Bad Girl – A story I wrote for my SO as we are apart this summer (thoughts?)

From the moment that I did it, I knew I was in trouble, if only I knew how much.

He was sitting on his computer doing his normal things, but I wanted him. Since he wouldn't give me attention, even in my best bra, boy shorts, and longs striped socks. I started trying to become noticed. After making loud noises and shuffling things around loudly and going over and running my hands all over him he finally had enough. I turned around for a moment when I suddenly felt strong hands gripping my waist and growled in my ear was, "that's enough."

Next thing I know I am slung over his knees and my panties have been ripped off. Gasping at the first smack I realize what is happening… he is spanking me! The second smack connects to my other ass cheek and I struggle to hold in a yelp. I can feel the wetness running down my legs as he continues to spank me. There is a pause in the spanking, and my head has trouble recognizing what is going on as all I can focus on is the sensations I am feeling and the feeling of him taking complete control of me.

“You wanted my attention, well now you have it. It might not be exactly how you thought you would get it though.”

I yelped again as he punctuated his thoughts with a couple more smacks. At this point I can feel his erection pressing against my abdomen and take satisfaction knowing that I got him going no matter how much he didn’t want to. There was little time for celebration though as he was already pushing me off his lap, undoubtedly with more idea’s on how he can punish me for my earlier annoyances. Excellent.

On my knees I look up to him expectantly as he sits there, ready for whatever is to come next. “I can see how much you have wanted my cock today, so now you will have it. You will give it all of your attention until I tell you you are done.” Before he was even done issuing his commands I am scrambling at his button. As I get his pants open I can see the bulge in his underwear and have the urge to grab it, to feel his hardness in my hand. Running my hand up and down the length of his covered shaft I am continually amazed at it’s hardness and size, and absolutely love every reaction to my touch. Unable to take the teasing anymore I rip off his underwear and shove my face between his legs to take a long lick up from his asshole, all the way to the tip of his dick. Trembling in excitement, knowing that I HAVE to do a good job for him, I plunge it into my mouth as far as I can. As I feel every ridge and bump on it in my mouth I also feel his hands running through my hair, grabbing it, pushing me further. I know how bad I have been and his insistence only pushes me closer to the edge. Finally something has to give and as he starts to enter my throat I have to pull back to breathe. As I come up I look up at him to realize that at some point his shirt came off, and now his head is back as he breathes heavily. As if he can feel my stare he looks down at me and as our eyes lock I slowly slide my mouth back down his cock.

As I work at pleasing him the feel of him in my mouth combined with his moans of pleasure drive me closer and closer. At this point there is a wet spot on the carpet between my legs and I know with one touch I could be sent into orgasm. It seems he knows this as well, “it’s time to stop. I hope you have enjoyed your time with my cock, because now it is all my time. Get on the bed and take off the bra.”

Not knowing what to expect as I lay back suddenly he is there with my wrists pinned under his hands and his mouth on mine. I can feel him kissing me insistently, his tongue dancing in my mouth. There is nothing for me to do but kiss back. Then I feel him breaking from my lips, too soon in my opinion, and slowly moving down my body, biting and licking his way to my breasts. Finally he gets to my nipples and begins his work, and not very gently. I can’t even tell what is going on anymore, all I feel is the need between my legs, the stinging of my ass, and the shots of pleasure emanating from my breasts. Completely lost in my pleasure I am momentarily brought out of it as his hand smacks into my labia, only to immediately lose all control as my orgasm takes control of my body and mind.

As I lay panting on the bed, regaining my senses, I feel like he still has my hands pinned under his. But that doesn’t make sense because he used his hand to smack my clit. Then I realize, my arms are tied down. How long did that orgasm keep me out? I open my eyes to see him right above me, I look down to see his body poised over mine with his cock dripping precum on me.

“Now that you have had your fun, it is my turn. I am going to enjoy every inch of your tight little cunt.”

I feel his cock pressing at me and there is nothing that I would ever do to stop it. I have had my pleasure and now the only need I have left is to see him use me however he needs. As he slides into me I see the look of a fierce animal determination to take what he wants. Agonizingly slowly he enters, it seems to never end. Then it does. He is still for a moment, I have no idea what is coming next. Then it begins.

For the next fifteen minutes I lose track of what is happening. All I can feel is him, all I need is him. As he fucks me, pounding into my little cunt, I have more orgasms than I can count. His moans come more frequent, and breathing heavier. I know he is getting closer and the anticipation is killing me. Shaking and throbbing I feel him pull out of me and I look into his face as he climaxes. I feel his cum hit me first on the cheek and mouth from his massive orgasm. The second shot hits my breasts. Finally the final lands on my pelvis. Each spot feels hot from his semen and I lick it from my lips, savoring his taste. I know I must do one last thing to make up for my earlier naughtiness and I push him forward with my legs and take him into my mouth. He shudders and releases one last bit of cum as I clean him off, reveling in our tastes combined. Finally, he lays next to me and kisses me, gently this time. Reaching over he unties my wrists and snuggles in next to me as we drift to sleep.



  1. Thanks. This isn’t the first I’ve written, but I’ve never posted it here before. Maybe the next one will get posted as well ;)

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