In the Empty Lot [mf]

Christmas time was coming closer. Miranda could hardly contain herself the closer it got. While she did adore Christmas, her excitement was about something different.

A few months ago, Paul had become a patient in the office where she worked. He had some back pain from an injury and needed therapy. Miranda, the receptionist, had taken his call and made his appointments. When he came in, one look into his eyes and she was instantly wet. The words she said tumbled out of her mouth, but still she managed to sound professional.

After seeing him for a few weeks, he said that he would be going back to school, so he wouldn’t be in for a couple of months. Miranda’s heart sank. She wanted him so badly; she needed him.
She could tell he felt the same way. The way his eyes would glisten when he’d look at her; the way his fingers twitched when they spoke, and how he seemed to stumble over his words when he talked to her.

As the weeks passed, her anticipation grew.

Miranda breathed in deeply. Any day now, he could come waltzing in. She chuckled to herself imagining him; he is a dancer after all. She closed her eyes and pictured his face, his body, the way he moved with such grace. She could just tell from his composure that he’d studied dance for years. Miranda was lost in her fantasy when the phone rang and his name popped up on the caller ID.

She said her usual greeting, and he said who was calling. Miranda tried to sound surprised in her reply. He made an appointment for that evening, since the office wasn’t too busy. After hanging up, Miranda ran to the bathroom to try to contain herself. She was so excited to see him, finally, after all of this time.

Pins and needles filled every inch of her body in anticipation. The clock stood still all day. Then finally, right before closing, he walked in the door. Her heart leapt into her throat; she could hardly greet him. He seemed excited to see her, but contained himself well. Her knees trembled as she worked on closing out the day while he saw the therapist.

After the appointment, the therapist needed to leave right away, and ran out the door. Paul remained to pay for his visit, and Miranda was delighted to have the alone time. She handed his credit card back, and grazed his hand while doing so. She shivered, imagining his touch on her body.

He grinned at her, told her to have a nice night, and walked out of the door. She felt a knot in her stomach, feeling regret that she hadn’t said anything. After putting on her coat, she grabbed her purse and walked out. She locked the door, then turned around, and there was Paul.

Her heart raced as she walked up to him. He smiled.

“May I walk you to your car? It’s pretty dark out.” He said. Miranda nodded, “Of course”, she replied.

They made painful small talk on what seemed like a long walk through the empty lot to her car. Miranda sighed, and turned toward him. “Thanks for walking me to my car, Paul. It was so nice seeing you again today after so long.” “My pleasure,” he replied. He leaned in for an embrace, and Miranda’s heart jumped and fluttered. She held him tightly, and before she could open her eyes, he had her pinned against the side of her car, covering her mouth with his.

She moaned while he pressed up against her, gyrating his hips into her passionately. His muscles rippled through his shirt, she could feel every movement, each twitch. Her knees grew weak; the kissing and the smell of his cologne made her dizzy. She ran her fingers through his dark hair, and moved her hands down and caressed his shoulders.

Paul was breathing heavily as he began to kiss her face, moving down her neck, ripped open her buttoned blouse and began to devour her breasts. Miranda threw her head back, running her fingers through her own hair, now, grabbing at the back of her head in ecstasy, and moving her hands down her neck. She held onto him as he sucked on her, leaving marks. He looked up at her with his big, round, deep brown eyes and she could almost see into him. She gasped as he ran his hand down her side to her thigh. Thank God I wore a skirt today, flew through Miranda’s mind as he slid his hand up to feel her damp panties. She was so wet already with the touch of his hands, she anticipated what more he could do to her.

Panting and sighing, Miranda looked up into the sky at the moon while Paul slid two fingers into her wanting snatch. He chuckled at how wet she was already, and began to twist around inside of her. Miranda began to twitch as he worked. She moaned while he “come-hithered” her, unable to hold back.

Grinding onto his hand, she was almost to the edge already. He kissed her neck, sucked her skin, and bit down hard. She cried out, but it hurt so good. His teeth almost pierced through her skin, and she grabbed his hand, trying to get more of him inside of her. Her body was on fire, and she needed him to douse her.

Barely standing, Miranda almost stumbled when Paul took his hand out from inside her. She pressed her hands against the bulge in his pants, grabbing it, stroking it, wanting it. Her hands shook as she undid the button and zipper. He looked into her eyes as she moved, sweat dripping from his hair.

Out he came with just his pants being undone–Miranda’s mind went wild thinking of him walking around earlier with no underwear. He held her wrists up on the car with his left hand, and with his right he hiked her skirt up.

Miranda’s breathing was short and shallow as he grabbed his cock and very lightly stroked her pussy with it. She trembled, wanting so badly for him to thrust it in her. He could feel her longing, and gently put in his tip before pulling it back out. Miranda moaned, “Oh God, please don’t tease me like that.” He chuckled, “But it’s so fun!”

He went to tease again, very lightly putting himself in, but Miranda grabbed him and thrust herself onto him. He let out a loud moan as he went all the way in. She could feel herself dripping, she was so wet.

Paul tightened his grip around her wrists, and put his other hand on her hip. Miranda’s head rolled back and rested on the car, while he fucked her hard and deep. She had never been with anyone so big before, but she loved the pleasure spiked with some pain. He filled her up completely, and moved his hips in such a way that Miranda almost fainted from the feeling.

It was so cold out, and Paul was getting so hot, that Miranda could see the steam coming off of him. He looked at her, and sweat was sliding down from his temples.. She leaned in and licked the whole side of his face, before using her teeth and biting down to his mouth. His thrusting got stronger, and Miranda could swear he grew bigger. She bit his lips, tugging on them lightly, before kissing him hungrily, and sucking on his tongue. His grip grew even tighter on her wrists, and she writhed and winced from the pressure. Her moaning awoke some internal sleeping beast in him, that was so very hungry, so thirsty, needing some kind of sustenance.

He let go of her wrists, lifted her up and pounded her against the car. Miranda wrapped her legs around him and dug her nails into his back. He bent down and sank his teeth into the other side of her neck. She cried out, and he thrusted in harder. The sound of them fucking only made Miranda more and more hot. The feel of his muscles in her hands, the sweat dripping down his back and wetting his shirt, and feeling his hip bones digging into her skin with each thrust made Miranda moan and cry out his name.

His thrusting got faster and faster, then, throwing his head back, Paul moaned as he came inside of her. Miranda’s insides shook and throbbed while he came, she ran her hands through her hair and clenched her eyes shut.

After a few more thrusts, he was done. Paul helped Miranda gently slide down the car, then held her face in his hands, and kissed her. Miranda was trembling while they stood there and kissed. She could feel his cum dripping out of her and sliding down her thighs. Her cunt was now radiating the heat, the pleasure, the pain; It sent shivers up and down her spine. She ran her hands over her body, her tight breasts and hardened nipples. Paul bent down and licked her exposed breasts, and flicked her nipple with his tongue. Miranda shivered and grabbed him, forcing his face to hers and kissing him deeply.

Paul helped Miranda into her jacket, hugged her, and kissed her. She ran her fingers through his hair while he looked into her eyes. Neither of them said anything, what would need to be said?

Miranda stepped into her car, and Paul watched as she drove away.
