A Meeting of Redditors (Part 6) [MF – Oral]

It's been a long time since this story began, so here are links to all the various parts to get you up to speed. Thanks for reading! :)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

…Continued from Part 5…

For a moment, I close my eyes and experience you only through the sensations you're leaving on my naked skin; the immediate chill of your saliva as your mouth pulls back from my shoulder, the insistent warmth of your pussy as it grinds hard along the ridge of my shaft, the lukewarm wetness of my precum as it pools upon my abdomen. The sum total is sending me into shivers and heat waves all at once.

Suddenly, my hips buck in response to your presence. Not subtly or sensually, but violently. It's an uncontrollable, instinctive twitch that launches you upward. But you won't let go. You catch yourself gracefully above me and grind back down with the skill of a rodeo pro. I feel your mouth curve into a smile and feel you laugh into the deep cleft of my chest, and you say with a lurid growl, "Do that again…"

I do.

This time, as my hips kick upward, I feel the muscles of your inner thighs anticipate the motion and you ride the wave, glued to my body as my torso twists into the air. Your legs, small and strong and having a dancer's agility, hug my thighs effortlessly.

I know you won't let me free. I try again, driving my hockey player's physique upward. My strong, well-defined legs spreading as I bridge my back, driving yours apart in midair, but you hold on tight and squeeze me like a vise. You exclaim as we're in the air. It's laughter, but you're not letting go. You're immovable. An implacable force. An undeniable magnet. And no matter how much strength I pour into this scenario, I know you'll just ride me. And laugh. And I'll exhaust myself long before you do.

But we play a bit longer. I'm laughing at your enjoyment, at your wildness, at your hair covering your face, at your ability to live without bowing to feminine insecurities and conventions. I'm laughing because in this moment, during our first attempt at honest-to-god "lovemaking", you're riding me like a mechanical bull with your perfect tits loose and bobbing crazily above me. You couldn't care less that you didn't fit into the standard mold. You're having the time of your life, and I couldn't be more lost in you.

But the sensation of your pussy slipping wetly along my shaft is pulling at something primal in my mind, reminding me that I'm nothing more than an animal that needs to fuck.

The bucking of my hips becomes thrusting. I'm not in control any longer. Something begins to erode within my consciousness. I grab the back of your neck with my large right hand, and as I do so, your eyes snap open and lock on mine, narrowing as you feel the mood in the room change. Your hips shift in a serpentine way, and your legs slide further down my body. A guttural moan ripples out from your chest.

I pull your mouth down onto mine, hard; my fingers twined in your hair, your head cupped in my hand. Any chill in the room turns to fire as our bodies erupt as furnaces, each fueling the other.

You bite down hard on my lower lip, our teeth clashing. You spread your legs to grind your pussy hard onto me before squeezing harder against my legs. The muscles of my arms are coiled tight as they pull you against me, my biceps bulging and squeezing the space between us into nothing. I'm consuming you. Consuming your small size. Containing you. Boxing you into my arms. My mouth slides down to your neck as the nails of your right hand cut into my chest.

You groan hard and start to involuntarily quiver against my cock; your pussy shivering, your hips consumed by a staccato dance against my shaft. Your nails dig deeper into my skin, both hands. I release you, but only slightly, allowing you to grind in earnest. Your sweaty body glistens in the firelight. My cock is raging hard. Dildo hard. Your toy. You're sliding along it like a gymnast performing on a balance beam.

"Not yet." I say, my voice a throaty baritone, ripping you from your reverie. My cock and your eagerness aren't going to steal this moment from us by making it happen too fast.

I no longer think of you as you. That's gone. We've flipped a switch. With you still holding yourself to my body I roll you underneath me, my hand on your neck like a mother lioness carrying a cub. You slide into the space beneath my raised body. It's warm. Burning. You're panting. I can see you love being contained. You love the protection of my body. Perhaps it's the fort you were looking for.

You grab at my turgid cock, serpentine eyes flashing downward, looking at it closely in the yellow glow of the room. I watch you looking. I like your eyes on it. You squeeze precum from the tip, milking it with both hands, pulling what you can onto your body before rubbing it in to your skin like lotion. You then taste your fingers and moan your affirmations. My cock, being massaged expertly by your fingers wants to jet cum directly into your sultry, playful face, but it's not time for that.

Not yet.

I lean in and kiss you hard, and you, thinking its time for me to fill you, open your legs, sending your spread pussy searching for the head of my cock. But I pull back, though God knows my cock wants to fill you, driving upward and inward, making you fight for breath. But I need to taste you. I NEED it. I need to breathe you in. I need to watch your lips spread so eagerly in front of my eyes. I need to bathe you in saliva, letting it drip coldly onto the shaven mound of your pussy before I plunge my mouth into your dripping, aching, heat.

I hoist you up in front of me and push you back, my arms beneath your legs, my shoulders pushed up beneath your thighs. My tangled white rug leaves rug burns on your back as I do this. I know it does. But we're long past such concerns.

You're moaning. Your hand a fist in my spiky disheveled blond hair. Your pussy is trying to fuck my mouth on its own terms – but that isn't going to happen. This is my show. I slam my mouth against you, my jaw flexed, my lips like iron, my tongue grinding hard against your clit. You gasp loudly – expelling all the air in your chest. I feel your heart rate surge beneath my hands as they wander upwards.

My tongue it spiraling against your clit, my mouth sucking hard, your pussy, your essence, your scent, your wetness spreading across my face and down my throat. My chin is a waterfall as I grind ever deeper into you. You're fucking my face with your entire body. Your left hand entangled in the rug, using it for leverage; your only point of contact with the real world. The rest of you cantilevered off my face, the rest of you kept aloft by the motions of my tongue.

You're screaming as you fuck my face with pure abandon – Shouting my name, "Alan! Fuck! ALAN!!!!" You've spread your legs with an indecent eagerness. You and I have become one, single, primal thing. Suddenly you raise your hips high, taking my face with you. My tongue is boring hard onto your clit, driving, pushing, coiling, alive. You begin to shake, starting at your abdomen then extending to your thighs. Your nerves are lost and unable to control themselves. Your teeth are chattering. You've stopped breathing. Your hands in a death grip in my hair. My right arm is beneath you – holding you up, pulling you into me, and I feel your heart exploding in your chest. We are as one. Fucking in a violent act of lust.

As you cum, I feel your strength fade. I feel your body collapse. Unable to withstand more pleasure you lay beneath me, shaking, sucking air into your lungs, quivering, the muscles of your body jittering like echoes of thunder after a storm. Goosebumps cover your naked skin, and I feel their texture as I trail my fingers over your languid form.

In this momentary quiet, in this calm, in the eye of our sexual storm, I take a moment to just appreciate you. You, so impossibly strong, laying before me weak and vulnerable for the first time in our whirlwind day. It's beautiful. But lasts only for a moment.

And then, in the light of the fire, I see your eyes open as you awaken from some secret feminine place I can't comprehend. And as they find my own, a devilish smile spreads across your face…

To Be Continued

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/29hywd/a_meeting_of_redditors_part_6_mf_oral