Industrial relations – Part II [MF, HUML, ANAL]

He stretched his hand out, and parted her blouse. Her breasts fascinated him, they were little more than mounds, A cups he guessed, yet they were pert and suited her slender yet athletic frame. As he stroked her nipples she seemed embarrassed for the first time. He wondered if her breasts somehow embarrassed her, she seemed far more comfortable flashing her cunt at him.

He felt himself grow hard; she looked down at his growing bulge and raised an eyebrow “so do we have a deal” we asked.

“I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you” peter said archly “I’m not going to be manipulated by you”

She said nothing but a flash of what Peter took to be vulnerability and hurt came across her face. She turned around and picked up her skirt.

As she started to put it on he said “wait” she stopped and turned to look at him. He still had her knickers in his hand; he saw that he was clenching them tightly. The erection in his trousers was starting to become uncomfortable.

“put these back on” he said handing her back her knickers.

She didn’t say anything as she slid them back on. He wondered if she felt a little bit more comfortable now that she wasn’t so exposed to him. He liked the look of the boxies on here, while undoubtedly attractive and feminine she had a kind of tomboyish look to her.

“were you going to let me fuck you here “ he asked gesturing to the loading dock.

“If I had to” she said

“Why here” he asked

She shrugged “it’s quite. the offices upstairs are busy and people could probably guess what we were doing with the blinds closed” she looked around “besides I like it here, it’s nice to have a quite place to gather your thoughts”

“That the loading dock is so quite is probably not a good sign for a business” Peter said archly.

She smiled in response “I try to see the positive” she looked at him again “now what?” she asked

“take your shirt off” he said. She obeyed silently. It was only then he realised she still had her shoes on, which he asked her to remove next.

In the end she stood there in just her Knickers, wearing a nonchalant expression.

“do we have a deal” she asked

“No” he said “I’m not making deals with you”

she looked annoyed but then he continued “If at any stage I’m unhappy I leave, if I’m happy to stay then I will, I’m not making any commitments” She nodded silently

“bend over that Pallet” he said gesturing to one that was about his waist height. He still expected her to start objecting or negotiating at some stage but she did as he asked although, she stopped to pick up her purse which she lay on top of the boxes on the Pallet before she bend over.

He felt more comfortable now that she was facing away from him. He did not feel comfortable in these surroundings, it was her factory, however she had come by it. He felt an intruder.

Still fascinated by her knickers he slid his hand under the elastic and between her legs. After stroking the outside of her cunt he started to try and work his fingers inside her. She was try and tight and he struggled, to get a finger insider her. Her labia was not exposed like most women rather tucked neatly inside, making the outside of her cunt feel almost smooth.

The knickers were close fitting so he pushed them down her thighs just far enough to allow him better access.

He didn’t know how far to push her, where her limits might be. He couldn’t see her face, she had her head up but it looked as if she was simply staring directly ahead at the wall. Her hands were holding on to the far side of the pallet.

He continued to fondle and finger her cunt, almost by accident he brushed a finger between her cheeks and felt the puckered ring of her asshole. He hesitated for a minute ‘surely she’d object if he touched her there’. He parted her cheeks and then brushed the outside of her asshole again with his thumb, more firmly this time. She said nothing. He pushed against the outside of her asshole but it wouldn’t give way. He tried again with his index finger, he saw her asshole clench up, as if to keep his finger out, he wondered if she was doing it intentionally.

He started to try and work his finger into her asshole, any second expecting to hear her protest.

“wait” she said calmly.

He pulled himself away, feeling an urge to run, cursing himself for going too far. He didn’t know how she would react, but he didn’t expect her to calmly reach into her purse and pull out a small bottle. She poured some onto her hand, and without looking back, reached between her legs and rubbed some into her cunt, he watched as she not only rubbed it outside but slid her fingers into herself to work in.

He thought she saw her hesitate for a moment, before she poured more into her hand. He didn’t breath as he watched her repeat the process with her asshole, slipping her fingers into her ass to work in what he now knew to be oil in.

“Do you like anal sex” he asked

“No” she said simply.

“then why…. ?” he started to ask a question but stopped lost for words.

She looked back at him expressionless “I don’t enjoy it but never really felt like arguing the point, you can fuck me that way if you want” she looked at him expressionless, I'd prefer if you'd fuck me normally, or I can use my mouth?”

Peter was gobsmacked but he heard the words come out of his mouth, as if a buried instinct insisted on making the decision for him.

“I want to fuck your arse” he said quietly. He had never fucked a woman anally before, he had never been with a woman where he felt it was an option. It was something he'd only ever experienced through porn.

Still he couldn't read her expression, she turned her head back to face the wall. Then he saw her reach back and pull her arse cheeks, he watched as she spread them farther which served to open her asshole slightly.

He reached his finger out and this time his index finger slid in with little resistance. His cock was bursting and he wanted it inside her.

He undid his trousers and freed his cock, he could see glistening drops of precum. He shuffled forward and placed it against her asshole, she spread her cheeks wider. Then he pushed, the tip started to slide in. He stepped into his next thrust and the head of his cock was in and his shaft was sliding into her arse, he heard her gasp quietly.

He'd never felt anything like it in his life. The tightness was exquisite he'd never imagined it would feel like this. Looking down he could see his cock disappearing nto her asshole, which was almost as intense a feeling.

Helen kept her arse cheeks pulled apart. His cock slid deeper so that he was nearly all the way in. Then he felt a spasm inside her, he would realise later she was pushing back against him. It was too much and he felt himself empty himself inside her. While he was disappointed that it was over so quickly he was not surprised, he suspected that Helen was glad that it was over. He held himself in her for a time he wasn't sure how long. She released her arse cheeks and her hands went back to their original position by her head.

He found he actually respected her for how she'd taken it. He wasn't going to fool himself into thinking she'd enjoyed it. She hadn't cried or cajoled or tried to play him, she'd simply let him fuck her how he wanted without complaint exactly as she said she would. There were few enough people in this world who would honor their commitments that way.

He pulled his cock out of her carefully. He motioned that he wanted her to stay bent over. With his hands he parted her cheeks again and watched how her asshole distended after being penetrated, started to clench up. He saw a slight trail of semen start to seep out, which surprised him as he thought he'd ejaculated too deeply inside her. Anal sex was a new experience.

He put his cock away and did his trousers up. “I'm finished now” he said He watched as she stood up. She stood there a moment and then pulled her knickers up. “do you mind if I get dressed” she asked

“no, go ahead”

He watched as she dressed, putting back on the severe skirt and blouse.

“on second thoughts” he said “I'll keep the knickers”


1 comment

  1. So this is the second part I’ve written and if anyone is interested I have a few thoughts on the story I’d like to share. This part involved actual sex for starters which sets it apart from the first part !. Like I mentioned in a comment to the previous part, I see Helen as someone that doesn’t particularly ‘enjoy’ sex yet at the same time is used to putting up with quite extreme sex acts (I’ll describe incidents of her sexual history in future installments, which explain this aspect of her personality). Nothing that Peter did to her was going to be able to surprise her. One idea that I might develop later on is why she didn’t negotiate more with Peter. As in why did she let him fuck her anally when she might have just got him off with vaginal sex or a blowjob. Again her reasons for that are tied up to incidents from her past. Peter at this stage is starting to develop complicated feelings about Helen. Unlike some men he doesn’t actually loose respect for her when he does certain things to her sexually. Later on he’ll move on to humiliation and BDSM but his regard for her will actually grow, aided in part by how he views her professionally. I’m going to introduce more characters soon. As you can guess this isn’t the first time Helen has done this. A business partner (and former friend) of her fathers, who she’s known all her life, will start to feature prominently, her sexual relationship with him is a key factor to how she’s taken control of the company. Despite not being a lesbian or even really bi-sexual, Helens closest friend will be introduced. She is a lesbian and partly out of friendship (and her casual attitude to sex, which extends to sex with women) Helen will have been having sex with her over the years. Helen is quite dependent on her friend, who in turn is very loyal to her. In a way they’re in love, with Helens love being platonic while her friends is very much romantic. There will also be a young female engineering graduate. This will start to display more negative aspects of Helen’s personality as we’ll see her in a far more dominant role. I’d very much welcome any comments people might choose to make, especially with regards to the plots and inconsistencies with regards characterization.

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