Had to share a story…[mf]

I had this dream and can't sleep. I had to write it down, and I figured what better place to share than reddit! The background is it's about a crush I [25/f] have on [28/m] friend. So here goes:

It was hot outside as I stepped out into the warm light, my aqua summer dress fluttered and my heels clicked along the white concrete driveway. I walked over to the sunset orange muscle car and he slid out from underneath it, stained in oil, with a grin. I had a lemonade pitcher in one hand and a glass in the other. He stood up, towering over me and sat down in the driver's seat. I stood next to it with the door ajar and began to pour into the glass. He grabbed me by the waist and slid me closer, and I moved my leg over his lap, and sat down, straddling him while he grinned.

He moved his hand up my thigh and felt nothing but skin, my lips were drooling on his hand. He unbuttoned his pants and kissed me hard and I let go of the pitcher. He slid the tip in and grabbed my waist to guide me. As the pitcher shattered he shoved himself inside of me. With his other hand he cupped the back of my neck and I let out a soft moan. He raised and lowered my hips until I couldn't hold back any more. My muscles tightened around him and I almost screamed with pleasure. We kept grinding until he suddenly shoved my hips up, my knees locked and my ass pressed against the steering wheel. Guiding my neck down twords his manhood I could see the pearly white film of my cum on him, and I took him in my mouth and let him guide my movements, until he tightened his grip around the hair at the base of my neck and came. I welcomed it and swallowed, as he let my hips down my knees began to shake and I rose up to collapse in his chest. We stayed for a moment and the he said "…how about that lemonade."

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1tv0x0/had_to_share_a_storymf

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