Lydia and I have always had a pretty solid relationship. A pretty standard 6 Years of talking, texting, eating together, snuggling up while watching Netflix, hanging out with friends. You know, the usual couple’s stuff. We had sort-of terrible childhoods, so we both agreed from the get-go that marriage and kids were off the table. And like normal couples, we had our fights, but they never got too bad and we always made up afterwards. Overall, a near-perfectly average couple.
The one thing that kept nagging at us both, though, was the trouble we had in the bedroom. I say “trouble,” but I could really describe it as more of a “speedbump” than anything. See, we both have pretty dominant personalities behind closed doors, so when we tried… you know, “experimenting,” nothing seemed to work. There was just no passion, no real dynamic between the two of us, no matter which end of the whip we found ourselves on. So, as you can imagine, our sex life has been pretty vanilla for the past 6 years.