Industrial relations – Part 1 [MF, HUML, ANAL]

That Engineering was a man’s world was something that Peter Troy had always believed, though rarely given voice to. It was not an opinion formed by some misogynistic instinct but rather one that had evolved over time, stretching from his school-days in metalwork class, though his engineering degree to his 11 years as an engineer in various companies throughout England and Scotland. Women and heavy machinery simply didn’t mix.

He did encounter women on occasion; there were a handful of women on his University course, though he had discovered that few had pursued traditional engineering jobs in later life. Women were in practice a rarity which made the situation which he now found himself in more uncomfortable.

His company distributed and maintained precision machine tools. The company on whose shop floor he was now standing had once been a well regarded if small, family owned engineering company, but to Peter it seemed it was reaching the end of the line.

The owner had died after a protracted illness, several years of weak management had allowed the company to drift. Much of the machinery on the shop floor stood idle, others was being operated by barely trained staff. Peter could tell that they were contract workers, badly paid and disinterested. One harried looking supervisor constantly moved between machines checking settings, that the operators should have been able to do themselves. Trained operators cost more money though, and Peter guessed that they were a victim of company cost cutting.

Peter examined several pieces of equipment that his company owned, he was dismayed to find that they weren’t properly calibrated, but it was a moot point as he was here to remove them.

“Mr Troy this I would ask you to reconsider” a woman’s voice said from behind his shoulder.

Helen Gray was the youngest daughter of the firms owner, and had somehow become it’s new managing director. Although not for long Peter suspected as bankruptcy was looming.

Earlier on that morning, Peter had done some research online on her. She was 26, and actually had a degree in engineering from Peters old university. She was also incredible attractive and Peter sensed that she was very aware of this, she had a certain cockiness about her. She was 5’6 a red head with her hair tied up into tight bun. She wore a severe looking suit, with the blouse buttoned up to her throat and skirt below the knee. He knew she had an athletic and toned body from some pictures he’d found online of her competing in athletics, she was also a keen women’s soccer player. She seemed a bit flat chested to Peter which was the only disappointing aspect of her entire body.

“There’s nothing to consider Ms Gray” Peter emphasized the 'Ms' “My company has instructed me to supervise that return of any of our machinery for which payment has not been made”

“I let you into the factory this morning as a courtesy Mr Gray “she said her tone changing from pleading to challenging. “if you are going to repossess any piece of equipment then you need to go through the courts and have a bailiff remove it” Peter smiled “that’s not quite true, however even if I was to leave the machinery here all that would happen is that it would get tied up in the inevitable bankruptcy proceedings” her face sank as he continued “also look at the settings, this machine hasn’t been calibrated correctly, it hasn’t happened yet but eventually it will get damaged, and any damage you will be personally liable for” that last bit wasn’t entirely true but she looked suitably deflated. He tried to make his tone a little kinder as he gestured at the components the machine was milling “all of the tolerances on those will be out, they’ll fail any sort of rigorous quality control inspection, your just wasting the steel”

She looked crestfallen as she said “we’ve had a lot of staff leave over the last few months, the ones that have stayed aren’t able to keep up”

Peter shrugged, he had seen it happen before to so many companies. They got in trouble slashed wages and staff, and then lost too many key people to survive. Though it was unusual in Peters experience to have an actual engineer in charge, rather than some asshole with a degree in management or marketing, that didn’t understand what actually happened on the shop floor.

Suddenly her mood perked up “can you recalibrate the machines?” she asked Peter laughed “No”

“Can’t or won’t?”

Peter was insulted of course he knew how to calibrate them “won’t!” he said emphatically

“And if you wanted to could you leave the machinery here and explain to your company that you’re confidant that we’ll make our payments at the beginning of the next quarter?”

“Again I won’t be doing that !”

“Are you familiar with the other machinery we’ve got here?” she asked ignoring his replies

He looked around, even the machinery not supplied by his company was pretty generic, and he nodded in reply not quite sure where she was going.

“could you teach me how to set up and calibrate them myself, also I’d like to be able to do some repairs on them, I’ve been reading through the technical docs but it would be quicker if I had someone to show me”

Peter was getting annoyed “I have no interest in teaching you the fundamentals of how to run a factory Ms Gray”

She ignored him again, she had perked up. “you were right we have been having quality control issues, some of our customers are withholding payment, until we can show that we’ve rectified them, I’ve hired consultants but they haven’t been able to identify where the problems are”

Peter laughed it was obvious to him where the quality control issues were, the consultants were either incompetent or just looking to milk their contract for as much as they could. “Were these the same consultants that told you to slash wages and hire contract workers?”

She got annoyed again but just carried on “can you identify where the quality control issues are and help me to put a temporary fix on them until I can get trained workers?”

He was puzzled now but his ego wouldn’t let him say no “I can fix your quality control issues at least temporarily, but I won’t”

She looked deep in thought as she said “it’s Friday today so it’s ideal, do you think the weekend will be long enough to calibrate the machinery, and teach me everything else I need to know?”

“I’m not going to do that” Peter said emphatically, he wondered if she taught she could simply hire him to do it. “I don’t need another job Ms Gray”

She laughed for the first time “my brothers took nearly every penny out of this business for their inheritances; what was left I ended up spending on those fucking consultants, so offering you a bunch of money to change your mind isn’t really an option at this stage”

For the first time Peter started to feel for her at least she was trying to save a business in tough times, even if it was doomed to failure, but still he had no interest in baling her out.

“so” she continued “ I don’t have the money to pay you enough to stay, but if you’ll excuse me a moment I will come back with an offer” with that she turned and walked off.

The few minutes she was gone were just long enough to allow Peter’s sense of puzzlement and annoyance to grow. He had the sense she was playing him, her certainty and the way she felt comfortable ignoring his emphatic refusals, was annoying him.

When she returned, she asked him to walk with her to the loading dock. He was going to object but she was already off walking.

When they reached the loading dock she turned around suddenly “here” she said holding her hand out

As he took them from her hand he realized they were a pair of knickers, white with a blue band, they were obviously modeled on mens briefs, Peter remembered them being called 'boxies'.

He stared at her for a moment and she met his gaze directly. 'I'm not wearing a bra or you could have had that as well'

“I don't have any interest in your underwear” Peter said astonished.

“are you sure” Helen said simply “look you know what I want from you, if you help then I'm all yours” She looked determined “my idiot brothers milked this company for every penny they could get, It's been in my family for 80 years and I won't let it die.

Peter shook his head and moved to walk away but he noticed he still had her knickers in his hand. When he turned back he saw her undoing her skirt, he said nothing as it fell to the floor. Her blouse barely stretched past her hips, without saying anything she unbuttoned it and let it spread open, the obviously tiny mounds of her breast were still covered but her cunt was exposed. Completely hairless he wondered whether she shaved or waxed it.

“so what's your answer” she asked.

He stretched his hand out.



  1. I don’t know if it’s appropriate to comment below the line on my own story, but I’d like to share a few ideas I have about the Characters. Firstly Helen has an essentially disinterested attitude to sex. In one sense she isn’t a very sexual person, she know that she’s incredibly attractive and is aware of the attitude that she has on men. However she herself doesn’t have a particularly strong sex drive and has rarely had orgasms either from masturbation or during sex. Which isn’t something that she finds particularly troubling. That said she does have an extensive sexual history. She’s always been something of a Tomboy and preferred the company of men to women. In the sense that she’s always sought out male company that’s often put her in the situation where she’s ended up having sex with various male acquaintances, often older men, often men in a position of authority , teachers, sports coaches, etc. Sometimes men that she’s admired professionally and approached in a non sexual way have responded with sexual advances which she’s consented to. On relationship in particular is with the business partner of her father. She was never particularly close to her father but she formed an almost father daughter relationship with his business partner, which was one of the reasons she ended up in control of the company. Her past sexual experiences, include elements of BDSM, with rough sex being quite normal to her, likewise with anal sex, and she’s typically very submissive sexually, in contrast to her normally dominant personality. Secondly Peter, is not someone who expects to be able to fuck someone like Helen Gray. He’s 38, slightly balding and a bit overweight, not very successful with women, and often uses prostitutes. (which is key to how the sex develops with Helen later) He’s unambitious, but a brilliant engineer. He proves able to turn the company around in short order, but is less interested in how the company develops than in having the opportunity to have sexual experiences with Helen that he’s never had before. Which is why I see the nature of the sex taking an extreme turn very quickly.

  2. This story shows a lot of restraint on the behalf of the writer, which is un-common for stories published here. Wasn’t to my taste, but it is definitely worth a read and an up-vote.

  3. Also, I think it might be *"mute point"*, no *"moot point"*, but I could be wrong about that, I’m not certain.

  4. In a way it’s not so much self restraint as my struggling to make the switch between the actual setup and the sex itself. When I created the scene in my head It was one of a man, being able to indulge in extreme types of sexual activity that he’d only ever been able to fantasize about before. However it’s making that leap from how he’s found himself in that situation to actually taking advantage of it , and fucking her in the way he fantasizes about that’s proving as hard to me as the writer as I’m sure it would be to him in real life.

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