“Hide and Seek” Short Erotica Story (mf) –Please forgive any mistakes, I write for fun, not for publishing.

This is a story I wrote to settle myself down. It's the universes gift to writers that we can rewrite our experiences to be what we actually thought should happen, not what did. I apologize for grammar/ structure errors, though if you want to say what you liked/disliked I am open to hearing what could make my next story better. Please find the remainder of the story in the comments section. Enjoy!

“Alright, today’s exercise is hide and seek!” The petite cheerleader type announced from the center of the crowd. Twenty to thirty people stood in a ragged circle around the little woman with the high brown pony tail. The sun was beating down on the small clearing surrounded by towering conifers. The temperature hovered around comfortable, but standing still in the open was pushing the definition of the term. Not liking heat to begin with one tall female eyed the shadows between the trees with longing.

“Get on with it already,” Muttered a squat female with a rope of mahogany brown hair falling down her back. The comment made the taller woman just behind her grin.

“Soon,” The taller female soothed. The squat woman just crossed her arms and struck a pose of obvious annoyance.

“Team building exercises should be actual exercises.” The half Chinese and half Irish woman grumbled.
The larger female just rolled her olive green eyes, shifting a little in her flip flops.

“What I miss?” The whisper in her ear made her melt and jump at the same time.

Looking back, and up, the taller woman beamed at the man who had come up from behind her. “Hey stranger.”

Six foot something of blond boyishness grinned down at her. Shrugging he said, “Got held up.”

“By a gun?” The darker skinned woman quipped from before them. The tanned female glared at the smaller woman’s back.

“The boss needed to talk to me,” The cheerful male answered smoothly.

“Jess, Sara, John, is there something you want to share with the team?” the three of them flinched as their fearless leader Nora called them out for talking.

“Sorry Cap,” Sara answered for them.

“Well, as I was saying,” Nora recovered beautifully, no hint in her voice of annoyance. “Since there are so many of us we’ll have several people be ‘it’, that way this does not take all day.” A snort came from behind Sara and up, causing her to grin in turn. Nora noticed, “John, since you were the last to arrive why don’t you be one of the it’s?”

It wasn’t really a question, Nora was like that, it may sound one way, but she meant it another. Still, John was going to be a seeker, and she a hider. The wicked grin fought her best attempts to squash it and won control of her face. A chase, through the dark shadows of the forest, the very thought was making her hotter than the sun’s rays could. After all, there were trees, lovely hard tree trunks against which one could be pushed to do delicious things. Well, she corrected her errant thought trail, it wasn’t like she and John had ever been an item. He barely knew she existed, they were friends, and as far as she could tell he felt nothing more than that.

“Max you too,” the words made the heat drain from her body. She looked up, and unerringly across the circle. He stood with a male friend, a much smaller male friend, looking utterly bored. Until he looked up and caught her gaze. Electricity shot down her spin and she stiffened under his scrutiny. Where John looked like the angel Gabriel, Max looked like Lucifer. Shorter than John, Max had the blocky build of a warrior, or mercenary of old. Suddenly the forest was not looking so comforting.

Her hand went out before she gave it permission, and Jess turned to look up at her. The question was there in her friend’s eyes even as she snatched her hand back from her shoulder. She shook her head, in part to apologize to her friend, but mostly to dislodge the emotions making her thoughts fuzzy. Eyes averted she tried to listen even as she studious avoided looking in Max’s direction. She would just hide where no one would find her, even John. There was a place, she knew, her tendency to wander in the forest making the place familiar to her. She’d come back eventually, maybe after it was all over and they had started dinner. Yeah, when there was confusion she would slip back unnoticed, no one would mind, she was good at disappearing.

The team was going to play a game, so why not play? He wanted to play, he was edgy, the heat was getting to him, or rather a certain type of heat was making him crazy. To be precise it was a hot little body shoved into a tight little sundress which was driving him nuts. She should not be wearing any sort of skirt on a team building day. Those thighs were too long for such a short skirt, and she was too busty for the low cut top. That cleavage should be covered, like with a nice bulky sweater. He ran a hand over his head as his thoughts caught up with him. Damn, but he was getting possessive.

“Alright everyone, on my mark” The captain was talking again. He knew what was coming so he closed his eyes and braced himself to stay still for a long time. On que the cheerful voice called, “All right seekers, eyes shut tight! No peeking.” The sugary sweet tone chided from somewhere in front of him. Even with his eyes closed he could see her. Not the petite brunette with the bouncing pony tail, but another brunette, her hair lightened by either sun or chemicals. It was like a sixth sense, following her as she slowly moved through the still motionless group.

A smile tugged at a corner of his mouth. She was trying to be sneaky, running away before anyone else. The challenge latent in her actions thrilled the competitor in him. He would find her, he would be the first to find her. His mind trailed off after catching her, he did not dare think beyond the finding part of this. She wasn’t his, she wasn’t anyone’s, but for this moment in time, she was his prey.

Beneath the trees shelter was cool and dry, a blessing compared to the heat in the field. Being here was better than being in a group, her senses were always set on high when around so many people. Alone she could relax, let her thoughts soak up the chirp of birds and living smell of a forest going about it’s business. Calm her mind fell to the problem of Max; She could not help, but think he disliked her. He probably figured out I liked him, she thought morosely. She had, the moment she had caught sight of him he’d been an object of lust. Well, she corrected, until he started looking like he wanted to kill me.

Kicking the leaf litter she glowered as she remembered when they had first met officially. Blinded by desire she had been bubbly and friendly, two things she normally was only to close friends. The meeting had deteriorated almost instantly as he turned out to be disagreeable and uncommunicative. Her lust had cooled under the onslaught of his attitude. Oh, she had lasted a little while, the idiocy of her hormones fighting valiantly to maintain the illusion. In the end John had shown up, and while he paled in the looks department he was by far more friendly. In truth she had restrained herself around John because of how burned she felt from Max. To the world she was doing a wonderful job of pretending she felt nothing, but platonic feelings for the Norse man.

She should probably do something about that. Pondering the various ways to learn how John felt about her she wandered deeper into the forest. How convenient if he tracked her today, but that was unlikely. No, maybe she should invite him out to something? A movie? No, she didn’t like to ruin movies with thinking about how other’s enjoyed them. Dinner was too personal, and there were not a whole lot of other choices. She was not a drinker, there were issues of loose tongues and a looser libido. She went dancing only with female friends, and only to indulge in the purely sexual touch of strangers. The thought depressed her, reminded of just how long it had been since she’d allowed herself even that much. The pathetic fact of her life was she had sex so rarely she counted the time in years.

Water squelched around her foot, the cool rush snapping her from her reverie. She stared at the water, a little confused as reality came slowly back to her. Right, she shook her head, she should have been paying more attention. Stepping over the stream she halted, perplexed. Was there a stream the last time? She glanced back the way she had come, and realized what she had thought was a path, was nothing more than a deer track. Before her there was nothing, no track, no trail, just brush and trees. With a cool detachment she realized she was well and truly lost. Slowly she sat on a huge boulder in the partial sun.

Leaning back she relaxed on the sun baked stone. There was no point in worry where she was now. She had meant to hide, and the best way to hide was to get oneself lost. Stretching her spine over the curve of the rock she settled in, curling slightly to the side so she could watch the water. Light played over the soft ripples in the stream, hinting at the rocky bottom. She felt within her the rough bottom of her desires being washed over by the waters of her emotions. The deep longing which was a combination of loneliness and unfulfilled lust was soaking her. Warmth and escapism took her down the river of consciousness to the land of dreams.

Some bored trickster god was playing with his life. He had walked unerringly to this place as if guided, only to find a feast waiting for him. She lay bared to the world, unhindered by the usual defensiveness. All his building desire strained at the cage he had trapped it within. The temptation was too great, beyond the already fraying bindings of his control. Stepping from the dark shadows of the trees protections he stood hovering over her prostrate form. So easy, he thought, too easy to lean over and fulfill all the dreams which had haunted him from the first.

In the sunlight the highlights in her hair created a halo, which spilled down in soft curls over her right shoulder. The waves of hair curled over the curve of her plumped breast to tickle the valley between. The darker gold of exposed skin lightened in the shadowed valley, exciting the imagination. The gentle rise and fall of those peaked hills made his hands twitch as the desire within roared in frustration. Yanking his eyes away his gaze landed on her legs, those long thighs stretching out beyond the edge of her skirt. The edge, so easy to lift, shifted slightly with a light breeze. He stood, struck like stone, battling with himself as he looked down on temptation incarnate.

Something tickled her face, and she swiped the offender away. Waking slowly to the world of light she stretched, blinking sleep from her eyes. Confusion clouded her mind as dreams and reality collided. Bolting upright she made to flee, but a hand on her shoulder kept her seated. The large warm paw covered her shoulder completely, the weight not restraining, but only stalling. No sound escaped from the shadow looming above her, no words to explain his actions. The thudding of her heart gradually calmed so she could genuinely examine him.

Despite the height of the rock she was still craning to see his eyes. He was so large, which never before had she considered a detriment. So consumed with her own perceived short-comings she had failed to see a truth in her attributes. Yet now, with his weight above her she realized the consequences of him being that much larger. Tiny sitting next to his standing frame she felt delicate and defenseless; and utterly feminine. Feeling her femininity, so rarely at the forefront of her character, brought out a side of her she kept deeply hidden.

She felt the change like a daemon rising within her, gradually stealing control of her body. Her legs shifted, curling around the stone seat which allowed her hips to face towards him. A tilting of those hips, normally the bane of her existence, shifted the curve of her spine. An arched spine forced her unbound breasts forward and her shoulders back. Her head fell back with her shoulders till she was looking up at him. The invitation lay between them as she regarded him from beneath hooded lids. Her lips parted slight, the soft inner lips tingling in expectation. The need vibrated through her, an aching need to be touched and touch in return.

Time stretched, the coiling hunger of her desire winding tighter as she waited for him to move. Solid and still as a statue he did no move, just stood there looking down on her with an inscrutable expression on his chiseled face. Doubt wiggled into her lust fogged brain, and as time stretched desire’s tide turned to anger. Her hands resting on the rock fisted as her mind scrambled to protect her from the blatant rejection of her offering. Frowning she lowered her face as anger and shame made her body curl defensively. Hope clung to the corners of her thoughts, stalling her, but still he remained frozen above her.

Decisively she rolled off the rock, anger a cloak she used to mask the hurt. Without looking back she walked back into the sharply cool waters of the stream. The water cooled her temper just enough for hope, and curiosity to gain a foot hold. She turned back cautiously, looking over one shoulder even as the mass of her hair lay like a gauzy curtain for her to peek through. He stood where she had left him, frozen by some unseen force. Yet as she looked she found him watching her, the shock striking fire into the dying embers of her passion.

There was danger there, he was all things painful and scary. She wanted him to choose for her, to grab her close and demand what he wanted. That was, if what he wanted was what she thought he wanted. Her instincts screamed that he wanted her, rattling the bars of their cage even as her rational side denied their claims. Indecision anchored her in the water, her toes going a little numb. Anger won, but the tide had turned enough that she was no longer angry at herself. No, she was angry at him, and she was tired of the silence.

Marching back the bare feet to the shadows beneath the trees she planted herself before him. They were of a height, in her shoes she was even a little taller. To her mind height only mattered if the other party cared to make it matter. She had let others dictate such things since the beginning. Let the boys decide to approach or flee, but no more. She damn well wanted to know whether it was morals or distaste which held him back. The time had come to use those instincts, and stop ignoring what her gut was telling her. Time to live without regret.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1pd4xe/hide_and_seek_short_erotica_story_mf_please


  1. “Why did you follow me?” Her gaze was direct, locking with his intense green-blue eyes. Say it, she begged silently, say you wanted me. Only he didn’t, and she saw the moment when his defenses snapped up. He rocked back on his heels, fingers hooking in his jeans. A ballsy, devil may care smile played around hips lips as his cocky attitude surfaces with a vengeance. “Hide and seek, remember?” The mockery in his voice should have incensed her. Damn, why did this always happen when he was around? “Well, you found me,” She offered pathetically. The daemon inside twisted, writhing as if yanking on a tether. “Yeah,” He drawled. Her skin was on fire, and she felt like a mustang ready to bolt. His voice teased her, tempted her to play a game she did not understand. Choking she asked, “Don’t you need to tap me out or something?” “Mhmm,” He answered noncommittally. She felt a little wild, caught between wanting to hit him and yank him up against the nearest tree. The fingers at his waist flexed as he rocked on his heels. “Course, then you’d be it.” Something slid into place inside her as a funny kind of hazy understanding dawned. This, this was flirting, she thought, but doubt whispered at the edges of her mind. Carefully she asked, “Do I need to count to ten so you can get a head start?” “Nah, I’m not one for hiding,” He drawled. She could not help the dry expression which crossed her face and twitched her eyebrow questioningly. He caught the look and that damning smile only grew broader. The urge to hit him made her fingers fisted to restrain the movement. “So what? You’re the seeker aren’t you?” Damn galling man, what did he want already? Eyes slit with anger she commanded, “You found me where I was hiding, so do what you came here to do.” “Yeah, might as well,” The words confused her, so she missed the movement. Caught off guard his hand snaked out to shackle her wrist. His tug was strong, pulling her off balance so she stumbled forward. He propelled her past him, turning her as she fell. Her back came up hard against a tree and she rocked on her bent knees waiting for the world to settle. Which was when she realized she was trapped. Her wrist was still shackled in his paw, her other seeming to have joined its mate. Trapped above her head beneath his grasp she was actually looking up at him. The breadth of his shoulders blocked the light streaming into the gap over the creek. Heat rushed through her, pumping from her chest with every stilted breath. He was so close, their bodies not quite touching, but she could see the flecks of brown in his eyes as they stared heated down on her. Licking her suddenly dry lips she swallowed audibly. “Remember,” He growled as he bent around her. Over his shoulder she saw the flash of light on the rippled of the creek past the shadows of the trees. She smelled earth and the distinct musk of his maleness as his neck came within biting distance. His hot breath tickled her sensitive ear as he finished, “You turned back.” Her eyes flew wide as he bit down on the curve of her neck. Instinctively she arched, her hips finding his as they pressed her into the tree. His leg thrust between hers, driving her thighs apart to accommodate him. His free hand curved over her ass, lifting her up till they were aligned. Everything fell away as the chains of her passion clattered to the floor of her mind. A breath of pure satisfation escaped in a rush as she arched into his embrace. The scrape of his stubble as he tasted his way up her neck snapped the last straw of her reason. “Yes,” She breathed. As he nipped her law she drew her thigh up his till she could curve around his hip. Her dress hem slipped up and she opened to him, the press of his erection against her wet center. Normally forgotten parts woke to the primal urges flooding her body. Her world became parts of her body as he touched them. The insistent cry of her clit made her hips gyrate against him, seeking for the perfect rhythm. His hand at her hips rose, sliding up her waist to tickle her ribs until it settled over her breast. Her chest flowered as she pressed into his hand, begging for more. A groan from deep in his chest made her smile against his cheek, the scratch of his beard tingling pleasantly. She knew he had realized she was not wearing a bra even as he plucked her nipple through the thin cotton of her dress. Biting her lip she closed her eyes and let her head fall back on their joined hands. At their joining her rotating her hips rubbed his length against the maddening separator of her panties. It wasn’t enough, oh if only her skirt had been longer, she could have gone without entirely. She wanted to feel him, wanted the friction of skin on skin, not this false coupling with their clothes between them. Moaning she fought the restraint on her hands. He pulled back enough to look her in the eyes, and she begged him silently to release her. Modesty had fled, lust clouding her senses as she shamelessly begged like a supplicant at the altar. Please, she begged in her mind, oh please take them off, please let me feel you. A dark look entered his eyes, one that sent a spurt of fear through her. Fear, not of him, but of him rethinking this. Desperation had her leg around his hip clamping him closer. Decision hardened his face and the hand cupping her breast fell again to her waist, then lower.

  2. The shackle of her hands was released and he pulled away slightly. Panic seized her and her hand flew to grab his shoulders before he could leave. The naughtiest smile curved his lips and smoldered in his eyes, taunting her for her foolishness. Chastened she stilled as his hands went under her skirt to slip under the edges of her underwear. Pushing he made her leg fall obediently as he guided the thin cloth to the ground. Crouched with his face at her waist he shoved the offending material into a pocket. Seeing him down there a wickedness filled her, delighting her senses. Slipping one foot from a shoe she ran the edge of foot up the rough fabric of his jeans. Toes curled over his knee till the pad could caress up the hard and hairy forearm. Sliding around to his back she slid the pad down the curve of his back as ask let her leg fall open. Her heat lay bare before him, as she flexed her foot to pull him closer. Sinking to his knees he looked up, one eyebrow cocked, making a smile curve her lips. Pulling back her skirt she offered open invitation and with a soft chuckle he fell to the feast. It had been a fact of her life that she did not actually enjoy being pleasured this way. Men so often proved incapable of pleasuring, either with hands or mouth. Some wildness brought on by this strange turn of events had prompted her. As his fingers slid into the slick folds of her lower lips she knew her instincts had been right. Clutching his buzzed head she let her own fall back as her entire being focused on what he was doing to her. As he spread her cool air rushed over heated skin and was quickly followed by the heat of his tongue. Teasing, he traced the hardened bud of her sex, licking playfully. Lower still his fingers toyed with the sensitive folds of her inner lips and flirted with her entrance. Used to the quick demanding pressure of her hand she was going mad with this slow torture. When he finally thrust a finger into her dripping hole she could not hold back the gasp of pleasure which escaped. Her hips bucked, knowing naturally the meaning of such an entrance. Impatiently he used his free hand to pin her hips to the tree, trapping her. A slow, insistent glide of his fingers coupled with the continued ministration to her peak undid her. Unable to move her hips she thrashed her head from side to side. Tempted beyond reason she bit her lips to restrain the tension coiling inside her. Eyes shut tight she drowned slowly as the waves of passion washed over her. Feeling the end approaching she cried out when suddenly he was gone. Dizzy with desire she reached, and found him standing. Pulling him close she gripped him tightly, an insistency driving through her body. He stepped into her with ease, guiding her leg back around his waist. Reduced to moans she nipped at his ear and rubbed her face against the tingly hardness of his cheek. His ragged breathing made her pussy clench with feminine pride even as she rubbed her hips against him. One hand on her butt he slid another between them. Despite the warm up his entrance into her was painful. Too long, she thought, it had been too long since someone had last been in her. He grunted as he pushed further, only stopping when their hips met. Buried to the hilt his pelvis pressed against her engorged clit. He rested there, the only sound their heavy breathing as they clung together. Gradually the muscles relaxed around him, pulsing slightly around the hot rod. So hot, she thought, I had forgotten how wonderfully warm it feels. The thought made her rotate her hips experimentally. Inside he stroked the tingling walls, and outside he hissed in a breath at the movement. Giggling she nipped the top of his ear, which only made him growl. The first thrust flattened her to the tree, the scrape of bark a pleasurable pain. With the second she clutching his head to her, his lips tracing the line of her collarbone. A heavy hand cupped her breast and began massage with a rhythm to match the pace he set. Hands roaming between stroking his head and clawing his back she matched his motions. Experimentally she would add a twirl of her hips, eventually finding the perfect angle. The slide of his penis inside her slick pussy gradually increased in speed, thereby increasing friction. With every drive home he pressed her clit between him, spiking her passion. Her walls would clench as he withdrew, only to drive home again. As the strokes became wilder his mouth moved to her nipple, teasing the tip even as he squeezed the globe. His other hand came up to cup the other and the rhythmic massage matched the tension between their hips. Overwhelmed she grew frantic in the haze of pre-orgasm, try to press her body as close to his as possible. On the next drive the angle was perfect, and she shattered. Riding the waves breaking upwards from her center she milked the climax on the shaft of his dick. The grip of her walls pushed him over the edge and he drove into her. She felt the hot pulse of release balloon inside, and a feeling of complete satisfaction suffused her. Even the cool of him pulling away only fanned the after tremors of her post-orgasmic fugue. The loss of his body to support her frame caused her to sink to the forest floor. Liquid limbs unable to support her weight curled under her till she was leaning against the trunk. Between her legs was over-sensitized and she let her thighs fall apart despite the indecency. Rationality was slowly returning through the haze of bliss, but she clung to the numb mindlessness of release. There would be a reckoning for this, they would have to talk at least a little. Except she had no desire to form words right now, or even thoughts.

  3. Her only coherent thought was that she wanted his touch to sooth the ravages of her nerves. She craved the soothing petting, and her eyes lifted to find him seating himself next to her. He said nothing, and she was extremely grateful for that. A thick arm snaked between her and the tree, pulling her towards him. The hand around her waist stroked little patterns on her upper thigh. Leaning in the crook of his shoulder the jangling of her nerves gradually eased. Slowly the little strokes of his fingers on that area just at the juncture of her hip became too much. A few minutes and she was horny again. Her body protested, the aches and scrapes of the last round slowly registering. Still, she hungered, and she was still being completely controlled by her desire. With a move she thoughts she was incapable of she was straddling him in a breath. Vixen power suffused her as she looked down on his perplexed smile and sleepy eyes. Her hands explored, stroking across the ticklish curve of his jaw, and caressing now the hard sinew of his neck. He still wore his shirt, and she danced her hands across his pecks, stopping to flirt with his nipples. He sat there, letting her feel, unmoving for a time, but eventually his hands rose up to caress her thighs. As she stroked down his abs, finger tips tracing the lines of muscles, she bent forward. One hand on his shoulder learning the size of his deltoid she set her lips to his cheek. Her other hand traveled back up his chest till she could outline his collarbone. Balancing she let her chest brush his, her sensitized nipples teased by the caress. Nibbling and kissing she tasted her way over his jaw and down his neck till she could bury her face in the hard curve where shoulder met neck. The hands petting her thighs rose under her skirt till his thumbs drew little circles at her pelvis. His fingers flexed as they massaged the upper curve of her butt. She felt her hips respond to the new tension building inside her. She wanted him again, how could she already want him? Yet she did, and the heat between her thighs said as much. Yet that same place could also feel he wasn’t ready for her. A small whimper escaped her, but she managed to make her hips still. Lifting her face from the delicious scent of his neck she looked down at him. Time for words, and better now, when they were still touching, than later when distance made this harder. He saw it, the look of resignation in her face, and he took on the devil-may care attitude. Sadly the hands on her hips stopped their ministrations, but happily did not leave entirely. Silence stretched between them. While she knew they had to talk, she was unsure what to say. She knew what she wanted, but what she wanted and what she got were never the same thing. He broke first, “We can’t do that again,” Blunt, to the point, straight knife jab to the heart. She had meant to be prepared, had thoughts she had steeled herself, but the flinch said otherwise. Her emotional retreat was instantaneous, though she remained straddling him. Her hands fell to his chest, pushing down enough to raised herself off his hips. The hard set of her face was easy to feel, and she knew she was retreating behind her standoffish mask. “I’d ask why, but I’m not sure I want to know,” She replied evenly. Looking bored she dug into his jeans pocket and took out her panties. Rising without another word she stepped away so her back was too him as she put the underwear back on. Protected by turning away she managed to add, “For the record I didn’t want commitment, or even a relationship.” Her heart felt like lead. Turning she tossed over her shoulder, “Though I wouldn’t of said no to a repeat performance.” The steel in his face said the topic was not up for debate. Drat, bloody bastard, she thought, anger forming a protective armor around the wound he had opened. What was it about her that made men run the minute they had a taste? Back stiff she shrugged as if dismissing the subject. Taking a step she remembered something about the exchange and turned slightly to ask, “There was a condom right?” “Yeah,” The ballsy rebel was back, inscrutable, and uncommunicative as always. “Thanks,” She said, mimicking his attitude. With that she hopped across the creek, and headed back for reality.

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