Fantasy Fulfilled [mmmmf]

Being a big-shot executive was not how Samantha envisioned herself. After college, she'd taken the job at the publishing firm just to pay the bills. 7 years later, here she is, running the place. 16 hour days takes a toll on a woman. She's not had a steady relationship in 5 years, and it's been at least a year since she'd felt the heat of a man's breath in her ear, and the tingle of a man's tongue on the back of her neck.

Samantha was a stunning woman. She wore her dark brown hair short for efficiency's sake. She couldn't stand having to allow time in the day for hair styling. It was easy to see how she could command a room full of middle-aged English professors and bookstore executives. Her bright blue eyes had snatched more than one man's breath from his lungs. Add that to her hourglass figure, flawless skin, and long legs, and you've got the recipe for a woman with amazing powers of seduction. Just to put a cherry on top of it all, she always made sure her cleavage was available, just in case.

The evening started rather late for Samantha. Her latest batch of authors were not going to win any awards anytime soon, so the dog and pony show she'd been to had taken a lot out of her. Add to that jet lag and aching feet, all she wanted to do was get to her hotel room, get her shoes off, and get into the bathtub.

As she made her way through the hotel lobby, she was recognized by a pair of clients she'd done business with a few years ago. Jed and Hank were late 30's/early 40's and carried themselves well. Jed was quarterback at Ohio State back in the day, and Hank was a former Navy SEAL. They were both married, had no problem flirting with Samantha the last time they were in town together.

They stopped to talk to each other briefly, and each man made it obvious that she was the hottest woman they'd come in contact with in some time. When Jed suggested that they get a drink, Samantha couldn't refuse.

One drink turned into 3, and pretty soon, someone had the bright idea to order tequila shots. 3 tequila shots each, and the flirting went from subtle to obvious. It started harmlessly enough. When she was turned facing Jed, Hank would brush his hand against her backside. When she turned to playfully scold Hank, Jed would move closer into her personal space. Finally, after about 45 minutes of the mutual give and take, Samantha excused herself to the ladies room. She was overheating from the attention, and her panties were soaked with anticipation. She removed them and stuck them in her purse. Being 3 shots into a good drunk, she didn't close her purse. Her black lace panties were hanging out of her purse. Jed was the first to notice. When she came back, and set her bag on the bar stool, he reached over and yanked them out.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?"

Samantha gasped, and then belched tequila fumes, 'Oh my! You weren't supposed to see those!!'

"At least not until we got to your room, you mean." Hank quipped.

Jed sidled up to Samantha and not quite whispered, 'Are you ready to get out of here'?

Samantha giggled and said, 'oh you're smooth.'

Hank said, 'Well that line has worked in the past, but I can imagine you're a different breed of woman, aren't you'

Suddenly faced with two very sexy men, Samantha was not prepared. She was smart enough to know what was going on, but a bit too drunk to actually care.

'Oh, yes, I'm definitely a different breed of woman. I don't think you could handle me' Samantha said.

'Maybe not one on one,' Jed said coyly, leaving the tail end of the remark open.

"But two on one is a different story, isn't it Samantha" said Hank. With that, Hank gently took her left hand and placed it onto his right thigh, and slowly pulled her hand to the immense bulge he'd been harvesting. At precisely the same time, Jed gently took her right hand and placed it on the outside of his left thigh. He moved her hand slowly, but deliberately to the heat he was now packing between his legs.

The elevator ride up to Hank's suite was intense. She'd managed to get her hands into each man's pants and gauge the sizes of their respective unit. She had never been with more than one man before, and she wasn't sure how this was going to play out, but she was so wet that her body was obviously running the show now, not her mind. By the time they reached the floor of the suite, she was sandwiched between the two of them, tasting the tequila on Hank's hot mouth, and feeling Jed's fingers exploring her wetness.

In the room, Samantha sauntered across the floor, turned to them and said, 'the two of your are going to fuck me until the sun comes up, do you understand?' Jed and Hank looked at each other and chuckled. 'I said, do you understand?' Samantha's voice was forceful. 'Yes, ma'am', they replied in unison.

"Come to me" she breathed. They approached her and disrobed her, Hank in front, Jed behind. Once disrobed, she brought Jed in front so the two men were side by side. She knelt down and brought each man's pants to his ankles. Their cocks were at attention, and she salivated at the thought of engulfing them in her hot mouth and wet pussy. She closed her eyes and started on Jed. He was massive, but she had no trouble. Slowly she sucked him, making him wet with her saliva. Then it was Hank. He was smaller, but still more than a mouthful. While Hank was in her mouth, he gently worked his hand through her short hair. She stroked Jed slowly, wanting this to last. Hank would take a handful of her hair and gently, yet forcefully pull her head up and down on him, Jed would reach over, take a handful of hair and pull her from Hank's cock to his. This went on for some time, each man moaning in pleasure. Soon, Samantha got off of her knees and pushed them closer to the bed.

She walked around to the side and climbed onto the mattress. Her heart was pounding, her pussy was aching for cock, and her nipples were at attention. She lay onto her back and watched Jed spread her legs and start to gently kiss her feet, ankles, calves, thighs, all the way down to her dripping wet, shaved mound. She was throbbing for him, her breathing was so heavy that it drowned out the sound of the knock on the door. When his tongue hit her clit, and he parted her with his fingers, she threw her head back, closed her eyes and gasped aloud.

After a minute or two, Hank returned to the bed, but he wasn't alone. He had two more men with him, each completely naked, erect, and the most fantastic specimens she'd ever seen.

"I brought you a gift,' he said. With that, he brought his member up to her mouth. She took him into her mouth and started to feel more hands on her. The two other men began caressing her breasts and kissing her neck. Soon, all four men were pleasuring her in ways she'd never imagined.

Hank left her side and approached Jed between her legs. Jed removed himself and Hank took his place. Only, Hank didn't put his mouth on her. He pulled her by the hips and guided her onto his massive shaft. She felt immediate ecstasy, and moved her hips back and forth. Then she stopped, and slid herself off of him. She got up onto her knees on the bed, and instructed them to each present themselves to her. Each man climbed onto the bed and put their offerings in front of her. She took turns sucking each of them, fondling them, stroking them. After several minutes, she stopped, and turned. She got on all fours, looked back at Jed, and said 'fuck me, now'. Jed obliged with enthusiasm. As he entered her, she guided two cocks toward her. She had no idea to whom the cocks belonged and didn't care. She feasted on each one as she was rhythmically pounded from behind by one of two cocks, she couldn't tell them apart.

She heard someone behind her say "I'm going to blow", and she stopped and turned over. She looked at them and saw each of them stroking themselves, she had no idea who was about to give her their load. 'Come on my tits,' she moaned. Hank moved between her legs and entered her at the same moment Jed moved to her side. It only took Jed a couple of strokes to unload onto Samantha's ample tits. His load was thick and hot. She rubbed it onto her breasts, pushed them together, and rubbed her nipples with them. She then instructed the two newcomers to get in line behind Hank. They obliged and waited their turn. She told Hank 'Make me come'. Hank gave her everything he had. She moaned loudly, telling him faster, harder, faster, slower, until her body quaked and shivered with orgasms so intense, she was sure she would black out. Just as she began to complete, Hank pulled out of her and shot his monster load onto her. Her tits were covered, her face was splattered, and she loved every minute of it.

Next, the newcomers came to her. One entered her pussy and the other entered her mouth. She wanted both of them to empty into her mouth. She worked the cock in her mouth, gagging occasionally on the massive shaft. The cock in her pussy pulsed with anticipation.

She invited both cocks into her mouth where she proceeded to engulf them. Finally, when both men could no longer hold out, they both stroked themselves over her mouth, filling her with their come. Come spilled from her mouth and she dribbled it down her chin onto her breasts. She rubbed the sticky sweetness into her skin and relished in the evening's events.

She excused herself to the bathroom where she proceeded to take a 30 minute shower. She was exhausted and physically spent, but elated and overcome with happiness. When she came out of the bathroom, she was met with a dozen roses, a bottle of champagne, and a note:

"Samantha – it was our pleasure to serve you…"

She poured herself a glass of champagne, pulled a rose from the vase, and sat in the most comfortable easy chair in the room. She sat there and basked in the afterglow of a fantasy fulfilled.
