The Beach (another story for my girl, this time longer, and an actual story)

“Let’s go to the beach!”

It is a beautiful day, so I agree. Not to mention that I’ve wanted to see you back in your bikini.

We get in your car and head out. You roll down your window and the breeze takes your hair and blows it around. The sun is shining through the window in such a way as to make you look majestic. I stare at you for a while, mesmerized. You catch me looking and I turn away laughing.

We get to the parking lot, a few cars, but no one around. You take the opportunity to adjust your bathing suit. For a moment, I can see your pussy. Those few seconds are all I need to become extremely aroused. I manage to pull myself together, I don’t want to walk onto the beach with my cock as hard as a rock for everyone to see.

We set up our towels, there are about 15 other people on the beach. You rub suntan lotion on me, and I get ready to do the same for you. You lie down on your stomach. I start massaging it on to your back. I work my way down until I’m at the top of your bikini bottom. Your ass is all I can look at, like a ripe apple that I want to take a big bite of. I shake my head, trying to calm myself down. But I look lower and the vision of your pussy from earlier comes back into my head. I start rubbing the lotion down your legs, and you give out a little sigh. I can’t resist any longer, and I slide my fingers to your bathing suit and I can feel the outline of your lips.

“RUItalianMan!” you yell as you jerk up. “Stop, someone could see you.”

I know you say this to deter me, but it only turns me on more. However, I agree and stop.

We lay out in the sun a while, it feels great. After a while I start to get too hot, and sleepy.

“Let’s go jump in the water” I suggest.

You agree, and we wade in. It’s chilly, but refreshing. I can see your nipples get hard from the cold. Even with the cold water, I can feel my dick starting to grow, as if it’s determined to be inside of you. It appears that nothing will stop me from fucking you today, and the sooner the better.

While we’re in the water, I take advantage of the fact that no one can see what I’m doing. I move next to you and kiss you passionately. We make out, holding each other close for warmth and for pleasure. With a warm body next to it, my dick grows a little bigger. You feel it and smile at me. I smile back as I slide my hand from your waist to your pussy and continue what I had started early. I rub the fabric, slowly at first, and then faster. You try and stop me, but you’re enjoying it and I can tell. I keep going. I take your hand and move it to my bathing suit. You can feel the outline and you rub it up and down, both of us looking at each other, pleasuring each other. Neither of us can feel the cold at this point, lost in our own world. Someone yelling something snaps us out of it, remembering that there are other people here. We wait a bit for my erection to subside, and then we get out.

We’re both extremely horny and would like nothing better to do than to fuck each other’s brains out.

“I want you inside me right now” you beg.

There is nothing in the world I’d rather do than oblige, but how? Where? The car was parked in the sun, it would be boiling. We decide to settle down, our lust will have to wait until later.

“Let’s go for a walk, get out of the sun for a bit” I say. We walk to the end of the beach and along the path into the trees.

It’s very beautiful in here, and quieter than the beach, away from the other people. We come to a clearing, a pretty spot covered with soft grass. You’re walking in front of me and the sun is shining on you like it was in the car. You stop in the middle of the clearing and raise your hands up, you look like a sun goddess. You turn around smiling, I have never seen a more beautiful image. I wish I had a camera, but I know I will remember it for years to come.

I walk over to you, and kiss you. A long, hard, passionate kiss. For this moment, we are connected with nature. I am a man, and you are a woman. Nothing more, nothing less. We feel each other, exploring our bodies. I take your top off, and it falls to the ground. You cover up with your hands.

“Someone might come and see me.”

“No one is coming.”

I move in and start kissing you again, and your hands fall. I love the feeling of your bare breasts against my chest. This time, there is no one watching, no cold water, nothing to stop it. My dick grows and grows until it is pressing hard against my shorts, so hard that it hurts. It is like a captive animal thrashing against its’ cage, it needs to be let out. I tilt your head and bite your neck, softly. You’re letting go, the sighs of pleasure are coming more freely now. I nibble your ear, sliding my tongue in and out. I move down to your breasts, admiring them. Your nipples are standing, reaching out to me. I greet them with my mouth, sucking on them, making them harder.

You can sense my discomfort. You get down on your knees, loosening my suit, pulling it down until my cock pops out in front of your face. You waste no time, grabbing it gently, and licking the tip. You slide your tongue around it, teasing, until you move your hand and swallow it whole into your mouth. I let out a deep groan, your mouth wrapped around my hard cock feels amazing. You move up and down, taking it out, licking and sucking my balls, then licking up the shaft until it is in your mouth again. I know I will cum soon if you keep it up, so I pull back. It’s your turn. I tell you to stand up, and I get down on my knees. I pull your bathing suit down, finally getting a good look at the image that’s been burned in my mind all afternoon. I kiss the inside of your leg, moving up until I reach your pussy. I hold your ass, getting a good grip, then bury my face inside of your legs. You gasp, and shiver, barely able to keep your balance. My tongue glides in and out of you, and up to your clit and back again. I look up, your eyes are closed, you're lost in your enjoyment. I tell you to lay down. I lay down, and continue what I was doing. I slide my finger inside of you, allowing my tongue to focus on your clit. I start to finger you, all the while licking and sucking. You’re writhing in pleasure. I slide another finger in, moving them in and out faster and faster until I feel your body arch, and you let out a deep moan, and I taste you as you cum into my mouth.

“I want to fuck you.”

I’m more than ready. I position myself on top of you, and you grab my cock, leading it in to the warm, loving embrace of your pussy.

What. A. Feeling. The fact that we’re in public and that anyone could happen upon us at any time is lost on me. Even if someone was watching, I would not be able to realize that they were there. I was lost in you. I thrust, making your breasts move around on your chest. I had not forgotten them. I lower my body, allowing me to kiss them and tongue your erect nipples. Every sound escaping your mouth is heaven to my ears. Any pleasure I make you feel increases the pleasure I feel, surely if I was not succeeding in making you cum then I would have no right in feeling that pleasure myself. Our eyes meet, and we look deep into each other. Our bodies move in sync. I start thrusting faster, going deeper. Your breathing quickens. I can barely breathe at all. Your pussy tightens, grabbing my cock like a woman grabbing her lover’s hands, as to let them know she will never let go. My body is moving itself, going faster and faster, I cannot control it any longer. All I can do is look into your eyes and feel myself getting ready to explode. Your pussy clamps down, and your head goes back, you let out a yell, and I know you've reached the pinnacle. I allow myself to lose all control, blowing my load deep inside of you, again, and again, until I am spent.

Neither of us feel like we can move. We decide that we should, because we are both naked in the middle of the forest, only a few hundred feet from the beach. We slowly get dressed, taking our time. There is no rush. No one is coming. We make our way back to the beach. People look at us, then look away, continuing on with their day. No one knows what we've just done; how close they were to such passion, without even realizing it. We smile at each other. They don’t know, but we do. I give you a kiss, and a smack on the ass.

“I’m hungry. Let’s go to the diner.”



  1. > “RUItalianMan!” you yell as you jerk up. “Stop, someone could see you.” This made me chuckle more than necessary or healthy.

  2. Grazie! I’m working on another one now it’ll be done in a few days, maybe sooner :) ^And ^thank ^you ^;)

  3. Haha yes! But I don’t speak very much, only what I learned (and have since forgotten) in high school, and words that my grandmother yells at me. I’m from New York.

  4. Came here for a synopsis of that movie with Leonardo di Crapio. Stayed for the boner.

  5. Haha hey, thanks! I actually just submitted a new story, I hope you like that one as well!

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