back against. She spread her legs a bit as a crouched down on my knees before her, getting a better look at her panties and the contours of the stiff member they were hiding and I couldn't help but grin to myself as I gave the cloth a generous lick, not caring how dried up my tongue became as I pressed it against the cloth. I unleashed a torrent of hot air onto her throbbing sex as I let out a drawn out, panting moan, feeling her entire body tremble.

"P-please!" She groaned, thrusting her crotch into my face. I whimpered to myself as I recalled how long I had wanted this. How many times I had ached to have her cock in my mouth and to feel her fingers claw at my scalp as she came in my mouth.

An instant later her panties where at her knees and I took her head in my mouth, savouring the salty, but distinctly sweet and sour, taste of her precum on my tongue as I let it massage the underside of her head. I played with the bit of skin that was there and couldn’t help but groan in response to her moaning so loudly for me. My hands snaked around her ass and grabbed a hold of the cheeks as I pressed her towards me and my face towards her, forcing the warm cock in my mouth as far as it could go, overcome with the need to have her inside of me.

I didn’t care that my nose was harshly pressed against her body and I certainly didn’t mind how the flesh in my mouth pressed against the back of my throat. I loved it, just as much as I loved how I felt it throb as I suppressed a gag and reflexively swallowed several times. I could even feel her foreskin moving as my muscles convulsed around it several times before I managed to take a steady breath through my nose and gain control of my body.

I looked up at from my position between her legs. Her mouth was agape as she panted heavily, her breasts moving up and down as her chest heaved. Her eyes were closed and I felt her cock twitch as she pinched her nipple hard, letting out a loud, high pitched moan. Her hand grasped her entire tit, deforming the soft flesh under her fingers as she squeezed it hard and thrust her hips forward.

I smiled to myself, as well as I could, and swirled my tongue out of my mouth, giving her balls a lick, before pulling my head back, letting my tongue press against the underside of the throbbing dick between my lips. Her body twisted again, a wave of muscles convulsing around her and she thrust her hips at me again as I circled her head with my tongue and it was such a wonderful feeling to have her entire body under my control in such a submissive manner. Every flick of my tongue making her body move under my touched, and so I entertained myself with playing with her foreskin, trying to move it up and down with only my tongue, pressing it against the soft skin and sliding my tongue up and down, feeling the edge of it under my tongue and greedily licking up every sweet, salty drop that dared to exit her.

She let out a loud yelp as I sucked her off and her hands wrapped around my head, digging into my hair and grasping as much as she could hold. A moan as she thrust her hips forward and pushed my head onto herself, forcing me to take her entirety. I felt her body tension and she held her breath for a moment that’s stuck so well in my memory. Her fingers clawing at my scalp, her excited thrust into me and how her dick was pulsating on my tongue and pressing into the back of my throat again and how still we both were for just a couple of second… and then she let out a loud, long squeal. Her cock throbbed once and she thrust at me again and the second time it throbbed I felt her cum in my mouth, the thick liquid spurting out against the back of my mouth and spread out in my mouth as it pulsed again and again, and the salty taste was intoxicating. I closed my eyes and couldn’t help but moan onto her pulsing cock.

She was shaking and she gasped for a moment as she thrust into me again and then started panting. Her grip on my head weakened and she slid out of me as she relaxed and slumped her hips back onto the wall behind her. Her panting was growing more regular as I looked up again and she was beaming at me. I swallowed loudly for her, still savouring the taste. We stared at each other, both smiling happily, for several long moments, until I glanced down again and gave her, now somewhat flaccid, member a playful little lick and we giggled together. I stood up again, stretching my aching knees that had been given a rather rough treatment by the stone tiles. She grabbed my head again and moved my face to her own in another kiss and this time she was the one to press her tongue forward.

As she wrapped her hands around me I couldn’t help but press my aching cock against her body. My dick felt like it was on fire and I rubbed it’s head against her hip through the cloth of my pants, feeling the sticky wetness from all of my precum having soaked my underwear and probably made quite a noticeable wet spot even through my pants.

I groaned as she started kissing my neck, arching my head up, and kept making irregular humping motions at her. Her hand ran up the inside of my thigh and I let out a stuttering sigh at the anticipation. Her hand traced the length of my pulsating cock and I felt another large drop of precum trickle out of me. Her finger ran in circles around my throbbing head a few times before grabbing my length through the damp cloth, making me gasp. She nibbled at my earlobe and leaned in close, whispering and her breath tickled my ear “You’re ridiculously wet.” she pointed out “I’ve always found that so… delicious.” she continued, almost moaning out that last word.

I managed to start breathing again, panting heavily. “I…” I started, but struggled to find my words. They were lost somewhere in the spinning of my head and fluttered by in my mind. “Won’t last long.” I finally managed and she giggled in my ear and stepped away from me and… it hurt. Not only was my crotch aching and pulsating, but I felt like I needed her body pressed against mine and my arms lingered in the air for a moment. I think I almost fell forward towards her, because I stumbled a bit, but I was so disoriented from it all that I just stared as she stepped out of her pants, with a large, cocky grin on her face. “Don’t worry.” she said. “Your little cutie slut is hungry and I’ve wanted a taste for soo looong!” she said, drawing out and moaning the last words in an exaggerated fashion, but she fell to her knees.

I bit down on my lip as she undid my pants, arching my back and making another humping motion at her and somewhere in the distance, I heard her giggle. I remember that echoing in my mind for a few moments, the sound almost drowned out by the sound of my beating heart thumping through my head, before I managed to open my eyes and look down at her. The cold air flushed my wet cock, large strands of gooey precum trailing down onto the floor from it, as she pulled my pants and my underwear in one, swoop. “Oh god…” she whispered as she stared at my dripping cock, for the first time in the flesh. It was covered in the translucent, gooey fluid. It was trailing down my length and thick strands were trickling from one of my balls. It twitched and my breath was growing short and irregular already.

“This is silly. Even bigger in real life.” she mumbled, probably to herself, and I felt a finger just grace the side of my cock and then heard a moist, smacking noise followed by a “Mmm~”. There was another brief pause, during which I decided that I didn’t dare opening my eyes, not at all knowing what I’d do to her if I could move. Instead I tried to suppress a moan, which made it into a desperate, wanton whimpering that made my body tremble… and then I felt a tongue lap at the base of my dick. I felt dizzy and overcome with pleasure as she started taking long licks along my shaft, making me moan loudly enough to, despite my pleasure-drunk haze, make me worry about people hearing us.

And then… she took me in her mouth. It was almost soothing to the heat of my burning and throbbing, but she did feel warm and so very, very enclosing. Pleasure rippled over my cock as her tongue moved around, pressing and running over my sensitive frenulum. I think I let out a yell, but I’m not sure because my ears were ringing and my vision was clouded by solid darkness as pleasure washed over my entire body. A wave of literally orgasmic pleasure shot through me as I felt myself throb hard and shoot my first string of cum into her.

I felt the cold, flat surface of the wall suddenly on my hand as I instinctively reached out for support as the world spun. Another throb and I groaned loudly, jerking my hips forward and thrusting my cock into her. A third string of cum was shot into her throat and she made some sort of noise. She backed away from me, releasing my dick from her mouth with a loud gasp. Another pulse shot through me and I fell back, leaning against the wall, and I heard a little yelp from her. Another shot and I focused on not falling over as the overwhelming pleasure started to lose intensity, but I felt my dick throb several more times after that, still feeling the distinct feeling of cum ejaculating from my cock. As the ringing in my ears subsided I heard myself pant and felt my chest heaving, and I felt drops of cum still trickling out of me and running down my still twitching shaft and dripping from the head onto the floor.

I don’t know how long before I managed to open my eyes, but I was sitting down and leaning against the walls, finally having caught my breath just a bit. She was sitting across from me, a shocked look on her face, and stared at me. She had several streaks of cum over her face and droplets of it in her hair. Looking down I noted a puddle of cum on the tiling beneath me, a strand of it connecting the head of my, still twitching dick, to the pool. I looked back up at her and she grinned as she crawled over to me. She gave me a wink as she crawled on top of me and straddled me and opened her mouth, revealing that she hadn’t swallowed yet before she kissed me, moving the salty goo over into my own mouth. We played with the tasty cum between our tongues and between giggles and chuckles.

She took most of it with her as she drew her head back and swallowed loudly before pouting at me. “What? I earned it!” she claimed. I couldn’t help but chuckle at that remark as she slumped down beside me, leaning her head against my shoulder and curling up a bit against me. I gave her hair a kiss and pulled her closer, wrapping an arm around her mostly naked body, earning me a happy murmur as we enjoyed the sweet afterglow.

We sat there for a while and I just listened to her breathing as it grew calmer and calmer and inhaling the scents of her hair, now mixed with a distinctly muskier scent and the smell of sweat until she chuckled, and broke the silence. “I didn’t think you meant you’d cum that fast.” she said, shaking her head. “Or that hard or that much.” This made me blush (this day quickly increasing the times I had blushed that year rather significantly). I took a moment to kiss her hair again before I responded. “Hard to keep it in when I’ve been thinking of you all day.” I said flirtatiously “But just maybe…” I continued and gave her a poke in the side, making her body jerk. “You can give me another chance when I get home?” I suggested.

And it was agreed. Not long thereafter we managed to get up and dressed. We talked about the experience, laughing and giggling together, as she stood by the mirror and was cleaning up all the cum she had caught on her body. We laughed as I pointed to the droplets of semen that was trickling down from eye level on the wall. We exchanged a few quick kisses and as we prepared to leave she looked around for something. “Where… Where’s my bra?” she wondered and looked to me, but I just smiled smugly and patted my pocket. “It’s a long ride home.” I pointed out.
