The Accidental Whore [M][F]

"Sally?" a familiar voice said, "It's me, Eric." She remembered him, and thoughts of better times flowed through her head. He had a big smile. Sally puts on her best customer service smile. "I haven't seen you in a while. How are you doing?" "Oh, great! The company I work for just went IPO!" Eric gushed for several minutes about his job and how well it was going, oblivious to Sally's obvious uncomfortableness.

Of course Sally remembered him. Sally was absolutely in love with Eric in high school. He dumped her mid-way through junior year for reasons she could only guess at.

"Oh, hey, you were always a snappy dresser" he said. "I have to get some clothing for the shareholder party. How about you call me when you get off work, and help me pick out some clothing?" He has grown since high school, because he picks up on Sally's less than enthused but still polite facial expression. "Come on. I'll give you $100. You are my fashion adviser."

Sally brightened. "Oh, of course! I'm off at four today." The pair exchange numbers and agree to meet in the parking lot at a quarter after.

The rest of her shift went by in a daze of possibilities, as she robotically made sandwich after sandwich. "Oil and pepper?" She had dated Eric in high school, but he broke her heart. If she wasn't at work, she would have told him off before he had a chance to offer money, even. She smiled bitterly. She needed the money badly. She had done well in high school, but never went to college, and was now making sandwiches for minimum wage. the asshole manager didn't even let them put out a tip jar.

At four, Sally waited outside her car, as agreed. Eric pulled up in what looked to be a brand-new Tesla electric sportscar. Sally was starting to think that perhaps being with a nerd wouldn't be such a bad thing, after all. She looked around the very expensive new car. "Let's go to the city and I will show you some of the designer shops. If you can afford this car, you should not be in wal-mart clothing."

The car is nearly silent and astoundingly fast. Eric was droning on about his company. Sally wasn't paying attention; she was thinking about how different her life would be if Eric had not dumped her in high school. There had always been a wealth disparity, Unlike Sally's family, Eric's family was solidly middle class. They certainly weren't "buy a Tesla" rich, though. Clearly, Eric had done something right.

When they got downtown, Sally guided the lost-looking Eric through the mall. "You don't go shopping much, do you." "Yeah, I usually just order stuff from amazon." said Eric.

Sally ended up picking out a really sharp outfit. She had Eric try it on. "Do you like it?" she asked from outside the dressing room. "I don't care how I think I look," he opened the door, grinning, "I want cute girls to like how I look." Sally blushed. "You look incredible" she says, then hugged him and gave the surprised nerd a quick kiss. Eric smiled, and blood rushed to his face.

On the way to the register, Eric noticed Sally eyeing the dresses. "Do you want to try some on?" Eric asked, a twinkle in his eye. "Oh, I could never afford something like that" said Sally. Eric just smiled. "I could. Besides, trying it on is free."

Sally picked out an especially revealing evening gown. "Do you think this would look good on me?" she asked, innocently. Eric just smiled and nodded, and followed her to the dressing rooms, then waited politely outside. Sally entered and changed, then opened the door a crack. "Come in here" she suggested. Eric's eyes got big. He smiled broadly and stepped into the large dressing room. The dress exposed as much as it covered, and from the looks of it, either she was wearing a thong or nothing at all underneath. She spun, in an awkward imitation of a runway model, smiled, winked over her shoulder and bent over a bit, displaying her slightly larger than regulation ass to great effect. The dress was way too short for anything but nightclub use.

Eric's pants suddenly seemed inadequate. "Do you like it?" Eric was speechless, but he obviously approved. Sally started running her hands up and down Eric's absolutely rigid (in more ways than one) body. The man looked like he was having a religious experience. Sally got on her knees, looked up into Eric's eyes, and unzipped his pants.

His cock was… larger than she remembered. This had to be the biggest cock Sally had ever seen, and Sally was no virgin. Her look of surprise was genuine. "I don't know if that will fit" Eric started to say something about being gentile, but at that point, Sally opened her mouth, wide, and engulfed the head of his cock. Eric groaned, looking down at his high-school crush, kneeling before him, softly gagging herself on his giant cock while wearing a barely-there dress.

Now, this was a very upscale place, so even though the attendant likely knew exactly what was going on, rather than an interruption, there was a gentile cough on the other side of the door.

Eric looked a little panicked. This was certainly his first blowjob in public. Sally put a calming hand on his stomach and smiled. "We'll finish this later" she said, and tried to wrestle his over-sized cock into his seemingly undersized pants.

They exited the room, picked up their old clothing, and Eric paid for everything. Sally left the store, her hart fluttering and her mind dreaming of a life of ease and/or maybe a giant divorce settlement.

Sally's dress got some looks on the way out to the car; her ass was large and shapely, and the dress barely covered it. But it was a nice area, one in which there were a few nightclubs where that sort of thing would be appropriate. people were polite.

When they got into the car, Eric started to hit the ignition, but Sally stopped him. "I said I would finish, didn't I?" she unzipped his pants and got back to work. Eric reclined his seat, making it more like a bed than a car seat, and watched, entranced, as sally worked to fit as much of his cock as she could down her throat.

Sally wasn't having a half-bad time herself. Sucking a new cock always got her wet, and she was here in a parking garage, packed full of cars. But her gag reflex wasn't good enough to really get the giant trouser snake down her throat, so she stopped, looking up at Eric with a smile. He just waited, passively, expectantly, and excitedly.

Sally got up and straddled Eric, guiding his giant cock into her cunt. It turns out that she wasn't wearing any underwear at all under the skimpy dress. Eric started groaning and bucking and Sally started rubbing her clit with her hand. Eric, on an especially deep thrust came hard, sending what must have been a quarter-cup of semen into Sally's wet and warm cunt. "Thank you" he smiled. "I always knew you would be my first." "You're welcome" Sally smiled sadly. She would gladly have done this while they were dating, but Eric never asked. She got back into her seat, looking around and seeing that two nearby cars had people in them, watching this little show. She flushed.

Eric started driving. "That was so good" Sally said, "I can't wait to do it again" she touched Eric. "yeah" he said, "that was incredible!" Shortly, they arrived back at the "Johnson's big subs" parking lot, and pulled up next to Sally's car. Eric handed Sally a thick wad of bills. This had to be more than $100. And then he handed over the bag containing her other clothing. "Do you want to get dinner or something?" Sally asked, hopefully. "Nah, I had a big meal right before I picked you up. Beside, I've got work." He practically shoved the disappointed girl out the passenger door, then drove off. Sally was shocked. She thought everything was going so well. She looked at the cash; there was $300 there. She started crying. She felt like a whore. Hell, she was standing in the parking lot in a skimpy dress while tears ran down her face, and semen ran down her leg. She looked like a whore, too.


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