Horse Voyeurs [M/F], first post

It is a warm spring day, but a bid muddy because it had rained recently. We have driven out to farm country for a stroll in the fresh air. There is a long thin forest path that follows the top of the escarpment with farmland on one side and a cliff on the other.

We get out of car and take a deep breath. The country air smells fabulous. It smells of spring thaw: hay bails, budding trees, last year's leaves, manure.

We're wearing shorts, T-shirts, and hiking boots. I suggest you take the lead, mostly because I am mesmerized by your sleek legs as you navigate the mud and rocks along the trail.

It's too early in the spring for bugs and still a bit cool in spots, especially in the parts of the woods where there are lots of big mossy rocks. There's even still a bit of ice here and there in nooks.

After walking through the woods for a bit, the trees open up and we enter a warm meadow. The smell of the spring wild flowers fills us with life. I take your hand and we run through the meadow like children. Your hair is out, and flows behind you like wings.