A Wet Afternoon [Older Woman, Young Man] [Romantic] [Build-up]

It was a rainy afternoon in London, pouring in fact. Underneath her umbrella, Julia walked hurriedly through the park, enjoying the crunch of wet autumn leaves beneath her shoes. She wore a beanie hat snuggly over her curly blonde hair, a tightly wrapped scarf, and had one hand in the pocket of her khaki parka jacket.

Up ahead of her were a group of young men outside of a football court. Looking up, she recognised one of them saying goodbye to the others, he stood out immediately. She had taught him a few years ago, Michael was his name. Popular and handsome, with his dark tousled hair and thoughtful expression he used to remind her of Lord Byron paintings. Since he was clever and always polite, he had been one of her favourite students. She doubted however, that he would recognise her and as she approached them, she kept over to the other side. He must now have been in his early twenties, but his poised bearing conveyed a maturity rare in boys his age. She was surprised to find herself rather attracted to him, despite being twenty years his senior. As his friends walked away, she smiled at him as she passed by.

Taking care of my Best Friend’s GF while he’s away [Sequel]

This story is a sequel to a previous [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/waq4b5/my_best_friend_let_me_use_his_gf/).

Not long after, I needed a new place to live and when Tom suggested sharing the house with him and Taylor, it seemed like the natural decision. The three of us became much closer, staying up and talking long into the night. Since that evening, I hadn’t been involved in their sex life, though had developed my own with a few one night stands.

One day Tom announced he would be away for a week with his job. Taylor, having her own work commitments, couldn’t go with him and had to stay home with me. Just the two of us. I must say, since we had sex, I looked at her completely differently. Before she was just Tom’s girlfriend, but that night with her awoke something in me and I was desperate to have her again. Unfortunately, I hadn’t been asked. It had after all, been a one-time thing to pop my cherry. They weren’t interested in an open relationship. Though I’m certain I overheard them discussing it one time,

“Just ask him! I’m sure he’d say yes.”

“No…forget it.”

Sneaking into the Bull pen [Breeding] [Human Farm]

This story was inspired by [crosstravelcat](https://www.reddit.com/user/crosstravelcat/)’s The Farm Life series, though is not the same ‘world’ by any means.

It was a hot summer’s day. We were being given a guided tour around a human farm. We passed a number of enclosures holding women of reproductive age, many were pregnant. Coming to a pen, the first thing you’d notice about them were their bodies, optimal for breeding: Wide hips, big tits, hour-glass figures etc. A friend of mine jokingly commented how well I’d fit in there, I playfully slapped him, blushing. Someone asked the tour guide,

“Where are the males?”

“Well, funny you should ask. We’re now approaching one of the few stud pens we have at the farm.”

I looked into the fenced enclosure, standing alone in an open space was a nude young man, tall and athletic. Standing straight, he was facing away from us, I could only see him from behind.

“This here is John. Our prize bull. At twenty three years old he has already sired close to a thousand children, here on the farm.”

I heard the girls in front of me gasp.

“Oh my god. Look at his cock.”

My Best Friend let me use his GF

I had been on a bike ride with my best friend Tom and we stopped at a bench and began to talk. The conversation came to me still being a virgin at 23. He first teased me a little which I was used to.

“But seriously, when I told Taylor she couldn’t believe it. She said you definitely fuck.” Taylor was his girlfriend. I wasn’t too bad at talking to girls, it was just making the next move I had trouble with. I told him I was nervous that I’d be inexperienced and bad in bed when I actually do have my first time. He was quiet for a while and soon we went our seperate ways.

The next evening I recieved a message from him.

‘Come to Taylor’s house tonight, you know where it is right?’ I questioned him but he kept telling me to just come over. I did and he answered the door, he led me through the house into a bedroom, where Taylor was waiting on the bed. I’d always thought she was attractive, in a girl-next-door kind of way. Quite a pretty face, with a sexy body. I had admitted to Tom before that she had nice hair. We said Hi and hugged then sat down. They looked at each other before Tom spoke to me.