After The Work-Out… [Straight] [Light BDSM] [MF]

Every week was always similar, but never the same. She’d go to work. So would I. I’d go to the gym. So would she. But she’d go to kick-boxing class for 7, whereas I’d save my energy by doing an easy 400-metre lap in the swimming pool. I’d be done before her, get dressed and meet her in the now-abandoned classrooms at the back of the leisure centre. Our tryst room.

Once inside, I’d throw down my kit-bag, and wait, fully dressed for the approaching foot-steps. As sure as sunrise they would quickly arrive. Tentative, and a soft, I’d hear the squeaking of trainers approach. As they neared. I’d tense, getting ready, and as soon as the door opened, despite my urges to just *pin* her to the wall, I’d always stop just shy to marvel at her beauty: sweat-drenched body, that musky smell, hair tied into a neat bun, breathing heavily, bruised legs from the training session, garish purple shorts, yet, every bit, *the*, most irresistible girl, in this whole damn facility. With my body inches away from hers, and holding on to her sticky arms, I’d take a deep breathe, inhale her scent, as she tensed, eased, and allowed my lips to softly kiss hers. My index finger supporting her chin whilst she’d stare into my eyes, and we’ve kiss again. This time hard. With passion. Her hands coddling the back of my head and neck, as I intertwined my fingers with hers, pressing her arms out wide and into the wall.

Italian Fantasy [FF]

Matt and I had been staying in a very chic bed and breakfast in southern Italy. We are a very sensual couple and had always talked about exploring more salacious behavior. I had dated women before Matt and I met, he knew I was attracted to women and supported this desire. We had never had a threesome but had talked about it often. It was our third day at the B&B and we had the entire top floor with terrace overlooking the sea.

The staff was stellar – friendly, good looking and a little flirty. The housekeeper was particularly attractive. She had short dark hair and a great tan. She wore dark rimmed glasses a tight top and Capri leggings. Her name was Sophia, yes we had asked! I guess we are a little flirty too.

What happened next will fuel my imagination during masturbation sessions for a long time to come.

Matt was out running, he had mentioned 10km which usually take him just under 45minutes. I was feeling particularly horny since I know that when he gets back, we usually fuck. I was in bed with just a pair of pink cotton panties on.


In the heat of the moment I appraoched him and asked her to be my queen my love my one true person to abscond with in the night i loved him like the woman that should have been there for me as a child and when we fuck we fuck until it gets dark at night and I can feel him inside of me deep deep inside and it hurts but I don’t want it to stop ever ever ever aware of the fact that this moment will end momentarily. And then exhausted I roll over to se side and pull the sheets up to my waist. I’m sweaty. She’s covered in sweat and cum dripping down her legs and onto the sheet. My dick is sticky. I massage my clit. And mooooaaan. Moaaaan loudly. She does too. We laugh and yawn. Ehausted. Tired. Then we both roll over on your sides and stare into each others eyes because it’s l0ve and we know it we know that this is the one thing that we’ve always been living for. How dare did they deny this from us for so so loong. It’s so long. I want it inside of me. I can’t take it the dick i love heart the dick. The throbbling muscle gristle harry pussy. Oh yeah. The filth of sex is what gets me off. I hit her sofly on her face and she likes it. She chokes me a little bit. We smile. And I bend her over handcuffed and shove his face into the billow. He bites the agg. And I stick my dick inside of him and I moan because I feel her pegging me hard from behind but I can’t ove my arms are tied to the sides of the bed. I can’t get away and I don’t want to . I am in love with this situation forever and ever one person conjoined in coitual ritual. An act of defiance against their better judgemetn and feels so much more righter because of it we pursue perfection in the grimy imprefection of foolish love, young love, sex. Sex. Sex! XXE. It si what we were always alive to do to do i do i DO I DO and the wedding bells ring in my head and that anticipation that desire for love is what propels me forward what keeps our relationship going strong but i know he’ll never ask me to marry her because I’m just not that kind of guy not the kind that you take home to your parents and get them in on the action. Not the kidn that you fuck in your backyard and let the dog lick up the aftermath. I am just a stranger. a strange lover in the night in the heat of the moment we love each other just for an instant. we fuck and then it is dark. I close my eyes and when i open them she has mounted me shes on top staring into my eyes and I smile and open wide to take his fat hard cock. Oh yeah!

Categorized as Erotica

Thank You, Professor

He writes…

“I loved your Hamilton’s piece. I’ve attached a photo and my master’s thesis about Emily Dickinson’s use of the dash. If you find it smart enough, go to Alderman Old Stacks Level 1 at 3:30 and find the carrel with Emily Dickinson’s Wild Nights: Selected Poems. Sit staring straight ahead with your feet on the floor and your palms on the desk. Don’t touch the collection till I cum to you. And, don’t wear any panties.”

It’s 3:40, and as I stare straight ahead, I occasionally let my eyes look at the book cover. I really love how the blue sky and fuchsia clouds create a pleasant contrast. And, I really like the black and white image of Emily Dickinson. Until now, I did not really know what she looked like…

At 3:45, a man moves behind my wooden, hard chair and tells me not to turn around. He hands me a bag over my right shoulder and tells me to open it. In the bag, was another clear, sealed bag with a small, purple pleasure orb. He tells me to unseal the bag and give him the orb. He then tells me to stand and lean over the desk. He tells me to turn to Wild Nights and recite it till I cum.

Mano e Mano [mf][d/s]

*”Now: set your timer for 45 seconds.*
*Place one hand on your cunt, and one on your tits.*
*Begin to stroke, rub, squeeze, pinch.*
*Visualize one hand from someone you’ve fucked this year — that’s on your tit.*
*And think of another — that’s on your cunt.*
*When the timer goes off, switch hands.*
*With each switch, change visualizations.*
*You may repeat people, and you should include people you want to touch you* *but haven’t yet.*
*After the timer goes off 6 times, you may come.*
*That should be just enough time.”*

I read these texts in bed a few days ago. Late December reflections. Like a Best Albums of 2015 list, only with fucking. Freezing and bundled up under the covers, those initial strokes, rubs, squeezes and pinches were of course about you. I could’ve come just from that, no doubt. But you’re not that sort of dom, not that sort of friend.

Bell Bottom Blues [mf][bittersweet]

I know you won’t be reading this; we’re done – good and proper. It’d make you cry. Stiff and sad. Your dick hard pressed up against your pants, your eyes welled up with tears.

We missed our chance. Or rather, we had no chance. So we took a chance. We took place in stolen moments. Lots of moments, a year of moments. Moments of unparalleled passion, of kisses up and down your body, of your face between my legs, kisses in alleys and walks in the rain. It’s been a good long time – and I still miss you. But I can write this now.

You know how Tolstoy has that bit about happy families all being alike? But the unhappy ones are each unhappy in their own way? Are all love affairs alike as well, do they all boil down to the same raw ingredients, the same biological effects and by products controlling everything? I don’t know, in part because feeling those moments – you throwing me against my apartment door as soon as it shut behind you, pushing my bra straps slowly down over my shoulders, my pussy aching at your touch, wanting the moment to last forever – in those moments I couldn’t help but think *so this is what people were talking about*.

Categorized as Erotica

No Words [mf][d/s]

Sir, I have a request. Unusual, I know: but, well, hear me out.

You and I, sometimes, we’re **Great Communicators** giving Reagan and Bonzo a run for their money. There are times for that. But there’s also time for every purpose under heaven, according to such great thinkers as King Solomon, Pete Seeger and Roger McGuinn. So what I want today is – no talking.

Fuck the bejesus out of me, Sir. Then we’ll talk.

I do know my audience, and to be precise, we’ll say the *sufficient and necessary conditions* for the **bejesus** being fucked out of me would be met when you make me come three times – so, the challenge – should you choose to accept it – well, it’s no challenge for you, Sir, you could do that in your sleep! In fact there was that one time… erm. Nevermind.

And we’ll sidebar the inevitable conversation about the nature of speech and what I’m really forbidding – are my moans of delight and pain so different from your involuntary “fuck” muttered under your breath the first time, *each first time* I receive your cock in my mouth, surround it with my lips, and take it all in? We’ll sidebar that for pillow talk and the discussion will likely make me want to sit on your face and grind my cunt into you because I love talking to you and I love fucking you and what could be better?

Looking for suggestions for Lechomancer Succubbus

I’ve been posting my Lechomancer stories here for a while, and I’m hoping reddit can help me out.

I’m looking for scenarios or ideas for the Succubus collection. I’m not happy with all the chapters I have planned, so I’m looking for ideas for what can happen to Ashlynn as she travels through the Otherside. (For anyone reading this, and unfamiliar, it’s a college girl travelling through a sexually charged section of hell, populated by lust driven demons)

I would appreciate any help you all could offer. The stories will keep coming either way, but I’d like them to be better. Leave a comment, send me a DM, or an email at

Categorized as Erotica

Out [mm]

His stomach was a mix of excitement and fear, and it was impossible to untangle the two. There was a good showing of people out tonight. Smoke, alcohol and high pitched laughter wafting around through the air. The light turned green and he stepped out with the waiting crowd off the curb to cross the street. Part of them, but apart. His hands and feet were buzzing. Am I really doing this? He looked eagerly at each person who walked past him, trying to tease out their secrets in a glance. What’s YOUR story? Because he was sure that everyone had one.

This was it. Hand on the cold door handle, the pit of his stomach dropped to his feet. I am walking into a gay bar. I can do this. This is who I am. One deep breath and he pulled door open and stepped inside. There was the usual clinking and chatter going on like any bar anywhere, and there were both men and women. There were so many more men though, cute men. Did I really just think that to myself without freaking the hell out?… Yes, lots of cute men. After he got past the smell of beer and transient smoke from outside, he could smell that the room was full of men too. It made him giddy.