Vacation – Part 4 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

"It's true, you know," Mom said, as we waited for the elevator.

"What's true?" Kristin asked.

"My son is a motherfucker." Mom's tone was flat and unreadable. "No matter what happens, now. It doesn't matter if you send copies of what we did to everybody I know or destroy every second of video and leave us in peace – my son will always be a mother fucker."

"That's very true." Kristin sounded serious but was grinning from ear to ear. "Now, give the motherfucker a kiss and let's have lunch."

Mom looked almost sad, as she put her arms around the back of my neck. But she pressed her scantily clad body against mine, when she pulled me in to kiss her. It didn't last ling, just two or three seconds. But it was warm and soft and, somehow, just as erotic as the tongue dueling and spit swapping we had done, earlier. It was enough to make my dick, which should have been worn out, by now, jump to attention.

"Mother fucker," Mom whispered, slowly and deliberately, her lips brushing mine and her pubic bone crushing my dick.

"Oh, go ahead."

Kristin's tone of exasperation made me tear my eyes away from Mom's. Aunt Karen, licking her lips and watching me through half lidded eyes. I didn't really understand what Kristin had meant until my aunt gently pushed my mother aside and took her place.

Aunt Karen's kiss wasn't as passionate as Mom's, but there was something in the brief, delicate pressure and the way she sighed, when she stepped back, that helped me achieve a new level of diamond hard rigidity.

Kristin rolled her eyes, as if exasperated, but it was clear that she was pleased by the intimacy that was developing between my mother, my aunt and me. She elbowed me in the ribs, as she pushed by, and pressed the elevator call button.

It was between the usual lunch and dinner crowds and the restaurant was fairly empty. We were seated at an isolated table, next to a window looking out over the ocean, where Kristin ensured that my erection, which was somewhat painful, did not abate.

"So, let's see a show of hands. Who here has taken it up the ass?"

She grinned at Mom, who glared back, and Aunt Karen, who was looking around to see if anybody had heard.

"Nobody? What a coincidence, me neither. Now, I have had a man or two come in my mouth. Anybody else?"

Mom silently shook her head and Aunt Karen whispered, "No."

"How about a woman? Have any of you ever made a woman come with your mouth?" She grinned at me. "Put your hand up, Danny boy. I know you have."

I raised my hand, a bit, keeping my elbow on the table.

"Anybody else?"

Kristin gave Mom and Aunt Karen a second or two, although neither one of them was going to raise her hand, then lifted her own, over her head.

"Looks like we have something in common." Kristin beamed brightly at me, as if she had just realized that we had the same birthday.

"Yes, Madame?" The waitress was suddenly standing behind Kristin, who laughed.

"I think we're ready to order."

Kristin seemed to be familiar with the menu. She ordered soup and sandwiches for the four of us, without looking at the menu.

When the waitress was gone, she continued her survey.

"Have either of you ever had your tits fucked? I mean, really fucked, good and hard, until he came. Really? Never. Me either." She looked down at her peach sized breasts. "Not that I have a choice. But, holy Christ! If I was stacked like you, I'd sure want to give it a go."

Kristin shook her head, sadly.

"You ever give anybody a rim job?"

Mom shook her head, but Aunt Karen looked confused, until Mom leaned over to whisper in her ear. Then her eyes went wide and she shook her head.

"How about you, kiddo? Ever had a tongue up your ass?"

I admit it, up until that moment, I didn't know what I rim job was. I had heard the expression, and had a pretty good guess, but now I knew that my guess was wrong.

"Well, I have," Kristin said, when I shook my head. "Just last night, as a matter of fact. I highly recommend it. The lad, here, has a very talented tongue, as you both should know."

As the waitress was putting plates and bowels on the table, Kristin said, "Well, well. I can see were going to be very busy for a while." It seemed like a perfectly innocent statement but, given the context, we all knew it was actually pretty nasty.

But the waitress, a Panamanian woman who looked like she was in her thirties, either didn't understand, didn't care, or was good at acting that way.

We ate our lunch without any more explicit questions, although Kristin did mutter things like, "So much to do, so little time," several times.

And then, when we were sharing a piece of cheesecake, Kristin dropped one last bombshell.

"Tell me, Karen. What exactly have you done?"

I expected Aunt Karen to dither and, in all likelihood, ask what Kristin meant. And she did open her mouth. But, despite the crimson blush that spread up her chest to her face, she closed it and, straightening her back and looking Kristin in the eyes, said a single word.


"Nothing?" Kristin's laughter just made Aunt Karen stiffen and sit up even more ramrod-straight.

"Nothing, until this trip. Nothing that you haven't seen. I never even kissed anybody until…" She glanced at me and her blush deepened. "Until today."

"How old are you?"

"Forty-three," Aunt Karen said, defiantly.

"There is so much to do! But this has priority." Kristin took out her phone. "The kinky stiff might have to wait. For now, let's plan on a good, old-fashioned, missionary-style defloration tomorrow, after our morning beach session. Let's say noon. Does that work for you?"

Aunt Karen looked at me, some of the color draining from her face, and nodded.

"Danny? Are you free, or should we look for somebody else?"

The last of Aunt Karen's color instantly disappeared and, for the first time since Kristin had last pointed a gun at us, she looked really frightened.

It was starting to seem like, every time I thought I couldn't get any harder, I found out I was wrong. The gratified look that my aunt gave me, when I snapped, "No! I'll do it," was just the latest trigger for an even more painfully rigid dick.

Our trip to the beach, that afternoon, was different from the morning's. We took a cab to the same spot, but it was no longer isolated. The entire beach was covered with oily tourists, ranging from pale, to tan, to bronze with more than a little pink and red scattered around.

About half of the women were topless and at least half if those shouldn't have been. On the other hand, there were also a fair number of beauties. I was a little surprised to realize that I preferred the sight if the women I was with and felt jealous and possessive when I saw any other men checking them out.

With their obvious attributes, Mom and Aunt Karen were never going to blend into the crowd, but at least there was enough flesh on display to give them a little anonymity.

Our afternoon beach visit was much less sexual than that morning. We put our own sunscreen on, except for our backs, and even kept that contact reasonably decent. Except for poor Aunt Karen.

At Kristin's suggestion, she, Mom and I took turns making sure that my aunts thighs, back and chest would not get burned. We were extra sure to cover the skin around and under the edges of her bikini bottom, especially inside of her thighs, and kept slipping our hands under her, when we did her back and, when the crowd started to thin, towards evening, the three of us spent fifteen or twenty minutes, working her over at the same time, with me rubbing her tits, with her head in my lap, while Mom and Kristin slipped fingers into her suit to tease around the edge if her sex.

And that was just the right word. We were teasing her. Building her up until she couldn't keep still, but not giving her any relief.

I could smell her arousal, as we rode in the back of a taxi, to the hotel, several hours after we had arrived. Instead of the seven passenger mini-van that we had taken that morning, the four of us were squeezed into the back of a Crown Victoria, with Aunt Karen on my lap. And, as if having her ass grinding against my dick wasn't enough torture, for at least one of us, Kristin decided that it was dark enough, after the sudden tropical sunset, to slip the top of Aunt Karen's bikini up and replace it with my hands.

When we finally made it back to the room, Kristin ordered us to strip. She made me sit on the sofa, with Aunt Karen, on her knees, between my spread legs.

She gave Mom a pair of handcuffs, whispered a few instructions into her ear and picked up her camera.

As soon as she had the go-ahead, Mom knelt behind Aunt Karen, cuffed her wrists behind her back, and commanded her to, "Make Danny come."

Aunt Karen's eyes had been locked on my straining, bobbing cock since I stripped out of my trunks. She nodded, without looking away, knee walked forward until she was close enough and slid my cock down her throat.

She didn't suck me; she didn't lick me; she didn't take the tip into her mouth. Aunt Karen opened wide and slid her lips down my shaft. And them she simply kept going, taking the length of my cock into her throat, as easily as Mom had taken me into her pussy, a few hours earlier.

Mom gasped and even Kristin broke her usual silence, behind the lens, to mutter, "Jesus Christ!"

But Aunt Karen didn't miss a beat. With her eyes closed, she pressed her nose into my pubic hair while her throat gently squeezed my dick. She probably only stayed that way for a couple of seconds, but it seemed like forever. And then she opened her eyes and, looking directly up at me, rocked back until she was able to take a few deep breaths and, with her eyes still intently focused on mine, leaned forward to take all of me into her throat, again

After repeating the process, six or seven times, Aunt Karen froze, with her nose in my pubes and her bottom lip against my scrotum. Acting on their own volition, my hands settled on the top if her head.

Aunt Karen rocked back until I slid out of her throat and she held just the tip of me in her mouth. Then she just froze, looking up at me, but not moving.

It took me a couple of seconds to realize that she was waiting for something and I had a pretty good idea of what it was. Just to be sure, though, I was reasonably gentle, but the look in her eyes, as I pressed her head down into my lap, was all the permission I needed and, with increasing speed and force, I took control of the motion of her head.

I was fucking my aunt's throat.

I tried to give her a chance to take a quick breath, with each stroke, at first. Then, with very little warning, I found myself on the edge of another orgasm. I lost control, at that point, and pounded into her in a series of short, rapid strokes that culminated with her nose against my pubic bone while my cock pulsed.

I was pretty out of it. My head was thrown back, my eyes were closed and my hands held Aunt Karen's head in place as my hips bucked and my cock pumped semen straight down her throat and into her belly. Even after i finished, it took me a while to recover and catch my breath. I didn't realize what I was doing to Aunt Karen until I finally opened my eyes and saw the desperation in hers.

Frantically, I pushed her off of me. She took a deep, gasping breath, when my cock popped out of her throat and mouth, and rocked back to sit up on her heels. Her cheeks, chin and neck were soaked with her own spit, which now dripped down onto her chest, between her tits. Her nipples were hard and almost as big as Mom's, although they weren't nearly as dark.

"Cut. Holy shit! That was fucking amazing. There's no fucking way that was your first time." Kristin raved as she laid her camera down.

Panting, Aunt Karen shook her head.

"See. I knew it. Nobody can do that, on their first time. Fuck, most people can never do that."

Still shaking her head, Aunt Karen hoarsely said, "First time."

"Amazing. Absolutely amazing. What did it feel like? Did it hurt? Jesus, woman, how the fuck did you do that?"

Aunt Karen, despite being naked, on her knees, wet with spit and still breathing heavily from the deep-throat blow-job she had just given to her fifteen year old nephew, was still a lawyer. She turned to look directly at Kristin and answered her questions, in order.

"It felt good. Sort of full and stretched, but it didn't hurt. I don't know how I did it, I just did it. It was easy and felt…natural."

"Well, I can tell you, right now, you'll be doing a lot of that, over the next two weeks. That was fucking amazing." Kristen turned to Mom. "Can you do that?"

Mom stammered something about never having tried. I didn't pay a lot of attention because, when Kristin had mentioned that Aunt Karen would be taking my cock down her throat, a lot, my aunt had turned to look at my wilting dick and whispered, "Good."



  1. "Kristin gave Mom and Aunt Lisa a second or two," Ummmm…. Who is Aunt Lisa?

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