Good Girl – F/F

She said she loved getting home before I was done with my shower because that was the only time she got to hear me sing. Said my voice filled the bathroom, overflowed into our bedroom, where she could feel the air vibrating with my sorrow or happiness.

When she first told me this, I imagined her solid body resting on my side of the bed, blue buttoned-down work shirt exposing her white undershirt, feet crossed at the ankles, fingers laced behind her head as she stared at the ceiling. I came out and found her like that for real once; eyes closed, face blissful. When she said she loved my singing and began waiting for me on our bed, I began coming out in my towel instead of dressed, getting a rise out of how her beautiful green eyes would follow me through the room.

“What are you looking at?” I’d throw over my shoulder as I re-pinned the loose strands of hair that managed to get away.

“Something awful pretty.” She’d grin at my back from her position on the bed.

My cheeks flushed when she would tell me things like that. Like I could not believe that they were true or that she feels this way about me.

“You can put lotion on my back. I won’t mind.” I said this while staring into my lap. My mind abuzz, wondering if she would do it this time.

“Let me wash my hands…” Her voice was low and coarse and made the small of my belly flutter.

“Ok.” I whispered as my nipples turned achy hard.

She never wanted to touch me after she got home from the garage. Said her hands were too rough for my clean, soft skin. Said she didn’t want to make me dirty. This, always made me sad because I wanted to get dirty with her, wanted to feel her rough hands tattoo my soft skin, wanted to remember the next day how she smelled straight from work and how she fucked me like it too.

Lost in my thoughts, I almost missed her coming back. I felt fingers, lightly at first, brush against my neck. Her hand was heavy as it cupped my shoulder, her breath hot at the nape of my neck. She was kneeling, behind me and it was all I could do not to turn around. This was huge – for her to feel worthy of loving me out in the open of our bedroom with the lights on, made my heart race. She didn’t know that her not wanting to touch me unless the lights were off, made me feel unwanted and sullied. I was determined to sit still if it became the death of me – I would make this worth her effort.

Soft lips kissed the back of my neck and I trembled. My eyes closed when she began running her tongue down my spine, pausing to kiss the tender skin every few inches. When she arrived at the barrier of the towel, I half expected that she would call it quits. I begged all that was good in this life and the next, that she wouldn’t. I needed to feel her tonight, needed to smell her on me, needed to feel her in me.

Her index finger ran from the nape of my neck and stopped at the towel only long enough to slowly pull it loose from the tuck that had it secured. My heart beat wildly in my chest as my breath came in clips, a moan fighting to escape my throat. I swallowed it down and waited. Her clean rough hands caressed my sides causing a heated wetness to ease its way onto the vanity bench where I sat. I wanted to weep. The roughness felt delicious and I wanted more. But before I could turn around I felt her cup my breasts in either hand and squeeze them, hard.

A surprised yelp escaped my mouth as I squirmed from delight, my pussy widening the wet circle beneath me. Leaning back, I felt her breasts on my back, her sports bra doing a terrible job at hiding her nipples’ excitement. I lift my hands out of the way, giving her full access and she pinches my nipples, rolling them between her thumb and forefinger. I am breathing hard, falling harder into this silent seduction.

She nips my neck, I get a sniff of her cologne mixed with the smell of garage and a growl rumbles in my throat, my teeth baring like I am an animal and I don’t know who she is at the moment. I don’t know who I am at the moment. All I am sure of is that she is touching me and I don’t want it to stop. I try to turn again but she sneaks her head under my arm and pulls one of my tight hard nipples into her warm, wet mouth and I am lost. This time it is in how her tongue swirls around my nipple, bullying it left and right, sucking it into full attentions.

I put my arms down and cradle her head to me, smoothing the short dark hairs at her temple. She is savage with my breasts, kneading roughly then releasing the one to make her way completely to the other that she is suckling. I am heady. I am smiling down at her closed eyes because this feels too delirious to be true. Her arm encircles my waist, smashing my breast further into her mouth. I feel her teeth bite down lightly and I moan from the bottom of my pussy.

“Oh baby!” I manage as I grip the hair at the back of her head and pull her closer.

Her work roughed hand rubs the inside of one thigh, then the other and I can no longer feel my body. She is stroking the hairs of my pussy and my hips jerk forwards of their own volition. Her thick fingers gently part my folds and the hit of cool air makes my clit spasm. I give a quick shy hum and smile coyly. Usually she will fondle me under the covers, making sure I cum – more out of obligation than this. This was her wanting, needing me. This was something divine.

Detached from my breast long enough to scoop me into her arms, I feel the soft bed beneath me and instinctually wrap my legs around her legs as she stands between them. My hips jerk as I squirm in excitement, arms reaching out to her while she rips off her work and undershirt. Immediately, I see a fine sheen of sweat on her belly. I sit up and kiss it, biting her belt buckle with my teeth. She looks down at me and smiles shyly, almost embarrassed that she is wanted so. The ink on her shoulder flexes as she sinks her fingers into my hair and pulls out the bobby pin. Dark brown limp locks cascade over my shoulders, covering my red-roughed nipple and man-handled breasts. She moves it away and I am naked in front of her. Naked for her.

Kneeling between my legs, she grabs my ass and scoots me forwards. I leave a wet trail to the edge of the bed. I am embarrassed with how wet I’ve become. Seeing the look on my face, she runs her fingers through the wetness on the bed and rubs it between her fingers, under her nose. I make to push her hand away and she licks her fingers before her green smoldering eyes focus on me.

I am in love in that moment with this woman. Kissing my lips, I taste myself on her tongue and moan into her mouth. She kisses my belly button, which forces me to lay on my back, legs open. Soft kisses come down my inner thigh before her fingers part me, exposing my quivering clit. I take a deep breath as she buries her face between my legs. She is gentle, swirling her tongue on the tip of my center before licking down the shaft in long smooth strokes. My belly flips when I feel her tongue push past my opening. I spread my legs wider and push her face nose deep into my wetness. I do not want her to come up for air because it feels too good to want to stop.

She keeps going as I grind my hips into her beautiful mouth with all the magical things that it is doing to me. Pulling back enough to gulp some air, she nuzzles in closer, working her tongue in and out, up and down the length of my pussy. Her slurping sounds make me grip her hair hard as I hook my legs over her shoulders. My hips buck as she runs her teeth against my engorged clit once, twice until I find myself crying out her name in haggard breaths.

My pussy quakes as her lips massage my enfolds. I feel her hands as they massage my thighs and make their way up my panting belly. I cover my eyes when I peek down and see her face covered in my glistening juices. I don’t want to let her know how proud of this I am because I have always been her ‘Good Girl’. But seeing her dirty from my cum makes me ready to go again.

“What’s wrong?” She asks, concerned.

“This was all I ever wanted.” I say as I feel stinging tears form at the corners of my eyes. I feel her kiss the top of my pussy before making to move away and I reach for her. My fingers grabbing the loops of her pants and pulling her down over me. Delicious, her weight pinning me to our bed. I squeal and do my best to roll us over a but she resists, relinquishing finally when she realizes that I am not about to give up.

Sitting on her middle, my wetness slathered on her belly and I wonder if she will let me do what I want. My fingers slide beneath the band of her sports bra and she looks away. She doesn’t fight when I expose her beautiful breasts. They are pale, soft, small and I rub my lips around, then on her velvety nipple. Until this moment she has held her breath but when my mouth sucks on her gently, she lets go of a faint mew.

My heart breaks open. Taking my chances, I slide down her body, undoing the buckle on her pants. She does not stop me. Kneeling between her legs on the floor, I try to pull her pants off and when I see her towering over me, I am afraid that she has changed her mind. But she is helping me. And I kneel before her crotch, sniffing her scent deep into my lungs before suckling on her clit. She stays standing, I looking up at her, her looking down at me, her nipples looking taut and erect.

Bending her knees, I burrow deeper into her juices, feeling her hands on the back of my head guiding me. And I didn’t realize how much I needed her to be rough with me like this. I am eager to please her, slurping and drinking down her cum. Hot and slippery, my tongue could delve into her secrets forever. But I feel it. The moment when she loses control and is mine to do as I please and I suck on her so hard that she falls onto the bed, clamping my head between her legs. I smile through it, knowing I may never get this chance again.


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