The new housekeeper, part 2. [Fdom][M][Fsub][huml][reluc]

The girl wakes up in a small room, with a monitor displaying the text "One cup steamed milk, two shots espresso. 6oz steak, sliced. 6oz of mushrooms, 6oz of bacon and two eggs. Prepare one toasted plan bagel with cream cheese. Wake up the master at 9:00."

It takes her a moment to remember why and where she is, and to puzzle out what, exactly, the cryptic message meant. Then it all comes back to her. Ugh. I guess in this economy, any job is a good job. She tries to put on her best customer-service smile and looks about for some clothing. Oh yeah, it all got ruined. she opens the door a crack and looks around. Hanging on the other side of the door is a well-made, but rather skimpy french maid uniform. This clearly did not come from a Halloween discount shop. Sighing, she puts on the humiliating garb. She looks at herself in the mirror that is hung on the door, and feels a little tingle, in spite of herself.

She heads to the kitchen, and starts to get the ingredients ready. Come to find out, there were no eggs, the mushrooms were little more than slime, and the bagels were hard enough to be used as building materiel. Exasperated, she checks the time. its 6:00, plenty of time. She heads out and down the street towards the store. It's early, and one of the joggers almost hits a telephone pole because he's looking at her rather than where he's going. A bicyclist actually does crash into a parked car. She doesn't stop. "Ugh" she thinks. "I need a jacket" – It's pretty chilly, too, but she combats that by moving quickly. She gets to the market on the corner, finds the items, and then realizes that she has no money. A kindly old man near the door smiles at her. . "You're the Johnson's new girl, aren't you?" You smile and nod. He smiles. "I recognize the uniform. I'll take care of your bill and collect on poker night" he grins at her. "come here" – he slides his left hand up the back of her skirt as he pays the bill."

Fearing further abuse, as soon as the register flashes "approved," she rushes back home, pondering the implications of the old man's words. She manages to make a passable omelet. She has never used an espresso machine, so she ended up making a big mess, but with the help of youtube, she got it figured out eventually, and quietly opens the door to the master bedroom at 9:00am sharp.

To her chagrin, she finds that the man of the house, though fast asleep, has massive morning wood. Her pulse quickens. After yesterday, though? it was clear what this job entailed. She soldiered on.

She kneels by the side of the bed, and gently shakes his shoulder. "It's 9:00" she whispers. He grunts incoherently, and thrusts his hips, still mostly dreaming. She tries this several times, increasing in volume, until his wife wakes up. The wife gets up right away, then she sighs and rolls her eyes. "It should be obvious, even to someone as low as you, what is expected here" she says. she reaches over and interlaces her fingers in the hair of the shorter girl, and pulls her face down in to his lap. "Seriously, do you need lessons?" The older woman says, impatiently. She opens his fly and fishes out the massive member. She then forces the serving girl's face onto the cock. "Like this, see?" She pumps the head up and down, like some sort of deluxe fleshlight, and brings him to orgasm and wakefulness. He fumbles around. "Coffee?" the girl hands him the latte. Slowly achieving consciousness, I mutter "drinkable. Not good, but drinkable."

The wife is pretty angry. "You woke me up early, and I had to help you with your duties. I think you should be punished." The girl kneels, and bows her head.

My wife stands over the girl. "Worthless whore" she spits. "You badly need training, but I am not sure you are worth training. Prove your worth" she says, pulling the girl up by her hair, and tossing her face up on the bed. My wife is stronger than she looks. She props the girl's head up with a pillow, then straddles it. "Prove you have some potential" The older woman grinds her clit into the face of the younger, softer woman. "Yeah, that, do that with your tongue. Oh, yeah, Oh, okay, you've clearly done this before. Fuck yes, don't stop." The younger woman, at this point, is near passing out from oxygen deprivation, but does her best to please her mistress.

I find the sight of the plump serving girl, ah, serving my wife to be irresistible, and find my cock rising again. Her head is hidden beneath my wife's shapely ass, but her legs are on display. I spread those legs, lifting her short skirt, exposing her plump hips, and her downy mound. I probe her with my fingers. "She's dripping" I say, "the slut loves it." I laugh. Nobody else says anything. I spread her legs further and lift her hips. The younger woman feels a flush of pleasure and shame as I slowly enter her. She starts bucking her hips, trying to bring her clit in contact with me. Cruelly, I pull back just in time.

My wife complains "You are messing up her concentration. you can have her after I go to work."

Disappointed, I stop touching the younger woman. She is doing her best to get the older woman off, and she does. My wife cums loudly and collapses in a heap on the serving girl's face.

"Okay. You are worth training." says the older woman. "Your name is now Emily the Slut." she says. "And you are coming to work with me today, as part of your training. Take off that ridiculous getup, and grab a coverall from the closet"

"can I at least finish?" I say, "She is my whore, remember? do you want that job again?" "Fine" she says "but be quick about it. I have a meeting in an hour."



  1. Really like how she gets a made up name. You should have given the characters names earlier imo. In line with that, it’s a little confusing that this episode was written from maid PoV, but still have a different "I" persona. The story is cool. Though I hope that our masters are going to make our made less of a classical times slave and "take care" of her. This is fully subjective critisism, but I just really enjoy it when everyone is respected.

  2. >Really like how she gets a made up name. You should have given the characters names earlier imo. I was going for a depersonalizeation thing. Identifying someone as a role, rather than as a person. But yeah, I don’t think I really pulled it off. However, did not naming the maid make the maid being given a new name have more or less impact? >it’s a little confusing that this episode was written from maid PoV, but still have a different "I" persona. Yeah. I’m switching between first person and third person; Note how I go from "he" to "I" after he wakes up. This was deliberate, and I think it’s a technique that could work in the hands of a more skilled writer, I’m just not yet skilled enough of a writer to pull it off. I should probably stick to one perspective per chapter until I’m better at this sort of thing. >The story is cool. Though I hope that our masters are going to make our made less of a classical times slave and "take care" of her. This is fully subjective critisism, but I just really enjoy it when everyone is respected. Hm. I do appreciate the feedback. Most of my fiction, both erotic and not, is about "free will" and how that smashes up against the unstoppable juggernaut of reality; it is about how little control we really all have. I also like exploring the intersection of consent and monetary exchanges, both in the erotic and non-erotic contexts. While she is being treated quite poorly, I agree, it’s pretty far from the ‘classical slave’ situation. If you don’t believe that money has coercive power, everything up till now has been largely consensual; some would say that she just has a particularly unpleasant job, and an asshole for a boss. Of course, many people believe that money has some coercive power, especially over the very poor, and in that case, the story isn’t so consensual. Now, I did plan on writing more about Emily enjoying things in spite of herself, which is something of an interesting writing challenge, because female sexuality is still somewhat mysterious to me, but in my mind, that makes it more humiliating, ideally creating a tension between what her logical mind wants and what her body wants. I guess it says more about me than anything else, but I think that it would be, uh, disrespectful to her character, if that is a thing, to have her forgive an employer who was… that terrible. This is way over-intellectualizing it, which is something else I enjoy doing. If I’m being truthful, I… find fantasies of objectification and even of humiliation to be sexually exciting in a very base sort of way, and exploring that in fiction is way safer and easier than negotiating that with another person in the real world in a way that is ethical and safe and fun for all involved.

  3. With the name thing, the essence is taking away her "before" identity by completely replacing everything she was and everyone she contacted. So she gets a new name, she will live in a new house/city, she will not get to contact her (old)family nor friends. You can further this by giving her a pet name, one that is used most of the time. But that doesn’t take away from the impact of disregarding her old polite name. Pet names can’t be as easily shouted around in public as "emily" can. So what you’re doing there is cool. But, the using things like younger woman and older woman etc you didn’t really pull off no. I would say money has less power over the poor than it has over the rich. Or at least, it has the most power on those who think it’s important to show off how rich they are (think expensive labels on clothing). And to know her not being a slave it’s important that she is allowed to leave. And will not be persecuted for doing so. Indicate that this is indeed her choice, not her need. If she asks to leave she won’t be put in the basement of our masters etc. I think that Emily enjoys her new life. But hates every second of it is the most important part. (Everything is as you said on the fine line of consent) And what I mean with people taking "care" of her is that they teach her how to behave. Can be by teaching her to be in silly degrading clothing in public, later maybe nude in public. But at the same time teach her to be happy doing all of this. Teach her that serving someone gives her the best feelings she’s ever had. Then make the type of serving over the top, but she will still want to do this because the completion of a task and the gratitude of those that own her gives her so much happiness. Kind of like you can condition a pet to be overly happy when it’s allowed a snack because of good behavior. That happiness is very much real, but when thinking about it, if you are essentially a pet to people, they do own you. Which means that Emily can be both in love with her new life and resentful of it whenever she thinks about it. I think that reading any text as one reads literature is good. Since when you compare opinions on texts you find out everyone has different opinions and that literature/etc doesn’t have to be "what my teachers/parents told me", but that your own opinion is equally valid as theirs and anyone’s. Assume nothing, Question everything, Open your eyes, Challenge the opposition and start thinking. aka over-intellectualizing doesn’t exist :)

  4. >With the name thing, the essence is taking away her "before" identity by completely replacing everything she was and everyone she contacted. So she gets a new name, she will live in a new house/city, she will not get to contact her (old)family nor friends. That fits with the narrative. The way I pictured things… she doesn’t have much by way of friends or family already, otherwise she’d be staying with mom rather than sucking cock for a place to sleep. I haven’t really conveyed this, though. Maybe she left for a fresh start? Maybe she was disowned for some reason? Maybe she left her family to marry a man that they did not approve of, and he turned out to be a terrible person? That would be the regency romance way to do things, right? Hm. I could do the ’emergency contact’ employment paperwork at the start; that could indicate that she didn’t have anyone, but I think describing contracts and paperwork can get boring pretty fast. I was thinking that it would be interesting, in a future chapter, to have someone from her past contact her, giving her a real chance to leave. But I don’t know how to make that an interesting and compelling conflict, other than to have her end up going with said person from her past, only to find out that they are even worse than her current situation. That could be amusing, I suppose? she could then be required to beg for her job back. Or maybe her employer acts in a big brother sort of way, and actively protects her from the person from her past? > I would say money has less power over the poor than it has over the rich. Or at least, it has the most power on those who think it’s important to show off how rich they are (think expensive labels on clothing). The arguments that people who argue that money is force would deploy center around how as you have less and less money, your choices get worse and worse, and at the bottom, often you get into catch-22 type situations where you have to choose between paying your rent, so you have a place to live, and fixing your car, so you have a way to get to work. If you don’t have friends or family who are willing to support you while you get back on your feet, it can be easy to fall into homelessness, and hard to bootstrap your way out of that problem. Of course, the idea that money is force also has a bunch of implications that I also find very disturbing. There are reasonable arguments on both sides of the issue, and that’s part of what makes it interesting to me. It’s one of those issues where the answer is somewhere in the gray area. > And to know her not being a slave it’s important that she is allowed to leave. And will not be persecuted for doing so. Indicate that this is indeed her choice, not her need. If she asks to leave she won’t be put in the basement of our masters etc. I did go over that rather a lot in part one. I actually thought that I rather over-emphasized the "you can leave any time you like, but you won’t get paid." Hm. I do like the idea of her deciding that something is too much, quitting, then finding that this is actually her best option. >And what I mean with people taking "care" of her is that they teach her how to behave. Can be by teaching her to be in silly degrading clothing in public, later maybe nude in public. But at the same time teach her to be happy doing all of this. Teach her that serving someone gives her the best feelings she’s ever had. Then make the type of serving over the top, but she will still want to do this because the completion of a task and the gratitude of those that own her gives her so much happiness. This is what I need to figure out how to do in a convincing and entertaining way. Learning to write women is… difficult. >aka over-intellectualizing doesn’t exist :) I suppose what I mean by over-intellectualizing is that I’m pretending to be more erudite than I actually am. You know, using words like erudite rather than "educated," which would have worked just find in that previous sentence. It’s bad writing, really. It’s silly, and maybe a little bit childish. I am a little bit embarrassed that I enjoy it as much as I do.

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