Do you care what Gender writes your Erotica?

Hi, erotica readers!

I'm considering starting a side career as an erotic author, focusing on a variety of kinks between loving, bonded characters.

As men or women (please clarify which you are),

  1. Do you care if it's written by a man or a woman?
  2. If so, would you prefer it to be written by a woman, or at least maintain the illusion that it is.
  3. Am I at a disadvantage using a male pseudonym, or do some women find that attractive?

I focus on the viewpoints of both make and female characters, and as a man, I use my wife's perspective to balance mine, but I do all of the writing.

I'm happy to answer questions too so, whoo, mini AMA.

(edit: a word)



  1. I don’t feel like I should care, but I do. As a man, I will happily read something written by a man, and I expect that most of what I read that would toot my horn is written by a man. However, if I find a woman writing into the kinks that I enjoy, I get especially excited, and I’m likely to be more forgiving and openminded about differences in kink. I think that’s silly of me, but it’s the truth.

  2. I prefer stuff written in the guy’s PoV. Otherwise, I don’t care about author gender.

  3. It makes sense. As a guy, I like the idea that the presumably female writer enjoys what I enjoy, but knowing there are a lot of female pseudonyms on male writers, I try not to think that way, because, it may BE a guy, so just enjoy the story. – Thanks.

  4. Interesting, first time I’ve heard that. Are you a man or woman? Over time I imagine I’ll experiment with viewpoints, and some folks won’t like everything. Better to be innovative than not. – Thanks.

  5. Write what makes you happy, or what turns you on. I’m a guy, I don’t mind reading in the female PoV, but as a guy, I relate better to the male PoV. Not to mention, being straight, having the female PoV usually involves talking about how hot or sexy the guy is, which doesn’t interest me. But, it’s fun to see inside their head sometimes.

  6. I care less about who writes it than I do about the point-of-view: Male, Female, or Third-Person. I am a male and prefer male or third-person PoV.

  7. I used to have a university professor that wrote erotica under a female pseudonym as an experiment, and it seems there is a serious difference. However, good writing is good writing regardless…and if it is good enough, readers will get past that very quickly.

  8. No I don’t think it does, but I do like to know which gender as to me it makes an impact just knowing

  9. listen, as my standpoint, we welcome any gender,desire(accordingly). We have female and male readers of all different backgrounds and we want to create a safe-haven to ensure your writing is seen to other people. Go ahead and take a leap of faith and write. Ill let you know if you are off putting. Best of luck.

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