Sarah Fucks The Neighbour [MF]

Bending from the waist, Sarah removed her black lace knickers and set them on the bedside table. Today she had decided to wear a loose white summer dress and sandals, nothing fancy.

Sarah was a curvy woman with brunette hair and deep brown eyes. She wasn't very tall, five feet, but she was very well proportioned. She was the type of woman who didn't have much of a presence. She wasn't an attention seeker, and that's what made her so desirable to a lot of men.

Moving to lay on the bed, Sarah spread her legs wide and began to slowly stroke her lightly haired mound.

Rubbing her clit faster and faster, Sarah grasped the pink sex toy with her other hand. Sliding it up and down her slit, she slowly parted her puffy, wet lips and gasped as she felt the thickness of it enter her.

In her imagination, a predatory man was shoving his cock down her throat, choking her. She was being used. She was his prey and couldn't be happier about it. Sarah was imagining herself being absolutely powerless. The thoughts were causing her pussy to contract around the sex toy. she was so close to coming. She began to moan faster and faster as she approached orgasm.


The sound jerked her out of her fantasy. She had been so close.

"What the fuck was that?" Sarah muttered irritably.

Sliding off the bed, she went to investigate the source of the disturbance.

It had come from the back of the house. Sarah wandered cautiously to the screen door and peered out. She could see a smashed plant pot outside on the decking. Sliding the door open, she stepped outside and bent over to pick up the pieces of the pot. It looked like her day was going to involve gluing it back together. A cool breeze blew against her hot, wet pussy and made her sigh. She had been so close and now she was outside preparing to do fucking D.I.Y.

This was so frustrating. Her pussy was throbbing and she was fairly sure her ass was visible from under the dress, it was quite short after all.

Suddenly, Sarah screamed as she felt a finger slide inside her pussy. She was so shocked she pushed backwards, all the way to the knuckle.

Before she could turn around, a hand clamped itself over her mouth and drew her up and against the stranger's chest. Sarah's heart was pounding and the finger in her pussy was relentless. It was mercilessly thrusting into her pussy. She tried to scream again but she didn't have the breath.

"Hello, Sarah. I see your husband has left for work. That's good, the Mrs is out for the day as well. We have a lot of time to spare."

Sarah recognized the deep, smooth voice. It belonged to her neighbour, Alan.

Alan was the middle-aged man who lived next door. He and Sarah's husband had always been cordial but never friends. The two couples would always say hello to each other of course, but they would never stop to chat.

She never failed to notice that Alan would always undress her with his eyes whenever they passed each other.

Sarah began to wonder how long he had waited for this opportunity. It dawned on her that he had smashed the plant pot to draw her out here. The clever bastard.

Her thoughts were drawn back to the situation at hand as she involuntarily moaned against the hand over her mouth and pushed back onto Alan's finger.

"We should go inside and get comfortable. I can smell your pussy and it's making my pants uncomfortably tight. Let's go to your bedroom and you can meet my cock. You're going to be very familiar with it by the end of today. Let's go, slut."

Before Alan had finished speaking Sarah found herself being led back through her house. Her neighbour had ceased touching her and instead she found herself following him willingly.

Her fear had subsided and the thrill had taken its place. Her heart was racing. He was going to take advantage of her. He was going to do dirty, perverted things to her, and make her do them to him. He was going to humiliate her.

And she was going to let him.

Once they reached the bedroom, Alan slammed the door shut behind them. Turning to face Sarah, who had a flushed face and chest, he barked at her;

"Strip, slut. I've waited a long time for this opportunity, and I'm not about to waste it. I'm going to fuck you, I'm going to humiliate you, abuse you, tease you and use you. Then, once I'm done, I'm going to cover you in my cum and you're going to thank me for it. I can see you want this, you slut. I thought it would be a lot more difficult than this, but I see that you're already wet. You want my cock inside you. I know your type. You pretend that you're so prim and proper, but you're a cum slut who needs her fix."

Hearing the filthy words from her neighbour's mouth made Sarah quiver with excitement. This was the fuck she needed. This type of degradation filled something in her that her husband just couldn't.

Slowly reaching up, Sarah used her thumbs to push the straps of her dress off her shoulders. The white material fell slowly into a pool at her feet as she stepped out of her sandals and unhooked her bra. She was now completely naked and could smell the musky scent of her pussy.

The tension in the room was almost tangible.

Her neighbour had placed a bottle of lube on the bedside table. What was that for?

Alan looked her up and down. She felt like a piece of meat, and this pleased her somehow.

The curvy brunette saw the bulge in her neighbour's pants. He wanted her, and that turned her on. There was also the added thrill that they were going to do perverted things in her marital bed. All whilst her husband was blissfully unaware at work. She could feel the wetness from her pussy begin to drip down onto her leg.

Clenching her ass cheeks together, Sarah began to pant softly. Meanwhile, Alan had been removing his clothes, never breaking eye contact. He was even bold enough to take the time to fold his clothes and place them neatly over the back of a chair. His confidence was astounding.

And sexy.

The cock she was presented with put her dildo to shame. It was at least seven inches long and as thick as her wrist. It looked angry. The head was veiny and bulbous. Sarah hoped beyond hope that he wouldn't put it in her ass. Although, if he chose to do that, she would not stop him. She was willing to do anything and everything he commanded of her.

"I know it's impressive, slut, but get on your knees and fucking suck it. I see your pretty mouth all the time when you're with your husband. He doesn't look like a real man. I bet he doesn't fuck you as well as you need. Maybe I'll make him my bitch as well. How would you like that? Is that twisted enough for you, whore?"

Alan wrapped his big, strong hands into her curly hair and began to forcefully fuck Sarah's throat. She began to gag as she struggled to breathe. Her pussy didn't seem to think this was an issue as her hand found its way to her clit of its own accord. She began to rub herself frantically. It was all too much to deal with. Her face was red from the lack of air, Alan's dick was slick with her saliva as he continued to slam himself into her throat and her hand was a blur across her clit.

Sarah's body began to spasm as she came.

It felt like a million tiny explosions were racing through her body as a result of the orgasm. She had ceased to notice Alan's dick in her throat, her body was shaking violently as she screamed around his shaft.

Alan had noticed the little slut had gone limp, she had came so hard it dazed her. He laughed to himself as he pulled his hard cock from her mouth. He had seen in the back garden how worked up she had been. It had been so obvious that she had been masturbating when he smashed the plant pot to lure her outside.

He had watched Sarah for a long time. The look in her eye had told him that there was more to this shy housewife than there appeared to be at first glance. He had told his wife about his fantasies, whilst he fucked her mouth in bed at night. Of course she had encouraged him. His wife knew better than most that if Alan wanted something, he took it. That was how they met in the first place. Maybe Sarah could join him and his wife one day. It would be easy to arrange.

The thought of this brunette eating his wife's pussy made Alan's eyes light up. He would consider it later. Today was all about humiliating her.

Pulling her up by the shoulders, Alan pushed Sarah onto the bed. She was starting to come down from her orgasm but still went willingly enough.

Once she had lain down on the bed, Alan climbed on above her, facing her feet. His long cock nestled between her ample breasts and his balls rested against her lips. Jacking his cock slowly, Alan stared down at Sarah's body before he said;

"I know you're a perverted bitch. You want me to do dirty, disgusting things to you. So, I want you to lick and suck my balls, then I want you to tongue my asshole. I don't know if you've rimmed anyone before, and I don't really care. All you need to know is to stick your tongue in deep and enjoy it."

The curvy brunette did not even deign to reply, instead she opened her mouth and sucked the hairy balls into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around them as Alan moaned somewhere above her. she squealed in delight as she felt his thick, strong fingers begin to manipulate her clit. Sarah squirmed and tried to concentrate as she pushed her hips up towards his hand involuntarily.

Alan leant forward and began to probe the brunette with his fingers. The cheating wife took advantage of the movement and began to tongue his asshole. It was a different taste to what she had expected. It was earthy, yet manly. What Sarah hadn't anticipated was how erotic it would feel to be sticking her tongue into a man's asshole. She began to lick with enthusiasm, causing Alan to push back onto her tongue. This man was truly kinky.

She loved it.

The rhythm they settled into continued for a while, Sarah reached up and grabbed Alan's hips, pulling him further onto her tongue as she developed a taste for rimming. Curious as to how he would react, Sarah withdrew her tongue and slowly pressed her index finger into Alan's asshole. It slid in easily enough, which told the brunette that this was not the first time her neighbour had experimented with anal play. She began to pump her finger in and out of his ass. Her neighbour began to rock back and forth, he was obviously used to having things in his ass.

As if in retaliation, Alan used three fingers to probe deeply into Sarah's sopping pussy. Her legs had spread as wide as was possible and pushed her hips up as high as she could. She wanted to be filled.

Rolling to the side, Alan ordered her to get on her hands and knees at the edge of the bed.

Sarah complied, wondering what wicked thing he had in mind now. She scooted backwards until her feet were dangling off the edge and pointing towards the floor. Alan stood behind the slut and took in the view. She had a lovely big ass and puffy pussy lips. He wanted badly to nibble on them, to suck them into his mouth. Instead he dropped his hand and began to stroke her foot in an absent minded manner.

Sarah held her breath as the suspense grew. She didn't know what he was going to do. Crack.

His hand came down so quickly all Sarah could do was let out a breathless scream. The slap had been so unexpected. She thought he was going to stick a finger in her ass. She wasn't wrong.

Alan used one hand to slap her ass cheeks as hard as he could, with the other, his thumb found her rosebud. After circling it, he dipped his thumb into her sopping pussy and then placed it back onto her ass hole and pressed firmly. He felt Sarah clench hard around his digit. This pleased him. She was so tight. He couldn't wait until he worked his cock in there.

"Relax, slut. Push your ass out, yes like that. As if you're going to shit. Do you feel filthy? You should. You dirty, dirty girl. I'm going to put my cock in there. I don't feel like fucking your pussy. Your husband might notice if I stretch you. It sounds bigheaded but my wife would tell you the same. You'll meet her soon enough. Have you ever licked pussy before, Sarah? No matter, she'll teach you all over again. We're going to keep using you, slut. If your pansy husband ever finds out, we'll make him our bitch as well. You and I will have a lot of fun together."

As Alan finished talking, Sarah screamed. She hadn't noticed that he had replaced his thumb with two, then three of his fingers. Now he was working his bulbous cock head into her tight, virgin asshole. Until last week ,Sarah had only been with one man. Now she was being fucked in the ass with a cock bigger than any she had ever seen. It was all too much.

Her tears began to flow freely as she rubbed her clit rapidly. Alan had began to work the rest of his shaft into her ass. He had been using both lube and spit. This felt dirty. She felt like the world's biggest whore. Her sobs turned into moans as she began to adjust to the size of the member inside her. She even began to push back as the pain turned to pleasure. She wanted to cum, and she wanted him to cum as well.

"I feel like such a slut, Alan. We're fucking in the bed I share with my husband. I swallowed his cum in this bed last night. He has no fucking idea what a slut I am. I want you to use me. I want your cum all over me. I'm going to lay here and finger fuck myself thinking of you in my ass. Fuck me hard, Alan. Make me your whore."

Sarah spoke quickly and loudly. Their fucking had reached a fever pitch as Alan slammed his thick, hard cock in and out of Sarah's ass.

He began to grunt and tense as he felt himself approach orgasm. His balls tightened up and began to spurt.

Sarah felt the swelling of his cock and knew what was coming, quick as a flash, she had lifted herself off his cock and spun around, taking him in her mouth.

The taste of her own ass on his cock was the most erotic thing Sarah had experienced, she rubbed her clit roughly and quickly.

Alan was shooting wave after wave of cum into her mouth, she began to choke and it spilled out of the sides. Withdrawing her lips, Sarah felt the rest of his cum spurt across her face and drip down onto her chest. At the same time, she began to cum again. Her juices gushed out of her onto the sheets below. They were a filthy mixture of sweat, cum and pussy juice.

Sarah got her breath back and looked at Alan. The neighbour's cock was spent and had begun to shrink. The cheating housewife looked him in the eye. Scooping cum from her face, she pressed a finger into his mouth and said;

"You better lick the rest off of my face and tits, my husband will be home soon."

Alan smiled.

He was only too happy to oblige.



  1. a brunette with deep brown hair? I think you mean deep brown eyes? :)

  2. Oh dear me. I feel so silly! Thank you for drawing attention to that

  3. Thank you! It seems Sarah has become a lot of people’s favourite. Apparently there’s something about a submissive woman that turns people on

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