Losing their Innocence on a Hot Summer Night [Very first try at erotica!][fm]

Katie elegantly ran her fingers down the lips of her pulsing, convulsing vagina as she licked around her own mouth and then kissed David more. She inserted two fingers past the opening of her vagina and began slowly pumping. She arched her back up and up in immense, amazing pleasure. She felt so good. She felt so, so good.

Katie let out a series of short but loud screams. She gasped as she lost control of herself and began pumping her fingers into her hot wetness harder and faster. The hand that was grasping at David's member began shaking faster. Up and down the shaft and the veins of his penis, Katie's hand raced. It gripped the warm, wet flesh and refused to let go. David moaned, and his tongue began dancing in Katie's mouth. She returned the favor, and dug her lips into it.

David, after gasping, reached down and wrapped his hand around his member, and Katie's hand with it. He held it there tight for a moment, and then let go, seemingly having to struggle against himself. He then took Katie's other hand, the one she had been using to rub against her clitoris and finger herself.

David pulled Katie's hand from her throbbing wetness. He felt the clear, warm fluid that had been poured around her fingers, and some of it stuck to his own. He grabbed the hand tightly, holding it with interlocked fingers, and pressed it down to the side of Katie's head. He pinned the hand down on the hardwood floor. Katie moaned in delight.

David's other hand, at last, left Katie's breast and traveled down to his own penis. He pulled Katie's hand from pleasuring the muscle and then also pinned it to the side. Katie squealed as David swallowed and croaked out a question.

"Do… Do you really… Are you… Do you really want to do this?"

Katie responded by having the largest, most genuine smile she had ever made form on her face. Struggling for breath, she began grinding her naked hips against David's outstretched member. David arched back and inhaled quickly.

"I trust… I trust you… Please… Do… Do me…"

Katie grinded a few more final times, up and down.

"Unf… Ple… Please… Do me… Do me… I… Unf!"

David kissed Katie one last time and then propped himself up with one hand. He went down and held his moistened, yearning penis with the other. He massaged the hood of Katie's clitoris with it, and then ran it up and down the lips of her vagina.

"… I love you…"

"I love… I love you too…"

Finally, David penetrated Katie with his thick, hard erection. Katie screamed in pain, and her back arched up more than it ever had before. She squeezed her eyes shut and screamed more, and drool poured from her lips.

"Is it too… Ungh… Much!?" David asked, freezing in shock. He hadn't meant to hurt her, or to force her into anything she didn't want herself.

"No… No… It's… Aah!" Katie gasped out, struggling to respond.

"Does it… Hu-hurt too much?"

"No…! Ple… Please, keep going… I want you… Unf! UNF! I want you to feel… Good!"

"I can… Agh.. Go… Slow!"

"Mm… Mmmf! No! I want… I want you! Angh!"

Katie swallowed hard as David finally unfroze. She felt, somewhere, in that nest of wetness, David's erect penis starting to push. She felt her hymen break, and screamed. David's member tensed up as liquid and scattered drops of dark blood rushed out to meet it.

"I can… Stop…!"

"No! Just… Don't!"

David pushed in, slowly, as slowly as he had ever done anything before. He loved this girl. He wanted her to enjoy this as much as he did. He pulled out, and entered again, slow and steadily. Listening to Katie's gasps and moans and watching her stomach convulse, he slowly began pumping in and out of her.

Katie, after a small amount of steady pumping, began to feel just a small bit of the pain subside. Then, more and more. It still hurt, but it hurt in a nice, pleasurable way. More pain was replaced by intimate feeling. She was able to feel more intimately and more closely David's penis jutting in and out of her soaked vagina. She felt the walls of her organ tightening and loosening and dripping with moisture as he slowly but surely began pumping faster.

"It… It hurts… Unf! Unf… Just a little…"

"I'm… Going faster…"

"Please… Do it… Do me…"

David began pumping faster. Katie began grinding back, against David's hips. She moaned louder and louder, and she couldn't breathe. Her screams became filled with orgasmic pleasure. Faster and faster, David's penis shot in and out.

"Ungh! David, it… It hurts… It hurts so good! Angh! Ahh! Angghhh!"

"Agh… Agh… Katie…Katie!"

Katie raised her full, throbbing thighs up as far as she could as David pumped back and forth. She wrapped her legs around David's, and put the fingers that she had used to pleasure herself in her mouth, sucking on them, pushing them back and forth between her lips. With her other hand, she wildly stimulated her clitoris as David's hot muscle pumped into her just below it.

David, his penis continuously penetrating Katie's vagina, pumped harder and harder, and hastened his pace. He grunted loudly with each thrust, and felt the pink walls of Katie's wet insides twist and contort. Eventually, they began shrinking down, seemingly wrapping themselves tightly against Davidl's thrusting penis. Katie screamed in delight over and over again.


David pumped in as much as he could, pressing down and grunting for breath. Katie felt the thrusting, and her eyes began to roll back into her head. She felt her vagina get tighter and wetter. The burning hot head of David's penis smashed against the tip of Katie's womb, tightly, and Katie screamed high and loud.


More and more, David pumped his penis into Katie. Katie herself thrusted back and forth, as hard as she possibly could. Katie's breasts thrashed up and down in the violent love-making. Sweat poured from David's forehead and chin, and streamed down his hot chest and tight abdomen. The bodies of the two lovers pulsed up and down, thrashing wildly in amazing pleasure, as they neared their climaxes.



David and Katie sloppily kissed one last time. David thrusted back and forth, and his penis tore against Katie's womb, and made her convulse and scream in intense, intimate euphoria. She felt so, so good. As she was pounded against the hardwood floor over and over again, Katie felt a wave of intense love and pleasure crash into her. She began to climax.






The bodies of David and Katie pressed against each other in sexual ecstasy one last time as David felt an overbearing, amazing force take control of his mind and all of his muscles as he reached orgasm. Foamy and blistering hot, white liquid shot out from the end of David's penis in countless powerful torrents. Ejaculate shot out and blasted against the walls of Katie's tenderized vagina and poured into her insides and her womb. Grinding into the spurting fluid, Katie came to a violent, lengthy orgasm, and screamed over and over again.

Katie had never felt so incredibly good before. Wild, stormy waves of dirty pleasure crashed into her over and over again as a burning whiteness filled her vision and her mind. She held her soaking wet hips against David in ecstatic pleasure as she felt her insides being torn up by David's boiling cum being pumped into them.

Foamy spurts of white fluid began seeping out of Katie's vagina. Sperm and grayish liquid drooled out from between the lips of her hot, quivering organ and covered the outside of her genitals and the shaft of David's now-shriveled up, throbbing penis, which was rested inside her. Katie could feel nothing from her stomach down but tingly, lovely pleasure and satisfaction.

David moaned out, loudly, one last time, and collapsed on top of Katie. Katie allowed him to, and laid there, being pressed against the hardwood floor by David's sweating, heaving body. She gasped for breath, and so did he.

Katie swallowed, and the two laid there in silence atop each other. They took in what they had just done. The pleasure they had just felt. The joy and the intimacy that they had shared with each other. They had made love. It had all felt so, so good.

They relaxed, finally, all of their muscles, and allowed their heartbeats to return to normal.

Katie began giggling as she finally began regaining control of her body.

David, still endeavoring to catch his breath, also let out a pathetic excuse of a giggle.

Katie ran her fingers through David's hair, and then down his cheeks, raising them up from where they had been pressed against her collarbone.

As the two made eye contact, David coughed out a sort of whimper, and then a wry little grin.

David gazed into Katie's burning, bright amber eyes. Even though they looked exhausted, he could still see the color in them dancing about, ready to take on the world. Noticing his staring and returning it, Katie giddily greeted him.

"Hi there."

"Why, hello."

He loved this girl.

She loved him back.

Katie gave David a very wide smile.

"Katie… Will you be my girlfriend?"


David and Katie laid together, in each other's arms, sharing no words. They laid there and gazed into each other's eyes and cuddled until morning came.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/281ec2/losing_their_innocence_on_a_hot_summer_night_very


  1. Hey, @Baccano2010 I would like to share your story with my other readers. I want to share it on my erotic site: mrsexstories.com I would give you all of your author credit. Please let me know.

  2. This is actually a really sweet story. This is my favorite kinda sex.

  3. Ah, sorry about taking so long to get to you. Please, go on ahead, feature this. It would be flattering. EDIT: Also, you should probably know that this is just the last 10,000 characters or so (reddit’s post limit) of the entire story that I write. There’s about 2,000 more words that come before it, that’s all exposition or foreplay. It might take a bit to dig up, but if just this isn’t good enough, then I’d gladly send you the story in it’s entirety.

  4. This is hot, but it would be better if you add some more texts at the beginning to make it more erotic [as you said]. You can send me those by PM or below this comment. No PROBLEM. By the way, thanks a lot for allowing.

  5. **Sure thing, everything following this is all the text of the story up until the point where the original post begins- just combine them, if you don’t mind. Thanks again. Also, I apologize if you come across any grammatical/continuity errors.** David gulped one last, assertive time, and looked as intimately into Katie’s vivid, passionate green eyes as he could. He puckered his mouth and pushed it as tight as possible against her rosy-pink, trembling lips. Katie pushed back, and her flesh and David’s felt so tight and warm together. After pressing their lips against each other in their passionate kiss, they stayed still in that position. It tasted wet and very, very sweet. David raised his head up a bit. It took a lot of effort; he didn’t want to leave the tight hotness. He put his fingers to his lips. Words sloppily on top of each other and barely audible, he whispered. "I… I… Katie, I… I’ve never been able to… To tell…" Katie took the hand that David was holding to his mouth in one of hers. She smoothed her thumb against his palm for a moment, and then wrapped her fingers around the back of the hand. "I’ve always loved you too." Katie took David’s hand and rested it on top of one of her supple, round breasts. She pressed down, and his hand dug down into her soft flesh. Katie gasped in a bit of pleasure, surprising herself. It felt good. It felt really good. David himself also gasped when he realized what Katie had done. "Ka… Katie… Are you sure?" Katie responded by pressing David’s hand down harder. She gasped again and bit her lip. "…Please…" Katie, trusting David with her tender, tingling breasts, released his hand. She instead smoothed David’s side and ran her hand up the back of his shirt. She felt how warm his skin was. It wasn’t as hot as her own, but she still wanted to press her body against him as hard as she could. David, taking the initiative, grasped Katie’s breast delicately. It was the softest and most tender thing he had felt in his entire life. He tried tightening his grip on the mound of flesh, and firmly cupped it in his hand. Katie responded by lightly moaning, and the slightest drop of drool sipped down from the corner of her open, gasping mouth. Suddenly, David felt the hand running up and down his back tense up. Sharp fingernails dug into his shoulder. Katie raised her head up again and pressed her lips against David’s. She raised her other hand up and sprawled her fingers around the back of David’s head. Her palm got wet from the sweat at the tips of his hair as she pushed down, forcing David’s mouth further into her own. Katie felt his tongue penetrate into her wet lips. David struggled a bit at first, and his hand at Katie’s breast unintentionally tightened very, very strongly. Katie let slip a loud moan as she drew back to breathe. She looked into David’s eyes as she gasped in and out hot, desperate breaths. David himself was struggling and breathing heavily. "Oh… Oh God… I love you…" Katie whispered before gulping down. "I… I love you too!" David grunted back. This time, David was the one to throw himself into Katie. He forced his hot lips and tongue into hers, and squeezed her breast. She gave out moans soaked with lust as she kissed David over and over again. David felt a circle of skin at the center of Katie’s warm breast that was tighter and harder than the rest. It rose slightly, poking out. David pressed down on it and Katie gasped. He remembered that she hadn’t been wearing a single thing under her thin, light-blue t-shirt this entire time. David squeezed the small, tight circle of skin on Katie’s breast between two fingers, and began tightly rolling it around. Katie squealed and pressed her body against David’s. She began grinding her hips against David on top of her. David cupped Katie’s other breast with his other hand and did the same thing, squeezing her hard nipple. He then kissed Katie one final, long time. Katie gasped at David as he reached down suddenly and pulled her soaking wet, dirtied shirt up. As it raced up her chest, her large, round, supple breasts popped out, and her tight, rosy-pink nipples, surrounded by soft, pale skin and flesh, showed in all of their glory. Recovering from her surprise and not trying at all to hide a wry smile, Katie assisted David, and clumsily pulled her shirt up to her shoulders, with the majority of it wrapped up under her sweating neck. She then reached both of her hands around David’s neck and pulled off his own shirt, throwing it aside. David and Katie both looked down at themselves, both topless, and started loudly giggling. Both of their faces turned the brightest red imaginable. Katie gently set her hands against David’s cheeks. David snickered and kissed Katie’s forehead. He ran a hand through her hair and swept her bangs to the side. He spoke softly. "I… I can’t believe we’re… Really doing this…" Katie raised her head up close to David’s ear and whispered. "Don’t worry… Just… Do whatever you want." She made sure to exhale on the curve of David’s ear. "Just… Un… Unf!" Suddenly, David kissed her again, and his lips caressed hers. Then, he gently set her cheek aside with one hand and kissed the side of her neck. Katie squealed softly. He continued down and kissed her collarbone, and then traced her body down to her chest with his tongue. Her skin was sweaty and hot to the touch, and David could hear her heart beat, the blood in her veins wildly thrashing about. He knew, from late, late hours on questionable looking websites on the Internet and from dreams in deep sleep, what to do now. David raised up one of Katie’s throbbing, exposed breasts and put his mouth over it. He lightly sucked in, and felt Katie’s spine straighten up and her legs tense. He began caressing the breast with his tongue, while he cupped the other with his hand. Katie began moaning and dug her fingernails into David’s bare back. David sucked down hard. Katie screamed in pleasure. David slithered his tongue around Katie’s hard, throbbing nipple, and then bit down on it lightly. She moaned and screamed more. "David… I… Unf! Unf…. Ah… UNF!" Katie sloppily threw her hand down to David’s boxers. She had already nestled his pajama pants off while she was grinding hard against him. She searched around for a bit, persevering through the intense, euphoric pleasure she felt at her chest. She found what she was looking for when she felt an insanely hot, throbbing muscle inside David’s boxers. It reacted like a wild animal to Katie’s touch, and ripped at the fabric of his underwear. Katie nervously slipped a finger or two around it, and it became incredibly hard. David grunted and bit down on Katie’s nipple. He grunted loudly again and moaned slightly. Katie let out into a wide smile and, gasping for air, moaned with him. Katie carefully grasped the top of David’s boxers and pulled them down. She felt the thick, throbbing, muscled flesh of David’s member, finally free from its cage, pop out and rub against her shorts. She gasped in surprise of how hard and mobile it was. David grunted at the sensation he felt from Katie’s fingers. Katie, breathing heavily, rested some fingers on the thing rubbing against her. "So… So this is… Your…" David gulped and grunted in response. "Mm… Yeah…" Katie swallowed and felt the throbbing meat of David’s penis harder as he went down and kissed her. Desperately attempting to recall the late hours on the Internet she had spent studying this sort of thing, she felt around the top of the muscle. She lightly put her fingers around the head of David’s erect, stiff penis. Katie, gently, with her other hand, caressed her breasts herself. She had spent so many long nights dreaming of all this. Of what this would feel like, about how good she would feel. She had practiced, she had felt parts of herself, she had pictured things in her head. She had spent so long dreaming about love, and she felt in her beating chest that David had done exactly all of these same things. Katie smoothly slipped her hand down her slim, convulsing stomach as she toyed with David’s member with the other. She swiped her hand down her tight shorts, and felt the wetness at the front of her underwear. She was soaking wet. Katie smoothed over the fabric of her shorts and her underwear, which were darkened and moist, as she began rubbing up and down the shaft of David’s penis, causing him to grunt more. David kissed Katie more and more, and his hands more tightly grasped at her breasts. Katie, grunting herself, pushed down her shorts. She ran two fingers back and forth at the front of her white panties, which had become thoroughly soaked and sticky. She bit her lip as she peeled her panties off, and left them down at her legs. She began tightening her grip around David’s penis with one hand as she teased her heated clitoris with the other.

  6. Yeah, it looks fine! Well, I mean, the text of the second half of the story appears to be in gray instead of black, but that doesn’t really matter TOO much. It was probably just some simple mistake. Also, the story would fit under the "Virgin" story category :P

  7. Ya, That’s bcz the text was copied from Here,, N thanks for specifying the exact category. :)

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