[MF] | “Cool Down” | Part 1

First piece I've written out and shared, hope you enjoy! Sorry about the lack of formatting, I'm unsure of how to make a new paragraph for the conversations)

Eight in the morning, move in day. I don't think there has been anything more stressful in my life so far. People everywhere, boxes and boxes piled up higher than I could even reach. It's going to be a long day. Holding my checklist and sign in papers in one hand, and my luggage in the other I made my way to the university reception. It took about an hour to be seen and even then there were disruptions, some students had already lost their dorm room keys, and my stress levels were rising at a pretty even rate. I tried to stay cool, calm and collected as the flustered receptionist dealt with my papers and assigned my dorm room. “Oh no,” she let out a sigh, “there seems to be a bit of a problem.” “What’s happened?” I asked, as If anything could make me more uptight. She looked up at me through her glasses, “Well it seems you checked your gender as male when you were filling out your dorm application,” she gazed at me top from bottom. Stopping when she came to my small, yet perky breasts hidden beneath my t-shirt, she continued, “and the computer has assigned you a room in the boy’s tower. I’ll do my best to correct the situation, would you mind taking a seat?” “You’ve got to be kidding me; do you know how long it will take? I asked, desperate to sit, but even more so to be sorted in a room. “I really am sorry, but this could take a couple minutes.” She replied and pointed to the back of the small, cramped room, “the seats are over there.” I let out a long sigh and grabbed my luggage and made my way to the only available chair in the row. I should have come earlier.

The time seemed to drag on as I watched the receptionist work away at her computer, occasionally asking one of her colleagues for help solving this problem. They would look up to me every now and then and would go back to work, droning on for what seemed to be forever. The room kept filling up with more students, eager to get into their rooms and sort themselves out. I look up to the clock, two and a half hours had passed since I arrived this morning and it seems like I have nothing to show for it. Wonderful.

“Emma,” the receptionist finally called out. I leaped up in a hurry and was down on the floor before I could even take a full step forward. On the first day here I tipped myself and embarrassed myself in front of, what maybe fifteen, twenty people? I got on my knees and saw a hand pop down near my face. “Some fall,” a hardy laugh fell out soon after. I grabbed the mystery hand and helped myself up from the ground. “Thanks,” I mumbled as I fixed my hair. The hand was still lightly grasping mine and I looked up the arm until my eyes met with his. Beautiful, bright brown eyes on an even more handsome chiseled face. “I, uh, wow that was really … um, embarrassing.” I tried to chuckle it off but to no luck. I felt my face go red and my heart flutter. His hand let go, and he smiled, “no problem, Emma, right?” he asked. He was walking with me up to the desk. I held out my index finger towards him “one minute.” A quick smile and then faced the receptionist. “Any luck?” “Sorry, hun. Looks like you’re stuck there until further notice. It won’t be so bad though, you can use the girl’s washrooms and they’re only a short walk away.” She pointed to them on a small printed out map. “We’ve put you on a waiting list. If any girls drop out or quit you’ll be the first to know.” “I guess it could be worse.” My mind was a mess, I can’t handle all this commotion.

She hands me my set of keys and just as I turn away I feel a light tap on my shoulder. “Did you forget about me already?” The handsome stranger asked with a sly smile. “Oh, I’m sorry it’s just so stressful in here.” I said looking over my shoulder. He motioned for me to hand him my luggage and led me out of the room. “I actually live quite close to you; I’ll show you the way.” I nodded, “So, is this your first year?” He continued. “Yeah, yeah it is.” I looked up at him, he was a good foot taller than me. “How about yourself, then?” “This is my third year, you’re going to love it. There’s tons of events and parties every week and most of the professors I’ve met have been pretty awesome.” He looked down at me and met my eyes, gave a quick smile and looked forward once more. My heart was fluttering still, and couldn’t help but latch onto the idea that he lives so close to where I’m staying. Maybe he’ll invite me out? What if he’s single? Oh, he’s so handsome. I felt the blood rush through my body, my heart race and dared to look up at him once more. This time I couldn’t help but give him a full once-over. As subtly as I could I led my eyes from his luxurious hair down to his eyes, his cheekbones, his chest, stomach, and right down to the zipper on his jeans. My eyes lingered for half a second more than I had planned, I let out a small cough and forced myself to look forward once again. “We nearly here, just up those stairs and I believe you’re to the right.” He said as he lifted my luggage and motioned for me to go ahead of him.

We reached my door, number 201. I hastily grabbed the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. This is where I’ll be calling home for a while, better make the most of it. I placed my purse on the work desk in the corner and the handsome stranger placed my luggage onto the bare bed. “Thanks a lot,” I say. “It’s no problem, I’m in room 301, right above you. So I would have walked this way anyways.” He smiled. “Plus I got to meet a pretty girl, so it’s a win-win situation.” He gave a small wink and laughed. I felt my cheeks burning up once again. Pretty? I let out a small giggle and fixed my hair behind my ear. “So, do you need any more help with anything? I have a couple things I need to take care of this morning, but I’d be glad to help if you need it.” His voice melted in my ears. Think, Emma, what can he do to help? Flustered and out of any valid ideas I replied, “No, thanks again.” A shot him a quick smile. “Too bad,” He jokingly pouted his lips. “Any plans for tonight then? Are you going to go to the Freshmen Kegger?” “Oh, I wasn’t planning on it, thought I’d stay in and relax. It’s been a stressful morning.” My mouth spurted out, I quickly decided if he was going I would have to make a small appearance. “Hey, no worries. I never went to mine either.’ Oh god, he was dreamy. He swept his hand through his hair and continued, “I’ll see you around, Emma.” And with a smile he left the room.

I hurriedly closed the door behind him and sat on the ground. Heart still racing. I felt some wetness in my jeans. He was the only thing on my mind, I wanted to have him. I stood up and lifted the luggage off my bed. It’s going to be a long day, I rationed with myself. I have time for a bit of fun. I opened the suitcase and sifted around for my trusty dildo, I had to do something about this. I took off my clothing, exposing my breasts and wet lips. If I couldn’t have him now, I’d deal with myself first. I lie on my back, and spread my legs, the cool air in the bedroom whisked across my lips as I move my finger down to my clit. My other hand firmly grasping my breast and working the nipple. I stroked and squeezed until I was gasping to take something, I needed something inside me if I was going to do this right. Pushing myself to the edge of orgasm I slid the dildo inside myself. Working it in and out, all the while imagining the handsome stranger taking me with his hard cock. I tried maintaining low, quiet moans, but it was too much. I let out a loud gasp and continued to move the dildo inside me, using my free hand to fondle my breasts. My wetness was dripping off the dildo as I removed it for a break, I couldn’t believe how riled up this man was making me. I let out heavy breaths as I took the dildo inside me once more, this time I couldn’t hold in anything. I let out an orgasmic moan as I thrusted it in and out, in and out. I was shaking by the end of it, wholly pleasuring myself to orgasm. As I slid my fingers once more down between my lips to feel the silky wet that all started from the stranger. I let out a long sigh, “if only.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1uk6m7/mf_cool_down_part_1