The shower [Mf, dirty talk, toys, submission]

Frustrated you storm off to the shower.

Several times in the last hour you've tried to get my attention for some fun. But each time has been foiled with whatever 'work' I'm doing on the computer. How does one person play so many video games? WTF!

The first time you just walked over and gently began to rub my shoulders and whisper in my ear. Only to be shrugged off. A little bit if frustrating started just then.

The second time you came by wearing just some yoga pants and sat next to me to read in your standard seductive posture. All you really wanted was to be taken, and maybe loved a little roughly.

"I'm done with that for the day." You mutter to yourself as you start to run the shower. The water shoots out of the head and seems to take forever to warm up. You need some release and slowly you start to pull the tight pants down. Exposing yourself completely. Your mind races a bit. You feel excited and flush but not as much of a rush as if we were about to have sex. Maybe this will do. And then maybe again in a few hours.

You sigh hoping this isn't a marathon day of masturbating.

After a bit longer you climb into the shower and before you've even started to rinse off you're already touching your body. Emotions begin to uncurl and relax for you. Your fingers gently trail your thighs as you tease yourself a little. You turn and lean your chest against the wall opposite of the shower head. The warm jets spray down your back and over your bottom. Your hands reach back to spread your ass and you feel the water run over your pussy and anus. The pressure and smooth rolling motion of the water trickles tease you just enough. You feel that energy surging in you. That need. Unconsciously your body forces you to roll your hips forward, raising your ass higher. Letting more warm water push against you.

A light moan escapes your lips. In your mind a peace starts to form and you drift into the dirty thoughts you had earlier. Being taken and loved roughly.

Your eyes part open slightly and you are startled a little bit. You see me standing there naked. Watching you. My eyes slightly wide. My white skin smoothed out over my thin frame. And clearly very excited to be watching you. You think you even see the glisten of pre-cum at the tip.

A huge grin crosses my face as we lock eyes. "I figured this wasn't a normal shower." I say as you wiggle your butt a bit.

"Well if you weren't so distracted by things less important than excellent sex…" You trail off as you debate teasing me further by critiquing my priorities. Then you notice that while I am naked I'm also holding something behind me. All thoughts of teasing gone curiosity makes you ask "What are you hiding over there?" You’re surprised. Your voice comes out low and husky. More than you expected but hot. You decide to add a sheepish wink at the end.

It gets the desired result. You see my member twitch and the hand behind my back slowly starts to come around. My eyes go a little wider and you hear a sigh escape my lips.

“Well, I want to dominate you a bit more thoroughly and so you might enjoy something in your mouth at the same time.” And with that you see a large dildo with a suction cup on the end come around from behind me.

You giggle and say “Fine, I guess. It’s not like you could have dominated me an hour ago.”

I roll my eyes in response and slide the shower door aside. You stand up and step to the side to let me in while turning to face me. There is a light look, an eagerness that cross your face and it makes me wild. You clearly see that I am indeed dripping pre-cum. It must have been the yoga pants.

I push the dildo onto the wall with the shower head a bit farther up than waist high and turn to push you up against the other side. You feel my right arm wrap around your waist as my left hand comes up to grab your hair. Lightly pulling forcing your head back and your mouth to open slightly. I lean forward and press you into the cool tile wall. Crushing my lips to yours. Your mind swims as you reach around and grab my ass, pulling me to you. You feel my excitement press into your hip, the thick shaft throbs and you let a soft moan escape wishing it was inside you already. Our tongues lash against each other. Breath escapes and you realize you’re going to be taken.

You hear a low loud moan come from me as my hips press into you. Pushing my shaft against you harder, to the point where you feel a pulse and you refuse to let me pull away. You grab my butt with both hands hand just pull me. Our tongues dance and I pull your hair harder ensuring you can’t pull away. What will I make you do? What is that dildo for? The questions are fuzzy and you just don’t care really. You want a release and you want it now.

You rotate your hips. Pushing your pussy into the base of my cock. The light grind feels good as you whimper. You bring one hand around to the front of my waist and grip my shaft firmly. I lean forward “Good girl. Now stroke that big cock for me." You glance down and see all seven inches hard and firm in your hand. Slowly your finger rolls over the engorged and pronounced head. A hunger fills you, your stomach warms and you feel that pressing need. Like a haze that hits yous almost too frequently your thoughts wander and you lose another layer of already flimsy inhibitions. "Yes daddy." You say and without question you wrap your hand around me. Lightly, enough to generate the right kind of soft friction but not aggravate the wet skin.

I pull my arm from around your back and before I can even tell you to do so you move your feet apart and spread yourself open. You know how hot this gets me. The need to be pleased. At the slightest indication that someone might touch your pussy you open your legs. Dress, skirt, pants, or nothing it doesn't matter. When my hand hits your hip with the right look in my eye you just open yourself to me. Quickly my fingers slide between your legs but not inside you just yet. A light tease over your lips and inner thighs. "Please daddy, don't tease me, just take me." Your other hand comes up and cups my balls. "These are too full to wait. It must hurt you too to tease me." You giggle.

I laugh and start to step back. We carefully turn so your facing the dildo with me behind you.

I reach up and place my hand at the top of your throat and turn your head so you hear my heavy breath in your eye. "You've been such a good girl today and I want to push you a bit." You moan and rub your butt over my cock. The smooth roundness forces a loud moan out of me. "Your going to suck that big fake cock while I fuck you." A lustful haze settles in on your mind. And before you realize what your doing you've already bent over and started licking the head of the cock. You place your left hand on the edge of the tub to steady yourself and you start suck. You make it loud so you can be sure I hear it. Warm water runs over the small of your back. You roll your hips forward and down opening your pussy to me.

Carefully I start to push myself against your lips. Thumbs firmly grip where your thighs meet your glutes and my fingers stretch over your hips. I pull you open slightly and try to ease the tip in. The water has washed away most of your natural lubricant. Its rough and a little hard to get in but you don't care. While I'm trying to be slow you just take control and being to push back. Forcing me into you. The stretch of your lips to get me in feels good. Not tight or painful but a fit that shows you've needed this since you got it this morning.

Once I realize what your doing I don't wait anymore. I just start pushing. This catches you off balance a little but and the dildo goes further down your throat than you are ready for. You gag and can't stop me from getting inside you. With that my head enters you. And I slowly start to move my hips forward and back with a light gyration. Getting more and more of my shaft wet with your excitement.

As you catch your breath your chest heaves. Just as your almost relaxed and ready to mouth the dildo again my hand comes up and grabs your hair. I push you forward with my hips and guide your mouth back onto the cock. "No stopping." A muffled cry of excitement escapes your lips around the cock.

At first my thrusts are slow and long. Then I start to increase the rhythm. You attempt to swallow more and more of the cock. With each time you get more down you hear me encourage you with phrases like "Good girl." And "That's a good slut." Along with the occasional smack on your ass when you stop for air. You're enjoying this more than you expected. Then you feel a finger probing at the base of my cock as I fuck you. I reach around to get it wet and slowly start to push inside of you along the underside of my intrusion. Its a stretch, and it feels great. Slowly opening you up.

I continue to thurst into but slowly again as I let you get use to the new entry. You feel me sliding my finger deeper inside you. The tip is reaching and searching as it rubs and massages against the front of your canal. Then it finds that spot, the one where just a few flicks of the tip can help you over the edge. You breath heavy and without thinking you take your mouth off the cock and look straight down in a haze. "Oh fuck yes!" You yell with a throaty voice. Realizing that your finally getting close you start to push back. "Just a bit deeper!" You yell and I push my finger hard working myself deeper. "Oh fuck!" My finger starts to massage forward and back. Your other hand comes up as you start to rub your clit. You are so close. Just then my other hand comes up and grabs your hair. I push your face towards the dildo yelling out "Suck it bitch." And as it brushes over your lips that is it. You lose it all right there and start to cum hard. Your body shudders and you breath heavy. Your fingers kneed your clit as I slide in and out of you slowly.

It takes what feels like minutes for it to finish. So intense and hard. Yet it felt great. As the haze begins to life you realize two things. This should keep you sated for a few hours and I'm not done with you.

I pull you up and let you catch your balance and breath. My hard cock slides out of you and both my hands come up to cup your breasts. You start to turn and we kiss. Your hand reaches down grips me firmly. Your slick cum lubricates me and makes it easy for you to stroke. "Thank you daddy but I still need to help you."

I reach over and grab the dildo, it comes free from the wall with a loud pop. I stick it on the opposite side much higher this time, even with the base of your neck, and turn you to face it. I pull you back from the wall a little and you lean forward. You know what's coming next. I'm going to ravage you. Start slowly and build until I forget control and just simply have you.

Carefully I push your head forward until you can suck the dildo. You greedily take it into your mouth and make a lot of noise doing so. More for show than anything else. You reach back with one hand and guide me to your opening. Then brace your hands on the walls. My left arm comes up across your chest and my hand firmly grips your right shoulder as you stand mostly upright, and turn your ass out. My right hand spreads you open slightly and I start to push. You tilt your head back so the tip of the dildo falls out and you loudly moan "You don't need to be gentle. Just take my pussy as roughly as you want." And with that you surrender completely, lean forward and swallow as Much if the dildo as you and and push back into me.

I enter you without much trouble and a loud moan is your reward. You put one leg up on the edge of the tub to let more of me into you. And I start to thrust. Your round butt takes most of the impact. A pounding that you know is coming gets you wetter still. You square up and you feel your full butt cheeks accept my hips as they slap against them. You roll your hips forward creating that sexy arch in your back and keep giving head to the dildo. "That's so hot!" I say while my eyes start to glaze over.

My moans turn to groans and my right hand grabs your hip now. My left arm still across your chest keeping you from getting too far from me. My thrusts are longer and harder now. Your ass takes all the punishment as I force your pussy to part each time my hips move forward. My right hand starts to pull you back into me the the rhythm is awkward at first and you just let me have you.

Then you start to find the pace and push back a bit. This gets the desired result and my groans turn into loud grunts. I stop with deep thrusts and just move the head of my thick cock into you then pull back just to the edge of your pussy and press forward again. You can tell I'm close. The heavy pace and loud noises I'm making. Pulling your hips back into me.

You let the dildo fall from your mouth and loudly start to moan "Yes daddy. Give me that cock! Tear this pussy up."

I lean forward and whisper huskily in your ear. You had no idea I could get this turned on. "Who owns this pussy." You smile a slutty smile and say "you do. It's yours to take whenever you want.ard. I can take it. I just want to feel you cum inside me. My whole body is yours. Take whatever you want."

That statement hit the right cord. I low groan echos in the bathroom as I start to thrust uncontrollably into you. You feel the first jet of my orgasm shoot inside of you. And a heady buzz affects us both. I keep pumping into you. Four then five times, each marked with a thrust. You smile lightly as my organs starts to finish.

Pulling you close to me you turn your head and we kiss again. "Enjoy yourself?" You say. A wicked grin cross my face. "I did. But I think we need to tie you down. So I can tease you harder. We laugh and out comes the soap, really just an excuse to touch you more.
