[M/F] [Non-con] [Age gap] [build up] [threats] [humiliation] [dirty talk] [rough sex] The Nice Guy – Part 2

If you haven’t already, you can read part 1 here: [(1) [M/F] [Non-con] [Slow burn] [age gap] The Nice Guy – Part 1 : Erotica (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mw9gh3/mf_noncon_slow_burn_age_gap_the_nice_guy_part_1/)

**Part 2 – The Rape**

Blake pins Evie down to the sofa, watching her squirm under him. She begs and pleads, feeling her wrists hurting from his grip on them. “P-please! Let me go! Stop it!”. A sharp pain suddenly radiates in her cheek as Blake slaps her.

“Shut up! Come on, you think you can go around parading a body as hot as this without someone trying to fuck you? Now, I don’t want to have to hurt you. But you owe me this. I could have left you to be kidnapped, or killed, or gang raped in an ally somewhere. But I helped you get home like a good guy and the least you can do is let me have you, especially after wearing this!” he gestures at the skirt.

“Please! I don’t want this! You can’t just decide you get to sleep with me, you creep! Stop it!”. She struggles more, trying to push Blake away, but his larger weight makes her attempts futile.

[M/F] [Non-con] [Slow burn] [age gap] The Nice Guy – Part 1

You can read part 2 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mwv5ou/mf_noncon_age_gap_build_up_threats_humiliation/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

The “Nice Guy” and the “Thot”

**Part 1 – The Drive**

10pm in May, the night is warm, still and calm. The lights of the city glisten in the distance as Evie wonders down an out skirted neighbourhood, off the harbours. The streets were empty, except for the few drunks and dodgy folks of the neighbourhood. It wasn’t the safest area; it was known for its drug dealers, prostitutes and general weirdos. But the buses were done for the night, and getting an Uber this far out took its time, so Evie decided to cut through to get to the cab bay.