The Master of Castle Oscarshall – Intro & Part 1 [mf] [bdsm]

Introduction: The wheels of the cab rolled along the dusty roads winding through the trees. The evergreen forests of the Norwegian were fullest and brightest in the Summer time, and June first had just arrived. Sabrina should have felt more excited – after all, she has just been awarded a fellowship to do her Master's thesis research abroad in Norway – and yet something was amiss. She couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe it was because Jean's grandparents were Norwegian immigrants to the United States. But, shit, why should she care to think about Jean, anyway. When she decided to go to the University of Warwick in the U.K., Jean just couldn't handle it. She couldn't totally blame him for wanting to take his offer at Cal Poly, but Sabrina hadn't wanted their relationship to fall to pieces over it. And yet, that's just what their careers had done. Almost two years ago, Jean told Sabrina if he had to bear the pain of being apart from her for years, he'd rather not be reminded by phone and video day in and day out. What an asshole.

Sabrina sure as hell hoped she would never see Jean again. The truth is, Sabrina ought to have hated him, but she just couldn't forget the way she felt when Jean looked in her eye. She couldn't escape the memories of Jean's firm hands on her body. Sabrina had even kept her collar with her – in her purse, or her backpack, and now, in her suitcase. She had not let any other man dominate her the way Jean once did. Sabrina had avoided men, perhaps unconsciously, focusing instead on her research. Hence, the prestigious fellowship.

As the cab pulled up to the stout, stone castle in the heart of the forest, Sabrina came back to reality. Outside the stone walls, a butler assisted her with her bags as she exited the car. She paid the cabbie, who took off for the city hastily, and turned to face the subject of her research – Oscarshall Castle. As Sabrina followed the Butler in through the gate, she asked if anyone was living in the castle this Summer besides herself.

“No ma'am, actually the previous owner has just passed. The Inheritor of the castle is in town, and he will likely come and go when dealing with his affairs. He should not burden you.” 'Good,' thought Sabrina. She had hoped to have peace and quiet while she researched the castle's architecture and searched through its library. She had aims at Harvard or Oxford for her Ph.D. The butler showed Sabrina to a long hallway where her bedroom was located. Sabrina noted the arched doorway of the master bedroom at the end of the hallway, not far from bedroom. She knew from floorplans the library then was around the corner from her bedroom, a guests' bathroom was across the hallway, and the stairs leading to the dungeon and the roof were around the other corner near the master bedroom. Sabrina entered the bedroom and set her bag near the armoire. She had slept uncomfortably on her flight, and was left achey and tired, so, after excusing the butler, Sabrina climbed into the giant bed in the back-center of the room. She soon fell asleep and would nap for three hours. Meanwhile, the young man who had inherited the castle was riding up the hill toward the castle from the town nearby. He spun the gears of his bike hard against the upslope, finally coming to an even plane near the castle. The young fellow had worked up one hell of a sweat as he nodded at the Butler, entering his castle. As he strolled down the hall he couldn't remember where the damn bathroom was – he wanted to just pop in the shower for a rinse, dammit. He tried a door – nope, closet. He tried another – nice library, but not right now. He turned the corner. How about this one – oh, whoops, that researcher girl is here already! He didn't mean to walk in on her slee- wait, what the fuck. The man silently opened the door again, peering in. Confirmed. There lay his ex-lover and sex slave, Sabrina.

Jean's jaw dropped. Then, it closed. Then, the mischievous smile. He closed the door tight. Part 1: A chill ran through Sabrina's spine. She sat up quickly, looking around the bedroom. All quiet and calm. Sabrina shook her head, angry at herself for being spooked when she should be excited about being in an actual Nordic castle. The sun was setting, so Sabrina flicked on the light switch. After putting her things in the armoire and dresser, Sabrina assessed her plans. 'I'll try to get a shower in before exploring the castle, then I'll go find some food, and maybe I'll look around the library before bed. Yes, sounds like a good plan.'

Sabrina began to undress, assuming the butler should have gone home for the night. She shouldn't need to be modest in an empty castle. She casually kicked her pants off into her open, empty suitcase. She gathered her shampoo and conditioner, her loufa, soap, and a towel. Sabrina peeped out of the door, just in case – no one in sight. She casually strolled into the hallway to the bathroom.

As she entered, Sabrina noticed a fluffy bathrobe hanging on a hook in the wall, next to embroidered towels. Clearly, the butler had prepared the bathroom for her, she thought. In the shower was a short stool and there was no shower curtain. The shower contained 2 shower heads. The first was an tall and overhead, it poured straight down in torrents. The second was a slender, more modern head, essentially a wand that spouted water from one side mounted on a long flexible hose. Sabrina noted the valve near it's base – it looked like this wand could be used for other purposes.

While Sabrina was warming up the shower, Jean sat in the master bedroom, pouring over his great grandfather's box of memoirs. He pulled out a dusty map – actually no, a dusty floor plan of the castle! Jean unfolded it and spread it over his desk. Not only were the rooms and hallways labeled, there were also markings indicating false bricks, secret passages, and even a secret room in the dungeon. Jean studied.

Sabrina finished washing her hair, shaving her legs, and rinsed her conditioner out. She sat on the stool underneath the pouring water, encompassed in warmth. Her thoughts drifted back to Jean – He would have wrapped the hose around her by now. Oh, the sweet, dark things Jean could do to Sabrina in a shower like this one. She felt herself getting excited – maybe she would try out the wand. But, thinking about Jean brought her mind to her collar. If she was going to masturbate she had to put it around her neck. Sabrina felt her feet compelling her out of the shower. She crossed the hall, not looking to the right to notice Jean sneaking down the hall, looking right in her direction.

Jean pressed into a doorway. He peered out. Sabrina re-emerged from the bedroom with her collar on and strode directly into the bathroom. Jean crept silently down the hallway past the bathroom. He rounded the corner. Into the closet he accidentally walked into earlier Jean snuck. He walked to the back wall – 9th row from the floor, 4 bricks over – bingo! Jean slid the brick and inch to the left, making a hardly noticeable crack. He could see directly into the shower.

There sat Sabrina on the stool, rubbing her breasts with the shower wand and tugging at the ring on her collar. Water poured over her shoulders. Sabrina turned the valve and blasted her nipple with the high pressure. She shuddered. She tugged at her collar, choking herself slightly. Her finger flicked the valve shut. Sabrina opened her mouth wide and slide the wand over her tongue, deep into her mouth. She gagged and sucked. As she pulled the wand free, she whispered to herself – but Jean couldn't make it out. Sabrina spread her legs now and rubbed her clit with the wand. She said the same thing as before, but Jean still couldn't quite tell what. Now Sabrina pushed the wand inside, all the way to the valve. She grinded against the stool, working the wand against her G-spot. Now Jean could hear her clearly: “Oh, Jean! Jean! Unnnh.”

She had not forgotten her lover in all this time, Jean thought. Sabrina fucked herself with one hand, and grabbed her collar again with the other. Jean wanted to run in and tell her he had not forgotten her either, that he had not been or cared to be with another girl since her. But Jean was a man, and he was Sabrina's master. He had better plans of revealing himself to Sabrina. Still, he grew hard watching Sabrina masturbate, calling his name. His instincts wanted to punish her for not calling him Master. He would in due time.

For now, he watched as Sabrina screamed. She smacked her own ass with the wand. She slapped herself. These are the works of a long undominated slave. But when Sabrina came, she grabbed her collar ring again. She sat on the floor of the shower, her head leaning on the stool. Her right hand pounded her pussy with the shower wand. Her left thumb through the ring, her fingers around her neck. She screamed, “Oh Jeeean! Make me cuuuuum! Unh! Aghhh!!!”

Sabrina set the wand aside. She sat, water trickling over her body, recovering. Jean stole away. He had to get set up for the real fun that was to come.

Edit: The rest is soon to come!


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  1. For some reason you have to press enter twice to get it to work in the editor.

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