[MF] San Francisco first date part 2

San Francisco – Hotel Triton
Sandra was at the Hilton. Will was at the Hotel Triton, directly opposite the Dragon Gates of Chinatown. “Let’s stop for coffee, Sandra.”

The café was almost empty, just a few lovers talking softly in the dim light. Each table had a tiny lamp; the waitress, green hair and pierced who-knows-how-many-times, took the order, two coffees, one slice of key lime pie, and two forks, and stepped away.

Battling forks as they negotiated the pie, sipped coffee, and sat side by side in the booth, they watched the street scene outside.

Will leaned to kiss Sandra. On the neck. She paused. Shivered. And throatily whispered, almost too low for hearing, “More…”

He took her chin gently, tilted her towards him, locked eyes (“The most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen”) and teasingly brushed his lips against hers. “Yes, yes…. Much more.”

She placed her hand on his right thigh and they languidly enjoyed another cup of coffee, becoming another set of (soon-to-be) lovers talking softly in the dim light.

San Francisco – Room 644 The elevator, tiny, dim, groaned as it inched to the sixth floor. No Hyatt speed and flash here, just an old hotel, redone recently, creative designs, new fixtures, but, the old elevator refused to be rushed.

Sandra and Will did not care. He leaned against the wall of the elevator, holding Sandra to him as they kissed. No more ‘playfully brushing’ lips, no more teasing smiles in a mirror, no more squeezing hands as they walked… Will kissed slowly from her lips to her eyelids to her forehead, then back to her lips. As he did, she twirled the hair at the his neckline. When their lips met again, passion bubbled to the surface.

The kiss. Deep. Yet. Tongues playfully touching teasing. Then withdrawing. Light kisses, firming, then retreating. A conversation with kisses. A question. An answer. A promise. A warning. All with no words. With lips. And glances of their eyes.

Sixth floor, a lifetime later. Arm in arm, room 644. Tiny. King bed, desk, chair, closet, bath over there, that’s about it.

A window, sixth floor view to the lights of the Embarcadero, bright from a salsa show just getting started. He walks to the desk and lights one, two, eight candles… and turns off the desk lamp that was on when they entered.

She turns to him, eyes searching his, wanting to say something, he knows what it is. “Too soon, yes. It is, Sandra. Far too soon. So it’s not a good idea is it…” but as he says that, he slips off her blazer. And kisses her lips gently.

“Too soon, yesss,” she purrrrs, her hands on his broad shoulders. “But who cares…”

A kiss on her throat. The thought of a vampire crosses her mind wildly, but no, he’s not a vampire, just a man, just a man, just a tall, strong, man who wants her, desires her. A man fumbling with the buttons of her silk blouse, but that he’s not perfect in his actions is endearing, such that she holds his head, holding him to her neck, and she sighs against his hair, inhaling his fragrance.

“Will… please. Look at me.” And he does.

“Remember this moment. Forever. Yes?” her eyes, driving into his soul, and he knows he always will. He may forget that San Francisco even exists, but he will always remember this instant.

With his nod, she shrugs off her blouse and wraps her arms around his neck for a deep lingering kiss. Their hands are everywhere, can’t get clothes off fast enough. Can’t stop kissing. Can’t keep kissing as his shirt comes off, her lips immediately on his nipples, feeling the hair on his chest against her face, almost growling as her passion deepens.

As she does, he slips her white lace bra from her shoulders and she feels his large hands caressing her, her back her sides as he finally has to take her by the shoulders to pull her away from his chest.

“Oh my God, Sandra…” And he lifts her lightly from her feet and carries her to bed.

San Francisco – King Size Bed Ripped back are the covers. They hold each other, closely, talking, whispering, knowing they are about to leap from the precipice, will they also be at the base to catch each other? No, no words of caution of hesitancy, nothing like that; better yet, Will whispers to her “I knew from the moment I met you that you are special. I had no idea…” and finishes the sentence with a kiss that trails from her lips to her shoulder blade.

Sandra in kind “Who knew?” in a silly tone, but there was nothing silly about the way she tugged his belt loose, then off.

The dialogue, the conversation, continued, as they undressed each other. Shyness does not exist, just two people who hunger to please each other, who desire to share everything with one another.

She smiles as she tugs off his slacks; “Briefs” is all she says. “I would have guessed boxers, but you never know…” and her thumbs hooked into the waistband made any reply from him impossible…

Sandra tugged downward and freed his hard cock, hot, needing her touch, which she did, with a light kiss right on the swollen head. With that, she looked up at Will, smiled, and slid to the floor, kneeling beside the bed as he moved to sit on the edge. His hands running thru the wilder now than ever blonde curls, all he can say is “Yes, lover, yes Sandra, yes… that is what I want…”

His back arched and a guttural moan, something basic from a thousand years before, escaped his lips as she wrapped her cool slender fingers around the hot shaft and stroked. Once, twice. Then covering the head of his cock with her lips, she slowly agonizingly took him into her mouth, inch.. by… inch…

Torture. Everything was in slow motion for the rest of the evening.

The way she murmured how she enjoyed, as she licked along his cock, the way he could only reach to stroke her face and shoulders, how she flatly refused to move, for she loved, absolutely loved, being in control, having a man at her mercy. . . something that Will would learn so well in the next eight hours.

She took him so close.. yet always knew when to back away, prolonging the delicious agony… that finally, he could stand it no longer.

Standing up, he reached down, took her under the arms, and lifted her to stand on the mattress. Will took her white bikini panties in his hand and yanked them to her ankles… then gently-bordering-on-forcing-her laid her onto her back.

What a picture. Hair all over the pillows, spread like a fan, her eyes, blazing in the candlelight, a blush over her fair skin from her neck to her breasts, nipples firm and pink. Will covered her with his body, holding her hips upward, brushing the head of his cock against her pussy, and slowly thrust into her. Deeply. Oh, she gasped, arms locked around his neck, gasping “yes yes yes yes…” as he inched into her.

Then he slowly withdrew… and when she looked at him, pleading with her eyes, begging, he kissed her, deeply, and between kisses whispered “More.. much more… but no rush, darling…”

His long fingers replaced his cock as she wrapped her lovely legs around him, pushing against him, greedy, wanting, needing… as they kissed, he found her, found her, she groaned again, insisting “Don’t leave me, don’t leave me, don’t leave me…” her shudders and body told him all he wanted to know.

Kisses all over his neck, face, chest, she was someplace she had not been in months, someplace she feared because of how much she loved the intimacy, the sharing, the danger of giving herself totally to another. Yet, she did so willingly, smiling wryly at the pun, this guy is different… maybe…

“Now, Sandra… what’s next?” he asked, but he did not wait for an answer.

Dallas Sometimes it’s the seduction, the dance, leading up to the final scene, that has the most interest. Some things are just impossible to write about. The kiss on the back of her knee, the way she screamed when she came, riding his cock, the way they slumbered, awake again in two hours, to do it all over again, only better that time…

He wadded up another sheet of paper and tossed it … “Impossible to describe how perfect she was…”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1y6uob/mf_san_francisco_first_date_part_2