Dana: Thing of Beauty [MF, student/teacher]

Happy new year!

Here's another story I wanted to share with you. It's a student/teacher first-time tale:

Dana: Thing of Beauty

Dear Allison,

I promised you that I’d write the story of my first time with Dana, my teacher and first lover. Never let it be said that I didn’t keep my promises. But I have to tell you: writing this, it’s had me as nervous as the virgin I was back then. Palms sweaty, shivering. The only thing that’s kept me going is remembering your face when you asked me to write this for you — how could anyone ever deny that face anything? But because of that face, I couldn’t write it to you; when I tried to think about you as I wrote, it became much less about what happened then, what I experienced then, and much more about what I have experienced with you.

It’s funny: I’ve written my whole life, but I’ve never in my life written a sex scene. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever tried to write. It was too easy to make everything sound ridiculous, or to turn myself into way more of a smooth operator than I ever was.

In any case, as I wrote this, I had to visualize writing for a kind of faceless, genderless reader, because otherwise it came out all wrong. I’m sorry.

You asked me what it was like with Dana, that first time. I wanted to show you, as close to reality as I could, what I actually felt like, what I was thinking. Well, if I were being honest I’d say that I wasn’t thinking at all, but you get the idea.

It was fun to dive back into that eighteen-year-old hormonal soup — even as it was more than a bit humiliating to remember. It actually made me feel a bit badly for poor Lucas, even if I did want to tear his balls off with my bare hands after you talked to me last winter.

This also had me trying to put myself in your shoes, which was hard for me. I feel as if I have spent so much of our relationship trying to protect you, trying not to overwhelm you. Thinking about Dana, I found myself realizing that she really hadn’t tried to sugarcoat anything for me; she always seemed to recognize that there were some things that I needed to learn on my own. As I told you, she was a very, very good teacher, whether it came to writing or to love. If I haven’t given you that chance, Allison, please, please forgive me. It’s not because I don’t believe in you, but because I care for you too much.

I hope that you enjoy this.



P.S. Don’t laugh at me too much. Just remember: I too was a teenaged boy once.


Ms. Norris’s Senior Composition class was twenty-five boys and five girls. It wasn’t because the girls didn’t like her — she was a terrific teacher. They just got sick of watching the guys salivate whenever this petite, self-described former cheerleader leaned against her blackboard or hitched her skirt up to sit on her desk.

The seniors in this class reversed habits they’d developed since they were freshman: the jocks sat at the front. And I sat in the back, with the girls. I was no fool. And I could see Ms. N. just fine from the fifth row.

Listening to her lecture on rhetoric and essay structure, it was hard not to be seduced by her structure: heart-shaped, elfin face, cupid-bow lips, porcelain skin with a dusting of freckles, pert, up-turned nose that perfectly echoed her pert, up-turned breasts. The only sign of her age — she was in her early thirties — was a single streak of silver in her straight, shoulder-length black hair. In retrospect I think that may have been the sexiest thing about her.

She could see me just fine, too. When one of the goofs in the front row tried to impress her with some mis-learned bit of knowledge (‘the edifice complex’ was a particular classic), she inevitably favored him with a smile, and then snuck a wink my way before continuing the lesson.

One day, toward the end of the first half of the semester, she handed back an essay; the assignment had been to present a forceful argument against any law we thought was unjust. For some reason, I’d chosen to write on the statutory rape law for our state — at the time, it covered only girls, which struck my nascent sensibilities as sexist. It seemed wrong that if a thirteen-year-old boy were to sleep with a seventeen-year-old girl, he would be guilty of statutory rape. (That was my understanding of the law, in any case.)

She had given my paper a B — well below my usual standard. On the back page, she wrote, “Your passion may have gotten in the way of your argument.”

After class — it was lunchtime — I came up to her and asked about the grade.

She listened politely, but she wasn’t going to change the grade. “I think this really touched a nerve for you, Ken.”

I began to fume. “I can think of half a dozen male teachers here who are sleeping with their students. Mr. Loesser next door! He married a former student! They shouldn’t be doing that — supposedly they’d be arrested if they were caught. But I think everyone looks the other way, because if a woman teacher did the same thing, it would be just fine.”

She smiled at me, a little cat-like. “I’m not sure I follow the logic of that.” She stepped closer. “You don’t think, if I were to sleep with a student, someone would mind?” She stared up at me, and I realized for the first time that her eyes were green, and bottomless.

I began to hyperventilate. Then I began to sputter. Then I backed quickly out the door. I spent the lunch hour bent at the waist, legs crossed, trying to hide an irrepressible hard-on.

For the next week or so, I couldn’t look Ms. Norris in the face. Eventually, I was able to pretend that I hadn’t humiliated myself, and began to participate in the class again.

Two days before vacation — it was my birthday — she gestured to me to come talk to her as the rest of the class struggled with backpacks and umbrellas. After the last students had straggled out to eat lunch in the drizzle, I slumped my way over to her desk. I had spent most of the period visualizing Ms. N bent over the desk, her denim skirt up over her white ass, fucking her, there in front of the whole damned class…

“Ken,” she said, very intent on the attendance sheet, “I’m sorry I embarrassed you that day.”

“You didn’t embarrass me, Ms. — “

“Dana,” she insisted.

“Dana,” I said. “You didn’t embarrass me. I embarrassed myself, by my own reaction. I… That wasn’t your fault.”

She looked up at me, locking me again in that green gaze. This time I managed to keep my knees from buckling. “It’s your eighteenth birthday, isn’t it, Ken?”

I nodded.

“Any plans for the break?”

I was probably to going to spend Friday night sitting in one of my friends’ cars drinking beer, but I wasn’t going to tell her that. “Nothing exciting. Going on a college trip next week.”

“I’d love to hear how that goes.” She took a deep breath and I had to work hard to keep my eyes on her face and not stare down at the sight of her chest stretching the tight black turtleneck that she was wearing. “I’ve got a present I’d like to give you. Do you think you can come by after school?”

I looked out the upper half of the classroom windows — the lower half was painted in, to cut distractions — at the steady rain. “Well, I was supposed to go to track practice, but it looks like a rainout.”

She smiled. A faint flush seemed to wash across her fair cheeks. “I’ll see you then.” Then she went back to her papers, and I walked out — not caring so much about the tent in the front of my jeans this time.

Through French, Pre-calculus and one of Mr. Harris’s legendary lectures on the Civil War, all I could think about was what sort of present Ms. Norris — Dana — might have for me. A book, I thought. Must be a book. English teachers always give books.

After Mr. Harris had finished reenacting Sherman’s March to the Sea to a round of applause, I gathered my stuff and wandered back to the English department building. I tried not to let the possibility — the probability, even — that I was looking forward to something more than a book render me a total blubbering mess. I kept trying to dismiss visions of Dana bent over her desk from my head.

I knocked on the classroom door, and was greeted with a quiet “Come in.” After taking a deep breath, I stepped through the door.

She was standing with her back to me — not in the lingerie I had been attempting not to visualize, but in the black turtleneck and button-up skirt that she had been wearing at lunch. She turned around, smiled, and walked toward me, holding out… a book.

I smiled, trying hard, now, not to look disappointed. I took the worn hardcover: a volume of Keats’s love poems. Well, that was interesting. I looked up, about to say thank you.

“Open the cover, “ Dana said, her arms folded in front of her, as if she were suddenly cold. “Read the inscription — read both of them.”

Dutifully, I opened the book to the title page. There were indeed two inscriptions. The top one, written in a strong block print, and dated about fifteen years earlier, read:

To Dana,

Who is as fine a student and teacher as a man could wish for,

Love, John.

Below, in the small, fluid script I knew from so many papers, was an inscription dated that day:

To Ken,

Who is a finer student than I ever was, and whom I hope to continue to learn from and to teach.

Love, Dana

I looked up.

She was staring at my chest, her arms still folded, looking suddenly very small. “John was my Senior English teacher. He taught me a huge amount about writing, about reading poetry.” Her glance ran over the book in my hand and she gave a small, shy smile. It was disconcerting to have this brash, flirtatious woman acting so timid, so much like a teenager. “On my eighteenth birthday, he gave me that book, and…” She looked up at me, face pale and eyes dark. “He became my lover. He was wonderful. He taught me… so much.”

She reached up to my cheeks and paused, her eyes an open question.

I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. Our tongues met, and the heat from her mouth flooded through me, soothing the flip-flops that had been trampolining in the pit of my stomach. I reached my hand toward her breast. She stopped my hand, broke our kiss, and rested her head on my chest. I was breathing like a bull ready to charge.

“In spite of what you might think, I haven’t ever done anything like this, Ken,” she sighed. “I’ve never gotten… intimate with a student.” She looked up at me. “It’s not true, you know. If anyone found out about this, I would be fired.”

Then she sashayed over to the desk, peaking at me over her shoulder. “Lock the door, will you?”

When I turned back from the door, she was smiling that cat-like grin again. Smoothly, she pulled her turtleneck over her head, revealing a purple French-lace bra. I couldn’t breathe. Then, with a strong tug, she popped the buttons that ran the length of her denim maxi-skirt, leaving her in nothing but the bra, matching panties, and her stiletto-heeled boots. She gave the skirt an elegant flip and it fluttered on to a student desk in the front row. Kicking her boots off, she crooked her finger, gesturing me to her, and reeled me in to another embrace, this time pressing her breasts into my searching hands.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1uncti/dana_thing_of_beauty_mf_studentteacher


  1. She broke away from me again, and this time her face was feral. She yanked my jacket off, pulled up my t-shirt, and began to suck on my nipples, setting my whole body on fire. I let loose a deep groan, and she gave a delighted laugh, running her hands across my chest and stomach. Pushing me back against her desk, she made a great show of kneeling before me, her eyes locked on mine. Then she ripped open the fly of my jeans and pulled them down to my knees. She examined my rock-hard cock, circling the base with her small fingers. To that point, my only sexual experience was a front-seat blowjob that had lasted all of ten seconds. Kelli, the black girl I had been dating for a few months, had been so disgusted by my performance that she hadn’t deigned to see me again. In fact, every time I saw her at track practice, she was looking my way and giggling into her girlfriends’ ears. Humiliating. Dana’s mouth was smaller than Kelli’s. Her tongue was a blade of fire that made my balls jump as she circled my cockhead. I whimpered as I felt the edges of her teeth running down the full length of my penis, swallowing me whole. I grasped onto her head, trying to hold her still so that I wouldn’t come immediately. She sucked gently as she pulled her mouth off of me, bringing another deep moan from my gut. “It’s alright, Ken, don’t hold back. I’m not going anywhere,” she said, and then sucked me back into her tiny, hot mouth. I managed to stay in the bliss of that glorious blowjob for perhaps eight or ten strokes, and then let loose a howl toward the ceiling and a cannon-shot into her throat. She sucked down all of my cum, and then stood, pressed her body against mine, and kissed me, hard, squeezing me tight as I vibrated. The new taste of jism excited me and my hands flew over her small, tight body. I fumbled to remove her bra, until she stepped back and showed me where the front buckle was. I pulled away the lace from those beautiful breasts. Her nipples were hard, pink diamonds and I bent down and began nibble on them. After I’d feasted on her tits for a minute, she stepped back from me. She was flushed with excitement, her hair — usually so straight and neat — now sprayed across her face. Quickly, she shucked her bra, then her panties and socks. Like the hair on her head, her black pubic patch had a streak of silver. Pushing on my shoulders, she lifted herself up onto her desk. She spread her legs and revealed the pink gash of her cunt. “Every eaten a pussy, Ken?” she asked, grinning broadly. I shook my head. “Well,” Dana laughed, “this is a classroom. And there’s no better way to learn than by doing!” Tentatively, I returned her favor and knelt before her. Her legs circled my shoulders and pulled me toward her. I gave an uncertain lick at the slick pink lips in front of me. My friends had spent a lot of time talking about the unpleasant taste of pussy. I wondered now what the hell they were talking about. The flavor was just fine, thank you very much, and the reaction I was eliciting? Emboldened, I ran the blade of my tongue up the length of her lips, and elicited a sigh of pleasure. This definitely encouraged me to continue, lapping at her spreading labia. Breathlessly, Dana suggested that I circle the little nub of flesh at the top of her cunt. I obliged and was gratified when she let out a high-pitched “Shit!” She leaned back on her arms, and asked me to play with her tits. I reached up with both hands and rolled her nipples between my fingers. Soon, she was bucking her cunt against my mouth; after about five minutes, she let out another squeal, and I felt her pussy pulsing around my busy tongue. She began hissing, “Shhh, shhh.” Then she pulled me up and licked her juice from my face. We kissed — her nails were pulling at my back. She leaned into my neck and laughed, “So much for me teaching you.” Her hand snaked down between my legs, where my cock was hard again — how could it not be? Grinning, she put on a southern drawl and quoted Blanche DuBois: “Young man, young, young, young man…” We both started to laugh and kiss. Then she ran her fingers through my hair. “I want to fuck you,” she said, intent and breathless. “Do you want me on top? It might last a little longer.” I nodded furiously, and we both laughed again. Then she shoved her grade books and papers off the top of her desk, pulled me up next to her, and pushed me on my back. She straddled my stomach and ran a finger along my nose. “Is this your first time, Ken?” I nodded again, trying not to look as terrified as I felt, and she smiled, more gentle now than ferocious. “I’m glad.” Then she reached back, stood my prick up, and backed her pussy down onto it. Now it was my turn to yell, “Shit!” Without even thinking, I started to thrust into her. “Shhh,” she said, again, “let me do the work. You just keep breathing and enjoy.” Then she let her weight push her sweet cunt down over my dick. The ripple of her pussy walls over my head as she went down brought me almost to the edge again, and I began literally to weep. She stopped, let me catch my breath, and then began gently to rock on me, her hands pressing down on my chest. The feeling… I don’t know how to describe the feeling. The sensations were so new, so raw that I lay there, staring up at her, in a kind of tingling shock. It felt as if the whole world had changed, but also as if everything was as it had always been — both at the same time. All the while, Dana rode me, the rocking of her hips creating sensations that seemed to spark from my toes up to my eyebrows. The vision of her above me, hair wild, bright eyes half-lidded, mouth in an open oooo of pleasure, breasts bouncing as she moved — that is what stays with me most, to this day. I can’t tell you how long I lasted — a minute, five, ten. It felt like eternity and an instant, both at the same time. I came with another shout, pushing her up as I arched back. She rode me like Deborah Winger on that mechanical bull until I finally collapsed. Then she pressed her body to mine and gave me a sweet, slow kiss. “Oh God, thank you,” I kept saying, as she lay there on my chest. I ran my hands down her back to her ass, calmly now, no frenzy, just enjoying the sensual sensuousness of her skin. After a few minutes of lying there, feeling her pulse, my cock began to twitch; it was getting hard again inside of her. “Goodness, Ken, I can see I’m going to enjoy teaching you!” Dana said. Her head still on my chest, she began to contract and release her pussy, coaxing me once more to full erection. When I was once again truly hard, I began to move in and out of her. This time she didn’t stop me. She sat back against my raised knees, a look of supreme satisfaction on her face, as we began to fuck again. I thought of my fantasy from earlier that day. Timidly, I gazed up at her and circled her nipples with my thumbs. “Can I fuck you bending over the desk?” I asked. She laughed, a low laugh that squeezed my dick tight in her pussy. “Is that what you’ve been thinking of, sitting there in the back row?” I smiled a bit sheepishly and she laughed again. “I’d love that,” she said. With a plop, she lifted herself off of me and slid off of the desk. I moved behind her, and kissed her neck. She pressed back against me, reaching back with her arms as I nibbled at her ear and cupped her breasts in my hands. Then she leaned forward and rested her head on her hands, looking back at me over her shoulder, her white ass raised high. She gave it a seductive wiggle. With a smile, I put my hands onto her lithe waist, knelt down, and gave her pussy, dripping wet with her juices and mine, a good-luck kiss, which made her hiss and brought out goose pimples all over her ass. Then I stood, aimed my purple-headed dick against her opening, and pressed in. We both sucked in air. This time, I wasn’t going to come any time soon. With a sense of pleasure and power I’d never experienced, I slowly began to slide into her, then out, until just the tip of my head parted her lips. Each time I pressed back into her, she gave a quiet groan. Soon I was banging away, and Dana was howling beneath me. Her hands grasped spastically at the top of the desk. My orgasm wasn’t as cosmic or as intimate as the previous one. But when I let loose, I felt a greater sense of accomplishment than any track meet or English paper had ever given me, that’s for sure. Breathless, we both fell onto the desk. My dick finally began to return to normal, and I withdrew from her with a slurp. She grabbed her skirt from where it had fluttered, urged me up next to her on her desktop, and pulled it over us as we snuggled there, listening to each other’s heartbeats and the driving spring rain. Dana continued to give me private lessons for the rest of my senior year — indeed, we continued to get together when I was back from college, and occasionally as I visited the hometown in the years after. Though we never quite matched the frenzy of that first day, our loving always was a glorious mix of passion and gentleness, and I didn’t find a woman to match her for many years. The last time I saw Dana was fifteen years ago. Then, last week, my mom — who used to tease me about having a crush on Ms. N, but who had no idea how far that crush had gone — sent me a newspaper clipping that announced Dana’s retirement. Due to a fiscal crisis in the district she’d retired early, just shy of 60. In the picture, her hair was mostly silver, but her face was still elfin and she still had that mischievous glint in her eye that I remembered so well. I wrote her a letter, congratulating her, telling her that my own teaching was going well — I’d been teaching English and theater for the previous decade and a half. And telling her that, just the previous spring, I had passed along her book of Keats as an eighteenth birthday present to a shy, beautiful senior named Allison, and I thought she would approve.

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