Tales of Lust and Magic Extra: Learning a Lesson [MF][FemDom][Oral][Fantasy]

That same night, Farroh had an encounter of his own. After storming off from Getin and the alluring, but despicable whore, he found himself in the Mash Tun. This pub was the antithesis of the one he’d left but it was no matter. Farroh wasn’t looking for company or atmosphere.

He was just looking to get drunk and he succeeded after a short time. He became such a stumbling, aggravated mess the landlady was forced to kick him out. He stumbled home and found the house dark.

“Probably still with that bitch,” he mumbled as he opened the door. A more sober Farroh would have probably noticed the figure sitting in the corner. Unfortunately, drunk Farroh wasn’t aware of much past his own nose. He stumbled towards his bedroom. His shoulder smacked against the door frame and sent him spinning to the floor.

After a few moments he realized he was staring at was the ceiling. As he waited for the room to cease spinning, he decided sleeping on the floor was as good as anywhere.

The next thing he knew, he found himself sitting in a wooden chair. His head lolled to the side, trying to locate the source of the heat at his back. His chin fell to his chest and again he dozed. After several attempts to awaken he moved to stand and nearly toppled over. This is how he discovered both legs were bound at the ankles with strips of black silk. His hands were equally bound behind him.

In his haze, it took him a while to realize he was in an unfamiliar house, tied to a chair, sat in front of a roaring fire. He scanned the area, fighting to focus and make sense of his situation. Out of the deep shadow stepped the tall blonde woman. Nude, tall, and confident. She cast an imposing presence. She approached in slow steps and tutted as Farroh fought against his restraints.

“Shhhh, my darling. Don’t make such a fuss. You’ll ruin everything.”

“You whhhore. You shifty whore,” he slurred. “If I’d liked it the first time I would’ve come back. But I didn’t. I left you.”

“You hurt me, my dear. I’m no whore.” She stood in front of him, arms at her sides, her golden eyes glowing in the firelight. “No, you don’t get to call me whore. You can call me…Miss Tuk for now.”

“I’m not gonna call you anything, now let me go. I’m getting pretty tired of waking up to your face.”

“Are you trying to hurt me? Don’t you think I’m pretty?” She pushed his chin up with her long finger. Much to Farroh’s surprise, he felt a twinge of excitement stir within. “You look very hungry, my pet. Here, eat this.” She pulled out a small white cube from behind her back.

“Where did you…”

“Hush now, eat.” Miss Tuk shoved the cube into his mouth, swiftly clamping her hand over it before he could spit it out. It dissolved on his tongue with an unnatural cloying sweetness. With no other option, Farroh was forced to swallow. “What a good boy you are. Can I have a taste?” she whispered. Miss Tuk straddled his lap, held his head and kissed him. Her tongue delved deeply into his mouth and she pulled away, licking her lips. “Delicious.”

Farroh felt his drunkenness slip away and a dreamy sobriety take over. He also became very aware of her soft, warm bush nestled against his groin.

“You alright there, sweet boy? Are you feeling…anything.” She nibbled on his ear, her hands tugging at his curly red hair. His cock stiffened almost on command. “Oh yes, there we go. That’s what I’ve been looking for. Do you want me, Farroh? Do you want me to slip on top of you and make you feel so good.” Miss Tuk ground her hips against his throbbing erection and Farroh groaned.

“Yes, please…” he said before her mouth found his again. She grasped between his legs and cupped his tight balls.

“You want me to ride you like last time?”


“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. Oh, but we are going to have a little fun, you and I. Hope you’re well rested because you’re not getting much sleep tonight. I didn’t appreciate,” her nails dug into his sensitive skin, “how you treated me earlier in the pub. But,” she said releasing his balls, “you can try and make up for it.”

Farroh’s mind tried to sort through a mix of lust, confusion, and an ebbing pulse of fear. No longer drunk, he felt intoxicated in an entirely new way. He lived a quiet, normal life and this amazing woman was, at the very least, exciting. But what in Pan’s name is she talking about?

She’s been stalking me since I first woke up to her little concubines working me over. I don’t know what’s happening here but I may as well enjoy it, as long as I don’t have to pay.

“Alright, my darling. I’ll be right back.” Farroh watched her walk to the far corner of the room, her hips swaying seductively. She bent over and pulled out a small, glass flask. The liquid inside shimmered like diamonds in the dark, catching the light of the fire behind him.

Turning towards him, she took a quick gulp and dribbled the rest of the fluid on her chest. She tossed the glass over her shoulder and it landed with a crash. As Miss Tuk stepped towards him, she massaged the fluid across her large breasts and down her stomach. She paused, sliding her hand down into the patch of blonde hair. Her body began to glow from within, a subtle pulsing of reds and blues.

“Now, I think I’m ready for you.” With a flash of her hand, Farroh slid across the floor towards her, still secured in the chair. He came to a halt only inches from her feet.

“You’re a witch,” he whispered. “I should’ve fucking known. And I bet all those other women are witches too?” She twirled a section of his curly, red hair with her fingers. “They are my employees. They do my bidding, mostly the things I can’t be bothered to do. I’ve…accumulated them over the years. They’re good girls, mostly.”

“So why aren’t they here now?” He felt braver now that he knew what he was dealing with.

“Because, my dear. I very much want to be here right now.” She circled around to his back and freed his hands. “I’m not very good at sharing.”

“Aren’t you afraid I’m going to try and get away now?” She motioned again and his chair tipped backwards, placing him on his back softly. She stepped over him, her long legs on either side of his head and looked down at him.

“I’m confident you won’t be able to overpower me. Besides, I think you want to be here as much as I do. Something tells me nothing else is ever going to satisfy you the same way after tonight.” She squatted down on the balls of her feet, her moist pussy hovering over his lips. “Lick me.”

Farroh hesitated. Her pussy was coated in that strange substance but her scent elicited a primal urge that pushed his worries aside. He plunged his tongue into her sweet pussy, the patch of hair tickling his nose. Her whispered commands drove him crazy. He’d never had a woman take control like this.

“Stick your tongue inside like that, yessss. Mmmm, yeah, fuck me with your tongue.” He grabbed her round ass. She smacked his hands away.

“No touching unless I tell you. If you need to keep your hands busy, play with yourself.” She stood abruptly, her hands on her hips and looked down at him. “You are absolutely not allowed to cum unless I say so, understood?” Farroh nodded.

Miss Tuk settled back on his face, her groin pressed against his mouth. Farroh grasped his aching cock with both hands. He closed his eyes and relished her taste, the urgency with which she ground against his tongue. Besides their first meeting, this was the single most erotic encounter he’d ever had with a woman.

Her wetness soaked the hair on his chin. Farroh was so consumed with pleasing her, following her directions that he quickly lost control. He inadvertently got carried away with pleasuring himself. He tried to give her a warning but her pussy was pressed tightly against his mouth. Ignoring her instructions, he pumped furiously and within moments shot a long stream of cum onto her back. Spurt after spurt landed on her ass and his stomach. As he finished he realized she was looking down at him, her face clouded.

“You really shouldn’t have done that.” She stood, righted his chair with a flick of her hand, and wiped down her back with his rough linen shirt. “What did I say? Did I tell you could do that?” Her voice was dark. The orgasm had cleared Farroh’s mind

He remembered she was a witch of undetermined power. His heart thudded in his chest as she drew closer. Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. His hands snapped back behind the chair and were once again tightly secured.

“It seems you’re desperately in need of a lesson.” She knelt down between his legs and took his limp, sticky cock into her hands. She bent forward. With a deep exhale, her hot breath seemed to encompass his groin, travel into his body. He instantly hardened and an aching pressure filled his balls. The lust he’d expended only moments before returned double-fold. Farroh grunted in surprise.

“I warned you,” said Miss Tuk. “It’s clear to me now. You have some terrible habits I need to break. It’s probably a good thing you weren’t the one I was looking for. Don’t worry. You’ll come to thank me…in time.” She took his full length into her mouth. Her throat tightened around the head of his cock. He moaned loudly through gritted teeth.

Miss Tuk’s tongue swirled around his shaft in impossible ways and Farroh found himself quickly at the brink of cumming again. She jabbed a pointed nail into his balls.

No. Her voice echoed in his mind. Do. Not. Cum.

It took every fiber of his willpower to resist unloading in her magical mouth. She expertly kept him on the brink of orgasm. It was exquisite torture. He heard a man’s voice speak and suddenly her mouth disappeared. Farroh groaned in protest. He noticed that Henry, a local blacksmith, was standing in the doorway looking significantly more inebriated from when Farroh saw him at the Mash Tun earlier that night. He didn’t care. He just wanted her mouth to return to his cock.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/244hyd/tales_of_lust_and_magic_extra_learning_a_lesson

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  1. Henry was already dreading the hangover his current drunkenness would produce the following morning. He didn’t notice the light flickering from his windows. He didn’t notice his door was already unlatched but upon entering his home, he did notice the odd scene in front of him. Sitting naked, tied to a chair in his front room was the baker boy he’d shared a pint with earlier. Odd. Kneeling between his legs, mouth wrapped around the boy’s purple cock, was an old man that didn’t look a day under 100. Very odd. Henry held himself up on the door handle and blinked several times. He looked around the room as if verifying the house he’d entered was indeed his own. The two men in the center of the room hadn’t noticed his entrance. “The fuck…” he squeaked. The old man released Farroh’s cock so quickly it slapped against his stomach with a wet smack. He rounded on Henry and stared, unwavering. “What the fuck is going on here,” Henry said, stumbling into the room. “Get out of my house. This look like a brothel to you? I don’t even…Farroh, what is this?” Farroh groaned. Even now, without any contact, his face twisted and contorted as though he were in the midst of an orgasm. “Oh gods, let me cum. Please, just let me cum. I’ll be good, I promise.” The old man ignored Farroh’s pleas but instead spoke to Henry directly. “You need to leave. You can return in the morning but for right now, you must go. Leave on your own or you’ll force my hand.” Henry gaped at the old man. A glowing aura emanated from him. Something told him, although he looked weak, Henry didn’t stand a chance against him. “But…the boy…” “The boy will be just fine,” the old man snapped. He moved towards him, almost gliding across the floor. “Where am I supposed to go?” Henry whispered, stepping back towards the open door. “I don’t care. Just go.” The door slammed in his face the moment he cleared the threshold. As he stood on his doorstep processing what had just happened, he heard Farroh begging from inside. “Please, please, just suck it a little more.” Henry was horrified. In his confusion he found a warm spot to sleep in a neighboring barn. When he returned to his house in the morning and saw nothing was disturbed, he chalked everything up to a wild dream. *I’ll have to tell Farroh the next time I see him. He’ll laugh his ass off*, Henry thought. *And I need to lay off the booze.* The door slammed but Miss Tuk didn’t move. Farroh squirmed in the chair. Even the slightest breeze that caressed his skin threatened to send him over the edge. “Please, please, just suck it a little more.” Miss Tuk paused then turned to regard him. “This is going to have to progress a little faster than I had first anticipated. Somehow, I let time get away from me. Though I’m sure time has been moving quite slowly for you, hasn’t it my pet. You’ve been a good boy. It’s probably time you get a treat. I want you to cum in my mouth.” Farroh nearly finished just hearing those words. She slowly knelt in front of him and took his throbbing cock in her hand. Looking up into his eyes, she said, “Cum for me.” She forced his entire length into her mouth and within seconds Farroh unloaded spurt after spurt of cum down her throat. Every muscle in his body clenched and it seemed as though, for that moment, no other sensation could exist that didn’t emanate from his cock. She sucked every last drop from him before releasing. His rang and his body felt absolutely drained. “Hmmm, it’s odd,” she said licking her lips. “In another life you could’ve been the one I’m looking for but something tastes…different. It’s curious.” Farroh’s head hung onto his chest, sleep creeping in. “You poor dear, you must be so thirsty. You’ve lost plenty of fluids tonight.” Miss Tuk returned with a warm cup of water. She lifted his chin and helped him gulp it down. She looked over his face and body with a physician’s eye and nodded. “Much better. I think you’re holding up nicely, my dear, but dawn is about an hour away, so enough talk.” She knelt between his legs, her mouth hovering close to his softening cock. Again, her hot breath swirled around his groin, deep into his body, reinstating a level of desire magnified from before. Farroh’s cock throbbed to life with dizzying speed. For a moment he felt as though he may pass out. His thoughts once again became unintelligible, jumbled and clouded with an overwhelming lust. Miss Tuk backed away with a satisfied smirk. She turned around and got on to her hands and knees a few feet in front of him. She spread her legs wide and reached behind with one hand. As she slipped a finger inside she said, “I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me as hard as you physically can. You are absolutely not permitted to finish until I have and believe me, you will know when I have. Am I understood?” Farroh’s mind contained no words. His fervent nodding was punctuated with a final grunt. Miss Tuk rubbed the entrance to her pink pussy and with a wave of her hand, his bindings were released. He nearly upturned the chair as he stumbled forward, her luscious ass arching to meet him. As he pushed into her impossibly tight pussy, her voice echoed through his mind. Please me and I’ll please you. Farroh gripped her shoulders and slammed deep inside. All the teasing, all the incredible toying and torture that she’d built up that night was released in every thrust. It was her turn to moan and her cries were like music to his ears. A small part of him wanted to return the torture, bring her to brink and stop but he knew he’d never be able to. “Fuck me, boy,” she repeated. He dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her hips and did as she commanded. Farroh was coated in a thick sheen of sweat and he could feel her pussy juices running down his balls. He pushed her onto her stomach, his full weight now pummeling into her pussy. Heat began to build inside of her and a warm, tingling sensation surrounded his cock. The harder he thrust the greater the heat and soon she was moaning as loud as he. “Yes, keep going! Keep fucking…oh gods…gods…I’m cumming,” she shouted. Her muscles locked around his cock so tightly he couldn’t pull away. No matter how hard he tried, he was locked in. Farroh was now along for the ride. Just as their first meeting, her pussy seemed to vibrate and expertly contract in ways Farroh never knew were possible. The tingling sensation traveled deep inside his cock and spread throughout his body. Miss Tuk cried out and with a shiver, Farroh exploded deep inside of her. Her pussy rippled so intensely around his cock he could no longer hold himself up. Collapsing on top of her, he experienced what would be the best orgasm of his life. They lay there together, spent. She slowly released her grip on him and he rolled onto the floor beside her trying to catch his breath. She turned onto her elbow and smiled at him, almost friendly. “You’ve done well, my boy.” Her fingers traced down his body, finding his cum covered cock. Farroh twitched when she grabbed it. “Please, no. No more. I can’t take any more of this.” “No, no, you’re done for tonight. In fact,” she whispered, “you’re done until I release you. You’ve learned a few lessons tonight but here’s another. You won’t be able to come at all, by yourself or with another, unless I explicitly say so. Try all you like but nothing will…come of it.” Farroh vaguely heard her speaking but in his daze, couldn’t focus on the words. Relieved and exhausted, he fell into a deep sleep. Distant memories of the nights’ events drifted back to him throughout the following day. It was only when he found himself balls deep in Kasti that he remembered the curse Miss Tuk had placed on him. **This short is a “bonus scene” from the [erotic fantasy series Tales of Lust and Magic: Growing Shadows. Visit Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/Growing-Shadows-Tales-Lust-Magic-ebook/dp/B00JX2FJIY) to see what else Miss Tuk has in store for Farroh and his friends.**

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