My First Time Helping An Adult Virgin: Encounters With Z pt3 Conclusion

PART 1 [](

PART 2-[](

“You there? hey where did you go? Been looking for you for days?”

Z finally texted back

“Hey S, Im here”

“Everything ok? Thought I would hear from you a few days ago”

“ I am fine, this is just a lot to process. The other day, I feel like I just went crazy or something, I am pretty embarrassed” Z said “I am a very in control person, I like to know what is going to happen next, and with you I don’t feel like I know what is coming next”

“hmmm, well if it helps, I really enjoyed crazy and out of control, and, if we can be very honest, you “lost control” in very controlled circumstances, and by choice. And, you enjoyed it, no?”

the messenger face chat rang, and I picked up.

I didn’t know Z well enough to read this expression, She looked better composed and more smartly dressed than I had seen her before. She looked like a powerful woman, a professional or something, wearing one of those aggressive business skirts that looked expensive. It occurred to me, I had no idea what Z did,

My First Time Helping An Adult Virgin: Encounters With Z pt2

Part 1: [](

Hi S,

Wow, last night was crazy. I cant actually believe I did that. I have fantasized about an interactive sexual encounter like that for so long, as I write that out, it looks just so pitiful, anyways, last night was amazing. I have never let anyone see me like that, it felt very thrilling, and it was a huge turn on,but honestly today, the whole experience has left me feeling very vulnerable and exposed.

I have never understood how to interact with people very well, so last night was way way outside my comfort zone. You were very kind, and I think you are very sexy – but I don’t think we should chat anymore. Like I said before, I think you have been so so sweet, but I know I am not really very attractive, and I am pretty sure you can do better than a middle aged virgin that could stand to drop 30lbs. I am pretty sure if we keep going, I will disappoint you eventually, so I want to stop here, before I do. Thank you, Im sorry. -Z


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My First Time Helping An Adult Virgin: Encounters With Z pt1

Another tourist. I could tell. She sounded sincere in her search to try this new kink of hers. I had spoken to dozens of women like her; she had read that series of dirty books that were so popular a few years back, and now felt curiously emboldened to explore. I have never read the books, nor seen the movie, but I knew what she was going to want. She was looking for a scene to match the fantasy in her mind, and would probably be too shy to help steer if things went astray. That first day, I managed to coax her into telling me a bit about what she wanted. Not surprisingly, it was to be gently controlled. She was looking for a Dom. That first night, she just watched my cam, fully clothed, but interested.