Cleaning the kitchen [MF]

“God that’s good!!!” She let out a low moan as she said it, making the whole exchange very sexual. Well, exchange might be pushing it. She was having a culinary orgasm, he was just happy she enjoyed his food that much. Of course, it helped that he had actually gone to chef school for 3 years, only to drop out 3 months before graduating to follow a girl (Emily) to Thailand. She left him 6 months later for a really cool dude named Ty. Emily and Ty were still together eight years later, living in Singapore where Ty owned his own art gallery. Emily still kept in touch while juggling her career and her two kids. Coming back to the restaurant, the orgasmic eater had just finished her main course and was about to taste the dessert. It would be the coup de grace. Obviously, that was the exact moment his name was called from the kitchen.


He unwillingly left the table, promising to be right back, but knowing full well that his chef would probably not let him back out so soon. As soon as he went through the kitchen’s revolving doors, he knew he would be in trouble. Patrice, the chef, had both arms crossed while Ivan, the sous-chef, just stood next to him, a mean-looking cleaver in one hand. They looked like they were about to carve him open, literally.

“This is the last time I’m telling you, I’m the chef, I’m the one who goes out there to greet and talk to customers. You’re the fucking commis. Act like it. Stay at your post, and don’t ever fucking leave it. Next time, I’ll throw your ass out on the street. Try me and see if I mean business,” Patrice said, in an uncharacteristically calm manner.

A bit stunned but the absence of screams, David muttered in acquiescence and went back to his work, not sure of what had just happened. Stephanie, who had started work at “El Gato Negro” (Patrice was a fan of Edgar Allan Poe and of Latin culture) three month prior and had nothing on David’s four years at the joint, had still managed to insert herself so well in the company that she had quite literally become the ring leader of the kitchen staff. She had followed the whole exchange and David naturally asked her what was going on with the bosses. With her connexions Stephanie had learned that the restaurant was doing badly on the finances side and that the bank had threatened to close down the place for good unless Patrice came up with either cash or a backer in the next week or so. Definitely didn’t sound good.

Stephanie was typically the kind of the girl David liked, although he mostly told himself and anyone who asked that he didn’t have a type. Women are women he always said, and as long as she’s fun, he’ll have a good time. Of course, that didn’t work out very well every time, as the ups and downs of his love life could show. Stephanie was as tall as him, with a petite frame but muscular legs. Small perky breasts and a curvy behind were attributes he could not deny. However, what had caught his eye from the first day was her smile. She had one of those smiles that would just light up the room, and you could not help but smile back with her. He had thought about asking her out, but usually refrained from dating in the workplace, it had yielded much heartbreak and quite a few tantrums. He knew Stephanie was single and she didn’t seem completely oblivious to his charms, but until then they had managed to keep their relationship casual and friendly.

Until then.

They had been asked by their tyrannical sous-chef Ivan to close down the restaurant. Both tired from their long shift, they worked in silence, taking their time to make sure the job the well done and Ivan wouldn’t spend half an hour the next day berating them. He truly seemed to enjoy the berating, unlike those on the receiving end. The cleaning was neither new nor exciting, but it was the first time Stephanie and David had been tasked to do it together. She was used to it by now, as a newbie, she had to take care of the shitty jobs. David on the other hand was being punished for his earlier foray into the dining area. It was his first cleaning job in about a year and he did not enjoy it. The company helped though. He glanced towards her every once in a while, checking her out, but always keeping a distance, making sure she did not misinterpret any “signals” he might be making.

“Hey, how do you feel about crème brulée?” she said. He had not even seen her finish her part and take out two desserts from the fridge. She had taken off her apron and was perched on the work station, two desserts and two small spoons set next to the burner. He just smiled as he walked over. He had made the desserts, they were his speciality and he knew she had heard about them. He worked the burner methodically, making the perfect crème brulée. He watched closely as she took her first bite, observing as she slid the spoon in her mouth, closing her eyes and letting out a low moan. He couldn’t help but think she did that for his own pleasure. He smiled at her as he started eating his dessert, avoiding looking at her too much. She however, had other plans. She stepped off the work station as soon as she finished her dessert, and took his hand, guiding his spoon to her mouth. Doesn’t sound sexy when told like this, but he definitely felt something.

“Hungry?” he asked, with a sly smile.

She moved closer, looking him straight in the eyes. They stayed like that, eyes locked, bodies close enough to feel each other’s warmth, but completely motionless, save for their slow and steady breaths. Each waiting for the other to make the first move, they remained like this for what seemed like minutes, but probably just lasted seconds, before David finally spoke.

“So, now that you ate my dessert, what does it leave me with?”

“Well, I have a few ideas that you might find interesting, but it will definitely require some work on your part. Are you up for it?”

“Work? Hmm… In all honesty my shift is over, but I’ve been known to go above and beyond if the project is interesting enough. Can you tell me a bit more about your dessert proposal?”

“Ok. Fair enough. But I’m more into showing than telling. If you feel inspired, please feel free to join in.”

She took two steps back, still not breaking eye contact, and stopped against the big work station in the middle of the kitchen. She slowly unbuttoned and took off her shirt, revealing a plain white cotton bra that he somehow thought was incredibly sexy. Next, she unzipped her pants, and bit her lower lip as she let them fall to the ground. He resisted the urge to come closer and breathed slowly, trying to remain as calm as possible, or at least to appear calm and composed. She seemed to enjoy the challenge, standing there in her underwear. She undid the clasps of her white bra, and slowly took it off, her confidence never wavering as her perky breasts were freed from their restraint. His eyes were still locked on hers, and he intended on keeping things that way. She then did something he didn’t expect, although he definitely hoped for it. She slowly pulled her panties down. Naked, she hopped on the work station and casually propped one leg up on the counter, effectively spreading her legs. Maintaining eye contact was most definitely getting harder.

She slowly started touching herself, her breasts first, then putting one finger in her mouth and tracing it along her body. Her nipples were hard, he could clearly see it. As her hand slowly made its way down her body, he could feel the temperature rising. Very soon, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself anymore. He wanted her. She slowly caressed her pussy, her hands expertly working around her labia, getting her more and more aroused. As she slid two fingers inside her pussy, she closed her eyes and let out a low moan.

“I think that’s my cue,” he said, closing the gap between their bodies in less time it took for her to register what he had said. She thought he’d go straight for “dessert”, but instead, he kissed her. Their lips locking for the first time, he could feel the desire getting even higher. He placed his hand on hers, and guided its movements slowly around her pussy. She probably knew better than him how to do the job, but he wanted her to know he enjoyed the fact that they could play together. He slowly moved her hand, but not directly touching her pussy. He could feel her warmth, but resisted the urge to touch her, instead focusing on kissing her and caressing the rest of her body.

Without a word, he started kissing her neck and earlobes, taking time to make sure every inch of her was caressed and kissed, one hand still guiding hers on her wet pussy. He loved to take his time, he wanted to feel that she was satisfied and having as much fun as possible. He moved to her perky breasts, taking time to lick the nipples gently, feel them harden under the flicks of his tongue, smiling as he felt the shivers going through her body. He could sense she was having a good time and he also knew she would not be the kind of girl who would just let him do whatever if she wasn’t pleased with the “performance”. As he slowly made his way down, he could feel the anticipation building inside him. He had always enjoyed going down on a woman, but he also felt that he might enjoy her even more.

He finally took her hand off her pussy, pushing it gently aside. Taking the cue, she placed both her hands behind her back, supporting her weight as she opened up her legs in front of him. He was gently kissing her legs, working his way to what lay in between, stopping just short of her pussy to look up at her. She had been expecting that, and their eyes locked. Just a couple a seconds, she bit her lip and opened her legs a little more. He smiled as he gently went down on her. Her head rocked back, her body arching forward, as his longue traced the contours of her labia. She was incredibly wet, dripping down his chin and onto his shirt. He didn’t care. He loved it. She was moaning softly, one hand finding its way to his hair; she gripped them hard and rocked his head to the pace she wanted. He grabbed both her legs to push his face even harder against her pussy, his tongue working tirelessly against her hardened clit, making her moan louder and louder. He knew she was going to come and gently slid two fingers inside her pussy, making her gasp. He worked his fingers expertly, finding and pressing on her g-spot while he kept on licking her clit. She came a few seconds later, gripping his hair, gasping for air, her legs closing on his head and her body rocking. He pressed his tongue against her clit and stayed there, motionless. As he felt the tension easing in her body, he flicked his tongue against her clit, causing her whole body to tense up again, as if electrified. She started laughing and pushed his head gently away from her midsection.

“So, how was dessert mister Commis?” she asked as he stood up. She pulled him in for a kiss before he had time to answer. As they kissed, she worked her hands down to his pants, and he felt her smile as her hand came in contact with his rock hard cock.

“I think there’s someone who wants to come out and play,” she said smiling. She made him take a couple of steps back and got down from the work station. She immediately dropped to her knees and unbuttoned his jeans. She kept looking at him the whole time, with a little smile on her lips. His jeans on his ankles, she started caressing his dick through the fabric of his underwear. He just wanted her to take it out but he just stood there, biting his lip, letting her have her fun. Finally relenting, she grabbed the sides of his boxers and pulled them down too, his cock finally free. She grabbed it gently and stroked slowly. He couldn’t help but moan softly, loving her touch. She straightened her back as if to let him know what was coming next. She started by running her tongue slowly from his balls to the tip of his dick, all along the hard shaft. As she reached the top, she closed her eyes and took him all in her mouth. He moaned loudly as she started blowing his cock.

Wet from her spit, she stroked him a little harder, taking time to lick his balls before going back up to his dick, licking the tip before taking him in her mouth and sucking faster and faster. He didn’t even have to ask her to use her saliva to make it wet, she simply knew what she was doing and he just relaxed and enjoyed the ride. The thought occurred while she was servicing him that he just might be enjoying it too much, but before he has time to voice out his concerns, she stood up and simply said “Fuck me”. He did not need more encouragement than that. A few seconds later, he had taken off all his clothes and wrapped the condom he always carried in his wallet on his penis. They were both lying on the work station, with him on top of her. “Good thing we cleaned it a bit earlier,” he said to lighten the mood. She smiled and kissed him as he slowly slid into her. She moaned and grabbed his shoulders as he gently moved inside her. Each thrust going deeper and harder, she moaned louder and louder. They were moving together, going faster, and both moaning as the pleasure and pressure built inside them.

He grabbed her ass to give himself even more momentum, while she held on to his shoulders, asking him to go harder. He obliged, doing his best while trying to contain the pressure he knew would soon cause him to explode. “I’m going to come,” he said, his voice catching. She held him close and just said “Yes”. He came inside her, both moaning loudly, her legs wrapped around his thighs. She held him against her body until he stopped thrusting and just let himself fall on her. After a few seconds of silence, both still panting from exertion, he pulled himself out and took off the condom before lying next to her. She turned around and let him spoon her. They stayed like this for a little while, catching their breath, the realisation of their actions slowly dawning on them.

“So, I was thinking, how about a nice diner before desert next time?” he asked, while gently kissing her back.

“Next time?” she asked.

“Well, I thought that since we enjoyed each other’s company so much, we might as well try and spend some more time together outside of work. What do you think?”

“Maybe… If you always put on such a brave performance, we might have a deal,” she said coyly.

“Well, like I said, if the project is interesting enough, I have been known to go above and beyond. And from where I stand, there is nothing and no one more interesting that you,” he said, his kisses making her giggle.

*The end
