Sunday (Part 3).

Family Naked time Tracker Part 3- Sunday

Her parents always slept with their door open. A snore would carry down the hallway into Lexi’s bedroom waking her up at odd times through the night. She wasn’t quite sure who the rattling noise came from, mom or dad. Even with Lexi’s bedroom door closed, It was shrill enough wake her up in the morning. “I have to pee anyway”, she thought. Throwing back the covers, she slid out of bed and walked to the bathroom a door away. She went to pull up her shirt before sitting down but realized it wasn’t there. Lexi was totally naked but she didn’t care. Looking down at her vagina, she noticed it there was a bit more hair than she wanted. Lexi decided to hop in the shower and shave it off before the day started. After hopping out and drying off, she lathered her legs with lotion and with a soft body powder. Feeling refreshed, Lexi hung the towel and tiptoed gently down the hall.

Family Naked Time Tracker (Saturday)


Lexi woke up the next morning in bed tangled in bundle of sheets and blankets. She fought to get free, but fell on the floor in doing so. Laying there with one leg still twisted on the bed when her brother busted in. “Mom sent me to say it’s your turn to be nude and to verify when your time begins.” Lexi didn’t answer right away, pretending to be asleep. “Come on, I know you’re awake. I saw your eyes open when I came in.” Knowing she was busted, Lexi yanked her leg out and rolled to her knees. Sitting there, she pulled back her messy hair and adjusted her shirt. “So you have to verify me, eh?” She asked with a playful voice. “Well then, where do you want me to start?” Lexi was obviously trying to make Jack uncomfortable. She stood up and started to run her hands on the elastic of her pajama shorts. Jack just crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. Lexi upped the ante by pulling off her shirt, exposing her bare boobs and turning around and bending over. She peeled her bottoms down slowly without panties, letting them hit the floor. She stood there upside down with her feet apart holding her ankles while smiling big at Jack through her legs. He just scoffed and quickly took the picture. “You asked for it! Remember, no clothes for an hour,” Jack said shaking the Polaroid as he walked away. Lexi jumped up and ran after him.

Family Naked Time Tracker (Friday)

3 parts: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

It was on the fridge when Lexi walked into the kitchen. Written out with colored markers and a ruler, hung a large chart that read, ‘Naked Time Tracker’ at the top. The side had columns with the names of each family member. Then 7 columns above with the days of the week. Under the chart we’re listed health benefits with being naked saying, “Sleep Better, Lower Body Temperature Increases Metabolism, Decrease Body Fat, Smoother Breathable Skin, Boost’s Mood, Increased Body Connection, Family Strengthening.” As Lexi finished reading, her mom Arial walked in. “I see you found the new chart,” she said looking over Lexi’s shoulder. “I never told you this but I was a lot like you when I was your age. I enjoyed being naked, but my parents would never allow it. My backyard growing up had a brick wall instead of a fence. My neighbor had a ladder there and would occasionally go up to the top to do work, I guess. Anyway, he would always look over and there were times I would be in the back window naked, sitting on my bed with my legs relaxed open. I’d also be in the backyard with little clothes on.” Lexi was surprised. “I never would have imagined you would be into that,” she said. “I’m use to seeing you in business suits and jeans.” Her mom laughed at that. “There’s a lot that I’ve kept secret from you and your brother. I promise to be more open for now on. In fact, I’m going to start us off on the chart.” With that, her mom pulled off her shirt, unbutton her bra and slid it off. The jeans were undone and pulled down with her panties to the floor, and she stepped out and was completely naked. She had naturally always had a nice body. Being only 5’2 and being Pretty young when she had her first child, Arial skin stayed pretty tight.

Lexi Naked at School (part three)

Lexi Naked at School (part three)

The clock struck noon right when she walked onto the volleyball courts. Lexi’s shirt bounce playfully against her bare tits and round bootie as she headed towards the bleachers where the rest of the class was sitting. A few students were starring intently at her walking up while she was searching for a seat. The only spot left was at the top of the bleachers near the back. As she found a seat, Lexi noticed there was a guy right behind her trying to get a peak. He embarrassingly pretended to be doing something else on his phone when she caught him. The Coach came out with a couple students pushing a cart of volleyballs. “Lets quiet down get started everyone,” he said. “I know it’s the still the first week of the semester and everyone is still trying to get into a groove. Things to remember about our class. Before you head out the door, you need to pack a bag. Bring a water bottle, comfortable shoes with a change of clothes, hair ties, and towel for required showering afterwards. Also pack any toiletries you need for after your workout, like shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and shower shoes or flip flops for the shower. Gyms can be germy, but you can steer clear and stay clean.” Lexi felt even more unprepared not having any of those things. “Don’t worry if you’re missing some of these items this week, but I’ll be checking starting next Monday,” the Coach continued. “However, know that we can’t tell you what is considered appropriate gym clothes. This is a touchy subject for many and the short of it is that you get to choose what you wear.” After hearing that, Lexi looked down at her bare legs and thought for a moment that she could just explain that exercising with pants or underwear doesn’t feel comfortable. “Alright, with that lets get into groups of four and warmup,” the Coach yelled.

Lexi Naked at School (part two)

Lexi Naked at School (part two)

Her mom was on the phone when she got home. She waved her hand for Lexi to come sit down at the table. Her dad was already seated. “Hi sweetie,” Lexi’s dad said as he got up and gave her a hug. “Sit down, your mom and I need to talk with you about something.” Lexi sat down with a concerned look on her face. “Yup, I agree”, her mom said finishing up on the phone. “This would definitely build character and allow her to truly express herself in a artful and educational way.”

Lexi Naked at School

Lexi Naked at School

Lexi’s mom yelled up the stairs, “honey are you up? I thought today was the first day of spring term?” Lexi rolled over on her bed only hearing half of what she said. Lexi could hardly get one eye open to see what time it was. “Crap,” she said jumping out of bed. Lexi was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago for first term Anatomy class. Flying around her room, she threw on what she thought was tan leggings with a baggy tank top and tied the bottom of it at her waste. Lexi grabbed her backpack while pulling her hair back. She yelled “love you mom, be home later,” as she ran down the stairs and out the door.

Lexi and Jack forced naked at party

It wasn’t until she got home that Lexi realized her parents had left for the weekend. There was a note on the counter with some cash saying they would be gone for til Monday. It was pretty normal for them to leave unexpectedly. Lexi didn’t think much of it. She had just gotten done with soccer practice and needed a shower. Her clothes were pretty dirty and she was exhausted. The hot water felt good on her skin. About 10 minutes in she heard the doorbell ring while shaving her pubic area. She called out for her brother Jack but no answer. A minute or two later the doorbell rang again. “Ug”, Lexi thought. She shut off the water and reached for a towel that wasn’t there. Realizing there wasn’t one, she quickly brushed the soapy water off her wet body. “Jack, are you home?” Lexi said sticking her head out the bathroom door covering herself. Still no answer. “Fine, coming!” she announced loudly. Her room was upstairs and she had to pass the front door to get there. Feeling too lazy to go up for clothes, Lexi grabbed the front door and opened it a crack. It was a young

Lexi Naked at the Mall

Maddison was Lexi’s best friend. Both girls had the same bubbly flirty personality and were pretty much inseparable during the summer, especially when it came to tanning, shopping, and seeing how much skin they could show in public. Maddison needed to go shopping for some new clothes and begged Lexi to tag along. Sure, I guess, I need to run some errands anyway, Lexi said. Rolling out of bed, she opened her drawer and grabbed a short, thin white summer dress with small pink flowers on it. After pulling it down over her head and adjusting it to fall right over her chest and hips, she felt blah. Feeling a bit bulky, Lexi decided that it was a no panty and bra day. So, in a quick swift motion, she unhooked the back clip to her strap and then pulled her bottoms off and threw them across the room. That’s better, she thought. It was a good feeling to have the light cotton material on her bare chest, bum and legs. Maddison had been waiting outside for 10 minutes at this point. She honked three times for Lexi to hurry up. Quickly she brushed her teeth and splashed some cold refreshing water in her face, slipped on some sandals and headed out the door.

Lexi Was Naked at the Pool Party

Lexi needed a ride to a pool party and her boyfriend said he’d be happy to take her but couldn’t stay. When they got there he gave her a kiss and said “be wild and do something I don’t want to hear about!” Ok crazy, she said laughing, then went inside to the pool house to change.

It wasn’t long before she realized that she forgot her swimsuit. I can’t go naked, she thought, while looking at the ceiling in frustration. However, It has been a very hot summer and she was used to not wearing much at home anyways and tanning nude outside not caring if neighbors can see. The mail man even dropped off a package while she was out back bare and she decided to answered the door naked not caring. She’d gone topless with see through underwear at other parties before anyway. She could go topless here and drop her panties too, pretty much the same thing so no big deal! What’s the worst that could happen, she thought. And her boyfriend would definitely not want to hear about this, so check that box too. While feeling a thousand butterflies, she carefully took off booty shorts, slid her pink lace panties off, shirt next, unbuttoned her bra, then folded them away. All the while trying to talk herself out of this. Nope, I’m going to be myself and brave this time. Forgetting my bikini is not going to ruin my night, she thought. After searching the pool house, all she could find was a medium size hand towel to wrap herself in. It wasn’t quite long enough. It will have to do, she said under her breath. So, this cute 5ft nothing athletic, blonde, tan girl took a very shaky and nervous deep breath and walked out the door towards the pool wearing practically nothing. As a last minute thought to make sure she didn’t chicken out she locked and closed the door behind her. …