The Animal Within – Part 4 (Critiques welcome) [MF][BDSM][Boss-Secretary]

At first, she was surprised by how much they had to talk about it. She was a little annoyed too, if she was being perfectly honest. After the initial attraction, that fateful day when she handed him the green riding crop in her car and saw the animal behind his eyes, things slowed way down. He became distant at first, but eventually, even he couldn’t deny the magnetic pull they experienced in each other’s presence. Then, there was the elevator. When he grabbed her, and pulled her head back, it was like her skin crackled with electricity under his hands. She spent the rest of the day painfully aware of the silky wetness between her legs.

The Animal Within – Part 3 (Critiques welcome) [MF][BDSM][Mdom][Boss-Secretary]

"What I am about to show you is for your eyes only," he said. She was excited, but strangely calm. He had that effect on her. He made her slightly silly, but safe. It bothered her because it was new, and hinted at a deeper connection.

Ever since the day in her car, when the animal had slipped its tether, things had been different. At first, he tried to throw back up the walls stronger and higher. He was coldly professional. It hurt her a little because she wanted nothing more from him than to see him as he really was. In the end, it was that hurt, rather than any teasing or flirting which brought the walls tumbling down.

He discovered that he couldn't bear her being hurt. Before, with other women, he would either not care when they were hurt by his rebuff, or secretly take a small, nasty joy in it. The look she would give him though, half confused, half sad, when he wouldn't laugh at the really funny joke she made, or rise to her teasing, unwound him. He couldn't keep up the facade, and began to crack long before the green riding crop was forgotten.

The Animal Within – Part 2 [Str8][BDSM][MF]

If he was being honest, he had always been different in a lot of ways. Sex was just another one of the ways in which he was different. As a result of several very hard lessons, learned the very hard way, very early on, he was very disciplined about a great many things. Sex was one of those as well. He had also learned just how different he was.

He was insatiable as a young man. For awhile, after his first heartbreak, it was a nasty, vindictive kind of lust. He fucked as a form of revenge. Then, simply put, he was exhausted by it. He was tired of trying to get back at someone who would never know they were getting got, by using people just as fucked up as he was. It was like smashing your own possessions when you were angry. All it did was double the mess, and leave you empty.

Then, for awhile (a short while) he was like a monk. He lived on the mountain. He punished his body for its impure desires. He longed for the cold, clear, unobtainable serenity of the monastic order, or the hermit. Sure, he loved skiing, but in the end, every day on the mountain was done for lust, and love.

The Animal Within – Part 1 (Critiques Welcome)[Str8][MF][BDSM]

Weeks. It had been building for weeks. Every day the touches seemed a little less casual. The looks a little more suggestive. Today it was definitely there though. That thing between them. It was clear that today was different.

At first, she thought she was imagining things. He was always so controlled. So disciplined. So fucking platonic. She had worked with him for almost a year, and had barely gotten past platitudes and the occasional anecdote. He was attractive enough, in a very clean-cut way. Not especially tall or remarkable, but witty and occasionally she would get a glimpse at a dark humor just below the surface. His eyes would occasional betray a subtle disdain for the more ridiculous coworkers, or a world-weary amusement at the banal HR emails. It was enough to keep her interested.

After watching closely for months, she finally detected the slightest crack in his reserve. She had always ridden horses. From some of the things he said, he had a passing familiarity with cowboy riding, and tack, but she never got details nor had he expressed anything more than a polite interest. Until the day he saw the dressage crop in her car.