Vacation – Part 3 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

I was less than thrilled about riding back to the hotel with a sticky mess in my shorts and smelling like semen.

I also didn't like the way the driver looked at Mom and Aunt Karen. All three women had put their tops back on before walking up to the road, but I could tell he was imagining what they looked like, without them.

Kristin made me feel a little better when, after we were back in our room, Mom and Aunt Karen were, once again, naked, and she had done whatever it took to keep our video from going public she made Mom pull my shorts down and lick me clean.

I didn't get a hand-job from Mom, that afternoon, but I came pretty damned close to getting a blow-job.

Of course, Kristin's camera was rolling the whole time and it started rolling, once again, after she ordered us into the shower. As Kristin directed, we used the same technique to get each other clean as we had used to get all slimy. I soaped up every square inch of their naked bodies, including their pussies. By now, I was pretty sure it wouldn't be the last and I kept remembering Kristin saying that I would lose my virginity to Mom. It would not have taken much to get me off for a second time, by the time they were done washing me with their tits and hands.

What they did not do was wash my dick. Not with their tits and not even with their hands. They just left it to bounce, untouched.

When we were out of the shower, Kristin started uploading the new videos she had made to her servers and announced that it was nap time. She handcuffed Mom and Aunt Karen to their bed, which had an iron frame, just like ours, but left me unrestrained.

When she was finished with her computer, Kristin stripped and crawled into bed with me. She pressed her ass against my dick and pulled my arm around her to put my hand on her breast, but she seemed to relax into sleep, almost immediately.

There was no way I could sleep. I was trying to figure Kristin out. She was obviously mentally unstable, otherwise she wouldn't be here. But she felt good in my arms. Her lithe, little body fit up against the front of me like it was made to be there, her tight ass cradling my cock and her nipple digging into the palm of my hand.

But she had pulled a gun on my mother and aunt. And I suddenly realized that I loved them both much more deeply than I had thought. And, even though I was getting off on the things she was making us do, the fact remained that she was making us do them. And there were the movies she kept uploading – if those became public, our lives would be pretty well trashed. And the more movies we made, the less likely it was that people would believe that we had been reluctant participants. Hell, we couldn't have looked very reluctant, even in the very first one.

So Kristin was in my arms and at my mercy. I could overpower her – maybe knock her out or find her gun. On the other hand, Mom had warned me against trying to be a hero and, even if I overpowered her, I wasn't sure I could force her to stop the process that would automatically send out links to the videos she had already uploaded. Even if I did get her to agree to delete them, there was no way I could be certain she had.

I could just imagine thinking I had been the great hero and saved Mom and Aunt Karen from ignominy, and maybe even disgrace and sent Kristin to prison, only to have the damning messages arrive in hundreds or thousands of in-boxes, several months later, sent from some unknown backup location.

I had to face it – unless and until we knew everywhere that the videos were going, we were completely at Kristin's mercy. Mom was right; our best bet was to try to go along with her demands and hope that, at some point, she would decide that we had had enough and let us off the hook. We would be spending two weeks in the Panama resort, of which less than twenty-fours hours had elapsed. Could I continue down the road she seemed to have laid out for us?

I had our extortionist's naked body in my arms; her pert breast was in my hand and her ass cradled my dick; the memory of Mom and Aunt Karen oiling and, later, washing my body with their tits was spinning through my head, not to mention the memory of Aunt Karen's hand on my dick, as I came in my shorts. It had been a busy day, and it was only half over. With a wry smile, I had to admit that I could probably manage to continue.

"Danny. Wake up, honey."

For a split second, as I was climbing up out of the fog of sleep, I thought the whole thing had been an elaborate and incredibly erotic dream – Mom was bending over my bed to wake me and, if I turned my head, I would see the alarm clock on my nightstand.

But what I saw was Kristin, with her camera in her hand. And Mom wasn't bending over the bed, she was on the bed, on her hands and knees, straddling me. Her nipples were brushing my chest and her hand was wrapped around my dick. No, that wasn't right – both of her hands were beside my head, supporting her upper body. So it must be Aunt Karen's hand, around my dick.

"It's time, Danny."

"Time?" I asked, no longer groggy, but not exactly thinking straight. I generally woke up with an erection but Mom's naked proximity and Aunt Karen's soft, warm hand, were making it throb.

Mom leaned down, pressing her breasts against my chest, to kiss my cheek. With my face between her lips and the camera, she whispered, "We have to do this. Just pretend you like it." She raised her head and, with her face a couple of inches from mine, said, in a quiet but clear voice, "It's time for…your first time."

I was aware, for just a fraction of a second, of warmer, softer flesh touching my dick and then, while my mind was still trying to catch up, Mom raised her upper body while simultaneously rocking back, and half of my cock was inside of her.

Mom said I was supposed to pretend I liked it, but that was not necessary. I groaned my satisfaction at the unbelievable pleasure of being buried in my first pussy, with no subterfuge involved. And if Mom was acting, she deserved an Academy Award because, in addition to the expression of bliss on her face, her pussy was so wet that, after rocking slightly forward, she slid the rest of the way down my cock in one smooth, easy motion.


The word look short, in print, but I dragged it out for several seconds as, overcome by the days events and never having had any relief after our shower, I wrapped my arms around my mother and, holding her firmly in place, raised my hips and shot what felt like a quart of cum into her. It wasn't until I was almost finished before I realized that Aunt Karen was gently squeezing my balls.

"Sorry," I gasped, deeply disappointed that it was already over.

"No!" Mom shook her head. "That was… Wow." She bent down and kissed me.

I had never kissed a girl, before, except for an occasional peck from Mom, when I was younger, and then only ever on the cheek or forehead. When Mom's lips touched mine, it was electric. Looking back, I suspect that she intended it to be a gentle, brief peck but it didn't quite turn out that way. Almost instantly, I pulled her closer as I aggressively returned her kiss with all the pent up passion of a long-frustrated teen, multiplied by the strangeness of our situation and the sudden, unexpected and almost unrestricted access I suddenly had to not only her body, but also Aunt Karen's, and even Kristin's.

As Mom was meeting my tongue with her own and grinding her mouth eagerly against mine, I realized that her hips were rocking. I was hard, either again or still – I wasn't sure which. Mom was fucking me in slow, deliberate strokes that were a stark contrast from our frenetic kissing. I slid my hands up and down her back as I tried to meet her thrusts as gently as I could manage. I was so sensitive, from having just come, that the feel of Mom's pussy, as slick and smooth as it was, was almost painful on the head of my cock. But there was no way I was going to make her stop; I could bear any pain to feel her in my arms and moving against me, like that.

Our kissing gradually slowed, though our lips never broke contact, and I let my hands slide down Mom's body. But I discovered, when they slid onto her ass, that Aunt Karen's were already there. She had released my balls and was holding Mom's ass, as we fucked. Her hands yielded to mine, until I was cupping Mom's cheeks and could feel her muscles rippling beneath her skin, as she rocked on me.

When Mom broke our kiss and lifted herself up, above me, I was momentarily disappointed. But then I saw the expression on her face – her red, swollen and parted lips, her wide eyes, the sheen of sweat on her forehead. And I felt her tits, sliding across my chest. I could live with that.




  1. (…continuing) Mom’s hips moved in a oval motion, lifting and moving forward, as she slid up the length of my cock, and dropping down as she slid back. With each cycle, she pressed herself against my pubic bone. When she rocked forward, off of my dick, she drew a deep breath and every time she impaled herself on me, exhaled in a loud, ragged sigh that, before long, started to become a whine. "Are you going to come?" I asked, fascinated. Mom nodded, wordlessly and, on the very next down stroke, froze as her now rigid body shook and trembled. Our combined fluids ran out of her, across my balls and down into the crack of my ass, until I felt Aunt Karen’s fingers, wiping them up. Mom went limp, for a few seconds, as her orgasm faded, then shifted her weight to sit up. I soaked up the sight of her, her skin pink and damp, her nipples fat and hard, her hair pulled back, and then then settled on her heavy, heaving breasts. Mom must have noticed – she took my hands, which were now on her hips, and slid them up her torso to cup the weight of her tits. "Pinch them," she said, as she began to rock on my dick. I complied and, each time she demanded, "Harder," I did my best to obey. "How does it feel?" Aunt Karen asked. Mom’s eyes left mine and I followed them sideways to where Aunt Karen was on her hands and knees avidly watching the spot, hidden from my view, where our bodies were coupled. "It feels so good," Mom said, languidly. "I can’t believe he fits into you." Mom chuckled and, leaning against my hands, raised herself up high enough for half of my cock to come into view, between her thighs, framed by my pubic hair and her smooth mound. "He fits so good. Just wait. You are going to love…" Mom’s sentence was cut short as a mental image of Aunt Karen, in Mom’s place, combined with the realization that it was not just fantasy but almost certain to come true, sort of made me lose control. I thrust my hips up, knocking Mom forward, onto her hands and knees, and, grabbing her hips, pounded my cock into her open and accepting sex like a piston. Mom didn’t seem to mind. She closed her eyes and matched her rhythm to mine until our bodies were slapping and pounding together. Now that I didn’t need to use my hands to control Mom, I slid one hand up to squeeze her tit and reached down, with the other, to grab one of Aunt Karen’s. Mom went still, a few seconds later, and started to grunt and shake. But I didn’t miss a beat – Mom was coming but I wasn’t quite there, so I continued to pound her, five, six, seven more times until, finally, I pushed myself over the edge and, roaring, came in her for the second time. "And, cut." I had almost forgotten about Kristin. I turned my head to see her grinning at me, her camera lowered. Mom’s sweaty, panting body was a dead weight on top of me, and the hand that had been holding her breast was now on her back. Meanwhile, my other hand was still full to overflowing with Aunt Karen’s heavy flesh. "I’ll just leave you three to enjoy the afterglow while I go deal with this," Kristin said, lifting her camera. None of us answered. I watched her leave but, as soon as she was out of sight, pretty much forgot about her. I was completely sated, with a limp, beautiful, naked woman on top of me and another kneeling beside me, seemingly content to let me caress her bare flesh. The fact that they were my mother and aunt only made the moment more perfect. After I had lost my virginity by coming, twice, in my own mother, Kristin only let us lie around for a couple of minutes before herding us into the bathroom. She didn’t record our shower, or even tell us to share one, but the three of us got in, together, anyway. "He’s really going to fuck me," Aunt Karen said, watching me soap up, but talking to Mom as if I wasn’t there. "Almost certainly," Mom answered. Aunt Karen blushed and that seemed to be the end of our conversation. When we got out and dried off with the towels that had been returned to the bathroom, Kristin had us get ready for another trip to the beach, which involved a thorough application of sunscreen, all around, but only applied with our hands and only to each other where necessary to thoroughly cover our backs. We pulled on our bathing suits: the surfer style trunks for me and the black bikinis for Mom and Aunt Karen. Before we went out for lunch and our next trip to the beach, though, Kristin had something to show us. She had her computer hooked up to the big, LCD television in the sitting room and, as soon as she had our attention, clicked a couple of times, on her touch-pad, and the screen lit up. At some point, Kristin must have moved from the only place I had seen her, off to my left, because this footage was taken from an angle, mostly behind Mom. It’s not surprising that I didn’t notice, though, since it had been filmed while Mom and I were kissing. The view would have been pretty explicit, in any case, but was even more so because Aunt Karen was holding Mom’s ass cheeks apart and watching, with her mouth open, as Mom slid her pussy along my dick. Mom’s anus was on full display, clenching with each down thrust, and a foamy, gooey white mess was running out of her and across my balls. "Quite a view, isn’t it? But this one’s even better." Kristin clicked, again, and the scene jumped to Mom, rocking more emphatically on my hips, with her tits in my hands. But, again, it was Aunt Karen who stole the show. The expression on her face, as she stared at us and asked, "How does it feel," was an indescribable mix of fascination and, it seemed, fear. Kristin let the scene play out until I finally came and Mom and I collapsed while Aunt Karen continued to stare at us, breathing heavily. "What a greedy little bastard. He’s still fucking his very first hot slut and he’s already got his hands all over number two. Men are bastards. What a nasty mother-fucker." Kristin gave me an evil grin, but Mom, who had seemed quietly happy, or at least content while we were all in the shower together, was now gazing at me, intently, with her forehead furrowed. Aunt Karen, on the other hand, was staring at the frozen image of Mom, collapsed on top of my, while I cupped my aunt’s breast with a pleased expression on my face. * [Part 1]( * [Part 2]( * [Part 3]( * [Part 4]( * [Part 5]( * [Part 6]( * [Part 7]( * [Part 8](

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