The Direct Approach II (Mdom/msub, anal)

I lay motionless, doing my best to catch my breath before Greg decides to dive back in. He runs his hands over my back, his warm skin sending a shiver up my spine. He lays on top of me one more time, I turn my head to the side to watch as Greg moves up to me, I see him kiss my neck and nibbling on my ears. I hate that he knows my weak spots. A light touch, a sweet kiss on my neck and I’m putty. I’m sure Jessie knows as well. They probably share notes about me while they lay in bed together. I guess he thought I was rested enough. “Ready for more?” Greg asks, stroking my hair, as if I were his dog. He isn’t wrong, considering the whole time I’ve been whimpering and begging for more. I nod my head. “I hope you are. Because I won’t be as easy as I was the first time.” Greg repositions so that our hips are touching. I can feel his dick lying between my cheeks. At first, he rubs against me slowly. I begin to rub my ass against him and I ask him for his dick. “Take this ass. It’s all yours.” I tell Greg as I present myself for him “For me?” Greg asks as he continues to rub against me. I reach over to try and grab his dick. I can feel it brush against my fingers as he pulls away. He doesn’t spank me like I was hoping for. He grabs my ass with one hand and squeezes tightly, it hurt so much that I had to shout into the pillow one more time. “I didn’t say it was time.” Greg says as he releases his grip on me. I beg for forgiveness and he returns the favor by lightly massaging my back. I damn near laugh in excitement as I hear him open the bottle of lube. He puts some on his dick and I shudder as he covers my ass in a thin layer. Slowly, Greg begins to tease me as he slowly pushes his head against my hole. I moan and beg for more.

I feel him push through and I tense up as he slowly inserts himself into me. I manage to fit half of his length before I beg him to stop. “Oh god.” I whimper. Greg laughs and responds. “It’s not god, it’s just me.” He allows me to relax, and then I feel him move deeper into me. I beg him to move faster “I love how you fill me up.” Greg pants and I hear him answer. “You’re so fucking tight. I don’t think even Jessie is as tight.” I hide my smile behind my pillow, proud of the compliment. As he continues to grant me the pleasure of his large, long cock, I feel the full length of him as he slides in and out of my ass. He lovingly holds my hips and guides me where he wants. Then his hand slides down my ass as he reaches to my front and begins to rub my dick. I moan and squirm wildly as he pleasures us both. “Yes, Greg. Please stroke me. Please make me cum.” He laughs as I hear him grunt and groan. He leans in so that I can hear him against my ear. His moans match with mine as we both move closer to the edge. “Good boy, but now I want you to roll over.” I follow his orders as he pulls all of himself out of me. I roll onto my back and I love the sight above me.
