What I Love To Do To Mr. Guerre by Lady Cheeky

(Originally published 5/10)

Taking my right hand saturated in my pussy juice, I firmly hold your taut shaft

My left hand plays with your gorgeous balls.

Mmmmm it tastes good Martin. I love how your cock tastes.

I’m stroking your shaft and massaging your balls between my fingers

every now and then I dip my head down to quickly lick up your pre cum

so as not to waste a drop of your divine elixir

my middle finger on my left hand grazes your anus, teasing it

seeing your body flinch and twist with my touch excites me

so I continue, as I stroke your glistening, hard dick faster

Intermittently, I add the extra compliment of my mouth

soft and warm on your crown, enveloping your manhood

accepting it

using my hand in motion to extend the pleasure of my mouth

wet and smooth

my tongue washes over your tip on it’s way down my throat

Your cock can feel every taste bud, every ripple on my tongue

my left hand, after first wetting my fingers with my own cum, is on your taint now

and then working them in your ass, pressing against your prostate…

writhing and jerking … you know it feels too good

you can barely stand it

Moaning and moaning and moaning for me

I look up at you, now sucking on your cock harder

squeezing your shaft tighter

to approximate the tightness of my pussy

I moan as I take you in my mouth

your precum sliding out of your slit

my lips slurping it up

drinking it in as I thrust you in and out

teasing your cock with my tongue

sometimes running your tip across my smooth front teeth for a surprise of texture

wiggling my finger in your ass

you are moaning louder now

I am moaning loader now

because you fill me

and it tastes so good

you taste so good

I love your cock in my mouth more than anything

your dick is stunning and I want to devour it

my actions speak for themselves as I keep thrusting you deeply

back into my throat

moving my head side to side so you get all the sensations my mouth can provide

pursing my lips over my teeth

lapping at you as you enter

and sucking on you as you exit

getting firmer with my tension when your cock exits my mouth

so that your rim is “flicked” by my tight lips and then

thrusting you quickly back in

my mouth feels better than my tight pussy

this sensation is like no other for you

made better knowing that I’m thoroughly enjoying it

I’m sucking you off so feverishly

that you cannot believe this sensation possible

my left palm rubbing your balls

my left finger massaging and entering your anus

I can feel you want to cum

I can feel you about to explode

I want you to have a full body orgasm baby

sucking on your cock moving it in and out

side to side

hitting the inside of my cheeks

taking you all the way in my mouth

until my lips touch the top of your balls

and then shaking my head

humming for you so you feel the vibration

I want you to cum for me Martin

I want you to shoot your load in my mouth

so I can feel it slide down my throat

Mmmm and when you cum

Shivering and shaking

I am drinking you

slurping your product down my throat

Tasting your full masculine flavor

Proudly lapping up your seed

now moving to your thighs to

kiss away the remnants

not to waste





You dick is the stuff of dreams

By Lady Cheeky www.smutforsmarties.com

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1schka/what_i_love_to_do_to_mr_guerre_by_lady_cheeky