Schooling Mr. Scott (Taboo Teacher/Student Cheating Seduction)

As soon as Mr. Scott closed the classroom door on his way out to lunch, I clicked through the inbox of his e-mail he’d left up. I’m not exactly sure what I was looking to find, I guess just more about him, or anything from his wife. He’d told me quite a bit this year since I had been his Student Aide. Things he probably shouldn’t have, and definitely backtracked quite a bit while explaining. I knew he had a secret vasectomy, was most likely fucking someone else, and things clearly weren’t good on the home front. Not really things one should know about their teacher. It’s like his wife knew though, and every time she’d call and I’d answer because he was teaching, she’d be the biggest cunt, almost always hanging up on me.

It just felt weird that I had spent this entire year with him, and knew all these personal things about his marriage and stuff, but not really much about him. I somewhat thought of him as a sort of father figure. I could tell he really wanted to talk to me, but felt guilty because I was a student. His wife was right to hate me, I had always wanted him, and now that I was eighteen, I wanted him to give him my virginity. I was leaving for college in exactly 90 days, and would probably ever see Mr. Scott again, and didn’t have much time.

I can feel the heat rising through my cheeks as my memory recalls the time that we were all alone sitting next to each other in front of the computer in the dark classroom. It was a teacher planning hour or something because of a pep rally, and we’d stayed behind trying to download some new software. We’d been talking about his wife because I had joked that she must think that we’re fucking because of how she always scowls at me through the phone. He said something like, “Well, at least someone would be giving it to me.” I took that as an opportunity to place my hand on his knee. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I was quickly rejected.

My freshman year of high school, I had to take dumb kid math because I had screwed around my entire junior high years and fucked up my grades. I suppose it’s a good thing I did, or I would have never met Mr. Scott. It was his first year as a teacher, about twenty-seven years old and fresh out of the Marines, with nothing to do with his degree but teach high school remedial geometry. The first day in his class he basically told us he didn’t really give a shit what happened because it was our grade. It was hard not to pay attention to him, he was a good looking guy, and hilarious at that. He’s got built broad shoulders, with a strong square jaw, slightly darker due to the sexy stubble of his five o’clock shadow.

Mr. Scott sent me on my way that day, saying that I should probably go ahead and go to the pep rally, and maybe he’d see me tomorrow. I slumped in my seat, ashamed, grabbing my things and walking slowly down the hall with my tail between my legs. He’s married and I’m jailbait, I’m so stupid to think he’d want to ruin his career for some little girl like me.

It was awkward around him for the next week, both of us turning red when we made eye contact. I just avoided it altogether and pretended like it never happened. After that, I always had this feeling that Mr. Scott might feel the same way too. I’d catch his eyes bouncing down to my ass when I got up from my chair.

The only e-mail he has is boring teacher stuff. Teachers trying to sell their tacky rattan couches, or asking if anyone would like to buy a commemorative fundraising tin of popcorn. I browse through the list of folders to the left of the screen, clicking on one that is untitled.I couldn’t resist. Inside of that folder, there is another untitled folder, I click on that one too, my heart racing anticipating why this seems to be hidden.

Gold! There are maybe twenty thirty second long videos of porn. I can feel my pussy tingling, thinking about Mr. Scott sitting in the very seat I’m sitting in, feverishly pumping his cock to these videos after all of the students leave. I feel a twinge of guilt clicking on the video, but there is no way I could turn back now. There’s something so sexy and dirty about watching what gets other people off.

There was no bondage, or any crazy fetishes, I was somewhat let down. I wanted to think that Mr. Scott would be into some weird kinky shit since his wife wouldn’t fuck him, but I guess I was wrong. Everything seemed relatively vanilla, a girl sucking a guy’s cock in shitty lighting. He stands up, pumping his huge cock into her from behind, the camera angles made to look as if it’s amateur.

The very last video was ten minutes long. I checked the clock, he wasn’t due back for another fifteen. I clicked the thumbnail, my face flushing red at what I was seeing. My mouth dropped open, staring intently at the screen.

It was Mr. Scott’s body, the camera positioned at an angle above his right shoulder catching a perfect view of the entire room. Mr. Scott was naked, lying down on a bed. His left hand positioned behind him, between his head and a pillow, as his right held on tight to his cock, rubbing it up and down. A naked woman in the background staring at him. I knew I’d always had a thing for Mr. Scott, but seeing him like this makes me slick, I can feel my pussy making a mess of my panties watching his muscular arm pump up and down with a graceful rhythm. I pull my skirt up, the leather of Mr. Scott’s chair cold on my bare ass. I glance at the clock again, ten more minutes.

I scoot my ass up to the edge of the chair, spreading my legs. I can feel a draft of air sweep past the wetness of my lips as I slide my fingers down through my bald pussy lips, My fingers slowly gliding up and down the wetness as the woman on the screen turned around, squatting over Mr. Scott’s cock, her ass in his face. She reaches down and grabs his throbbing cock, pulling it toward her spread pussy. “Fuck this cock, baby”, Mr. Scott has whispered, his voice ragged. The thought of him calling it a cock turns me on, he’s always such a prudish person around me. His voice sends a bolt of electricity between my thighs. I plunge my fingers into my wetness over and over, trying to fuck myself in rhythm with Mr. Scott’s cock penetrating the woman’s slippery folds.

Mr. Scott reaches his hands up to the girl’s hips, violently pulling them down into him, impaling her on his thick cock. I moan with the woman, frantically spinning circles around my nub with my fingertip, my wetness dripping down my palm. A pressure building between my legs with every spiral.

The woman in the video bounces her ass wildly on Mr. Scott’s cock, moaning with delight. I pick up the hi-lighter off the keyboard, and shove it into my pussy, plunging it in and out, while my right hand continued to spin circles around my engorged clitoris, the pressure from the hi-lighter sending spasms through my body.

I leaned back in the chair, my legs spread with the computer keyboard between then, my feet up on Mr. Scott’s desk. I closed my eyes, the hi-lighter pumping in and out of my pussy, my wetness dripping down my ass crack. I imagine Mr. Scott is the hi-lighter, thrusting his huge cock in and out of me. “Fuck this cock, baby” he had said, remembering his words, imagining him pulling my pussy toward his cock, thrusting deeper into me every pump.

“Fuck that pussy, Mr. Scott” I whispered, my fingers dancing wildly against my clit. I’m so close to cumming saying it out loud. It feels so dirty to be doing this, and the thrill of someone catching me is making me even more wet. I whisper again, this time my voice tumbling into a whine.

“Oh God! Make me cum, Mr. Scott!”, my hips moved forward, continuously rocking back and forth. The hi-lighter glides in and out, my pussy hitting my hand over and over producing a wet smack that echoes through the empty classroom.

My pussy is so tight with pressure it could explode, it aches, begging to cum. Almost there, not even ten strokes away, the circles around my clit moving faster and faster.

“Natalie …?”

I flinch, pulling my fingers away from my pussy and lowering my legs to cover myself, the woman on the video still bouncing madly up and down, moaning. Mr. Scott stood there, motionless. He stared at me for what felt like ever, a huge bulge spreading down the thigh of his khaki pants. Both of our faces bright red, I lustfully stare at his crotch knowing just one pump would send me cumming all over him.

“What are you doing?” He asks, almost in a whisper, knowing fully well exactly what I’m doing. His cock is the only thing I can focus on, the thick round tip of it point up in a tent in his pants.

“I um… found this video when I was searching for the receipts for the books.” I lie, softly saying in my most innocent voice, rising from the chair and stepping toward him.

“Natalie, that wasn’t something that I wanted anyone seeing. That was sup-”

“I wish you would make a video like that with me, Mr. Scott”, I say, interrupting him and taking another step toward him.

He swallows hard, the lump visibly passing down his throat while I slide my fingers between his flesh and the waistband of his khakis. I can feel the heat pulsing through my pussy as I glide my hand down the crotch of his pants, feeling his swollen shaft pressed against the tight fabric. He quickly pulls back, denying me again.

My pussy throbbing too hard to keep myself from him, I get down on my knees in front of him, frantically unbuckling his belt. I look up at him with a mischievous smirk, eagerly pull at the button and zipper to open up his pants to me. I move the tips of my finger between his boxers and swiftly pull them down with his pants. His hard cock springs forward, looking me in the eye. I wrap my hand around his shaft, making an ‘ok’ symbol around his cock with my fingers. I put my mouth to the tip of it making a seal with my lips while swirling my tongue around in circles. Mr. Scott groans, moving his hand to swipe my hair back out of my face.

My other hand works hard between my legs, my fingers parting my pussy lips, sliding up and down between them, the warmth building more and more the further I take Mr. Scott down my throat. He gasps, lacing my hair through his fingers, pulling my mouth up off his cock.

“We can’t do this Natalie. Not here.” His ragged voice breathless from my mouth.

I stand up, shoving him back with his pants around his ankles toward the Science department’s equipment closet door. The tiny room pitch black, the door closes hard, locking automatically behind us. My eyes haven’t adjusted and all I can hear are our heavy breaths filling the tiny closet. Now that we’re in the closet alone, a wave of nervousness falls over me. My overwhelming urge to cum overrides the nerves, my hands barely stroking his stomach through his shirt. He flinches, pulling my hand down and positioning it around the base of his cock.

I drop down, squatting in front of his naked legs, guiding the tip of his cock, still glistening from my spit, between my waiting lips. I slowly take him in, enveloping him inch by inch in my warm mouth. Mr. Scott moaned loudly as I suddenly jerked back, letting his entire length roll back along my tongue before plunging his cock into my throat, my gag reflex sending a rush of sticky saliva draping his cock in my mouth. My fingers go back to work in our new secret location, plunging away at my pussy, a continuous wet smack filling the tiny space from my fingers pumping against my clit. My hips rock faster into my fingers, while my lips around Mr. Scott’s cock speed up to match, sucking and licking his length.

Mr. Scott moans, his heavy breath at a pant, his hips rising to meet my lips sucking passionately at his member, sliding my tongue around the head. I'd wanted this for so long.

"Tell me to suck your cock, Mr. Scott", I whisper between licks, the palm of my hand rising up and down around his cock meeting my mouth as I engulf Mr. Scott's entire cock between my lips, his tip pressing on the back of my throat. I'd practiced with other boys, dreaming about when I could eventually taste Mr. Scott, but his was much bigger and I had to stretched my lips wide just to fit his thick girth around them.

I guide the back of his hand toward the crown of my head, hastily bobbing up and down his shaft. He rests his hand there, clenching his fist around my hair as I surprise him, deep-throating his cock, my mouth filling with saliva, rushing to fill the tiny bit of it not filled with Mr. Scott's hard dick.

"Oh God yes! Suck my fat cock, baby." Mr. Scott cried out, his fist clenching hard around my hair, shoving my head down, pushing his cock deeper in my throat. I gag, squeezing the tip of him with my tightened esophagus, saliva gushing to envelope his cock once more. I let him guide me, my left hand pumping vigorously at the base of him, hitting my lips while Mr. Scott's hand pumps my mouth up and down his cock faster and harder, his inconsistent breathing ragged and heavy.

My tongue worked hard, lusciously lapping away at his cock, the pressure of my suction increasing with every bob. My mind wanders while I close my eyes, sucking at him wildly, my spit dripping down my chin. I think about his wife and how she doesn't know how please him after all these years, and how he's on the verge of exploding in my mouth any second after not even ten minutes. Thinking about Mr. Scott cheating on his wife with me makes me wet. I remove my hand from the base of his cock and plunge my fingers back into my pussy. The slapping sound of my gooey wetness filling the tiny closet.

The rest of the book is at Smashwords If you want to read it, click above & the free promo code for you fellow Redditors is: PM57S Expires: August 19, 2013



  1. Be easy on me, I’m new at this. Anyone feel like they want to give me feedback, have at it! (Be gentle, please!)

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