Giving Your Hellhound a Massage Part 2 [MF] [Monster Girl] [Romance]

*Here’s the second part of the Hellhound massage story. I know all two of you that enjoyed part 1 were just champing at the bit to get the second half, so worry not, the wait is over! This one is almost exclusively sexy fun, so if you want pretty much any context, go back and read part 1. Hope you enjoy!*

At Diedrich’s request, she lay her head in her arms. If it weren’t for her tail wagging back and forth so rapidly she would have looked asleep. Beatrix, once again at Diedrich’s request, tucked her tail underneath her. It would have been pretty hard to give her a massage with her tail constantly whacking him. He knelt above her lower back, and with quick, skilled motions, brushed her hair until it was soft as silk. To say Beatrix didn’t care about her appearance would be an exercise in how fast one can commit suicide by hellhound. She cared very much how she looked, she simply enjoyed allowing her hair to be its naturally wild self. It was rare for it to be rigorously brushed like this. Within moments her normally shaggy hair was smooth and straight as can be, but that wasn’t the end. Putting the brush away, Diedrich’s hands moved so fast they were a blur, carefully rearranging each individual strand until it was one large bun piled on the back of her head. Holding it in place with one hand, he summons a pair of ivory chopsticks out of thin air with a flourish of the other, and inserted them both into the bun with surgical precision.

Giving Your Hellhound a Massage Part 1 [MF] [Monster Girl] [Romance]

*Hey everybody! This story was so long, Reddit literally wouldn’t let me post the entire thing at once. So I split it in half, and will post this part now and the 2nd part tomorrow. This part will be mostly world building, character interaction and the like (though there’s still some fun stuff at the end), while part 2 will be almost exclusively sexytime. Enjoy!*

In a morning so beautiful that any sounds besides those of nature itself disrupting it would be a crime, two very distinct and very different melodies took flight from the balcony of the tower. One was the sounds of hard work, the distinct banging, clanging and rumbling sounds that come from work on machinery and combined with the slight, under the breath mutterings of someone deeply engrossed in their work.

A scant few meters to the right came the second sound, and it was so faint in comparison to the first that only the creator of the first noise could truly hear it. It was a faint snoring, the kind that can only come from a truly content sleep. Sprawled across the plush cushion she had set up on the balcony long ago was a great black hellhound. She wore no clothing whatsoever, allowing the sun to soak directly into her dusk skin and soft fur of ebony and crimson. The light sound floated out from between her full lips every few seconds, lazily drifting through the air before drifting into the ears of the Incubus that was working so steadily.

Spending Christmas with a Hellhound Girlfriend [MF] [Monster Girl] [Romance]

*Just a heads up guys, this story has a good deal of plot before the actual sexytimes begin. Do with that info what you will. Enjoy!*

Christmas with a Hellhound

The two girls spoke to each other in excited whispers, exhibiting all the usual body language of teenagers sharing secrets. It was a cold morning in late December and winter was in full effect. Inches of snow covered every surface, the weak sun glinting off the glittering alabaster surface, with ever more snow drifting gently down all the time, carried along in the chill winter wind that nipped at people’s noses and tousled their hair. They paid no attention to the weather, too absorbed in their gossip to bother with trivial things like being cold.

They weren’t the only ones out and about: the market square was alive and bustling in spite of the weather, or perhaps because of it. The butchers sold their cuts of meat, of which turkey and ham were the most popular, the lumberjack was making a killing selling trees that stayed green all through winter and countless goods were purchased and put in boxes wrapped in shiny red ribbons. Everyone had anticipated the harsh weather and dressed accordingly: heavy coats, fur lined hats and knee high boots as far as the eye could see. That is, everyone except for one.

A Different Kind of Sex Toy [MMMMMF] [Gangbang] [MTG]

“Lunyra, the next time I get the brilliant idea to go to a plane with five suns in the middle of the freaking day, you stop me,” Saheeli muttered to the spider Artifact resting on top of her head, it’s spindly metallic legs nestled comfortably in her silky black hair.


“Good boy.”

The Planeswalker continued to murmur to the hand sized artificial spider resting on her head as she walked through one of the few resistance camps dotting the surface of New Phyrexis, completely oblivious to the shocked stares and agape mouths of the rebels living there. They knew about Planeswalkers, of course, but who expected one to just appear in your headquarters? She was nearly out of the camp itself by the time one of them got past the initial shock and moved to confront her.

“You there, stop!” The young man who moved in front of her was surprisingly muscular given his squalid living conditions, his spiky hair made of the same cruel looking black iron that covered his forearms. She did as he asked, her polite smile masking her exasperation. Lunyra, who did not share her compunctions for niceties, beeped at him in a decidedly annoyed tone. Neither of them were especially keen on having to stand in the blistering heat for any longer than necessary.

His Going Away Present – A Dragon Prince sex story [Gay] [MM]

Going Away Present

The two of them stood at the well for a long moment after everyone else had left, hand in hand, watching the crystalline lotus flower float gently on the waters surface. Some small part of Ethari wished they could stay like this forever: just the two of them, simply enjoying each others company underneath the pale light of the moon. But the night was only so long, and if Ethari was going to pull off his plan, he would have to do it now. So he pulled his hand free of Runaan’s, and turned from the well to face his husband.

“I have a surprise for you, by the way.”

Runaan raised an eyebrow. “A surprise?” A small smile grew, showing the slightest amount of perfectly white teeth. “What kind of surprise?”

“The kind you’re not getting any hints about,” Ethari said coyly. “I need to get back home and get it ready, so come back home in about half an hour or so.”

“It’s a new blade, isn’t it? One to help me on my mission!”