Quick Flash – Do NOT cheat on me!

So this weeks Quick Flash was a little late. Boats, bikinis, and beer distracted me…

Here is this weeks Quick Flash!

Andrea finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her, so she gets her revenge. Ass hath no fury like a woman scorned.

What do you think of this one?

As always, all three links are identical. The Work and College links are "vanilla" and appropriate to read in each location.



Euphoria and Lust – Quick Flash – Do NOT cheat on me!


Be a Value To Your Employer – Friday Team Building – Approaching the Problem From Behind


Student Hive – Friday Fun – The "End" Of The Year

Categorized as Erotica

The First Year: Ch. 1

First chapter is to kind of establish a few characters. There won't be much erotic behavior at first. I'll try to keep it short and sweet! :)

We'd spent all of Adam's day off getting our furniture and boxes moved into the new apartment. His family and a couple of friends had helped us out and the whole day had been a lot of fun. We all ate shitty sandwiches in the middle of our empty living room; I spent a good amount of time with his sisters visualizing the layout; and after his family had made the hour-long drive back to their home a few of Adam's co-workers took us out for drinks.

Everything about this life is new for me. Adam and I met in college just three semesters ago while I'd been living in one of the dorms. My family and hometown is states away from here, but Adam and I fell completely head over heels with each other. Fast-forward, the two of us ended up getting married. It was a small ceremony with just our very small immediate families, and now that Adam's finished with school we've decided to move into a nicer apartment. I'll continue going to school while he works.

Wedding Reception Fun

I attended the wedding of my wife's cousin in Florida a few years back. The reception was at a medium sized hip restaurant on the water. The food was good, drinks were flowing, and people were dancing. The place was over crowded and dimly lit. I wound up in the corner of the bar hanging out with the groom's aunt. She was 42, I was 29. She was petite with brown curly hair, she had on a shimmery dress, with black nylons, and silver heels. We drank and laughed and the more we talked the more touchy she became. First my shoulder, then my hand, then my thigh. I figured I would take a chance and placed my hand casually on her nylon covered thigh. She turned her body towards me and slightly opened her legs. I glanced around the room and then raced my hand up her inner thigh and the tips of my fingers grazed her nylon clad mound.

I was so turned on. I excused myself and I took a tour around the restaurant looking for a place of privacy. I found an upstairs coatroom that was being used to store extra tables and chairs. I went back down to the bar and told her I would be upstairs in 10 minutes. I waited and sure enough, she showed up.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Our First Threesome

Dana and I have been married about 10 years. She's 37 and I'm 39. She is in great shape nice ass, blonde hair, green eyes and perky breasts. We have always had a decent sex life. Maybe not as often as I would like, but sex is always great. Dana is always willing to try new things to please me. We've fooled around in risky public places and have been to strip bars together. We always talk dirty during sex. Recently our talk has focused on threesomes. I would ask Dana if she would like another guy, and she would say yes, and sometimes show me how she would handle us using her favorite toy to represent the other guy.

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My thoughts for the evening…..

My body aches for touch. My lips yearn for the feel of a kiss. It seems ages have past since hands have touched me in a way of desire. With a simple breeze my nipples erect and reach out to grasp any sensation possible. The slightest aroma is identifiable and I hear the softest breath. I crave the unforgettable taste of reward for a job well done. My pussy comes alive and tingles with the thought of being pulsed with a tongue, a hand, a cock. Pounding in and out deep then slow. Barely tipping then thrusting so hard I forget my own name. Licking my sweet juices that triggers my hips to jump. Making my toes curl and screaming out without reserve. Feeling the ultimate release pouring from a heavenly tool. Imagining arms holding me tight while I enjoy the warmth of fluid gently dripping out as my pussy continues to pulse. The beads of sweat shared between two bodies entangled in a night of passion.

This is what I want. Crave. Desire.

Categorized as Erotica

First erotica scene I’ve written. Part of my Dark Fantasy/Erotica novella series I’ve started for fun.

Would appreciate any criticisms. I think this may be my first ever erotica scene I've written.

Quick backstory. Runt is a fabled warrior. He has just come back from saving a minstrel who was about to be attacked by some peasant. He is drenched in blood. He spots the barmaid he had been flirting with earlier and feels a rise in him.

The bar was empty when the pair of them returned, save for the barmaid still scrubbing tabletops. Candles flickered in each corner of the room and the chandelier above – a slight jingling sound emanated from the chains with each little draft pushed in through the windows. She glanced and smirked at the hulking mass. A grin appeared upon his blood-drenched face as he wondered how warm a hearth she could be. He pushed away the minstrel and told him to go upstairs.

“Use my room. Number three. I won’t be needing it tonight,” he said, his eyes squinting at the glowing mess of the barmaid. She licked her lips.

“Now, now,” The bartender called from a door slightly ajar. “You can use your room for that sort of thing upstairs.”

Love the Simulation

Posts below with the rest of the story are numbered with brackets at the top [1]-[5]

I haven't done much editing so sorry for the many mistakes that I'm sure are there.

chapter 1

It’s been over a year since I last set foot in the sim. Thoughts of her raced through my mind, what will I say, she’ll know how long I’ve been away. Not that she cares, she’ll have no memory of my time away, as if she was asleep this whole time. She’ll greet me as she always does, I’ll walk through the front door and there she’ll be, welcoming me back with small but meaningful kiss, as if I’d just left this morning. Of course it’s only because they’ve programmed the sim to behave this way, or rather I have chosen my fantasy to be this way.


"I shouldn't be here." I tell myself. Standing outside the bar, garish neon lights blinking slowly in my face, I shiver and almost leave. It's loud inside – people laughing and a blare of music trying to drown everyone out. I'm standing about 15 feet away by a dead lamp post. Watching. A somewhat steady stream of people in and out, various states of dress. Various types. Nice, casual, punk, grimy – all kinds.

I just turned 21. I'm going. Fuck my parents. Fuck the Church and fuck everyone else. All I've known my entire life is what I shouldn't do. How I should act. How I should be starting to think about settling down with some pretty girl and thinking about a family. Too goddamned young if you ask me. I'm on winter break from school, staying with my parents and couldn't stand another night listening to them natter on about responsibilities and what's expected of me.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Quick Flash – I Turned the Tables Last Night!

It's Friday, which means it is time to get hard and wet!

This week, Jacqueline decides to fulfill one of her fantasies once and for all. She turns the tables and goes out to a club, as a man.

[MF – Gender Bending]

Please send a little message if this one made you wet or hard. I'm enjoying exploring new avenues and I would like to know if you are enjoying it as well!

Where are you reading? All three blogs are identical. The Work and College blogs are "vanilla" and safe to read with others around.


Euphoria & Lust – Quick Flash – I Turned the Tables Last Night!


Be a Value To Your Employer – Friday Team Building – The Boardroom Table


Student Hive – Friday Fun – Turn The Tables!


Categorized as Erotica

LEWD, the erotic text adventure Kickstarter is now up!

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sadtaco/lewd-an-erotic-text-adventure is the Kickstarter link.

http://www.playlewd.com/demo.html is the demo.

I went ahead and deleted http://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1d1rcd/lewd_an_erotic_text_adventure_game/ so there wouldn't be two of these on the front page. I noticed some people who originally voted it up were voting it down after a few days, probably to keep it from being at the top so long. :3

There is lots of information about it on the Kickstarter page. Go ahead and give any other questions or comments that you may have here!

Categorized as Erotica