Long distance made close


Having just spent the last half day stuck in a plane I stumble out to the Arrivals gate exhausted, ready for bed. I feel greasy and sore, my butt especially is tired from being sat upon; there are only so many ways to reposition one’s butt, after all.

Waiting, searching, wondering where I should direct my gaze to find him or if I should just look for the nearest seat, I opt to wander a little bit, dragging my luggage along.

Shuffling forward, scanning my surroundings one last time I see a likely suspect, leaning against a pillar. My gaze meets the welcome sight of the promised cowboy hat and the man under the brim. His eyes meet mine and a smile comes across his smooth face as he makes his way toward me. I can hardly believe it’s been a full year since I’ve seen this man, seen his smile, heard his voice, felt his embrace. But, here he is, smiling, strutting toward me like he’s just won the lottery. My man.

The gap between us, at one time 20,000km, is now less than one meter. I drop my bags and open my arms. No words, just a simple, loving, long embrace. We just soak in each other’s presence, feeling that once familiar heat of passion between two lovers. He lifts me up off of the floor while I bury my face into his firm shoulder, hiding the tears that are forcing their way up. That old smell, the mix of Axe and his odor that puts me at ease; it’s been too long since I’ve been able to feel that calm. I sniffle as my tears come rolling onto his shirt.

We stay like that, my head on his shoulder, his hands around my waist, for what seems like ages, though it was probably only a moment or two. Slowly, I slide down his body till my feet once again touch the ground. With my head still pressed to his shoulder, wet with my tears, I feel his chin slide up the side of my neck. Before his soft lips even touch my neck my body shakes violently from the ticklish sensation. He holds me fast, though, and lands a gentle kiss on the nape of my neck. Shivers and goose bumps course over my body. After our moment of reconnection, we step back from each other we both look at the stain I have left on his shirt, he smirks while I try to act innocent. “Where have you been?” he asks. “Finding my way here.” I tease. Hoisting my bags over his shoulder and grabbing my hand, he motions toward the exit.


After nearly eighteen hours stuck in a plane the last thing I felt like was more sitting but, it was another two hours to drive to his place. Placing my bags in the trunk he walks me over to the passenger side door and helps me take a seat. As he walks over to driver side I sneak a peek at his butt.

We’re soon on the highway, one of his hands on the steering wheel the other resting on my thigh, a warming comfort.

Staring out the window at the cold night sky I let my mind wander, what will this new chapter of my life. bring? A house, kids, a new job? Right now, all I need is a big warm bed, shared with him and his warmth. The other stuff melts away while I stare at the traffic lines flying by, one after another, after another…. “Wake up, love. We’re here.”

He leads me up some less than stable stairs to his apartment, shows me in and around. “Super small kitchen, one bedroom but, it does come with a bath tub.” He tells me with a wink. “I think I’ll just have a shower, tonight.” “Well, the blue towel is already in there for you, I’ll go grab your stuff and you can freshen up, get ready for bed.”

The door closes behind him and I’m left alone in this alien environment. Sure, I've seen all of it before, on Skype. But, now I’m here, we can finally start something, something more.

Walking onto the cold tiled floor of the bathroom, I reach for the switch. The flickering, harsh white light from the fluorescents mixed with my jetlagged face, makes me feel even more tired. I look at the puffy spot under my eyes for a moment longer before I hunt for the shower knobs.

Giving the water a moment to warm up I begin to undress. Ugh, I’m still sore from the flight and I can feel the grease all over.

One last glance at the mirror before it fogs up and I take a moment to appreciate my body, my breasts, my hips, my stomach, my “metro ticket,” all of it pleasing to the eye, even if it all really needs a good wash at the moment. Shortly, the steam from the shower has fogged up the mirror, time to step in, I suppose. “Ohhhh….” I moan as the steamy water washes the stress of the day’s travel off of me.

After washing all over, I just stood there, letting the heat of the water weigh against the back of my neck, not quite conscious not quite asleep.

Then the door opens. It’s been over a year since we've shared a shower and now all that stands between me and my man is this thin sheet of plastic and the brush of one’s hand. Is he standing there, naked, waiting to join? “Your bathroom stuff is on the sink. Do you want anything to eat or do you just want to go to bed? Moving the curtain just far enough expose my head, there he is still dressed, minus the cowboy hat. “I’m fine, I just want to sleep.” “Alright, love.” He replies. “I’ll see you in the bedroom.”

He’s reading by the time I come in the bedroom, soft lamp-light reaching down his neck and arm. He’s not wearing a shirt, I can’t tell if he’s wearing pajamas underneath the blanket. “Hey stranger.” He says looking over his book. “Hey yourself.” Putting down the book and lifting the covers, “Come here.” My eyes dart down his body, past his pecs, his abs, right on down to the waistband of his pajamas. Sneaking under the cover with him, I rest my head on his arm and we stare into each other’s eyes. “I missed you…I missed us.” He tells me. “I know, I’m here now.”

He leans in, our noses brush against each other, his lips, hot and soft, meet mine. It is at once wonderful and bizarre. That year of being apart makes every step a bit awkward. Still, it feels comforting to be able to share lips with someone again.

Growing bolder, his hand meets my lower back and he pulls me closer, against his chest; I’m absorbing his warmth. Our lips and tongues meet over and over slowly tasting each other again; all I can feel is the heat of his chest, the softness of his lips and the growing firmness in pajamas. I’m so tired but, we’ve both been waiting for so long to be together. And that smell, how is he so intoxicating? Feeling him growing against my body pushes all thoughts of going to sleep out of my head.

Lips still locked together, his hand leaves my back and finds my butt. He squeezes it firmly, checking if it’s real maybe.

With the heat of our two bodies moving, reconnecting, I take off my shirt and press my breasts to chest. I soak in more of his warmth and embrace the feel of our flesh once again meeting. But, with that final move, chest-to-chest, he moves his head back and we stare at each other again. Bringing his forehead against mine, “I thought you would be jetlagged?” “I am. Very much.” “Well…we can wait. It doesn’t have to be tonight.”

We kiss one last time, slowly feeling each and every part of each other’s lips, before he picks himself up and lies behind me. All of those feelings of desire slowly returning to dormancy but, not quite going away as they had before.

Scooting my body into his embrace, I fall asleep feeling his chest against my back and my breasts in his hands.


I wake up smelling coffee and hearing something frying. I’m surprised he’s up before me, I remember a very heavy sleeper. Stretching my travel-worn body I remove the cover and soak up the rays of warm morning light coming through the window.

Laying there in the sunlight, wearing nothing save for my panties, I start to allow my mind to wander, remembering last night, thinking about how far it could have gone. I think about the kissing, his hand on my butt, and the growing warmth in his pants. I slide my hand underneath my panties and pull up on myself ever so slightly. My body yearns for more, more pressure, more speed. I walk my fingers down lower feeling the soft skin and the tickling hair between my fingers. I imagine my hands in his pants, holding him firmly, exploring his body once more. Going lower still, my finger tips reach the moisture between my legs. “Why am I so horny?” I think aloud. A slight smile appears through my open mouth as I remember his touch between my legs.

I begin to slowly drag my fingers back up, letting my lips fall as I reach ever closer to my…. The door begins to open. I quickly pull my hand back up and over my head, putting myself in a stretching position before he enters the room.

Seeing me stretching in the sunlight upon his bed, in nothing but my panties, brings a smile to his face. He is no longer wearing his pajamas, replaced with jeans and a t-shirt. “Comfortable?” “Very. What are you cooking?” Taking one last longing look at my body he bends down and kisses my stomach, right below my navel. I close my eyes, letting him enjoy himself, enjoy my body. Slowly continuing to kiss his way up my body, he places on hand on my hip and another behind my head. His mouth eventually finds my breasts, he lets himself linger on my nipples; a slight suck and a light nibble satisfies his needs. I feel the skin on my chest stretch tight as my nipples grow stiff.

My nipples still wet with his saliva he starts to kiss my shoulder with intentions for my neck. I can already feel my body rejecting the idea, the goose bumps start and my chin starts to lower. He darts his lips toward my neck, I’m too quick for him and meet his lips with my own.

I turn my body to face his as he lays down beside me, kissing for a bit more, he pulls me close for a hug. With his lips above my ear he whispers, “Pancakes. Chocolate chip and banana. They’re ready now.”

With that he kisses my forehead and leaves the room to start setting the table for breakfast. I opt to change my now soaked panties for my own pajamas and meet him out at the table.

As usual, he’s made too much for us to finish in one sitting but, at least there’s chocolate, a lot of chocolate. “I know it is still cold out but, I was thinking that we could go for a bit of a hike today. Maybe even do some geocaching, finally.” He starts.

Swallowing the sweet and chalky delight that is a chocolate chip pancake I reply, “Yeah but, it is cold out.” “We don’t need to be out there all day, I’m sure we’ll find an excuse to come back and warm up anyways.” “Oh, you think you so.” “A man can dream.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1y6wpc/long_distance_made_close

Categorized as Erotica

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