Why plants still give me shivers

I came home from work, like I would any day and on my way into the house I see my back yard tree, standing tall as ever. I try to ignore it but some time well making dinner I look out and see it, lustfully I head outside and pull down my pants.

There is a woodpecker hole in the tree, I have a wood pecker for that hole… As I slowly thrust in I notice my dick growing twitchingly larger. Thrusting more and faster I get to a full fuck and well the splinters hurt, I keep going.

I cum into the tree but I’m not done yet, I pull out a large amount of lube and poor it on a branch then turn around and slowly ease it into my tight ass, it fits in disturbingly well and as I thrust back and forward I have an anal orgasm so intense I leak cum.

9 months later a new tree starting growing in my yard, its the same color as my hair… I wonder if its incest if its really a tree? This one is younger and I cant seem to resist the urge!

Furniture Fantasy [Mast]

I remember the first time I masturbated quite clearly. It wasn’t glamorous or exciting, just a tired boy on a tuesday afternoon glued to PBS.

Antiques roadshow was on, a program I quite enjoyed watching in the boring hours between school and homework. Hidden treasures, locked away in dusty old houses for generations finally being brought into the light. How inspiring. I remember the opening item was a pair of antique flintlocks from the 18th century. The carvings in the ivory handle excited me in a way that was largely new to my experience and I felt a rise in my loins.

It wasn’t till 2 items and a request for donations later that I saw the object of my first and greatest passion. An elderly Rhode Island woman had wheeled in a chaise lounge with the help of her son. At first glance it was meeting all the criteria for an outstanding piece of furniture. The finely maintained gold upholstery had an intricate pattern of thick protruding vines running along the surface. The dimples were gentle valleys stretching the fabric inward towards the blood red mahogany backing. My eyes were drawn to a pearl inlay of wheat atop the wood ridge exposed superior, suddenly halted by thick bronze protuberances shaped like rolling waves on a New England shore at the corners.

I watched a gif of the Overly Attached Girlfriend and her sister being cute and I felt like expanding upon it…[FF]

Gif in question in the comments. Watch it before you read the story. Enjoy.


Another Universe: “just stay there!” said Laina giggling. “What are you gonna do?” spoke her smily sister. “just wait, I wanna surprise you”. Her eyes gently closed, Laina stared at her sister’s face. She inhaled the sight of the beautiful young woman her sister had grown into…She began to admire the freckles on her face, the way the darted and danced as her sweet lips widened. “You’re so beautiful” Laina spoke…

“What?! Just hurry up all ready!” giggled her sister. Her teeth were showing; perfect and dreamy. “oh..Oh yeah” she replied hazily.

Laina was just going for slight cute nose boop, but she here she was. Her best friend, her beautiful sister…she’d never loved anyone more. “I don’t know why I feel this way…if she knew how much I really love her, she’d be disgusted” Laina thought to herself.

Just then her sister clutched her arm. “Come on…I’m hungry. Let’s finish this”. Her sister’s touch so soft and warm, she studied her nimble fingers. She leaned in close to her sister’s face, so close she feels her exhale and examines her soft pale skin, scattered with adorable flecks.

Charlie and the Cockolate Factory

Charlie stared ahead of him in utter disbelief as he walked in. He’d always had a crush on him but was always too afraid to admit it, he hoped that maybe he crushed on him too. It was overcoming him and he felt he had to fulfil his wishes… He had to fuck Augustus Gloop. Oh God he knew it too, it made him feel like a fowl creature for cheating on Violet and Veruca but he didn’t care, all he wanted to do was to kiss him, feel him, embrace him, lick him and most of all… put his finger inside his soft, tender belly button. Suddenly, he snapped out of his trance to find Augustus standing over him in confusion. “Charlie, why are you in the Chocolate Factory at this time?” Charlie went bright red and tried to say an answer. “Erm, erm, erm, I was trying to find the oompa loompas” he stuttered, hoping it was a good excuse for staring at his big, jiggly man tits after a hard day’s work at the testing room. He smirked at this, clearly showing that he didn’t believe a word of it. “Oh really?” he asked. “I thought you were trying to join AGJCC.” Charlie was confused at this response as he’d never heard of this secret society before. “Erm, Augustus? What is AGJCC?”. A large grin formed on his tubby face, revealing his beautiful, green teeth with little strands of celery between them. He’d clearly been on a diet, which upset Charlie because he’d always been attracted to his podgy beauty. “AGJCC? Why… you have to join now!” Charlie obviously wouldn’t deny this offer out of politeness, and replied “Ok, what are the requirements”. Augustus’ smile grew wider, as he bent down on his knees and yanked out Charlie’s huge, throbbing pisser. “You should’ve asked before joining.” He winked. “AGJCC means Augustus Gloop’s Juicy Cock Club”. And he wrapped his gob around his considerable length, and proceeded to give him an unimaginable blowie. Charlie sobbed as Augustus bit a large chunk of his penis head off, and spat it onto the ground. “AUGUSTUS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” he screamed in fear as blood gushed from his deteriorating boner. “Don’t worry my Cheeky Chimp, I’ve brought a stove”. He then proceeded to pick up his bellend with his celery covered teeth and place it onto the cooker. “Fancy a bite to eat, you stupid cunt.” Charlie responded to this, “I’d love to eat my cock with you, you stupid fat bastard.” Augustus beamed with pride and they both tucked into their Charlie Winkle Surprise. “That was amazing, Charlie! Same time again next week?”. Charlie was so happy with what had occurred and he agreed to meet him next week under one condition. And that was to show him his huge rump steak of a tushie. He replied with “Shut the fuck up you little shit, go home”. The life was drained from Charlie’s face as he lost too much blood from the absense of his cock head, a cheeky grin formed on Augustus’ face as he pulled out his soggy cock, and rubbed his chicken nuggets till he pissed all over his flea bitten carcass.

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Lechomancer Succubus Chapter 3: The Gate [MFF, Sex, Oral]

Ashlynn was washing herself in the warm water of a marble fountain. After she fell through to the Otherside, she had been completely bewildered, and a strange plant demon had had its way with her several times. She had only escaped when the Succubus that wore her face had appeared and helped her. The demoness had then tersely led her through the hedge maze, and brought her to a fountain at its edge. Beyond it was a high, wrought iron gate, with a road snaking up to the castle. Ashlynn was sitting in the water, rubbing at the grass stains on her heels, and doing her best to get at her back. “So what do I call you?” she asked the demoness.

Sitting at the edge of the water, it shared Ashlynn’s curvy stature. She was wearing a black lacy baby doll nightie, and she was spinning the golden lip ring that mirrored Ashlynn’s with her long serpent tongue. Her purple marble skin caught the lights of the sun Ashlynn now thought must always wait at the edge of setting. “We share a name,” it said, “So that would be confusing.”

“Share a name? So, you’re Ashlynn too?”

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Reich up the Ass: Hitler’s 1000-Year Mud Gab (Chapter 1) [MM] [Humor]

On the eve of September 29th, 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain entered his hotel room exhausted. He had just returned from a secret, day-long deliberation in Munich, where he and a group of powerful world leaders had drafted “The Munich Agreement,” a settlement which promised to return the Sudetenland to Germany — and hopefully avoid war in the process.
He carried the heavy stack of paper as he paced back and forth through the room. Chamberlain knew the natural reserves local to the land, and he knew of its tactical position relative to Poland and France. He knew Germany, sore after the events of The First World War, might use that land to instigate an attack. But most of all, he knew that Adolph Hitler was not to be trusted.

He dumped the draft on the desk and put his head in his hands. He looked at the oak clock on the wall. 11:58. A sigh escaped him. Ultimately, his signature would change the draft to a document, and he felt the weight of the future falling on his shoulders. It would be a long night.

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Kissing a Stranger Pt 3 [Ff][MF]

*This is where the story gets interesting. I hope you enjoy the direction it is going. As always, drop me a comment if you have suggestions or critiques. Thanks!*

The doors closed behind the pair of beautiful, naked women, and Ariella jumped as they slammed into the frame. The entrance hallway was lit by a candelabra that had been set on a decorative table just inside the door. Its tarnished golden arms and blood red candles did nothing to dissipate Ariella’s fears; if anything, it reaffirmed that she was in a dangerous place with possibly dangerous people.

The illumination gave away almost nothing of the mysterious house. Ariella could see that the furniture was elaborate, decorative, and useless in the way that no one was expected to use it for any other purpose but to show off wealth and impress guests. Ilara can consider me impressed, Ariella thought. There were large, framed paintings on the walls, but she couldn’t make out any details in such poor lighting. The hallway continued on in front of her to a grand staircase that rose to a walkway on the second floor. The light of the full moon shown through a grandiose window that rose from the middle landing to the ceiling, casting long shadows back at her. There were doors leading off of the hallway, but they were all closed. Ariella felt a flash of fear, the instinct to run was almost overwhelming.

Kissing a Stranger Pt 2 [FF]

*This is part two of Ariella’s story. Let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy. Also, I have edited the first part and will post it later for those interested.*

Ariella’s hair whipped around her head, blown about in the wind from the convertible top on the Italian sports car that Ilara drove in and out of traffic, expertly avoiding collisions at high speeds. Ariella realized that apprehension, even fear, should be pulling at her mind, but in its place was anticipation and curiosity. She could not peel her eyes off of Ilara. Something had happened back at the club, and not just her embarrassing display in front of hundreds of people. The crowd had been feral, animalistic in their desire for her. Ariella felt that Ilara knew what had happened, or even caused it some how.

“What was that? Back at the club?” asked Ariella.

“That was you,” replied Ilara, never taking her focus off the road in front of her.

“What do you mean? What did I do? Besides get off in front of a bunch of strangers. And, you, who are you? How did you do that to me?” the questions poured out of her without her control.

Digital Fugitive [MF][Mindbreak, Tease]

[Part 2]

Kevin looked up to the sight of the strange woman fingering herself, although he didn’t quite get a good look of what she looked like; her pants were still pulled up. She pinched, tugged and flicked her clit, punishing herself as much as him at that point. Her moans echoed in the empty building.

“Holy shit this gets the gears going.” She looks over in almost bewilderment. “Too bad for you though, I’m not actually into men. Actually I’m not really into sex in general, masturbation is quite rare as it is. Maybe it’s just having power trips that turns me on? I’m not sure, I neve-” She stops as she soon realizes she’s rambling.

“How about this? Tell me what I want to know and I’ll stop torturing you. I might even let you live.” She chuckles at her dark joke. “I’ll let you have some relief if you tell me where the drop off point where the USB goes to. Think about it while I leave.”

Digital Fugitive [Force, Rope play][MF]

Today is the day Kevin realized he’s fucked up. “Pick up the USB device, deliver the USB device.” One thousand grand for being a corporate courier. Things didn’t go as well as planned unfortunately seeing that he’s now sitting in a chair, his face numb, tasting the coppery taste of blood, in god knows where; what went wrong?

His first instinct is to move and oddly enough he’s free. The first instinct of his is to lean forward in spit, revealing pink spit, he’s either been here long or someone is going easy on him.

A sigh of relief is followed by a strong femenine voice. “Hey asshole. I got shit to do. Tell me the drop off and we’ll be done.” Kevin squints up noticing a small drone. “Come on shit stick, today would be fine.”

Kevin, realizing he’s most likely alone at the moment steps up. “Oh I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I can’t tie you up, I couldn’t even bring you there, had to pay a bum a few credits to drag your fat ass there and steal a chair from some cafe. Kidnapping is expensive. Now if you take one more step I’ll personally go out of my way to fuck you up, give me my info.”

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