[f][MF] Fun times on video chat!

On last Monday I woke up feeling really tired and groggy and kinda depressed and it felt like a sucky day for school, so I made the brave sacrifice of giving it up so I could stay home and relax and eat and just be lazy for a while. Parents were gone, house was empty, awesome.

I stayed asleep till about 10 o'clock, watched some stupid Youtube videos, and eventually got up at about 11. After a few snacks it was time to shower. Something stupid that I love doing but can only do when my parents are gone is not drying myself after a shower. After I rinsed off, I just got out and walked back to my room dripping wet and completely naked, just a small hair towel in my hand. It leaves a trail of water all over the floor from the bathroom to the bedroom so nobody appreciates when I do this, but parents won't be home for a long time so screw them!

I toweled off my hair and blow-dried and brushed and put it up and I decided feeling pretty would make me feel better about the day so I spent half an hour on my makeup with Game of Thrones playing on my laptop (damn, those lesbian scenes). I put on some black panties with a bright pink lacey band and sat down on my bed with my laptop to browse reddit and whatever else. I was probably there an hour when I accidentally opened a bookmark for one of those random video chat sites. I thought, whatever, and let it open and clicked start.

A few seconds later, a guy and girl got connected with me. They looked bored when they first showed up, then confused, then laughed awkwardly. I probably had the same looks on my face as I looked at my own cam and came to realize I wasn't wearing any bra or shirt! It wasn't low enough to show everything, but it was pretty much obvious I had nothing on. I was feeling good about myself and happy with my body right then so I decided not to do anything and just let it be. They were both smiling nervously, not sure what to do with the random topless girl that just showed up. They asked if was a camgirl for a porn site, asked if I was looking for some sexy times with a stranger, etc. I said, No just staying home to relax and goof off a while and I just happened to be doing it naked. They said they were both doing the same thing pretty much except with clothes on. As we chatted for a bit, the guy was definitely getting turned on by me, which I politely pretended to not notice with his girlfriend right there.

He eventually got up and left the room and left me and his gf together, well, "together". Once he was out for a minute, she smiled and interrupted me and said, "Quick, show me yours and I'll show you mine." I paused for a second, caught off guard, and shrugged. Why not? I sat up some, adjusted the screen, and let her see it all. "Alright, that's all I got. Your turn." She looked over her shoulder to make sure he was still gone, lifted up her t-shirt, and opened up her bra in the front. She did have some nice boobs so this was a good trade. They were perky, probably a B cup with, big, dark brown nipples – the left one had a bar pierced through it. Her embarassed giggling made the whole scene very sexy. I asked her why wait till he's gone? She said, "He told me he'd love to see me get with another girl and I want to do it for him, but I don't know where to start. I saw a chance to get my feet wet and took it."

That little confession and the peek at her boobs had turned me on a little. She warned me he was coming back so we both re-adjusted back to how we were. Once back, I took another look at him and decided he was pretty cute, more now that I was getting a little connection with his girlfriend. They were a good looking couple. He was tall, dark glasses, dark hair, light beard. She had long straight blonde hair, very skinny, slender arms, and a tight white t on.

First thing he said was, "So what's it gonna take for you to move that camera and stop teasing us?" His gf pretended to look shocked and playfully tapped him on the cheek. He looked at her and said, "Admit it, you want to see them too."

me: "I think it's only fair I get to see hers first, since you asked."

him: "Good luck, she won't even take a pic of them for me."

She pretended to look offended, shoved him out of the way and confidently pulled her tshirt over her head. He looked surprised and probably wanted to say something but didn't want to interfere just yet. She tossed the t on the floor, stood up, turned around, unhooked her bra and slid it down her arms. Arms still extended down, she did a dramatic turn to the camera and gave him a look like, "Shows how much you know about me."

I laughed and ooh'd and ahh'd over them for a bit like I had never seen them before. He almost forgot about me but he came back to his senses and said she delivered so I had to. I covered my boobs with my arm, sat up, tilted the screen up, and put my arms behind my head. Damn, he looked happy to see me. I put my hands back down, grabbed them, squeezed them together, jiggled them around, all those things that guys love to see a girl do. She started to do the same but he quickly pulled her over on top of his lap and took the liberty himself. I watched them for a few minutes as he ran his hands all over her stomach, sides, boobs, then neck and cheeks and they started to make out pretty aggressively. She turned around, climbed up on his chair, and kissed him while her tight-yoga-pants'd ass filled my screen.

They were so passionate, I was loving it. Enough that I slipped my hands down below the camera and lightly rubbed up one side of my pussy over top of my panties and down the other then up the middle and so on. A few passes up and down and I pressed in just a little bit and a bit of a moan slipped out. He must have heard it because he pulled away from kissing and poked his head out to look at me. I smiled and lifted up two fingers and wiggled them around a bit to show him what I was up to. He smiled big and went back to work on his girlfriend. We all kept this up for not quite 5 minutes, while I had moved my fingers to the inside of my panties and was sliding two fingers up and down my labia, and lightly across my clit, until she stopped, turned to the camera, and smiled while she slipped her pants down and off. She had on bright red skimpy panties, almost a thong but not quite. The boyfriend just waited to see what she would do. I don't think he was used to her taking so much initiative.

She took it though, and unbuttoned his pants and slid them to the floor, then his boxers. She climbed up on him again, slid her panties aside, lined herself up, and slid down onto his dick, taking it all in in one shot. She turned back to me and gave me a damn sexy look and went to work, sliding up and down on him and throwing her had back in pleasure whenever she took it all in. This was pushing me over the edge! It felt so good seeing these two loving each other just for me (I know, not just for me but it felt like it). I stepped it up and pushed a finger, then two, inside my pussy as far as I could. I stroked forward and back with my fingertips hitting a great spot. I totally let loose and got my whole body into the motions, but being careful not to knock over my laptop. I had to keep giving him a good view, as he was keeping his head out to the side, looking past his girlfriend at me. I kept my eyes on them too, watching her ass go up and and down on his dick, and watching his hands grab a handful of ass every now and then. She noticed his attention was divided so she spun the chair around a half turn to get a good view of her screen.

One of my weaknesses is watching a girl enjoy herself. That's pretty much what got me interested in girls in the first place. It didn't take long watching the pleasure her face until I couldn't hold it in anymore. I pushed my fingers in me as hard as I could, clenched my thighs around my hand, and damn near screamed! She seemed to enjoy that as she was right behind me with her own orgasm. The boyfriend must have finished more quietly because I could see they made a fine mess as she pulled herself off of him. She rubbed a hand up across her own pussy, kind of cleaning up, and brought it to her mouth for a taste, then offered a finger to her boyfriend who licked it clean. She went down on him and cleaned up his shiny wet cock. I was just laying there, tired and sweaty, coming down from my high. We all laughed and chatted for a bit and she was so excited because she had never done anything like this before. He couldn't have looked happier! After a bit, they left to go shower together. I slipped off my panties and tossed them aside, and wiped myself clean with the towel I had dried my hair with earlier. I relaxed for a bit, slipped on some clean panties and a nice bra and jeans and went to get a snack and veg out on the couch. Day well spent!

We exchanged emails in case we ever felt like doing something like this again. I hope I hear from her!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/254i4s/fmf_fun_times_on_video_chat


  1. That was *awesome.* All the little details were great, the pacing was excellent, the descriptions of sex were phenomenal, and the characters were believable (which doesn’t always happen in erotica). I don’t always like first person (personal pet peeve) but this was great. Your sentence structure was a bit simplistic at times, but it works well with the story. Great work!

  2. I hope it’s believable since it’s a true story! I posted it on gwstories last week. That’s why it has to be first person too.

  3. Oh, well, that makes sense then! I’m jealous you had such a fun experience online.

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