First attempt: Caught.

My heart skipped a beat as i heard the door to my bedroom being pushed open. I had been planning to keep it quick when i started, but i must have completely lost track of time. I wasn’t expecting Molly to come round for at least another half hour. We had been doing study sessions together for a few weeks now, ever since we realised that revision was a hell of a lot more bearable when you had someone to do it with. I froze in that instant as a million thoughts raced through my mind. ‘My life is over,’ ‘she’s going to tell everyone,’ “Hey Jules,” ‘wait, i’m still fully clothed, i could still get away with it!”

I fumbled manically to put myself away, close the tabs i had open on my laptop and adjust myself in the chair in an attempt to look more casual. I was just doing the latter as Molly finished navigating her way from the door to the bed. My room wasn’t that messy, but it currently had a few too many clothes, books and papers on the floor. I turned to look at her and prayed that my face didn’t give away my activities. She just looked back at me with a small smile on her face. We weren’t dating or anything, but i had to admire just how pretty a face it was. Molly was fairly short, and she had those lovely red, round cheeks that mean you can’t help but smile when she does. She was wearing a modest length white dress with intricate but subtle floral patterns. Her long chestnut hair that she had been wearing in a pony tail in class earlier was now flowing freely from her head and over her shoulders. A few strands fell over her face, following the curve of her cheek down her neck and coming to rest perfectly on…

Suddenly i realised that i was still wearing my headphones. I pulled them off and put them down on the desk.

“Sorry. Hi. Kind of forgot i had them on,” i said..

“Well that would explain why you didn’t reply before,” she giggled. “Are you coming or what?” She asked, patting the space next to her on the bed. I stood, painfully aware of the uncomfortable position of my erection but, unable to hide it, all i could do was try not to draw attention to it. I grabbed my bag from its position by the door before sitting next to her, leaving enough space between us for our textbooks. She scooted closer.

“Err, so what do you want to do first?” I asked, trying to give her as little reason as possible to suspect anything. “The stuff from Cambell’s class we could probably get through pretty quickly, but i think we could both do with going over Lewis’s work from yesterday again.” I pulled the textbooks in question from my bag and placed one on my lap. I was uncomfortably aware that she was not doing the same. What is going on here? Is she toying with me? Did she know all along and is just waiting to spring it on me, to call me a pervert? What if she uses it to blackmail me?

“Sure, let’s do that,” she replied cheerfully, gesturing to the book on my lap. I tried to push these thoughts from my mind, ‘just act normally’ i told myself. If you freak out then she’s bound to know that something is up. I started to flick to the relevant pages of the maths book. Neither of us were especially good at maths, but it was required for both of our courses. At least it wasn’t impossibly hard. Until now.

“Awesome. You know, i think we’ve been looking at it the wrong way. I found this video on youtube that explained it in a much better way than Mrs Lewis. But you know how i feel about that,” i said, referencing a rather lengthy discussion we had a few days ago about the state of education and the internet.

“Ooh,” she said, sounding genuinely interested. She shuffled even closer. “Please, show me.”

“Right, let’s see. Take this equation here, remember it took us ages to solve it last time and we still weren’t sure?” I asked.


“Well it turns out that you don’t even have to use the formula to solve it. There’s this great trick, it doesn’t work all of the time but it will probably work for enough of the ones we’ll come across and it takes like a gazillionth of the effort.” I explained how to do it and she seemed excited about getting it straight away. She kept jumping slightly in her seat and giggling.

“Oh wow, this is so much easier. Stupid Lewis,” she said, somewhat mockingly. Maybe i didn’t explain my stance on education that well after all, but i decided not to pursue it. “So say for this problem here…” she said, jabbing her finger on the exact part of the textbook that happened to be covering the head of my still semi-hard cock. I didn’t have time to stop my hips involuntarily jumping upwards. I could feel myself turning bright red, and out of the corner of my eye i almost thought i saw a slight smile on her face. “Jules?” She said, quizzically.

“Yeah?” I asked, still hoping to maintain the facade of normality. I turned to look her in the face.

“Your fly is open,” she said straightforwardly. She had a sly smile on her face as she looked me straight in the eyes. Before i could do anything about it she used the hand that had been applying pressure on me through the book to shove it onto the floor and pushed through the opening in my jeans, feeling around through my boxer-briefs. “What’s this? Happy to see me, were you?”

I couldn’t believe what was happening. I was frozen in place, but her exploring hand was making me harder. I was still worried that it could somehow be a trap. I had to say something.

“Err… no, i, err, before you… i was… i mean, you’re perfectly…” i stammered to get the words out. This was such an array of emotions at once.

“Calm down, dear. It’s okay,” she said in such a soft tone that i did relax somewhat. “What were you going to say?”

“You’re perfectly good looking,” I said, surprisingly confidently after taking a deep breath.

“Oh,” she said, smiling and sounding pleasantly surprised. She removed her hand from my jeans and sat cross legged on the bed, presumably intentionally in such a way that i could look up her dress. She was wearing some rather cute red and white polka dot panties. “Well, in that case… i totally saw what you were doing when i came in.”

I wasn’t sure where this was going, but i didn’t think she would use it against me. I still blushed slightly. “Oh, heh, sorry. I’ll be more careful in future,” i said, trying to joke it off.

“Nothing to be sorry about, dear. We all do it,” she said, enigmatically. “I mean, there’s no reason you should suffer because of me.” She glanced off to the side as she said it.

“You mean, you want to…” i tried to ask, wanting to make sure we were both on the same page to avoid any awkward misunderstandings.

“I want to watch,” she confirmed.

“I can do that,” i said, intending to sound confident but probably coming off as overly enthusiastic. I waited to see if she was going to say anything else, and when she didn’t i turned back and stood up, gingerly taking off my t-shirt and adding it to the floordrobe before unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them off with my underwear. I carefully climbed onto the bed, positioning myself such that my back was resting against the wall and my outstretched legs were on either side of her crossed knees. I got comfortable and looked at her, expecting some sort of go-ahead. Instead i found her staring intently at my cock.

“It’s not fully hard,” i said, suddenly feeling the need to justify myself. Her eyes lit up as they darted to my face and then back down.

“I always wanted to watch one grow,” she said, as if to herself. She was grinning.

“Right then,” i said, wondering where to begin. I shuffled around once more before moving a hand to the inside of my thigh and using another to massage my nipple before pinching it slightly. She seemed incredibly interested in this. I realised that this, or in fact i, was probably turning her on as much as it was me. This sort of thing can’t be normal for anyone, i guess. When it was sufficiently hard i moved on to the other, and used the hand on my thigh to grab my whole package, squeezing a few times until my cock was sturdy enough to start stroking. I was thankful i decided to take a shower earlier.

“Left hand? I thought you were right handed?” She asked, quizzically.

“Err, yeah, i can use either really,” i answered as i began rubbing myself slowly with the tips of my fingers. I hadn’t considered that.

“Interesting…” she said, trailing off. It was clear that she didn’t want to interrupt me.

“What about you?” I asked, wanting to keep the conversation going and feeling uncharacteristically cocky. Her grin widened as she looked me in the eyes.


“Ah,” i said. “I should like to see that some day.”

“We’ll see,” she said, giving me a wink before catching sight of my growing cock. Her eyes widened and she visibly shivered.

“You alright there?” I teased.

“More than alright” she said, quickly. “Don’t stop.” I stopped, and she gasped and slapped me on the thigh. Hard. I took a sharp breath. That felt good. I was surprised, i hadn’t tried anything like that before, but i went with it and started again, quickening my pace. “Oh, liked that did you?”

I nodded, biting my lip. I almost asked for more but i didn’t want to stop now and there’s only so much new experience i can take in one go. Besides, she had already returned to staring the now rock hard piece in my hands. I tightened my grip and my breathing became more erratic. I could feel the sensation building already so i slowed a little to avoid finishing too quickly.

I closed my eyes and imagined the inside of the underwear of the beautiful girl sitting before me. I imagined how wet it must be, i imagined the juices flowing between her lips, i imagined how good it would feel to touch, to taste, to fuck it and i imagined how uncomfortable it would be making her feel. To have an itch and not scratch it. I briefly considered telling her it would be okay to, but it didn’t seem appropriate. Now wasn’t the time. If she really wanted to then no doubt she would have suggested it.

When i opened my eyes again i immediately and obviously looked up her dress, which appeared to be in a slightly different position to when i closed them. I was pleased to see that a new spot had appeared on her panties, darker than the others. I stiffled a moan and picked up my pace, rubbing my whole fist up and down my length, now so hard that every contact with the tip was accompanied by an ever growing wave of pleasure. I began to writhe about.

“Hey, do you want some help?” She asked, with a naughty smile. I wondered what sort of help, until i saw her hands grasping her breasts, fingertips on the inside as if she was about to pull it down.

“YES!” I forced out, between breaths. “Yes please.”

“Alright then, you’ve been good enough so far,” she giggled. She pushed her breasts together before slowly pulling down the top of her summer dress, shifting her eyes between her own chest, my furiously working hand and my eyes, presumably to ensure that i was paying attention. She pulled it down past her nipples, then underneath to expose a pair that was nothing short of perfect. Not too big, beautiful pointed nipples and skin that looked so wonderfully clean and soft. I wondered if i would ever get to feel it.

“No bra?” I managed to ask, jokingly.

“Would you know, i had this strange feeling that it would just get in the way,” she replied. Automatically i mimicked on my own chest with my free hand as she began to play with them. Squeezing, stroking, pinching and all the while stroking my cock with ever increasing speed. “You look like you wouldn’t be half bad at this,” she said coyly as she saw what i was doing.

“Yeah? Well, we’ll see,” i said, quoting her earlier statement. She laughed loudly at that and then pinched her nipple firmly between her thumb and forefinger. I did the same, and it pushed me over the edge. All the sensation that had been building, piling up within me, waiting to be released was done so by that one little act. I began to black out everything until all that was was me, and Molly. The last few strokes seemed to take forever, i was literally living in that instant. The sensation that had been building in the tip of my cock fell down into me through the shaft, quickly spreading its tendrils through my entire body like the roots of a tree. I couldn’t remember if i moaned or not, or how long it lasted, but that was easily the best orgasm i’d ever had.

I fell back onto the bed, watching Molly, wanting to thank her. She seemed startled more than anything. “Thank you Mol,” i managed to whisper after a few deep breaths. She smiled, almost in disbelief.

“Wow. Glad i could help. Wow,” she said, shaking her head and still keeping her eyes fixed on my body. I felt a little cum drop for the tip of my cock down onto my chest, and as i looked down i saw that i was covered. There were spots all over my torso, and i giggled as one of them flowing down my side tickled me. I also noticed that somehow a bit had landed on her dress. I was going to tell her, but she must have seen it at the same time as me and wiped it up with her finger, which she then sucked clean enthusiastically.

After a few minutes she pulled her dress back up and jumped off the bed, practically skipping towards the door. She grabbed the handle and turned to face me, still lying there on the bed. “Same time tomorrow then?”



  1. Well written. The characters were belivable, and I wanted to keep reading all the way to the end, it was exciting!! More please!!

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